April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Evening all

Mommabrown, very cute bump!

Littlespy, Harrison is extemely willfull too, and whilst he is generally a good boy, there are times he gets a wicked glint in his eye and just does the complete opposite of what you tell him, then he just grins at you like he knows.. we have just started "naughty corner" for when he throws food. He just gets pushed into the corner in his high chair, but it does seem to be having an impact.

Maybesoon, Mason is a lovely name!

UKgirl, i agree that all parents sohut at their kids at some point, its the ones that dont know how to talk and ONLY shout that annoy me, thats why there kids have become deaf to it.
LittleSpy, I love Imogen! I think it sounds lovely with Eleanor! Why do you have to fast for you GD test? I'm assuming thats the test you have to take. My doc gave my the drink to take home and I can eat normal up until I take it but can't eat anything after (have to get to the office and have blood drawn within 1 hour).

Those have been the orders both times (with Maisie and this time). This time they were more lax because they said I could eat an egg before coming in to take the test "if need to." I have to come in and sit in front of a nurse so she can time me while I chug it and then wait to have my blood drawn.
I love all the name choices you ladies have picked out. I often wonder what my kids think about their names but i couldn't picture them being any other person than who they are.

I loved breastfeeding my lo's but my DD wouldn't latch on so i was heart broken when i had to let my milk dry up...i couldn't try both and for the sake of me i don't really remember why at this moment.My youngest DS was so on cue with it...in the hopsital he wouldn't touch a bottle and as soon as i held him up to my chest he had his little mouth open like a bird! I pumped and it gave DH that time to bond while i took a shower or napped.

I have found that my DH is so into this pregnancy than he was with DS. He has objected to having her at 38 weeks because they have found it is better to wait till 39 to 40...I tried to explain we have never ever made it passed 38 weeks and nothing is wrong with our other children...he also insists on only breastfeeding the baby this time around because it is better for her brain development and immune system...wow i think this man has started reading some of my what to expect when your expecting books. I really don't know where it came from but it made me happy to hear he cares too.
I agree melissasbump. I don't like people who swear at their kids either it's horrible x
Mel - Thanks for the naughty corner idea! I've been wondering how to implement it when the problem is that I have very little control over her and she's young enough to get away with pretending not to understand what I say. :haha: Strap her in!

So, does he just do his time in the corner regardless of his behavior (if he's screaming or beating on his tray or whatever because I guarantee Maisie will do both. For a long time. :haha: In addition to nearly twisting herself in half trying to look back at us)? Or does he have to sit there until he's quiet?
lol.... So last night dh asks the kids who wanted to take a shower first. Of course Jonas says "Audry" and Audry says "Jonas". Dh tell Jonas to go to the bathroom & get ready for his shower. And the meltdown begins, he's bawling at the top of his lungs "I don't wanna shower first, I want Audry to go first". At this point dh tells him "fine, just remember Chippy (our elf on the shelf) is watching & listening & he's going to be reporting back to Santa tonight. Audry lets to". So off to the bathroom dh & Audry go. Jonas stands at the bathroom door having a meltdown. I have a booming headache & just can't take it so I walk into the hallway & tell Jonas to go to his room & start cleaning it up "Again". He marches into his room & begins picking up his toys (which he had cleaned up earlier, but then destroyed his room again playing). Dh & Audry come out of the bathroom & dh is telling Jonas to get in there & get ready for his shower. Jonas begins trying to tell dh "Chantel made me clean my room again". Dh can't understand him & asks him twice what he's saying. I tell dh from another room where I'm ironing his work clothes that I told Jonas to clean his room while he was waiting for the shower. Dh was amazing & says "Well I guess after you are done with your shower you better finish cleaning your room like you were told". I almost fainted!!! It was amazing. So I have figured out that he needs for me to just step up & be the leader.... Well heck, if I'd known that I'd been doing it all this time!!!!
Steph I just saw your new avatar pic! Absolutely gorgeous, I love it!

Mommabrown your bump is gorgeous! As is your dress, I really love it. If only it were warm enough here to wear something like that (she says wearing three tops as its so chilly!)

Littlespy thanks for those other bits of info on other herbs to avoid or take while breastfeeding. That is definitely one area I need to look into more in the new year to make sure I have as much as possible to help my supply. I'm sorry you don't feel dh is as supportive as you'd like. It's when I read things like that that make me start to work on mine preparing my dh now, hoping that if we do have issues similar to yours, that he is as supportive as possible. Maybe your dh likes formula because it makes him feel like he can help feed baby, and be part of it? But then again if you had donor breast milk it would be just the same. I can't see my dh being too keen on that either, but if its what is needed, and you have someone willing to help you, I say screw dh. Mommas are designed to feed the babies, and therefore should have the final say - period! :haha: also loving your names. I remember you mentioning Eleanor, and I think it's a lovely name.

When we were choosing our names we immediately ruled out anything starting with a J...but that's because our last name actually IS Jay! So I thought it just sounded too much J-ing! But if we had a normal last name that was more than just a letter (thanks dh!) then I wouldn't have minded at all. So I don't think two Ms in a row is anything to worry about!

Melissa, totally agree with what you said on kids becoming deaf to shouting. It's the same at school - the 'bad' kids don't care if we yell at them because they are used to it - from school and at home, so that's just how they think people communicate. Very sad.
Mel - Thanks for the naughty corner idea! I've been wondering how to implement it when the problem is that I have very little control over her and she's young enough to get away with pretending not to understand what I say. :haha: Strap her in!

So, does he just do his time in the corner regardless of his behavior (if he's screaming or beating on his tray or whatever because I guarantee Maisie will do both. For a long time. :haha: In addition to nearly twisting herself in half trying to look back at us)? Or does he have to sit there until he's quiet?

To be honest, hes not in there long enough to scream and cry, he does twist right round to look at us and its quite funny, but we just try not to look at him! And at this age you arent meant to do it very long at all, but he is improving at not throwing. Its the "supernanny" technique where you tell them why they have been placed, and then afterwards have kisses and cuddles. Im sure it wont work for all and they are probably a bit young, but at least we feel like we are being consistant if you know what i mean?

UKgirl, swearing at your kids is just awful, i never want to be that type of parent, how can you get your kids to respect you if you talk to them like that il never know.

Doggylover, re what was mentioned earlier, i think its great to have a good idea of what type of parent you want to be and that you and OH are on the same page is very important, i was the most clueless person in the world when it came to babies and children before i had my own, couldnt change a nappy or anything, was just never really around children, i do agree with Littlespy though in that there will be situations that you have no idea how to deal with and they are starting for us now, with the tantrums etc, H threw a thrombo in Tesco the other day because i had to put him in the trolley and i had NO IDEA what to do and was so embarrassed as he was screaming, you cant reason with them at this age or explain so its probably one of the hardest times lol. Im hoping it gets easier!
Melissa wait until you are in tesco and the wee monkey starts yelling something like "no mummy don't hit me!" Like my cousin did to me once! (Obviously I do not hit her!) I thought I was going to die of embarrassment! Or get arrested...whichever came first!!!!

That's why it's so great having you ladies..I am already learning so much about how to deal with different things - like you putting Harrison in the naughty corner for throwing food. I like that a LOT. Expect me to be crying to you a LOT once LO is here and I've no idea what the heck to do!

Maybesoon,glad dh is on the same page as you this time! You'll have to be the one wearing the trousers from now on!
Melissa wait until you are in tesco and the wee monkey starts yelling something like "no mummy don't hit me!" Like my cousin did to me once! (Obviously I do not hit her!) I thought I was going to die of embarrassment! Or get arrested...whichever came first!!!!

That's why it's so great having you ladies..I am already learning so much about how to deal with different things - like you putting Harrison in the naughty corner for throwing food. I like that a LOT. Expect me to be crying to you a LOT once LO is here and I've no idea what the heck to do!

Maybesoon,glad dh is on the same page as you this time! You'll have to be the one wearing the trousers from now on!

Its one of the few things he does (and i think most children do) that is really tiresome and irritating, and clearly he does it to annoy us lol

We still have our thread on here from Hs group and its really nice to bounce things off the other ladies who are going through similar things at similar times, so i hope we all carry on after the babies are born:flower:
I will need all the help I can get! Although I imagine I won't have quite as much free time to lounge about on here as I do now....my last few months of freedom!
I'm good with wearing the pants in the family.... We laughed last night as we were getting ready for bed. Dh says "You know we have a role reversal issue in our family, right". I answered "yeah, I'm ok with making sure the bills are paid & being the "bad guy". I like structure & I'm a drill sargent so as long as you will back me up, I'm good with it"... So guess I'm the "man" of our family....:blush:

What ever works... Right?!?!?!?!
Its one of the few things he does (and i think most children do) that is really tiresome and irritating, and clearly he does it to annoy us lol

We still have our thread on here from Hs group and its really nice to bounce things off the other ladies who are going through similar things at similar times, so i hope we all carry on after the babies are born:flower:

Haha, BINGO!!! It's the "clearly he does it to annoy us" part that just irritates the crap out of me! :haha: Maisie is soooo set on doing anything I don't want her to do, even if it's SUPER dangerous! Like the other night, trying to flip over right off of the bed (bending over and putting her head down and kicking her feet up to try to literally flip). The more I try to get her to not do it, the more she really wants to do it. And she's so strong! :dohh: And I'm so pregnant! :dohh::dohh: :haha: And if she's up to something naughty, and I say "Maisie?" (in the mom voice), I can almost guarantee she'll giggle and run away as fast as her little toddler high-stepping legs can take her. So ridiculous. And it's that CONSTANTLY. I really do start wearing thin toward the end of the day. I'm not the most patient person to begin with but I try so hard with her. Taking care of her is getting easier, for the most part (aside from the preventing her from self-destruction part, that's harder), but parenting is definitely getting much harder for me. I think we're just in that super difficult stage right now, though, like Melissa said, where independence is super high but communication/understanding isn't great.

I agree having ladies with similar aged babies to complain to and bounce ideas off of is amazing! So glad to have the July 2011 thread for that! And another thread on MyFitnessPal where 5 of us on a pregnancy thread had babies within a week of each other. All girls! That's been really good, too.
:rofl: as long as he is happy being the "woman"?!?! I'm just kidding! I am the same as you, I'm in charge of all our bills and generally making sure we are kept running and in good order lol!
i honestly dont know how id have got this far through pregnancy and parenthood without this site! Amazeballs!
Thanks Little Spy, that Kelly Mom website looks great! And I officially have a new fave word- galactagogue!
doggylover: I burst out laughing when I read your comment from DH about holding your boob! :haha: That's just priceless. haha It actually reminds me of a couple I know... the woman is VERY gifted in that department, and her OH will ask "Just One?" while they're watching TV or something and just hold one boob. Men are so strange sometimes.

maybesoon: I'm the "pants" in our relationship too. DH is terrible with money and basically any sort of self restraint. It's like I have a LO already... I'll go away for a weekend for something, and come home to find out that he's bought like 5 big bags of chips or something! He's diabetic so I keep him on a pretty strict leash with food, and as soon as I'm gone he just can't control it anymore! Our cat has no respect for DH either. He'll yell at the cat to get off the table and Hadrian will just sit there and look at him, I just have to look at the cat and say his name and he knows it's game over! lol

mommabrown: beautiful bump!!! and a lovely dress to boot! :flower:

Steph: I love your new avatar pic! very nice indeed.

kristabelle: I don't normally drink hot chocolate because I'm not much of a sweets fan, but you keep talking about it and now I want one! lol Thankfully I think we actually have some in the cupboard because DH is a total sweet tooth!
:rofl: I think he honestly loves being the "woman"!!! It's funny because from what MIL has told me that's how it has always been in their house. So he grew up with his Mom being the disciplinarian. So I guess it makes perfect sense that as a single father he still didn't want to be the "bad guy".:shrug:

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