April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Thanks for all your lovely comments on the dresser ladies!

I really just can't wait to start getting the nursery figured out... but we still need to get all the office furniture OUT first. I like to have things organized and knowing that a massive apartment overhaul is hanging over my head is killing me! I just want to do it now and be done with it!!

To be fair we don't really have anything yet to put IN the nursery since most of it is at my parents or hasn't arrived yet, but I'd at least like to get the other stuff out so we can give it a good cleaning and have it ready for when stuff does start arriving!

AFM, today is my last day of work at the College... and then other than administering and marking my students final exam next Wednesday, I'm officially on Christmas holidays!! :happydance: I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and takes some time to put their feet up!
Oh I'm so jealous Readytomum! I've another week of school yet! Enjoy the first few hours of your holidays!

I am in a similar situation with nursery. We have to get our second living room/den sorted to put the furniture in there, so we can move the books/papers/files out of the "nursery". But we have to still sand some of the floor and varnish it first. I'm hoping DH gets that done this weekend, and then we can put the furniture up and have the nursery cleared by Christmas. Then we can give it a big old clean before we head out to get paint!
Thanks ladies! Its actually vinyl like decals and not paint. We are renting too and I can paint but then I have to repaint back to white when we move, so can't be bothered with that. I found a sign place online that sells the decal vinyl by the roll, so I made the wall using that, a pencil, a pair of scissors and a lot patience :haha:

I forget who said about the OH thinking they have all the time in the world to do the nursery and get baby stuff- so annoying. Like I want to be making a giraffe wall and shuffling about with furniture when I am 9 months preggo! No way, trying to get as much done as possible while I am still reasonably normal sized.

Oh Maybe Soon, I am like you. I want the baby, the being pregnant eeeeeh, not so much :haha: Its fine, and I have been lucky overall so far that I have had no major issues or anything. But it just takes so freakin' long!

Off to get ready for work. Happy Friday to all! And happy last day of work before hols Ready to Mum!
kirstabelle -- LOL at some of those things on that link. And how did Lindsay Lohan become such a mess? I guess I know the answer to that but, yuck. And I had the same issue with finding a place that administers the test I need to take get into grad school next year! :dohh::dohh::dohh: Called every place in my city on the list on the test's website and not one of them offered the test. Then found info that the school I want to go to offers the test and called them and they said they're currently hiring a testing services director and won't offer any testing until that person is hired (so January or February even). :dohh: Otherwise, I'll have to drive 200 miles to take an hour long multiple choice test. :dohh: CUTE giraffe wall!

ReadytoMum -- The dresser is super cute!

ukgirl -- I'm sorry Luke is still sick/sick again! Poor guy. :nope:

doggylover -- Happy Friday! I'm thrilled about it. Then only 5 days to work until I get 5 days off. Then work 2 days and get 4 days off. YAY!

lily -- My daughter is almost 17 months and is hugely entertained by Mega-Bloks right now (big Lego-like building blocks). She can finger paint and color with big crayons (though she isn't hugely interested right now). She LOVES to dance, so music would be key for her. She likes kid board puzzles and loves books (but board books or plastic books because she wants to do the page-turning or to hold the book and "read" by herself). She loves jumping and bouncing and running around like a nut. She loves to be chased and LOVES hide-and-seek. She'll do both hiding and seeking and loves them pretty equally. I guess at that age it depends on the kid's personality because they definitely have opinions already at that point. :haha: Doggylover is definitely not wrong in that they'll let you know in short order what they do or don't want to do. And that BP is actually pretty typical for me (It runs lowish but I don't typically have symptoms of low bp so it's not a concern for me) but the pulse sure is high! My pulse would shoot up like that when I was having issues with hypoglycemia (after eating a lot of carbs or sugar).

nimbec -- Just wait until people who were due weeks after you are popping before you. :dohh: That made me nearly insane with dd, who refused to come out. :haha: I had a friend scheduled to be induced a week after my due date and by that point I had had enough. I was like, "NO! I'm almost 41 weeks and you are 37 weeks. You are NOT having your baby before me!" and I ended up being induced the day before her. :haha: Yikes about the furniture. Good thing you ordered it early! Good grief.

steph -- We have a Fisher Price swing very much like the My Little Lamb one (except ours has a star projector and a little canopy they project onto and a mobile). Our swing was a little loud when it was ramping up to swing at whatever level but it got a lot more quiet once it was at the swing level you wanted. It was really good for daytime naps starting around 3 months for us. Not super useful with dd until then, I'm afraid, but all babies are different. We used it until she was around 9-10 months. Had to add the tray to keep her in the seat well around 7-8 months. Until then, it's way too big of a hassle so we left it off. Sometimes I think about trying it now because she's still under the weight limit for it! I'm afrad she'd flip it over somehow, though. :haha:

maybesoon -- I didn't love being pregnant with Maisie at all but I really missed it once it was over (yes, I thought people who told me that were nuts, too). I'm enjoying it a lot more this time! I'm also perfectly fine with how long it takes this time since Maisie keeps me so busy. :haha: Still an uncomfortable, restricting, PITA kind of time, though! :haha:

You first time moms are making me feel like a huge slacker. :haha: I was right there with you with I was pregnant with Maisie and I was SUPER glad to have it all done by the time summer came and I was hugely pregnant. I haven't done a single thing for this baby! :haha: I need to sort and wash newborn and 0-3 month clothes at least but I feel like it's too early for that at this point. So I'll wait. I did decide yesterday we'll need another crib because I don't think dd is going to be ready for a toddler bed at 20 months. So that gives me something to do. I also have half convinced myself to paint but I'm not positive about it. I want a sit/stand tandem type stroller but haven't bothered with it much because I'm not in a hurry to get it since I expect to wear the newbie everywhere for at least the first 3-4 months and Maisie walks well. My main goal right now is to get a bunch of our general clutter cleared out.
doggylover.... As far as the nursery goes. We are moving rooms around. So that means we have to re-do the "play room" and make it into Jonas' room. Then we have to re-do Jonas' room for the nursery. I'm starting to get worried we aren't going to get it done in time. Dh is sort of a procrastinator (sp)..... I want it done already. Not to mention it's Christmas & he keeps wanting to buy more & more toys for the kids. He text me a few minutes ago about something else he wants to get his daughter which means we will have to get his son something else. I told him last night we needed to watch the spending, we have a lot of work to do throughout the house.... But God forbid he doesn't get them what they want when they want.....
Hey ladies :flower:, its been forever how are we all doing???
just a little update( ithought i did it already :dohh:) my due date is 22nd April & we are team :pink::cloud9:

we finally finished painting the nursery now just waiting on the furniture which will come in feb... i cant wait to meet my lil munchkins :cloud9:
YAY Sparklegirl for team PINK!!!! I seen you said munchkins is it twins??

Maybesoon....ugh on the painting the nursery. I have her stuff up but we are getting ready to re paint the whole house again and her and her sister will be sharing a room...DD room is pastel pink but it needs to be re done and she wants purple and lime green...I want to do A different color of pink to match Emme's bedding but...until this whole custody thing is wrapped up i don't want to do any of it. This is what it looks like exactly...I still don't know about colors though still an idea at this point.

Emme's Bedding.jpg
oh Mommabrown I LOVE IT!!! I think we have decided on browns & greens for our little man.... Just gotta find the exact shades we want.
Thank you!! I can't really believe still that i am having another GIRL!! I can't even begin to tell you how many samples i have picked up and looked at....there are so many different shades to narrow it down too.
Hey ladies :flower:, its been forever how are we all doing???
just a little update( ithought i did it already :dohh:) my due date is 22nd April & we are team :pink::cloud9:

we finally finished painting the nursery now just waiting on the furniture which will come in feb... i cant wait to meet my lil munchkins :cloud9:

Congrats on team pink!! :happydance:

Like mommabrown said, is that TWO team pink??
doggylover.... As far as the nursery goes. We are moving rooms around. So that means we have to re-do the "play room" and make it into Jonas' room. Then we have to re-do Jonas' room for the nursery. I'm starting to get worried we aren't going to get it done in time. Dh is sort of a procrastinator (sp)..... I want it done already.

Isn't it such a pain trying to re-organize rooms?! We don't have any extra rooms, just a two bedroom apartment, so we have to get rid of a room basically to make space for a new one. Part of the office will end up in the living room, and part of it will just be put out at the side of the road.

My DH is a bit of a procrastinator too, and he doesn't really understand why I want to get things done now either. He's not home very often though so if we we wait till last minute to get things organized, he won't be available to get it done in time once I can't do it anymore myself. Shortly after Christmas we should have our crib, and the change table and our storage units etc... so end of Jan. we should be all set in there! (At the latest!!)
Oops :blush: no its only 1 but would have loved two lol can u tell :blush:..

mommabrown that bedding is beautiful!!

we decided to go with the disney theme, we finally finished the characters on the wall it was fun todo but lots of work..
Sparkle girl congrats on team pink (sorry if I missed previous post on that!) and well done for getting your nursery painted! You should show us some pics of the characters you painted!

Littlespy, yeah us FTM have EVERYTHING to do though! We have to buy everything and figure out what the heck we are doing! You pros get the luxury of having everything and not having to fork out coming up to Christmas, and you are all so well prepared in knowing what to do and when. We are panicking and doing it all to make sure we don't run out of time! (Well I am anyway!) sounds like you have a good amount of time off over Xmas as well, which will be great. I have the whole week of Christmas plus three days the next week, which is less than we usually get, but since its then only 8/9 weeks until my maternity starts I'm not complaining!

Maybesoon sounds like you have a lot of room shuffling going on! But hopefully you will get it all done- as long as dh lives up to his end of things. My dh can be annoying at times too as I expect if something needs done its done TODAY, not in four weeks time :dohh:

Afm, my husband and I own a shop and when we bought it it kind of came with an old man :haha: he's just a customer but he's in everyday and he thinks dh is the best thing ever (even more than I do!) he is always buying us random stuff (like lemons. He went thru a stage of bringing us four lemons every week :shrug:) so we invited him for tea tonight as a Christmas present. But of course that means rushing home from work to clean and cook...
That's the one good thing about having a girl.... There's just so much more to pick from.

I just don't want to do our son's room in sports, tractors or anything like that. I kinda wanna keep it generic so that we don't have to change it completely in a couple of years.... Is that horrible of me???
Oh also sparkle girl I didn't have you edd...I just worked it out at 22nd April by your ticker, but I'm not best known for my math skills :blush: so if that needs changed let me know!
doggylover that is so sweet with the old man!! It's nice to have community spirit, I think that is very over looked in recent times.

I am so jealous of you all with your nurseries! I do not dare put anything up until at least week 24-30ish, I'm too scared if I do something may go wrong, but I need a project to pass the days lol..

We rent also so will be using the vinyl decorations, we choose some wording to go on the wall above his cot bed.

OH is not loving the name Benson anymore. He says it reminds him of a dog lol, he has asked me if we can consider the name Theo, which I think is also cute. I'm considering it! lol..

Remember those 200 pages of Norwegian papers I needed to translate? Well I managed to do it all in a day!! now I must get off of here and move around a bit haha plus all that shit from the past needs to be cleared out of my head! I wanted it ready for my new solicitor so I'm very pleased with myself right now :D

My little Benny Benson (for now named so) has been a good boy today letting me work so I'm going to treat him to some chocolate haha :) have a nice evening y'all :p xxx
I'm the same way.... I want things done now! I just want to get it all done while I can still do something. Not wait until the end of February when I'm a whale & can't move!!! Not to mention I have a huge fear of delivering early & I DON'T wanna take a chance in him coming early & not being ready.....

dh just doesn't get it because he's still a little stuck on how perfect of a pregnancy & labor it was with his first 2....
Maybesoon I did my youngest DS in Winnie the Pooh and when he got older he feel in love with the CARS(the movie) and we did that. I am the same way no sports or tractors(what is up with that anyways??) I think that it is harder to do for boys...with both DS's I could not find anything cutesy for them and if i did it was outrageously expensive.
Lol ukgirl - let the baby have chocolate! That made me giggle! You should definitely let him have LOTS of chocolate for letting you do all that work. Congrats on getting it finished.

So I read the natural parenting forum, and a girl asked a question about letting kids cry it out. Basically her problem is she doesn't like it, her SIL is staying over Xmas and does let her baby CIO and what should she do?
I said that it would different if her SIL was beating her kids, but this is just a different parenting style and its hard to tell people their way is wrong, and everyone's parenting needs to be respected. Someone else replied saying that, in her opinion, leaving a child to CIO is THE SAME as whacking them with a belt.

Now I am not ever going to leave my baby to wail for hours on end, but five minutes here and there will not kill them. And I think comparing it to actual physical beating of a child is a bit extreme :wacko: but I know everyone's view is different, and as I had originally said is there any "right" way to parent? Just her view seemed a little extreme to me.
Here some pics of the nursery, also a bump pic @17 weeks.. im way bigger now :blush:

bump pic 17 weeks

baby nursery mural

wall 1 full mural




also some scan pics of lil munchkin


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