April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Ah I forgot too add - on the cloth subject...I was round at my friends who has a 7 weeks old and has even using cloth - OMG ladies I take my hat off to you all for doing it....all the washing and faffing and I thought they smelt - so as u may have guessed I'm not going cloth but I will buy organic/ Eco if I can!! She is now doing half/half as says they are not great over night???
That's exactly what I told him...... Or I tried to tell him.... He just would not even listen to a word I had to say.
Maybesoon that's cos he's a man! Give him a few weeks he will change his mind and tell you it was his idea all along lol!!!
maybesoon I think if you want to use cloth then you really should, besides how often to men change nappies? not very much! So you will win anyway lol. Sounds like he's just being a stubborn or worried about how hard it might be, once he sees how easy it is he will come round x.

Nimbec, so glad you got your furniture sorted out and with money off!! Mind you, after fucking it up twice they couldn't really get away without giving you a discount! x

Doggylover... I'm living for the half day tomorrow and the holidays!! :D x
Wow...4 pages of reading and i dunno if i can remember everything...so i will try to give it a shot....

Doggylover...sorry you and DH had an argument...never thought i would see the day a man was fighting to give up space usually that is us women ha ha.

Ukgirl i am so glad that it was nothing with Connie! I find myself pacing the floor everytime i talk with our attorney over the children.

Nimbec and Maybesoon...i am not a cloth diaper kinda gal..my hats off to those ladies who are using them or plan too...it is really just a preference to me.

Kristyrich WOO HOO on team Pink!!!

Kealz yay for finally being off of high risk!! And sorry about all the mess!

Readytomum so excited you got to feel the baby move finally! Can't wait to hear your scan results!!

Afm, sitting and waiting for my Granny to get out of surgery she had to have a quadruple bypass and I have been totally fed the f-up with my family. First i have an idiot Uncle who is telling them my granny is going into this surgery and will NEVER WAKE UP from it. Moron and now because i am the only pregnant one i am having everyone breathing down my neck to name my little girl after my Granny. Let's just say i have been peeved about sitting in a room full of idiots today. I like the name Willa just not for my little girl and I told them she has a name and i am not changing it. Beside when my Aunt named her son after my Grandpa they got mad so i am not even going through this shit with them anymore. I have fought everyone telling them she is going to need home health when she does get released because she can't go on taking care of my childish uncles who are 42 and 35 anymore and will need to be made sure she is taking her meds and taking it easy. I swear some people don't get it. I may be admitted to the psych ward before this day is over with.
aww mommabrown I am sure she will come out of it alive! Some people really should think before they speak! I understand why you feel the way you do. I would be pretty pissed off too! You shouldn't have you call your baby anything else. It's up to you. xx

I'm in a foul mood tonight, My ''friend'' is ignoring me and I have no idea what I have done to her! She dropped a present at our home from her little girl to mine and when I asked by text when I could bring her's round from Connie I got no reply at all. Last time I saw her was when Lucas was sick and she basically shouted at me in the street for sending him into school that day because he got sent home. But he is in nursery, and he had a snotty nose. All the kids in nursery have snotty noses at this time of year, he was playing and eating nicely and didn't have a temp so I took him in. She was saying that's how all the kids at school get sick because parent's send their kids in when they are sick! To be honest though it's the incubation period and the bit of time just as the cold or illness starts to show that is the most contagious bit so when he was contagious he would have felt fine anyway! Sorry for the rant, lately it's one thing after another!
Ah I forgot too add - on the cloth subject...I was round at my friends who has a 7 weeks old and has even using cloth - OMG ladies I take my hat off to you all for doing it....all the washing and faffing and I thought they smelt - so as u may have guessed I'm not going cloth but I will buy organic/ Eco if I can!! She is now doing half/half as says they are not great over night???

If they're smelling, she's not doing something right. Probably needs to strip them and change her detergent or add an extra rinse after the wash or something. She'll figure out it. It took me a couple months to find the right combo of detergent brand, amount, and wash routine.

And yes, they're not great overnight if you have a heavy wetter like I do. I don't like double/triple inserts/prefolds/doublers/soakers as I've convinced myself that could cause spine alignment problems with the diaper being so big. :wacko: I found one soaker that just barely gets dd through overnight most nights I've used it but they're $8 each so one is all I have. :haha: So we use 1 disposable per day, overnight. I'm sure some cding mamas would frown at me but I really gave up the overnight fight. :haha: Now, with a younger baby who isn't sleeping through the night, cloth is okay because you're probably changing them overnight anyway (I seem to recall changing dd as best as possible by the light of a super dim nightlight :haha:). :shrug: How soon we forget! I don't think we started doing the one diaper overnight until she was in size 2s (maybe around 4 months old?) because at that point she was actually going to sleep some and she was waking up once or twice overnight and we were just trying to feed her and put her back down without having to change her and wake her all the way up.
Thanks Ukgirl!

That is shit she is acting that way. I have noticed i have been in a bloody mood all week too. Some people think that their way is the only way and everyone should conform to them or piss off. Your right about his incubation time. Here if they have a fever they send them home because that is when it is more likely to spread they say. Hell my kids have a runny nose from allergies and they aren't contagious. Sorry your friend is behaving that way.
Thank you mommabrown!

Yup I have noticed that about people too and it annoys the shit out of me! At least you can stand up to them and not let them grind you down xx

Littlespy which C/Ds are you using? I'm looking at the all in 2s so I can reuse the same liner for the day/night and just change the inserts, I'm probably going to put paper liners in side because I'm no way in hell going to scrape off poo! I've seen some that flush :D

Washing is the thing that worries me with C/D ing because I have a family of 4 (then 5) and washing always piles up after a while but I'm thinking of having one wash load a day of the liners and inserts and have a special drying area just for them. I've heard they dry really quickly so hopefully I wont run out!

I might go to nappies over night if there is going to be lots of leakage though. I need my sleep to do the school run the next day cba with changing bedding all night long!
steph -- Maisie and this one have both been more active in the morning/afternoon than late at night. I had convinced myself with Maisie that she knew night time was time to sleep and thought maybe we'd get lucky there. BAHAHA! :dohh:

readytomum -- Yay for strong kicks! :happydance:

maybesoon -- If my hubby will do cloth, I feel like anyone could get over it and do it! He's actually even pretty great about putting them on to wash (now, putting them away once they're clean and dry is another story, but I'll take what I can get!). I think plenty of people just have no idea what cloth diapering entails. Sure, it's a little bit of work, but really less work to me than worrying about going to the store to get diapers. :shrug:

nimbec -- My hubby does a good job of changing diapers. Until I come home from work (I work full time, he stays home with dd!) or it's a weekend and I'm home and suddenly it's 100% my duty! :shrug:

mommabrown -- Wow, your uncle sounds like a drama queen! :dohh:

ukgirl -- Sorry about your friend. Maybe she just hasn't seen the text? I'm the worst about noticing I've gotten one. :dohh: Glad everything is fine at school with Connie!

lily28 - LOL about "15 minutes a day" to sort through the junk room. Like 4 years ago hubby said "I'm going to go through one box a day." I'm not sure he's gone through one box in 4 years. :dohh: And your hubby with the meat juice! Kind of defeats the purpose of you not handling the meat in the first place... :haha:

kristyrich -- Congrats on :pink:! We were also going to keep the gender a secret. I managed 2 weeks! :haha: Hubby was impressed, actually. I just knew my idiot mother was going to start buying a ton of boy crap (that I wouldn't like even for a boy). When I told her we're having another girl, I told her I was telling her because I knew she'd buy a bunch of boy stuff and she got really quiet.... because she had already started buying stupid boy stuff! :dohh: She's such a moron! :haha:

doggylover -- Woohoo for double digits! I just can't believe it's going this quickly!

Well, ladies, I've decided what I'm going to be when I grow up! :happydance: It's so different than anything I've ever thought I would be but the more I thought about going back to school for my Master's to become a librarian the more I started getting this dreaded feeling that it was the wrong decision. So, I took a good long look at myself and realized the answer has been right in my face for the last 1.5 years -- An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant!

I'm so FREAKING EXCITED to get going on it! It sucks that my bachelor's degree is almost completely useless (I'm only sure 10 of my university credit hours are going to count toward this! :dohh:), but I'm getting over it. I've been making bad life decisions for years because something is more convenient than my passion. Guess I didn't really have a realistically career-relevant passion until dd was born and my boobs were lame.
ukgirl -- my absolute favorite cds are Flip covers with indian cotton prefolds (just trifold them and lay them in the cover). They're not fancy but Flip covers have worked best for dd's shape and I feel like indian prefolds (cotton) absorb better and more quickly than a lot of the other options and the price is great. We have several different kinds of diapers that we rotate through but I think I'm going to trim down the stash to just Flip covers (I have a few Flip stay-dry inserts and I may keep them), indian prefolds, some birdseye flats (were my fav. inserts when dd was younger - they're too small for her now), and Sunbabies (for dd2). Right now we have several brands of covers, pockets, and AIOs.

I think Sunbabies pockets are going to be good for little dd2 (also quite economical). We have a dozen of them and I don't love them for Maisie because the inserts are crazy short (they're okay with different inserts or stuffed with a prefold).
yayay congrats littlespy!!! and thank you for the info I will check those out! xx
steph -- Maisie and this one have both been more active in the morning/afternoon than late at night. I had convinced myself with Maisie that she knew night time was time to sleep and thought maybe we'd get lucky there. BAHAHA! :dohh:

readytomum -- Yay for strong kicks! :happydance:

maybesoon -- If my hubby will do cloth, I feel like anyone could get over it and do it! He's actually even pretty great about putting them on to wash (now, putting them away once they're clean and dry is another story, but I'll take what I can get!). I think plenty of people just have no idea what cloth diapering entails. Sure, it's a little bit of work, but really less work to me than worrying about going to the store to get diapers. :shrug:

nimbec -- My hubby does a good job of changing diapers. Until I come home from work (I work full time, he stays home with dd!) or it's a weekend and I'm home and suddenly it's 100% my duty! :shrug:

mommabrown -- Wow, your uncle sounds like a drama queen! :dohh:

ukgirl -- Sorry about your friend. Maybe she just hasn't seen the text? I'm the worst about noticing I've gotten one. :dohh: Glad everything is fine at school with Connie!

lily28 - LOL about "15 minutes a day" to sort through the junk room. Like 4 years ago hubby said "I'm going to go through one box a day." I'm not sure he's gone through one box in 4 years. :dohh: And your hubby with the meat juice! Kind of defeats the purpose of you not handling the meat in the first place... :haha:

kristyrich -- Congrats on :pink:! We were also going to keep the gender a secret. I managed 2 weeks! :haha: Hubby was impressed, actually. I just knew my idiot mother was going to start buying a ton of boy crap (that I wouldn't like even for a boy). When I told her we're having another girl, I told her I was telling her because I knew she'd buy a bunch of boy stuff and she got really quiet.... because she had already started buying stupid boy stuff! :dohh: She's such a moron! :haha:

doggylover -- Woohoo for double digits! I just can't believe it's going this quickly!

Well, ladies, I've decided what I'm going to be when I grow up! :happydance: It's so different than anything I've ever thought I would be but the more I thought about going back to school for my Master's to become a librarian the more I started getting this dreaded feeling that it was the wrong decision. So, I took a good long look at myself and realized the answer has been right in my face for the last 1.5 years -- An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant!

I'm so FREAKING EXCITED to get going on it! It sucks that my bachelor's degree is almost completely useless (I'm only sure 10 of my university credit hours are going to count toward this! :dohh:), but I'm getting over it. I've been making bad life decisions for years because something is more convenient than my passion. Guess I didn't really have a realistically career-relevant passion until dd was born and my boobs were lame.

What a great idea to become a Lactation Consultant! I know what you mean about changing your mind 100 times lol. I got my Bachelor is Special Education, then took all the nursing pre-requisit classes so I could get my BA in nursing. Didn't get into the program so I started teaching. Changed careers to Medical Sales and started my MBA. After finishing my MBA I decided that I would love to be a Speech and Language Pathologist and started to take the pre-req classes for that... after 4 classes during the summer I then realized that there was no way I could work full-time and finish the degree (it was only offered during the day)... SOOOO.... If you find something that you love, and you have the means (time and money) to do it... GO FOR IT!!!!
Littlespy expect me to come to you with all my breastfeeding questions ;) I'm thrilled for you that you've decided what you want to do. What a worthwhile job to study for :) congrats! And congrats on v day!!!

Nimbec I think it'll be an adjustment for me getting used to cloth as I've only ever worked with disposable nappies, but I'm sure once I get into the washing routine it will be just fine. I hope!!!! I've heard that they do smell of pee when wet, because there are no chemicals to lock it away like in a disposable, but when washed like littlespy said, I don't believe they should smell at all, or they me stripped. I know quite a few people do what little spy does and use disposables overnight, I'll try out a good few brand of night nappies and see how we get on, but I are that could be a sticking point.

Ukgirl what cd have you got? So far I just have little lamb and tots bots fitteds, but I'm also planning on using all in twos once baby is a bit bigger. I think I'm going to get some flips, some grovia and some thirsties and see how we get on. I don't fancy using pockets for some reason, they don't appeal to me, and I suppose maybe a few AIO for when we are out and about. But we'll see what works for us.

Afm, I popped in a long sleeved tshirt that's non maternity and omg....I AM MASSIVE :haha: my bump looks huge today!!!! A girl at work came up to me today, popped both hands on the bump and said "this is just all so exciting!i can't wait for this baby to be here!"
I got so happy that someone else is excited about this baby lol!

Does anyone not like people touching their bump? I don't mind it at all! I thought I'd hate it, but I weirdly like it!!
doggylover it's funny that you just posted looking "I AM MASSIVE my bump looks huge today!!!!"

I was just discussing with my co-worker less than 10 minutes ago about how I look huge today! I will only be 22 weeks tomorrow & for some reason all of a sudden today I look huge. WTH???
Doggylover and Maybesoon, I look and feel HUGE as well! :haha:
I have also just noticed the effort it takes to get off the couch or out of bed lol... and even worse... I'm sure I will look back at this in 2-3 months and think: What the hell was I complaining about :rofl:

I tried on some clothes this morning (ones that I thought should work through pregnancy) that I havnt worn in a while :rofl::rofl: ... not only do they NOT fit, but they look rediculous :haha:. My boobs don't fit into anything anymore and I swae my ribcage has doubled in size lol... I don't remember whats its like to have a waist :dohh:
Lol Maybesoon! It's definitely partly to do with what we wear I think, this top is like a second skin at the minute! I said to my dh I have to wear something good on Saturday for when we see my inlaws for the first time since I got pregnant (we Skype every week but they can't see the bump then!) and I want them to be really shocked at how massive I am! I'm thinking that won't be an issue though, considering how I look right now!
lol doggylover!

Steph. I'm the same way & only 22 weeks. My boobs are insanely huge & although dh loves them & my family thinks it's great I finally have boobs, I hate them. I can't find a bra that feels right, doesn't itch or rub my belly. My belly feels so tight like it's going to rip & fall off from my body and standing from sitting or laying is a nightmare. Not to mention I can't sit straight up anymore.... WTH is with that. I feel like a little 90 year old man who can't breathe... I have way too far to go to be feeling like this already!!!

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