April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

readytomum -- I know it's not the same situation at all, but I always worry about what people outside may think if they hear what's going on in our house. :haha: Like last night, Maisie was pinching herself on her belly and screaming, "OW, OW, OW, OW, OW!!!!!!!!!!!" Super loud (That's her thing lately -- Being super loud. That, and saying "no!" to everything :dohh:). I got her to stop after like 3 minutes of it but all I could think was "OMG, people are going to think I'm beating her or something!" :haha:

Silly kid pinching herself. :haha: If it was just the little girl making all the noise it wouldn't be so bothersome because kids do all sorts of strange things, but because I know the mom is freaking out all the time, that's what worries me!

They're still nice and quiet over there now, so maybe they opted to go for a walk or something and get some fresh air.

On a completey different topic, have any of you ladies tried Rooibos tea before?? I picked some up the other day since it's on the "safe" list... and it smells really different. I just bought the plain red Rooibos one. Haven't tried it yet... although the hot mug is sitting next to me just waiting to be sipped. :haha:
I shout at mine when they are being really naughty I'm sure you will shout at yours too lol
I think we have decided on a name.... It's looking like Mason McCrae Meffert.....
love that name Maybesoon!! ... we were thinking about Mason before we went to Benson xx
Readytomum -- Hopefully they did go for a walk. Good way to get out some of that frustration or anxiety! I've never tried rooibos. It's just red tea, right? I'm not a huge fan of hot tea often but when I do drink it, I tend to go for black ceylon (peppermint's my fav!) or black chai. Sometimes green. Such an American. :dohh: I tend to stay away from it all when I'm pregnant because I'm so paranoid about herbs and such and I'm too lazy to research that when I spend so much time researching what herbs I need to take during pregnancy to hopefully make my stupid boobs work better (bitter, yes).

maybesoon -- Yay for a name!! Pass some of that decision making on over my way, please. I think we MAY have settled on a first name but now we're at a loss for a middle one that works well with it. :dohh: We may have one. We're letting it "sink in" for the moment. Of course, I just know in like 2 days hubby is going to declare that he hates the 1st name we've chosen. I'm close to just telling him to figure it out himself. Pretty sure I know what he'd go with (at this point at least) and I'm not entirely opposed but I'm having a hard time with the 1st name he likes so much. :shrug:
I shout at mine when they are being really naughty I'm sure you will shout at yours too lol

And I feel like most moms do at some point! But this woman is *always* screaming. And then the little girl is in tears screaming back, and the mom will start yelling at the kid to stop crying! Because obviously the best way to stop a two year old from crying is to scream at them to stop. :dohh:

I honestly think the mom has some anger issues she needs to deal with. They used to have a nanny during the day and now mom is home. So I'm not sure if mom got fired/layed off or they couldn't afford the nanny anymore or what.... but mom is definitely bitter and angry that she's at home with her child now, and that's not the child's fault.

Littlespy: I've finally tried it, and I don't like it! :nope: The tea itself doesn't taste too bad, but I really, really don't like the smell of it. Which is too bad... because now I have a 19 more tea bags of it! lol I'll take it into school and leave it in the student lounge I guess... everything food related that gets left there gets instantly snagged. :haha:

maybesoon: Ooh! I love your name choice. Mason is a good strong name, but over here it's not super popular either. Hopefully it sticks for you!
I love Roibos tea! I make Rooibos vanilla lattes, mmmm delish. But haven't had one since I have been pg because I thought all herbal teas were on the "not sure" list :shrug:

So I have just been having hot choc as a hot drink

ETA and Mason is a lovely boy's name Maybe Soon!
I love Roibos tea! I make Rooibos vanilla lattes, mmmm delish. But haven't had one since I have been pg because I thought all herbal teas were on the "not sure" list :shrug:

So I have just been having hot choc as a hot drink

ETA and Mason is a lovely boy's name Maybe Soon!

Kristabelle: Most herbal teas are on the "no" list, and it's actually really hard to find any that are ok, unless you go to a tea store that makes their own blends because then you know exactly what's in it. But those places tend to be quite expensive sometimes! Although, I tried a honeybush tea a while ago that was soooo yummy and totally safe because all that was in it was honeybush and apple. But I can't find anywhere that actually sells it. Which is sad.

From everything I've read Rooibos is in the safe list as long as it doesn't have any of the "no no" ingredients added, but apparently I don't like it. So it's not an option for me anymore! lol

Back to my de-caf Orange Peakoe it is!
I drank red raspberry leaf tea when I was pregnant with Con, she was over due and I read it sets off labour.... it just made me really sick and started contractions which later stopped :( I'm sensitive to menthol too so peppermint tea is out. I have just been drinking hot choc too, I have been craving ovaltine lately too!

I feel like before I had my kids I found it easy to look at other parents and say.. that will never be me! ... lol... but since I have had my kids and they have grown up I learned that it isn't that simple. Kids go through stages like pinching themselves, banging their head on the floor when they are mad and screaming. I have seen mothers in play groups who allege that their child has never had a tantrum or potty trained themselves at 18 months. But the truth is no matter how well you parent your children or how well your children behave you can bet your entire life on the fact that the one night you go out for dinner at the MILs your little angel will suddenly become a little devil. lol You can guarantee that your child will be perfect at home but as soon as he or she understands that they can't have that chocolate bar from ASDA they'll start having the monster of all tantrums haha.. It's just typical. Sometimes when you are down and your kid has been screaming non stop every night for the past month and a half and the only way to get them down is to rock them then as soon as you put them down and relax they start again, you will give in to them being into your bed or try the CIO method because you no longer care how or where they sleep.. as long as they sleep lol and I think that instead of judging other mothers we should support them because being a parent is a hard job at times. It's easy for me to look back and say now yeh it sucked when my kid was teething but we got through it.. but at the time I was the biggest wreck lol.

I'm not directing this post at anyone. I'm just saying :) x
:haha: at Maisie, littlespy! What a nutter! I hope I get a cool, if not slightly mad, LO like yours, she sounds like so much fun!!! All the stories you tell about her are always great.

Afm, I decided today - after spending most of my day reading more and more about breastfeeding- that my dh needs to get clued in as well. When I told him this he said "what do you mean support you? Like...hold the boob?" :dohh::dohh: I told him this is EXACTLY why he needs to read some info about it all! So I'm googling to find some links to stuff as I know he won't read a book. For anyone else who is interested I found these so far..





https://www.realbabymilk.org/dads (20 top tips)


Yeah peppermint tea and others that are "foods" are supposed to be fine... but I don't like peppermint tea... peppermint hot choc on the other hand... :haha:

Ah, this conversation has just tipped my uber-suggestive appetite over the edge and now I must go and make myself a hot choc.
ReadytoMum, I know what you mean! I have a friend that constantely screams are her boys (3 and 5). And it's not just when they are being bad, it all the time! Granted, they don't even hear her and just ignore it but it is so aweful.!! She was the reason that I was scared of rasing a boy :haha:. I thought that all boys would be as bad as hers... lol

Maybesoon, I love the name Mason! I had it on our list but OH automatically said: Like Mason Jar? . He is complete weirdo when it came to picking names... every name I would suggest he would ruin it: Hayden - Heyyyy, Chase- Like the bank?, Ryker - like the prison!
LittleSpy, what name have you decided on (so far at least lol)? If you don't mind sharing.

OH and I decided that Grayson will not get a middle name, since we are giving him both of our last names, and it would be entirely too long if we added more. :haha:. I don't have a middle name either, so I think that's OK.

AFM, I totally had a pregnancy moment last week. Went for my monthly check-up and was starting to get annoyed (because of the 45min wait). They finally took me to the room and I heard the nurse say: "did you get her on the schedule?". Once alone in the room, I checked my calendar and low and behold... I was a week early for my appointment :dohh:. When I asked the doc, she just laughed and said no big deal and that she wasn't even going to tell me :haha:. She said that she was used to it and that pregnant women do it all the time :blush:
Then I decided to freak myself out completely this morning after realizing I had eaten some Liver Pate last week. I knew I wasnt supposed to but didn't think it would be all that bad :dohh:. After reading up about Listeria I completely freaked myself out and called the doctor (because I had been so ill on Monday night for 24 hours). The doc assured me that Listeria was extreamly rare and that I would continue to get sick if that had been the case. After hanging up the phone, I realized that I ate the Pate AFTER I was sick :dohh:.
Boy oh boy, I guess Pregnancy brain has caught up to me :rofl:

Set up my stroller this weekend and fell head over heals in love with it again :happydance:. I really liked it in the store but after pushing it around the house, folding and unfolding it, moving all the parts... It's perfect for us! I can only recommend it to anyone who is still looking (Brittax B-Agile).
Thanks Ladies!!! Mason actually has meaning for both my husband and father so I really love it. McCrae.... Well that's the dh putting his 2 cents in. Then of course the last name. I'm just afraid it's too many Ms together.... But I'm one of those people & I spend so much time thinking up ways other kids will make fun of our child for his name..... I just want it to be perfect for him....
Oh readytomum sorry your tea wasn't great! And that's so true about people stealing foodstuffs if left unattended in a staff room or similar! Should see the way we go at biscuits left unattended at school!!

I don't drink much tea at all anymore, I used to only drink berry tea (which I also did at the start of pregnancy, it's not herbal so I assume it was fine...I never heard anything to the contrary!) but I've gone off all teas since about 9 weeks.

I did read you shouldn't drink peppermint tea when breastfeeding, but that fennel tea is good for supply. (Can you tell from my last few posts I am currently in my crazed breastfeeding research part of pregnancy?!)

Steph :haha: your pregnancy brain has gone into overdrive! And your dr is so nice to take you anyway and not mention it! What a nice dr! Mine would have kicked me out! Britax prams at meant to be great, we did spend a long time looking at one too!

Maybesoon congrats on choosing your name! Mason is a beautiful name for your little man!
Here is my 24 + 3 week bump....Im on my phone so i will catch up later but i love the name choices ladies!!


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doggylover -- I certainly wouldn't have her any other way! I'd be so bored with a calm, easygoing child, I think. :haha: LOL at your husband!!! "Hold your boob?" :rofl: One thing my husband had a hard time with was not understanding how important it was for me. And when it didn't work out that I could exclusively breastfeed, he didn't understand why I didn't just stop entirely, switch to all formula, and move on. So, it made it harder for me to continue to pump the little bit I got because pumping that often takes a ton of time and I felt like he just didn't really support it. Even this time, I've asked him to consider donor breast milk (from someone I know who has offered to pump extra and ship it across the country to me!) as a supplement instead of formula, assuming I have similar issues, and he's against it. He LIKES supplementing with formula because he knows the exact nutrition of it. :nope: I almost feel like if I did miraculously have a full supply, he would push us to use some formula anyway (over my dead body. Not that I think that formula is evil because it certainly saved dd's life and she's wonderfully healthy but breast milk is better. Period.). Oh, totally right about peppermint ANYTHING being bad during breastfeeding. Along with sage, parsely,and a couple other yummy herbs. Fennel IS good for supply, yes. :thumbup: I have a list of herbal supplements about a mile long to start immediately after birth. And several that I'm starting in 3rd tri. I'm only taking one now -- Alfalfa (leaves, not seeds. Leaves safe during pregnancy; seeds are less so). Kellymom.com is a great resource if you haven't found that one already!

kirstabelle -- I'm really wishing I had some hot chocolate here!

Steph -- We are kind of set on Eleanor as a first name and sort of set on Imogen as a middle name. :haha: Eleanor was the choice before knowing we're having a girl. We've agreed on that name for a long while now. But then both of us were feeling off about Eleanor Olivia so we scratched it. Then I decided the Olivia part was the part I was having problems with and that Eleanor (nn Nora) is still my #1. I'm pretty sure hubby's #1 is Ada. I wish we could use Ada as a middle name but it bothers me that it starts forming a sentence "Eleanor Ate-a [surname]" :dohh: I'm having the same problem with Eleanor Isobel! It sounds so pretty but all I'm hearing is "Eleanor is a bell." :dohh: It's not like that's all that horrible of a sentence, right? I make it so hard on myself. :nope: Actually, of the 3, I think I prefer Eleanor Isobel. I don't know. Bah! :haha: LOL at your pregnancy brain. Apparently whoever scheduled my appointments (Um... like 3 months ago) had the same problem because I just got a call from my OB's office trying to reschedule next week's appointment a day earlier. I lied and said I was going to be out of town because I AM NOT DOWN with FASTING starting at like 9pm on Christmas Day! And who wants to take a GTT the day after Christmas? Not this girl! Plus, that's a holiday from work for me and I don't want to spend it at the doctor. Ugh. So, yeah, I lied. :haha: Now I'll be there for the test for like 5 hours because they're overbooked.

maybesoon -- I like M first names with M last names. No one ever uses the middle name anyway. I think I've said "Maisie Charlotte!" like once ever when she was being super bad and I just wanted to try it out. :haha: I have a friend who was all "My last name starts with M so an M first name is out!" I admit I got a bit offended since I have a Maisie M and I think her name sounds nice. It may help that our surname is an "McC" and not just an "M" name? I don't know. But then she named her daughter a name with 5 N's in it and the whole name is only 5 syllables! It's totally hard to say and, IMO, and it doesn't sound great together at all. But did I say anything like that to her? Absolutely not! Why? Not my kid. :haha:

Edit: Ugh, so many typos I don't know where to begin. Sorry!
LittleSpy, I love Imogen! I think it sounds lovely with Eleanor! Why do you have to fast for you GD test? I'm assuming thats the test you have to take. My doc gave my the drink to take home and I can eat normal up until I take it but can't eat anything after (have to get to the office and have blood drawn within 1 hour).
lol LittleSpy... Thank you! I'm pretty sure it's going to stick. And you are right that no body ever uses the middle name but family so that makes it a ton better. We both really like the name Mason Meffert so hopefully our son won't HATE us for his name later in life!!!! lol

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