April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Morning ladies :)

I feel like I have so much energy at the minute! Maybe it's because I'm not doing very much at school as we are winding down for the holidays, but I don't feel half as tired as I did during the last few weeks :) I'm enjoying it while it lasts, before my ankles start to swell and I'm exhausted in third tri!
Morning ladies! Doggy lover I'm jealous of your extra energy! I feel like I'm draining of energy just watching Paige pull all her books out! Which I hate by the way! I mean obviously I love that she loves her books but she has a book unit in my front room and loads too, like 200... And she pulls them all out so there is no floor to walk on an wants me to read them all to her 1 after the other! Lol it's only 10am and I've read 6 books already! Lol bless her! She is definatly gonna take after her mummy with the reading lol! Hope everyone has a lovely day! Only a week till Xmas! So excited! Can't wait to see Paige's face!!!!! X
Oh well I definitely have it easy at the minute. If I had to look after a LO as well I'd be asleep at 7pm!! Even helping my nephew decorate the tree last week knackered me! I only have energy because I am basically doing nothing!

That's great that she loves books though - you'll have to teach her to read early so she can do it by herself and give you a few minutes peace!!

What have you got Paige for Christmas?
Good morning Ladies!! I have no energy I think I'm run down after a week of looking after a poorly Lucas!

I had my new solicitor meeting just now. My new solicitors is a few doors up from my house so I'm home already :D YAY! He is LOVELY!!! I love him!! hehe..

But during my appointment I started getting dizzy then I felt one of those awful hot flushes coming on hahaha!! It was so embarrassing I had to wave my hand in front of my face and say sorry. He let me out not long after haha! HELP! it was like a first date LOL..

Both my kiddos are at school today yay!!
Glad it all went well, Candy :) (Apart from from the dizzy session - make sure you are eating and drinking plenty!)

Spend your day relaxing and catching up on some rest now both the LO are at school. They'll be off before you know it for the hols!
Doggylover please send some of your energy this way! ive no idea how im gonna get through the next 15 weeks like this!

UKgirl, yay that your solicitor seems nice, hope hes ready to kick some butt!
yeh he is melissasbump! he knew my old solicitor and made a few jokes about her haha! I was too nervous to eat this morning so that's probably what caused it. He's awesome though <3
Aw glad they are both better ukgirl and can have a few hours o yourself!

Doggylover I wish I could be in bed by 7 lol she just has so much energy and she is getting so clever! We was watching tv last night and she was playing with her Toys, all of a sudden she is counting to 10!!!! I was like wth? She is 18 months and counting to 10!

We got her a little kitchen, with food and pots and pans etc, lots of puzzles and paints chalks paper etc, got her a leapfrog tag junior, u put the device over words in special books and it reads it tonyou and teaches them how to pronounce and read etc, loads of clothes, girly bits like dress up clothes and a baby dolly! I forget what else we went a bit mad as its her first Xmas where she knows what's going on and her last one before her little brother gets here lol!
Its just so exciting!! I've got everyone's pressies under the tree apart from hers and she has been so good, she points at them and says "ooooh wow, mistmas (Christmas) wow, mine?" Lol but she doesn't touch lol bless her! Next year will be nice too coz our Los will be 8 months so they will be crawling some maybe even walking, (Paige started at 8) very exciting stuff! X
Oh she sounds just adorable! And wow! Loads of presents, she is going to have a GREAT Christmas! I can't believe she started walking at 8 months, she is so advanced! And counting to 10 as well? Flipping heck, her little bro has a LOT to live up to! But I'm sure he'll be just as great!

I can't believe you are so organised. I have only wrapped the gifts I have actually had to give so far! Still have all of dh's to do...and we leave for his parents on Saturday so I'm not 100% sure when everything is going to get done!!
kealz I can't wait to see my kids faces either. Lucas has been begging me for a batcave all year, they were all sold out last xmas but this year I battered a few parents for one :D I can not wait to see his face when he opens it, we had to get Connie a furby, I really didn't want to get her one but she wanted one so bad, I know that stupid thing is going to drive us all nuts by the end of xmas lol.

this is the first day with both of mine back at school I am going to wrap up a few presents before they get home. I wont get time next week. I can not wait to make a ginger bread house, watch cheesy xmas movies together and go to the park :D I love xmas! I might even knock up a few xmas tree cookies, we'll see :p x
UKgirl, ahhh sounds like you have some lovely things planned with your kiddies, they are at a lovely age for that kind of thing.

kealz, we have gone for a kitchen this year for H too, he loves playing with them and pretend cooking so hes also got various accessories to go with it. So cute!

Im so tired today, Harrison decided 540am was a good time to wake up! Hes napping now, am just waiting for him to wake up so we can go round friends.
Lol usually I'm all done and wrapped by end of November, but this year I wasn't as on ball as usual! I'm awful for perfection, I have a list of everything I bought, with Collums for ticks, of wrapped, bagged, and who it's from and in which order to give it in lol just in case something is forgotten Haha!
Yeah we were in shock when she took her first steps, we knew from early on we would have a clever little lady on our hands! Everyday she is doing something new makes me so proud!

Lol ukgirl, my oh also wants a batcave (no I'm not joking) that's why he is soooo happy we've got out lil man now! He has an excuse now lol!!! He has gone out and bought a batman baby grow for him! He is also looking for a robin one aswel so that he can put baby in that and he can wear his batman onesie!!!!! So sad but cute at the same time haha! I bet Lucas can't wait to have a little brother to play with! X
Melissa I think your ds is same age as my dd, they are at such a lovely age, the kitchen is for 3+years but they are so advanced now a days, the toys that our meant for there age group just doing interest them! Paige is mental about peppa pig, but most of the peppa toys are 3+ and they look like they could break easily! Apart from the teddies but she has loads of those already! But she too loves playing with kitchens, she lives the one at the doctors! We got her a baby doll as I read somewhere that if you have a young child and expecting again it helps them understand if they look after there dolly! And she copies everything at the moment so we got an ironing board as well so she can do that while I do mine lol too cute!
Ohh not 5.30 you must be exhausted! Luckily Paige got up at 8.30 so a fairly nice lay in lol! X
kealz: I'm usually all wrapped before Decemeber starts too! This year was a little bit thrown off for me as well because it's been such a busy last few months between teaching and being exhausted! I don't like malls at the best of times.... I really don't like malls in December! lol

doggylover: my Oh is also soooo slow with getting stuff wrapped and ready. We also leave on Saturday to go visit family and he still doesn't have any of his stuff wrapped yet. I've been bugging him about it for at least a week now. We have a lovely tree up, and they look even nicer when there's wrapped gifts under them! lol He's promised he'll finally wrap them this afternoon though... so we'll see! I'll likely get some kind of story about how the cat distracted him. :haha:

ukgirl: glad you like your new solicitor!! Here's hoping he gets the job done a little better than the previous one. Enjoy your little break today now that both your LO's are back at school. Take some time to put your feet up and relax!

melissabump: That's awesome that you got your little one a kitchen set for Christmas! Those things are super cool, and I think it's really important that little boys get the opportunity to play with them too! It was always a fight at the daycare who would get to play with it.

AFM, I'll off to Niagara Falls this afternoon. I'll be staying in a hotel tonight so that tomorrow I'll be able to get to campus early enough to prepare for my students exam. It'll be weird to stay in a hotel all by myself, but I AM looking forward to the Queen sized bed all to my self. :haha: I am so looking forward to them writing this exam and then being done with it! It's been a great learning experience, but I need a break!

Also, 22 weeks today! :flower:
Lol ukgirl, my oh also wants a batcave (no I'm not joking) that's why he is soooo happy we've got out lil man now! He has an excuse now lol!!! He has gone out and bought a batman baby grow for him! He is also looking for a robin one aswel so that he can put baby in that and he can wear his batman onesie!!!!! So sad but cute at the same time haha! I bet Lucas can't wait to have a little brother to play with! X

omg HAHAHA!! where did he find the batman onesie??? my little boy would be over the moon if Baby Benny Benson had one!

So.. I'm having a really great day, I have a lovely amazing new solicitor, the OH is in a good mood and took me to mcdonalds because I was craving mcflurry and then we found a fiver in one of this old pair of work trousers... but then my boiler breaks... so we call out the plumber...

OMG have you ever stood there while the plumber is there, and it is the most awkward thing ever!!???? There was no conersation, Aaron kept singing footloose and we were all just standing there watching the boiler like it was a tv, so I mentioned I was pregnant and the plumber asked questions like when he was due etc, so I asked... do you have any kids? and he was like no, then I asked, do you have a girlfriend and he said...just LOOL so then when he left Aaron was like OMG you can't ask the plumber those questions!!!!! He's here to fix our boiler not for you to ask him if he has kids and a gf and ask about his private life!!.... really??? am I the only one who asks those questions to the service people?? Doesn't every one try to make convo in the awkward silences? :/

AM I A WEIRDO!!?? help lol x
Omg readytomum.. staying in your own hotel room is awesome! You get those little kettles and chocolates on your pillow and that mini tray which a thousand different types of tea :D and your own bathroom!! HEAVEN!! have fun at Niagra falls! xx

Kealz where I live we have a themepark called Peppapig world, I took my kids there when they were a few years younger it's amazing they have this balloon ride and you can go in peppa's house :) Paige sounds cute doing her ironing on her little play table xx
doggylover: I burst out laughing when I read your comment from DH about holding your boob! :haha: That's just priceless. haha It actually reminds me of a couple I know... the woman is VERY gifted in that department, and her OH will ask "Just One?" while they're watching TV or something and just hold one boob. Men are so strange sometimes.

maybesoon: I'm the "pants" in our relationship too. DH is terrible with money and basically any sort of self restraint. It's like I have a LO already... I'll go away for a weekend for something, and come home to find out that he's bought like 5 big bags of chips or something! He's diabetic so I keep him on a pretty strict leash with food, and as soon as I'm gone he just can't control it anymore! Our cat has no respect for DH either. He'll yell at the cat to get off the table and Hadrian will just sit there and look at him, I just have to look at the cat and say his name and he knows it's game over! lol

mommabrown: beautiful bump!!! and a lovely dress to boot! :flower:

Steph: I love your new avatar pic! very nice indeed.

kristabelle: I don't normally drink hot chocolate because I'm not much of a sweets fan, but you keep talking about it and now I want one! lol Thankfully I think we actually have some in the cupboard because DH is a total sweet tooth!

:rofl: My 2 great danes are the same way!!! Dh will stand there telling them over & over to lay down & go night night. All I have to do is look at them & they go lay down. I keep telling him he just doesn't have that authoritive look about him. And of course it's the same with his kiddos. But they have learned not to push me. If I cook, they will eat just about everything on their plates & not say a word about it. If he cooks they will sit there & play with their food & not eat crap as they complain the whole time. Now mind you, my dh cooks out of this world, so I know it's not the taste or that he cooks badly. It's just they know they can get by with it with him & not me. So he has stated it's my job to cook when the kids are there & on the weekends when they are with their mom he makes up for it!!!! lol. It's weird, but it seems to be working for us!!!
Candy I'm so excited for you that your meeting went well with the new solicitor!!! Yeah!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day! Christmas is almost here!!!!

AFM.... Nothing new, still not sleeping well at all. I did spend about an hour last night speaking with my Mom. She seems to be coming around to dh & I being back together or at least putting on a show that she is. She actually made a comment about us having a second child together last night. I asked her if she was crazy!!! No offense, but I really don't like being pregnant. I can't wait to have my son Mason in my arms, but pregnancy & I really don't get along well at all....

Have a great one ladies!!!!
Morning ladies! Doggy lover I'm jealous of your extra energy! I feel like I'm draining of energy just watching Paige pull all her books out! Which I hate by the way! I mean obviously I love that she loves her books but she has a book unit in my front room and loads too, like 200... And she pulls them all out so there is no floor to walk on an wants me to read them all to her 1 after the other! Lol it's only 10am and I've read 6 books already! Lol bless her! She is definatly gonna take after her mummy with the reading lol! Hope everyone has a lovely day! Only a week till Xmas! So excited! Can't wait to see Paige's face!!!!! X

I could have written this. Except insert "Maisie" for "Paige!" :haha: I've tried to explain to her that mommy can no longer bend over easily to pick up all the stinking books but she couldn't care less.

Hahaha, which reminds me of a time when I was 38 weeks pregnant with Maisie and shopping in a store in the mall and I squatted (because, you know, bending over was completely not an option at that point) to look at a basket of clearanced hats and socks and I really thought I was stuck and wasn't ever going to be able to stand back up. I ended up having to scoot a knee under myself and push up with my hands off the floor. :haha: It was so embarrassing! So, fair warning - don't squat in a public place when you're 38 weeks pregnant.

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