April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I'm so pleased you girls agree with me PHEW! thought i was going to be a big bad oga!!

Sparkle you look fab! and yes why not have a relaxing day!!

I'm shattered, really not sure what to do about my lack of sleeping....i'm waking up with a raging thirst every hour.....gosh i hope its not diabetes kicking in!! Pretty sure its not and its more likely that i'm not drinking enough in the day so today i'm on a mission!!! watch out i'll be writing tomorrow i spent all night on the loo hahahahaha!

Nimbec, I have that problem too! I always wake up feeling super dehydrated! I try to drink lots of water during the day, and we even have a humidifyer in the bedroom... but I always wake up thirsty, and with dried up sinus'. Part of it is that the heat in our apartment is a very dry heat and it's cranked up way higher than we would like. So I get nose bleeds a lot too because my sinus' are soooo dried out.

doggylover/nimbec/kealz: I will also be the strict one in my house for sure! DH is a push over. lol I've spent so many years working in daycare's and at camps etc. that I have no patience for bad behaviour, and when kids turn on the waterworks because they don't get what they want, it doesn't even phase me. I know they're not hurt, and that's all that matters!

We had one little guy at the last daycare I worked at who was a little monster. He would run around hitting other kids, knocking their toys down, grabbing stuff out of their hands and running away with it etc. and he HATED time out. As soon as you brought him over to the chair he would just start wailing. He had no rules or boundaries at home and his parents had given up on trying to be consistant with him, so he just lost it when at daycare he had to follow the rules. Eventually he got much better once he realized that his sob-story wasn't going to have the same effect on us that it did on mom and dad, and he gave up the crying because that was the only purpose for it.

Now whether or not DH will have the same determination to follow through on rule setting when faced with tears is doubtful! lol But we'll have to work on training daddy to follow the rules too! :haha:
Doggy lover have you had it before? It's all in your mind, like when you want films with creepy crawlys you feel itchy lol! Hopefully you wil be fine! I know what you mean about the thirst! I never really used to drink much of anything! I feel like I'm gonna drown myself the amount of water I'm drinking! Went to mums yesterday for an early Christmas dinner! 2 kinds of meat, pigs in blankets and sausage meat stuffing the whole lot!!! I skipped lunch and completely stuffed out at dinner! Big mistake! My belly was like stretched to the max was so uncomfortable!!!!! I will not be doing that Xmas day lol x
Oh kealz I have that same problem if I eat too much at the minute! I feel like I'm about to BURST! I hadn't even thought of how awful it will be after I gorge myself on Christmas Day! :haha: And yep, I had chicken pox when I was little, but my sister had it then too AND she got it at the start of this year. I know it's all in my mind...but I'm so itchy!

Readytomum my dh can be a pushover as well. When we found our 9month old lab standing on top of his kennel ripping the roofing off yesterday (honestly!) dh opened the door and went "Dexter...no!" the pup jumps down, and as soon as dh shut the door, he started to get up. I opened the door and...well let's just say he didn't get back up after I was finished :haha: my poor dh is such a softie...but he better buck up his ideas!!
Hello ladies. Hope you all having a lovely day! Urgh I remember when my two had chicken pox last xmas I was convinced every spot or itch I had was the virus haha. I didnt catch it though I already had it as a baby so that was good.

My son is terrible at dinner time he continuously gets up but he is four and the normal attention span of a boy who is four is five minutes so hopefully as he gets older he will focus more. Connie sits nicely to eat though and if we eat out they both sit really well... Im the soft one out of me and Aaron. He lays down the law and I pity them haha but its all about appearing on a united front and if I want to question him I dont do it infront of the kids or undermine him. My babies are really well behaved most of the time so Im happy lol
Lol my oh is so laid back, but he does try to set boundaries for Paige and put his foot down with her but it doesn't happen lol! I just have to give her the look and she knows! It's the same with the cats! But I've always had authority in our household even with oh, he is a big kid!!! Lol!
So I booked my glucose test for 7th jan:( not looking forward to it nor the results! When I was pregnant with Paige I had to have the test... The drink made me sick all I've my midwife :s and I'm worse with things this pregnancy! Even brushing my teeth makes me vom :( gross I know but I haven't been able to decently 2mins + been able to brush my teeth in weeks :( tried all different toothpaste or even with out, it's having the brush in my mouth that does it :( x
Oh kealz that is awful :( Every so often I gag when brushing as well, but not as horrible as you are having.

Ukgirl I totally agree about the united front. My aunt and uncle bicker in fron tof the kids and he'll say yes to something they ask and they start and then she says no and makes them stop. He has ZERO authority in relation to their parenting, she is a dictator :shock: I know I will be the scary one out of dh and I, but we'll figure it out as we go (I hope!)
Oh no nimbec I am 100% with you on that!! My nephew is 18months, and my brother and SIL have started making him ask (as best he can!) if he can be excused from the table. Whereas my cousins who are 5 and 3 just run RIOT at dinner time, so much so that on Saturday my mum did a buffet style dinner rather than sit down because they are so much hassle to try and make sit and eat, because they don't do it at home.

I am a table manner fanatic :haha: when I worked at summer camp in the states the kids who ended up on my table for meals used to HATE it because I made them use a knife and fork for everything (imagine!!) apart from pizza and burgers, and was really strict about the whole thing. I know with a LO that mess is part and parcel (especially as I plan to do baby led weaning!) and I don't mind that, as long as good eating is going on and it's taken seriously! What really annoys me is my mum will make my nephew a dinner, and he eats two bites then refuses to eat any more, so my SIL gets him ANOTHER dinner, which he does the same with and she will get him a THIRD (three is the max I've seen!) before syaing "Ok well if you don't want your dinner you can just have a _____ instead" usually a yoghurt, but sometimes something not quite as Nutritious. He is only wee, but he is getting to that stage where he KNOWS he can play them for what he wants and he is doing it!

:rofl: I had to LOL, doggylover, at "as long as... it's taken seriously." I get covered with most of my daughter's meals. Not because she's just messy. But because she THROWS her food at me. And she gets no reaction from me at all except to scoop up the rest of her food and have her be done. I assume it's a phase she'll grow out of and she keeps doing it, she'll be old enough for time out pretty soon. She's really very much into testing us right now (We hit the terrible twos quite early. And yes, they're terrible).

And in possible defense of your SIL, it's a struggle with toddlers because, as I've witnessed first-hand, they will actually starve themselves (maybe not to death, but Maisie was losing weight pretty rapidly for a while and I was really, really worried). So, sometimes, as a mother, getting them to eat anything seems way more important than worrying about how many different options you're giving them. :blush: I certainly won't be a short-order cook for my older kids, but if I'm worried about my baby gaining weight, yes, I'm going to offer several different kinds of food. :shrug:
kealz I hope your test goes well, the fybrogel makes me gag .. urgh it's the texture it's minging!! I puked on a nurse when I was pregnant with Lucas hahaha! Asfor the teeth brushing thing,it used to make me gag but now I feel fine when I brush. If I cough too much though I gag :(

I forgot to mention in my last post (again) that a girl at the school this morning, who I talk to, was walking towards me as I was walking away from dropping Luke in to class and shouted at me.. WOULD YOU STOP GROWING AND GETTING BIGGER!!!... Usually I'm all up for a laugh but I found this a bit... insulting :/ I have to keep getting bigger if Benson is going to be a healthy baby boy! If I stopped growing that would be bad! :/ She keeps telling me how big I am every time we meet. She say's stuff like.. you've really popped out since I last saw you, and I can't believe how big you are... :/ I think I might just be hormonal by taking it to heart.
omg littlespy I remember the food shower days!!! There was more on the floor and on me than in my kids mouths!! absolutely looking forward to those days again! :p My kids had this weird habit of falling asleep in their food too haha.. x
That's true littlespy, you're right about him starving himself. He would flat out refuse to eat, and she wouldn't let him do that.

:haha: I wrote "as long as... it's taken seriously" as I couldn't think of any other way to put it! It does make it sound like I expect my 1 year old to be sitting at the dinner table with our finest silverware (that we don't own!) having a discussion about the FTSE or something!! :rofl: I meant more as long as the mess is just a by-product of the eating, and not on purpose. Although clearly sometimes that's unavoidable - Maisie sounds like a monkey throwing her food at you!!!

Oh well, we'll figure it out as we go along. Just wait, in a years time I'll be the softest person in the world, letting my LO away with anything and you will all be reminding me of how hard I thought I was!!! :haha:
I think, for me at least, it's not about how strict I was planning to be and that going by the wayside. It's just that stuff comes up that I have absolutely no effing idea how to deal with appropriately. :haha: My husband and I shoot each other "WTF?!?!" looks on a very regular basis about something she's doing. :haha: It's just a lot of flying by the seat of your pants (trousers :haha:) at times. That's been our experience.

My mom claims that Maisie is more willful/defiant/opinionated than I ever was (finding that hard to believe). I remember being an absolute TERROR as far as tantrums and stuff went. :shrug:
I will say that Maisie is incredibly willful. She gets her mind set to do something and if it doesn't happen in short order, she's really mad about it. But she keeps trying again and again until it happens. Honestly, she is blowing me away with what she's doing at her age. I had no idea she would be so clever so soon! I'm just so impressed! :haha:

...By the stupidest things, though, I admit. Like yesterday she was sitting in the floor with a book (Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? Dr. Seuss) And she was on a page that essentially says, "An owl says hoo hoo!" And she's sitting there looking at it and says, "Owl! Hoo hoo!" WHAT?! First of all, I've never heard her say owl, last time I checked like 3 days ago, she was calling all birds "ducks." :haha: Second of all, I certainly didn't know she knew they said, "hoo hoo." Third of all, we haven't read that book to her in months! I know she's supposed to be learning at the speed of light right now but the fact that she either picked that up and stowed it away months ago and whipped it out yesterday or that she picked it up randomly from like Sesame Street or something and then translated it to the book just boggles my mind. I know my amazement is only going to increase as she gets older and I know it's ridiculous because it's stuff that like every kid does but, seriously, I have somehow created the most clever little person in the world (I may be biased). :haha:
:rofl: You are definitely NOT biased! That is incredible how she transferred the learning from somewhere else, or that she just remembered it for so long! Makes you worry what she might have stored away that she's heard you say, and will come out with in the middle of the store or somewhere!!!

We are the same with my nephew, anything the child does gets a round of applause for being so intelligent. Obviously just very clever LOs we are dealing with here!

And I got a bit scared ready that Maisie is so strong willed - I am VERY strong willed, as is my whole family, and I get VERY mad if things don't go my way...hopefully my LO will take after DH and his family with their laid back nature!!!
I just yelled at my neighbour. :dohh:

I'm working at home today trying to get my final exam put together for my students on Wednesday. We live in a low rise "L shaped" apartment building, so we have neighbours above us, and below us, and one that is sort of next to us. The lady above us has a little girl and they're both amazing. The couple next to us has a little girl too, and the mother is INSANE. All she ever does it scream at her kid, and her kid cries and screams back all the time. The little girl is probably about 2-3ish maybe? They're both home all day all the time, and seriously, all you ever hear is the mom screaming.

Well I lost it today. She was carrying on with her usual yelling and screaming at her poor kid, and I was trying to focus on getting my work done.... so I walked over by where our apartments meet and yelled back at her to stop screaming at her kid. She yelled for another second or two, and now it's nice and quiet.

I've never done that before... but it seemed entirely necessary. :blush:
I'm the same way, doggylover, so I can't really fault her. My mom claims she's worse, though.

Unfortunately, at 28 years old, I'm still not beyond throwing a tantrum (hopefully in a space by myself) if I don't get my way. :dohh::blush: Right now it seems she and I are incredibly alike and I think we're going to get a long really well most of the time. As long as we agree. I forsee lots and lots of drama in her teenage years, though. :nope: I hope I'm wrong!
I just yelled at my neighbour. :dohh:

I'm working at home today trying to get my final exam put together for my students on Wednesday. We live in a low rise "L shaped" apartment building, so we have neighbours above us, and below us, and one that is sort of next to us. The lady above us has a little girl and they're both amazing. The couple next to us has a little girl too, and the mother is INSANE. All she ever does it scream at her kid, and her kid cries and screams back all the time. The little girl is probably about 2-3ish maybe? They're both home all day all the time, and seriously, all you ever hear is the mom screaming.

Well I lost it today. She was carrying on with her usual yelling and screaming at her poor kid, and I was trying to focus on getting my work done.... so I walked over by where our apartments meet and yelled back at her to stop screaming at her kid. She yelled for another second or two, and now it's nice and quiet.

I've never done that before... but it seemed entirely necessary. :blush:

:rofl: crazy pregnant lady alert ;) Good on you though, some people are so inconsiderate of others.

Littlespy, yeah only my dh sees my tantrums now, but if we have a girl I DREAD to think what the teenage years will be like!!
:rofl: crazy pregnant lady alert ;) Good on you though, some people are so inconsiderate of others.

Littlespy, yeah only my dh sees my tantrums now, but if we have a girl I DREAD to think what the teenage years will be like!!

It's no doubt the hormones that finally made me do something about it... but it's not even that she's being inconsiderate to me (although it IS really annoying to listen to)... she's verbally abusing her child everyday all day long. There is no reason whatsoever that it's necessary to scream at a 2 year old every time you talk to them. The little girl is always crying and screaming back. Something is obviously not right there... and that mom needs some anger relaxation pills or something! I feel bad for the poor little girl. :nope:
That is awful, the poor kid. And then no doubt when the little girl shouts back she gets told off for doing it, but if that's the only example she knows...:shrugs:

That bugs me so much when people scream at their kids, then get annoyed when kids scream back.
readytomum -- I know it's not the same situation at all, but I always worry about what people outside may think if they hear what's going on in our house. :haha: Like last night, Maisie was pinching herself on her belly and screaming, "OW, OW, OW, OW, OW!!!!!!!!!!!" Super loud (That's her thing lately -- Being super loud. That, and saying "no!" to everything :dohh:). I got her to stop after like 3 minutes of it but all I could think was "OMG, people are going to think I'm beating her or something!" :haha:
Just stopping in really quick... I haven't had time to catch up since Friday. Hope everyone is having a great day.

Little man is kicking up a storm & has been since Saturday!!! DH loves that he can feel him kicking now.... We started the remodel... UGH... Lets just say it's not going as planned..

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