April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

doggylover -- My boobs really aren't that big! :shrug: We had too many clothes for dd. I'll just preface this with stating I'm a low-frills kind of person. :haha: For a newborn, I recommend onesies (for warm weather) and sleep & plays (for coolish weather) and fleece sleep & plays (for cold weather). When dd was younger, I hugely preferred snaps over zippers (easier diaper changes). Screw pants or dresses with bloomers or anything that is going to add another layer to take off for diaper changes. :haha: Maybe have a few cute outfits for showing off the baby to family or in public or pictures. Sleep sacks if it's still getting chilly at night in April where you are. How much you need depends on how often you want to HAVE to do laundry. Plan for the potential of 3-4 changes of clothes a day (spit up, poopsplosions, pee leaks). Unlike ukgirl, I had zero need for scratch mittens with Maisie. :shrug: And booties/socks for little babies are a joke! If you need their feet to be covered and remain covered, put them in a sleep & play. :winkwink: I never found much use for bibs until she started eating solids (then you need lots and lots of them). She spit up a lot but a bib didn't do anything for that, IME. Maisie's was a bit projectile. :haha: You can use a cloth diaper as a burp cloth (cotton prefold or flat) so you don't necessarily need a uni-tasker for that unless you want one. Also, I don't know what's up with people claiming their babies never fit in newborn clothes. Maisie was a bit bigger than "average" and she fit in almost all of them for 6 weeks.
And they SWALLOWED her when she was first born (at 7 pounds 11.6oz). She gained weight really quickly (15 pounds at 4 months!) but was still in 0-3 or 3-6 at that point. So, yeah -- :shrug: She really blew through 3-6 and 6-9 more quickly than newborn and 0-3 despite not growing as quickly then. I think even if you have a 10 pounder, 0-3 is still going to fit for a minute at least. And just fair warning, baby clothes sizes are just as maddening and inconsistent as our clothes sizes. :dohh: There was some stuff Maisie had outgrown by the time I pulled out the next size. Like, some 9 months stuff smaller than some 0-3 month stuff. Grrr! Also, I have yet to keep a hat on Maisie for more than like 3 minutes. I bought and crocheted so many adorable hats for her. :nope: That's just one of those things that is going to vary from baby to baby. She won't tolerate hair clips or bows or even her hair in pigtails. :dohh:

Oh, and I'm one who bought a year ahead when stuff was on sale or off-season clearance and it has kind of backfired. Maisie only weighs 6 pounds more now than she did a year ago. Wasn't anticipating that with the crazy rate she was going! :dohh: So, I had to buy new winter stuff for her in 18 months. Actually thinking at this point all the 24 month stuff I had for her is going to fit NEXT winter. :shrug: If not, it should fit Deucey in 2 years, at least. I am going to pull it out soon just to see if we can make some of it work this year. She has started gaining weight a little faster again now so maybe it'll fit in a month or two. She's at the top of the height range for 18 month stuff but hasn't even reached the bottom of the weight range yet. :shrug: Pain in the ass one-size-fits-all BS! :haha:

I have clothes all the way up to 5T lined up. :blush: Sometimes you just can't pass on a crazy great bargain!... Or I guess that's just me. :haha: But I got some of the stuff on mega-clearance for like 50 cents. I'm NOT going to not buy that. :haha:

Readytomum -- Congrats on official :blue:!

ukgirl -- My boobs didn't shrink after breastfeeding. :shrug: Maybe because I slowly weaned (over the course of about a month)? In fact, my boobs hardly changed at all over the course of pregnancy and breastfeeding and weaning with Maisie. I was a 38D when it started and a 38D when it ended. I had to exclusively pump and my output was an average of about 14oz/day (so, chronic low supply here). LOL at your boob tricks!

And speaking of boobs, I just have to announce that at 24 weeks, I already have 32ml of colostrum in my freezer for Deucey! (I know no one here understands my excitement about this right now and I hope you never do! :haha:) I'm getting excited because I figured out that harvesting every other day actually gives me more somehow than every day. So, I've been doing that and the stash is really growing way faster than I expected. :happydance: I'm going to have a stupid amount of it, but that's fine. I'll donate whatever we can't use to another IGT mama. <3

This is Lucas a day after birth, I hadn't brought any scratch mittens...look at his poor face..


This is Connie also a day after birth.. big scratch on her face too. It's not nice. This was after I cut her nails too because her's were long after birth.

So now I swear by and recommend mittens!

Also in March/April it is still quite cold so having bare feet under a sleep suit during the day or a romper suit is not great because they will get cold. Babies can not generate heat as well as we can so it's important in cold weather to dress them warmly with socks and hats too. Booties are not so important unless you are going out, they are cosier than baby shoes and will keep baby warm in the car seat.

I had a lot of breast milk at birth and my kids were very hungry babies, they drained both boobies from a very early age and ate every 2-3 hours so my boobies made more to provide for them, my milk ran out rather fast and my boobs shrunk, quite a few mothers I know have said the same, because breast tissue is mostly fat surrounding the milk ducts so breastfeeding uses the fat to make the milk if you don't have a lot else where, I'm quite small about size 8 So after breastfeeding naturally they were smaller, it took me about 3 years to get back up to my normal size.

I guess no matter what happens every one is different and what works for one might not work for another. You just have to see how it goes and see what you need as you go along depending on the weather and where you are from etc.
eeek those pics come out bigger than I expected.. sorry lol x
LittleSpy, I'm confused, are you pumping now? I havnt had any leaks yet so I'm sorry if I sound naive :shrug:
Hello Lovely April Mommies to be :flower:

It has been weeks since I last logged on. I feel so out of the loop! I hope everyone and their bellys are doing well! Can you believe it...only 4 more months to go!! :happydance:

How is everyone holding up? Have any of you been experiencing any round ligament pain? If so are you doing anything to help ease it?
Everything good on my end other than that RLP. Our princess constantly kicking away! We finally agreed on a name... now just trying to make sure we agree on her middle name...

Can't wait til we meet our little girl...Kadence! :)
Ugh yes Ukgirl my hips are wider too :( very envious of ladies in pre preggy clothes I'm totally out!!!! Can't een get them past my thighs pmsl!

Thanks for advice on mittens...I will def buy some.

Gosh do we have milk in there already?? Sorry I'm a bit naive as this is my first...

Thanks for advice on clothing needed and yes I guess it makes sense that sizes all vary grrrr!

Well I'm having major issues toilet training my chuihuaha he keeps marking his territory by peeing on things - I just don't know what to do ..... :( I take him outside regularly and he's walked - god help me with potty training!!! On a serious note tho I HAVE to have this sorted before bubs arrives so any suggestions welcome! Oh and when we are out he is shut in his room with toys so i think it's an attention thing! Grrrrr it's seriously stressing me out!!!!!
lol nimbec I'm not even going to attempt getting my pre preggy jeans on! I'm having to go up a size in maternity clothes now since my hips are growing wider now. I don't have any milk yet I usually don't get it until the very last few weeks and then its just little drops of colostrum (sticky yellow liquidy stuff) Every one is different though you might get it sooner rather than later xx

/i hope your chihuahua can get it figured out by the time baby comes! Otherwise they cnan both be in nappies haha! ;) xx
Nimbec our 9 month old pup peed in the house twice in the last month, after being clean and dry since he was 2 months! I think because it was warmer inside he was drinking more, but then we weren't letting him out as much. All I can suggest, which is what I always do with my tiny pups, is to take them out literally every half hour and when they go give them treats. Maybe he can sense the change coming with the baby and is saying "back off baby, all this stuff is MINE!" In which case that could be harder to deal with.

Littlespy thanks for the clothes info. We are definitely for onesies and sleepers, we haven't even thought about buying actual clothes for baby, as I see no point, as you say changing them so many times a day because of all sorts of bodily functions from all ends :haha: so I think once we get another pack of 0-3 and 3-6 sleepers we will be all set.

Melon So true that i can buy more once baby gets here....:dohh: it's not like shops will close down - I need to remember that! I'm obviously caught up in the apocalypse frame of mind today and panicking :rofl: thanks for the advice! Hope you are keeping well

Sweet angel congrats on choosing Kadence's name! It's beautiful! Sorry to hear you are suffering with rlp, but it'll all be worth it in a few months when she is here!

Ukgirl I just bought two sets of scratch mitts, do you think that's enough? Everyone I hear always says they are useless (and just to use socks...but why use socks when you can just use mitts?!) so I was wary of buying too many. In facts, where the heck did those go...I just sorted out all the baby stuff and didn't see them. I'll be pissed if I've lost them now!!! And what beautiful photos of your munchkins! I can't wait to have one as cute (I hope!) as those two!!

Afm, all sorted for heading to England for the holidays tomorrow. Packing is done, and FINALLY we got our furniture moved and rooms sorted so the nursery is now empty and waiting for us to come back in January to paint it :) I'm so excited! And so thankful dh pulled his finger out of his ass and actually tidied up his crap :haha:
depends doggylover, if your child is like my 2 and likes to suck them you might need more but for the first few months 2-4 pairs should be enough, they are not useless at all and socks are just as good if you run out of mittens. Like I say you can see from my kids faces in those pictures that they are useful, I've brought a few sleep suits with mittens attached too I think those are great! Hehe thanks for saying they are cute babies, I think so too! Sometimes I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and kiss their little baby cheeks again. I know it's a cliche but they really do grow up too fast!

I hope you have a lovely trip back over to here tomorrow and have a lovely visit with your family! Thank goodness your OH finally cleared up his junk... no more model planes he didn't make? lol
Lol no the planes are now safely in the loft!! I did compromise and let him bring down his model formula 1 cars...but only because we had a spare shelf that had nothing on it! Shh don't tell him, he thinks I did it out of the goodness of my heart :haha:

Someone told me recently actually that their baby scratched their face just hours after birth and it has left a permanent scar :shock: so I will definitely get more mitts, thanks :) where did you get the suits with built in mittens? I love the sound of those!!!
haha doggylover that was a good idea with DH and the car! :p

Yeh they can scar themselves if they scratch really hard, that one on Connie's face was quite deep it took a few weeks to disappear. It's not nice.

I got the sleep suits from Sainsburys. They were on sale too :D I got a nice hat,booty and mitt set in there too. I love the clothes in there they are great! x
LittleSpy, I'm confused, are you pumping now? I havnt had any leaks yet so I'm sorry if I sound naive :shrug:

No pumping this early (though I'll probably start at 38 weeks or so because at that point I wouldn't care if it triggered labor.... which is probably pretty unlikey for me)! Just hand expression for now. :thumbup:
Ugh yes Ukgirl my hips are wider too :( very envious of ladies in pre preggy clothes I'm totally out!!!! Can't een get them past my thighs pmsl!

Thanks for advice on mittens...I will def buy some.

Gosh do we have milk in there already?? Sorry I'm a bit naive as this is my first...

Thanks for advice on clothing needed and yes I guess it makes sense that sizes all vary grrrr!

Well I'm having major issues toilet training my chuihuaha he keeps marking his territory by peeing on things - I just don't know what to do ..... :( I take him outside regularly and he's walked - god help me with potty training!!! On a serious note tho I HAVE to have this sorted before bubs arrives so any suggestions welcome! Oh and when we are out he is shut in his room with toys so i think it's an attention thing! Grrrrr it's seriously stressing me out!!!!!

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about the puppy :wacko:

I wish I had some advise but I think I may be the worst to ask... mine chihuahu is 9 years old and STILL marks in the house sometimes :dohh:! I can't ever take him to anyone elses house because then he is the worst! He was neutered at 6 months old (because chihuahuas are knows to be bad with marking) and still no luck :nope:. I have tried EVERYTHING: crating (which works but I hate to have him locked up), yelling, newspaper, locking him outside for a little while, putting him in the cage when bad, medication (vet thought it may be anxiety), even doggy diapers (they sometimes work, but he figured out a way to pee around them :dohh:). Sometimes when I come home from work, I will see a spot and all I have to do is point and he will run and hide ... ugh... Now mind you, I can take him out and he will pee lots, but if I then leave him, he will pee (just to be bad).
Long story short, I have no cure, but the doggy diapers (belly bands) did kinda work.

LittleSpy, I'm confused, are you pumping now? I havnt had any leaks yet so I'm sorry if I sound naive :shrug:

No pumping this early (though I'll probably start at 38 weeks or so because at that point I wouldn't care if it triggered labor.... which is probably pretty unlikey for me)! Just hand expression for now. :thumbup:

Is it unusual that I havent had any milk leaks yet?? :shrug:
Thanks Steph! He is just 6 months and like u I've tried everything he knows its wrong as he runs and hides grrr ill look into the diapers lol!

He's having the chop in January! Hahaha
I haven't either steph, and I was wondering the same... Glad you asked!

Thanks ukgirl, I'll have to have a look a sainsburys online as we don't live near one, and Sod's law if I drove to one they wouldn't have any of those sleep suits!!
ukgirl - Yikes, scratchy! Maisie had crazy long nails (being born at 41 weeks and all!) but only scratched herself once that I can remember.

Guess if this one likes to scratch, I'll be shoving socks over her hands until we can get some mitts! :haha: Good thing people bought me socks for Maisie before she was born or I wouldn't have any of those, either. :haha:
if you can't get one online doggylover I can post some to you, I live near 3 big ones lol xx

I posted on the last page that my milk usually doesnt start until the last few weeks before birth, online I read the average is 34 weeks, but some ladies get it sooner. So don't worry if you haven't had any leaks yet :) You are lucky that you save money on pads lol xx

lol littlespy I know right! My kids are accident prone!! Connie was born 2 weeks past her due date I guess that explains her long nails too! Yeh socks work too :) xxx
LittleSpy, I'm confused, are you pumping now? I havnt had any leaks yet so I'm sorry if I sound naive :shrug:

No pumping this early (though I'll probably start at 38 weeks or so because at that point I wouldn't care if it triggered labor.... which is probably pretty unlikey for me)! Just hand expression for now. :thumbup:

Is it unusual that I havent had any milk leaks yet?? :shrug:

I don't think it usually leaks during pregnancy. Not much, anyway. Not for most people. I bet if you massaged and then tried hand -expressing for a minute or two, you'd be able to squeeze out a few drops (definitely don't recommend trying that to anyone who is high risk! But if curiosity is getting the better of you and you're not high-risk... :haha:). It'll probably be clear right now. I know I have to express several drops before it turns off white. At the end of my pregnancy with Maisie and right after she was born, it was yellow. Clear/white/yellow = all normal colostrum colors. :thumbup:

It doesn't matter. The mechanisms that produce colostrum are diferent than the ones that produce mature milk, anyway. And mature milk won't come in until 24-72 hours (or so... it can take longer. Mine started coming in Friday morning after having her Wednesday evening) after birth.
Doggy lover you can get the sleep suits with attached mittens from most shops, including mothercare next, etc. it's an extra bit of fabric that folds over the end of the sleeve! Usuall in clothing up to 6 months! X

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