April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Kristy shocking news... Your date isn't on the first page! I don't know how that got over looked! Can you let me know your EDD and I'll add you and your little lady in?

EDIT: You actually are and I just didn't see :dohh: talk about pregnancy brain!!!!!!
Doggylover b lol! Seriously, are all men the same? My husband has a HUGE room full of CRAP. I'm talking toys he bever plays with or.... Boxes full of 8 year old junk mail from one time when he moved before we met. It drives me crazy!! I have a tiny corner in the room with some organized fabric/craft supplies. I told him it would be nice to have some room in ther to store stuff like clothes dd has outgrown that we need to keep for dd2 or some of my stuff I've hsd to store shoved in random corners of the house. He tells me MY stuff is all over the house. I had to explain to him that the furniture and kitchen appliances do not constitute MY stuff. :dohh:

Yes I start to believe all men are more or less the same.
Huge room full of crap here too: needs to get on with sorting his things or there will be no nursery. DH gets a sweet deal out of this actually, he gets to move all his crap in a bigger brighter room to impress all his friends. All he needs to do is sort out what he wants to keep and what he wants to throw away and I will call the lady who cleans next door to help out with the moving of stuff and some cleaning. But this has to be done soon.
He can't tell me I have stuff, because I don't, all I have is my laptop, my books and my clothes haha!:haha:

I'm good with organizing, but I refuse to do this for him. I take care of everything else. I can help with the method (all it takes is 15 min everyday) and he will be done in a few days. Instead he procrastinates, and will be forced to do it in one day, in which day he will moan and be moody and start throwing things out the window. This is not something accomplished in a few hours in one day. :shrug:
ukgirl: Hopefully it's a just a routine thing, but best to ask if you're concerned about it, and then you'll know for sure!

doggylover: my DH is a huge hoarder too! It drives me insane. I'm not a "clutter" person... if I'm not using something or don't see a need for it in the immediate future- I chuck it! He used to be a geologist before going back to school to be a teacher, and he still has his huge field kit in the closet along with several pairs of boots and a bunch of rock samples. I keep telling him that crap has got to go, or at least be downsized, because there's no where to put it! And his parents have a ton of rock samples at their house that they want him to sort out too, and his dad keeps telling him he has to take them here... and everytime he suggests it I'm like hell no! You have a basement to store that crap, we have NO where to store it!

Tomorrow afternoon we have our second anatomy scan. Fingers crossed for me that this U/S will be more pleasant that the last one and that they'll get all the angles they need, we'll get our photo CD, and someone will actually talk to us about our results and confirm LO's gender! :wacko:

Friday DH and I are meeting with a financial planner for the first time, which I'm really looking forward to! We're hoping she'll give us a good plan for paying off student debt etc. while trying to save a little bit for the future as well. My sister met with her last year and had *amazing* results... so I have high hopes!

Good luck with your scan tomorrow hun!!! You are getting a cd? Sooo lucky! I didn't even get a picture bleeehhh:dohh:

Good for you getting in touch with a planner! I originally studied finance and economics, and I'm good with numbers so if you need anything just pm me!
I was out of debt 1 year after graduation, but I'm very very thrifty. My no 1 advice to people is get rid of your credit cards, but 1 to use for booking hotels, flights, anything that needs a card. But not for random shopping.
Let us know how your meeting was ok?

Hi ladies, so just got back from my scan and everythings perfect. Oh didn't come with me so I asked the sonographer to write the gender on a piece of paper. We have just looked together and we are having a little..... GIRL!! Woohoo!

Oh such good news, very happy for you! Congrats on team pink hun!!!:hugs:

DH hasn't come to any of the u/s because of work. He has come to 2 doc appointments though and has heard the heart beats, which is a consolation.
Kristy shocking news... Your date isn't on the first page! I don't know how that got over looked! Can you let me know your EDD and I'll add you and your little lady in?

I'm not in the 1st page either hun :cry:
good morning ladies, I feel much better today. I spoke to Connie's unit teacher who said that all the children in the school had done one of those questionnaires and it was a student evaluation sheet. So I really need to pull myself together now! It's a crappy rainy day so I'm probably just going to be home all day cleaning :( joy! Hope you all have a lovely day xxx
Candy I'm pleased to hear it all turned out OK. Better safe than sorry though :)

Lily you are down for the 8th on the front page...I must have misread the 18th :dohh:! Apologies! I'll get you and the little man moved asap!

And my dh is also a huge procrastinator. I like to get things done and organised, and he is just too laid back!!! Last night i told him he wasn't allowed to organise the books in the new bookcases as he would do it all wrongly, and he said "Oh, I know..." and, while that's true, if he was doing it, it wouldnt get done until around 2015!!!
Candy, what a relief everyone is taking the test! We had tests like that in elementary school as well, I still remember the crazy questions "do you think someone is sending you messages or controlling your thoughts from your tv set" muhahaa! I don't know if they were legal or not, they didn't ask for our parents' signatures and now I'm thinking about it it has to with personal data and it was probably totally illegal.

Doggy my EDD is on the 18th! Whoops! Edit: I just saw you have me on the right one, thanks!!!

CONGRATS on double digits hun!!!!

I'm cleaning too today, I want a clean home for Christmas, and for the first time in my life I have no laundry or ironing to do!!! I feel accomplished!

Books cds dvds clothes, anything that needs organizing is up to me or we would still live out of our last move boxes. When we moved the only task DH had was to hang the light fixtures from the ceiling. 7 years later 2 rooms still have no light fixtures hanged :growlmad:
I can't trust him with anything around the house...
When my dad comes over to help out with the nursary I will ask him to hang them.

Doctor asked me to be careful around raw meat and if possible not to handle it at all. So DH decided to take over cooking meat (because it is such a macho job)... I'm always breathing over his shoulder because he is so messy and he never follows hygienic rules. Last night I was busy in the bedroom and he started cooking without me in the kitchen, he wiped meat blood with the kitchen towel all over the counters and he continued using the towel to wipe things and dry his hands over and over again. The whole place is sticky with blood.:hissy: Now I have to disinfect everything... Fun fun fun!:dohh:
Kristy shocking news... Your date isn't on the first page! I don't know how that got over looked! Can you let me know your EDD and I'll add you and your little lady in?

EDIT: You actually are and I just didn't see :dohh: talk about pregnancy brain!!!!!!

Lol, don't worry I have pregnancy brain all the time!! Thanks everyone! We are so excited to be team pink!! We had decided not to tell anyone the gender and keep it a secret. I caved in about 4 hours!!! Hahaha!!!
Morning ladies, just a quick pit stop as got lots to do today, congrats on your little girl Kirsty!
Good luck ready for your scan, hope they can be more gelpful this time!

Afm had my follow up scan and my lil man is healthy and happy, tool ages to get a shot of his legs and feet so had to go for a walk coz he was sitting on them but all is well and I've been signed off high risk and am going back to midwife lled care wooo!
Well last night, my front room was cold, heating is up to 30!!! So I checked my radiator and was hot at top and cold at the bottom! I don't know anything about this so caled my dad and he said you need to bleed it with a special key! So I found the key and before he even had a chance to tell me to turn of the heating and turn it just a smidge I'd turned it all the way round, heard a pop as it shot the pin out like a bullet and then spat out at high pressure black sludge and boiling hot water!!! I'm screaming like the woman that I am trying to stop the water and sludge with a towel from going all over Paige's toys, my cream carpet and walls and curtains.... Omg.... What a mess!!! 6 large towels and others later my floor and myself is soaked while my oh is desperately trying to turn the water off to the rads but its not been done in so long we needed a wrench! Well 20 mins later of pure hot dirty water later we are both laying in a heap on the floor.... And my radiator is still not warming up!!!!!! Never again will I touch it! Dad is goin to come over and fix it for me! Luckily I managed to get all the sludge of of everything and my carpet is still damp, but it could have been worse I suppose, (my bf is an artist for hobby, and is working on a portrait of my sisters dog and finished at 5this am, it's amazing, but he usually put his artwork where all the water and sludge was going!!!! Thank goodness he didn't otherwise I probably wouldn't be typin you this story lol)
Hope you ladies have a good day xxx
Lol Kristy! My friend did exactly the same! She said "we are finding out but not telling anyone, not even family" then text me after a private scan I didn't even know she was having to tell me that it's a girl! I told her "way to keep it a secret!" but I knew she never would!

Kealz :shock: oh my goodness! I can only imagine the carnage! This is why i don't do DIY! Dads are the best at fixing stuff like that, so glad to hear yours is coming round to sort you out! And sludge definitely doesn't sound nice at all!!

Funny, our radiators weren't very warm a few weeks ago so I asked dh if they needed bled. He said no. Then we had an accident with a radiator pipe (I say we, I mean HE!) and had the plumber out who had to bleed the whole system. Miraculously now our radiators are much warmer! When I mentioned to dh that I told him they needed done he denied all knowledge! :dohh:
Afm had my follow up scan and my lil man is healthy and happy, tool ages to get a shot of his legs and feet so had to go for a walk coz he was sitting on them but all is well and I've been signed off high risk and am going back to midwife lled care wooo!
caled my dad and he said you need to bleed it with a special key! So I found the key and before he even had a chance to tell me to turn of the heating and turn it just a smidge I'd turned it all the way round, heard a pop as it shot the pin out like a bullet and then spat out at high pressure black sludge and boiling hot water!!!

So happy your scan went great!:thumbup: Yay on been signed off high risk!!!:happydance:

Oh lol at the rardiator!

I live in an old building and I do that with all the radiators every year! I'm used to it, I was doing it since I was a kid. You must turn the key slowly and have a small bowl & a towel ready. Only the air needs to go away, when there is only water coming out it is ready.
Do you have another flat above you??? They need to do the same.:winkwink: or else the air bubbles trapped can't let the warm water circulate in the radiators.
No we have someone below us but I don't think our rad system is connected! I'm just gonna leave it for dad to do! Lol when I turned it water came out instantly no air.... I don't really know what I'm doing so ill wait! He should be over tomorrow hopefully! It's not awful as the old guy downstairs has his heating on full blast so it rises up to us lol! Thanks though! Electrics and technology I can deal with! Plumbing and water is a different story lol x
I FINALLY FELT A KICK THIS MORNING!! I actually felt like 4! I was just laying in bed after waking up and felt what I thought might be a kick, so I put my hand there and got kicked a few more times. So I called for DH to come over quickly and he got to feel Fraggle kick too!!! I'm sure there have been other kicks before this one, but this was strong enough that there was no mistaking it. :cloud9: I'm so excited we both finally got to feel LO move!!

Thanks for all the well wishes on the scan... I'll update later when we get back! :flower:
Yay on the kicks!!! Ha ha now expect to feel them constantly!
Congrats for less than 100 days doggylover and lol at the preggy brain!

I was going to reply to everyone but forgot most of it now :/

Kealz Im so happy that your scan went well and congrats on being signed off high risk. We have a hairdressers below us so we save a tad on heat during the day too :D our boiler wasnt heating our flat properly. Turns out it needed the water topping up. I wouldnt dare bleed a radiator I would get killed in the process haha.

finally all housework is done ready for a quick wash down of the walls and bathroom tomorrow then it is completely clean ready for the kids to trash it over xmas :) fun times lol xx
Yay and congrats for the kicks readytomum! Xxx

lily I forgot to say wow at the questions on your test paper !!! That sounds really weird. I would be angry if they asked my kids that stuff xx
Hello Ladies!

I was trying to write a reply, but for some reason the stupid site won't let me type in the box once I click "Post Reply". Weird.

Anyway, I hope you guys are having a good day and you can get your OH motivated to clear out some room the weekend. I need to do the same at my house but unfortunately its all my stuff lol. OH got a storage unit when we moved in together (since I have all the furniture that will fit/ and or was needed). Well, he still has that storage unit lol. He has already said, that he needs to clear it out and get rid of stuff (at least its not kluttering up the house!!). So I guess I will need to do some throwing out myself.

Yay on feeling the kicks ReadytoMum!!!! I just love when little one does it. Sometimes I sit at work and just look at my stomach, waiting to see it jump lol.
LO used to have a very active time right after dinner but lately I've noticed that he is quiet at night and very active in the morning (after breakfast). Is that normal? I know thye have different sleep patterns but I thought it was the norm that they were awake at night.
Hello Ladies! Hope everyone his having a great day & staying warm!!!

Lots going on in here today!!!

Dh & I got into a little battle last night over cloth or disposable diapers. He straight told me "you can use cloth diapers if you want, but I will be using disposable". When I asked him the reason why he refuses to even think about it, he couldn't give me a single reason. I tried explaining my side of things but he wouldn't even begin to listen. So we are at a stand-off over the type of diapers to use.... UGH....

I'm so ready for Friday to get here. I need to just get away from work for the next 10 days. The partner attorney is so lazy he actually got upset yesterday because I didn't personally pay the .20 cents postage owed on his wife's mail so he had to actually go to the post office.... I'M NOT HIS PERSONAL ASSISTANT!!! It's bad enough that he & his wife's personal mail already come to the office post office box so I have to bring it to the office & sort through all their personal crap to get to the office mail, but I absolutely refuse to pay postage for them..... But then again his wife LOVES to shop online & in the last 2 months I have completely stopped dragging all her delivered boxes from the post office to our work office. I have been just laying the delivery slip on his desk for him to go pick up!!!! tehehehehe
Hi ladies sorry I'm a bit quiet! Busy busy! Eventually got nursery furniture up YAY and I'm getting a bit of money off due to a bit of delivery damage (it's on the inside so you can't see) but they don't know that!! And I picked up my cosatto bath unit this morning how exciting!! £28 they are £100 new eek!

Kealz great news on scan and being normal risk :)

Fab news invthe kicks readytomum yay!

Gosh I'm on phone and can't scroll back hope I haven't forgotten anyone...

Oooh congrats on team pink Kirsty!

Doggylover I'm not far behind you whoop whoop!!! Double figures soon we will be under 50 ;) !!
Nimbec it's all coming so fast now isn't it?! Only a week a bit more and we are in third tri!

readytomum :happydance: so glad you finally felt some kicking! Wonderful news! I hope you get loads from here on in!

Maybesoon - sound argument oh has about not using cloth ;) If you are the one doing the washing etc how does it make any difference to him at all??

Afm...half day tomorrow then it's the holidays!!!

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