April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Congrats on double digits steph!! I've also been thinking I need some new bras. The red marks my current ones are leaving get deeper every day!

Hope the GTT went well littlespy.
The test went fine, I think. I'd be really surprised if I didn't pass. I felt way wonkier after it with Maisie and I passed with her. Then again, I guess it's possible for my blood sugar to be high and me not have symptoms of it. :shrug:

I am so unfocused at work today. Ugh. I really want to go home!

I have another OB appointment in 3 weeks and then I start going every 2 weeks after that! I can NOT believe this pregnancy is going that quickly! Sometimes it feels like forever until my due date and other times I'm freaking out realizing there are less than 3 months until I'm full term! Haha, the other day hubby was like "Wow, you only have 4.5 months left!" I looked at him and counted on my fingers 3.5 months. :haha:
Geez yes, 3 months sounds like its still so far away but then again... :shrug:

OH and I went to look at some used nursery furniture and it turned out to be horrible. They had spray painted some of the furniture to match the rest and that was chipping and flaking :dohh:. Yes, please let me serve my baby some paint chips :growlmad::nope:

So now we are back to square 1 and OH keeps saying: Well we have plenty of time! No, no we don't! We really only have 6 more weekends (since he is only home every other weekend) to find furniture we both like. Grrr... His lack of urgency drives me crazy!
Not to mention our conversation this weekend on starting a prepaid college fund for the baby :growlmad:. I swear, the man just does not like to plan anything ahead... just see what happens :coffee:. I guess I'm a bit of a schedule and plan freak and hate leaving things to chance :wacko:
My cousin is pregnant. She is only in her 16th week and she already has everything.. its crazy how shes already finished and I still have bits to get. Well thanks to the sales we knocked a lot of the lists down. We are on a budget Steph so we are buying those deep plastic draws to go in our double wardrobe and an under cotbed drawer for a bit more space for nappies and blankets etc. I srill need to buy the matress,bedding,pram,bouncey chair, car seat and cot top changer it is scarey that this time is now speeding right up! Men dont seem to understand the importance of time planning! Hopefully we all get sorted before the end xxx
Candy, I saw the pic of the things you bought on FB! Looks like you got TONS out of the way already! That is awesome!
Yeh it look s more because the baby bath has a sling in it lol.. I wasnt going to get one but I changed my mind when I saw it. What do you have left to buy and how is your piercing now? I put some moisturiser on mine and its fine now xxx
Hi Ladies

Fx glucose tests go well they sound YUK! keep us updated!

Hmmm im huge in the boob department ....luckily my mum gave me £80 voucher for bravissimo a fantastic but expensive shop over here so i will get one more maternity bra and a few nursing bras when the time comes!

I've still got some fairly major bits to get, i went to sales today and got my knickers in a right twist :( but got some goodies a mobile from babies r us reduced from £50 to £24.99 and some other small bits inc a thermometer and gripe juice! ok so to tos eof you not on your first.....

what monitor do i need??? one with a movement sensor too? or just noise so can hear them? wondering as they vary in price drastically.....

Also i intend (hope) to breast feed but will need to express too - i wanted to get dr brown bottles but then i saw tommi tippi closer to nature where good for dual bottle & bf - any thoughts? Also is a bottle warmer REALLY necessary???? surley i can bung milk in micro and stir??

Bouncers.....how much time do they spnd in them....is it worth buying an all singing all dancing one or just a basic one.....range from £20 - 130 (i'm NOT spending 130 LOL)

Sorry for all the questions......

hope everyone is ok!
Candy, the piercing is looking much better!!! The red is almost completely gone but I don't want to put the ring back in just yet... heck, maybe i'll just deal with my ugly belly button until LO is here :haha:
We bought the stroller and carseat, electric swing, highchair (way to early but I couldnt resist but to buy it new for $150 reduced from $250), somes burp cloths and blankets, and TONS of clothes!! My mom bought a bunch, we bought some, and now a friend jsut gave us a huge box filled with clothes from 12m - 2 years (most still with tags :dohh:). I am really trying to wait to buy more until after the baby shower! I just wish I had the furniture so I could start on room decorations.

Nimbec, yay for the giftcard! I'm sure you will use every bit of it
Hi all, hope everyone had a fantastic few days!
Ive really completly grown in size over last few days! Not sure if baby or food but im getting to that uncomfortable stage and its way too early for that!

Nimbec re your questions.. I use/used Tommee Tippee bottles and am again, i found them fab but then again, i wasnt able to bf so all was bottle fed. But they were good. I did have the bottle warmer, used it and plan to again, however with H his bottles do now go in the microwave, im a bit more cautious with newborns though, but as long as you shake well you dont NEED one.

Re monitors, a lot of people will recomend you get one with movement sensor, us personally never used one of those as thought it would make us more paranoid. We have a tommee tippee one which is great, easy to use and reliable and we plann to carry on using it with this baby, its really down to personal preference.

Re bouncers, i agree dont spend stupid money on them, as for use, it depends on your baby, some will happily while away the time in them and even nap in them where as some seem to hate them! I would just get a basic type one and you can always upgrade or get a swing later on if they get on with it. They ARE handy though even if you need to pop baby down for a minute to go to the loo or something!

I am very boobilicious too and hate it! Im counting down the weeks now, dont get on with pregancy, just want my baby in my arms!
And was looking at sale sites over last few days, cant think of a single thing i want or need yet for this baby!
Re belly button piercings, i took mine out when pregnant with H and never put it back in. My stomach isnt quite what it was so not planning on showing it off anytime soon lol.
Never had any isse with the hole though although you can still see it.
nimbec -- a good rule of thumb is to choose a bottle with nipples closest to your own. Yes, really! :haha: And sloooowwwwwww flow nipples if you're going to be introducing a bottle in the first few weeks (like first 6 or so) unless you already know you have super fast letdown. The slowest you can find (some bottle brands have preemie nipples and I've been hearing from lower/slower supply moms those work out alright for them). I have a friend on another thread who just gave birth, introduced a bottle right away and didn't follow that slowest-possible-flow nipple advice and now her baby won't nurse at all. :nope: That is exactly what happened to me wtih Maisie and not only is exclusively pumping such a humongous pain in the ass, having a baby reject your boobs when you're deep into baby blues can be really emotionally taxing (silly thinking back on it now how much I let it get to me but it was really really upsetting at the time!). That experience is going to vary baby to baby but I feel like it's better safe than sorry. If you need to supplement for some reason, I recommend a supplemental nursing system over a bottle in the very early days. :thumbup: I don't think that's something you need to worry about before baby gets here, though (unless someone had a history of supply problems like I do)!

A bottle warmer was absolutely not necessary for us. Microwaving is generally not recommended (esp because you shouldn't shake breast milk), so we just warmed chilled breast milk under warm water and gave room-temp formula (made it on the spot since we combo fed and never knew how much formula we'd need in a day. That stuff is way too expensive to waste!). Even completely defrosting a bag of frozen breast milk doesn't take much time under warm water. But, I'll mention that I had a friend with a very picky baby and I don't know if she could have survived (so she claims, at least!) without a bottle warmer. :shrug: I'm personally choosing to go without again this time and if we end up with a crazy-picky baby, then stores will still be selling them in April. :winkwink:

We didn't need a monitor at all for the first 2-3 months. We never really left baby's side (she didn't really get the "you're supposed to sleep" memo :haha:). BIL gave us a video monitor which we considered returning for the first few months but that thing turned out to be priceless from about 4-5 months! I LOVE it! Still use it daily during naps. The camera is infrared, so you can see her really well at night in the dark, too (not that she's been sleeping in her crib lately... :blush:). Lots of peace of mind for me so I highly recommend them.

Bouncers -- Dd spent pretty much any time she wasn't being held in one of them for the first 4 months of her life. After she could roll over, it was useless. We had a nicer one (gifted, 2nd hand) and a cheaper one (also gifted 2nd hand) and we actually preferred the cheaper one (like $20 new) because it bounced more! She didn't give a flying crap about music or vibration (probably also varies from kid to kid) and we never used those features (though I'm pretty sure the cheaper one had both anyway). She wasn't super interested in the dangling toys until she was 3-4 months old, if I remember correctly. And since she started rolling right before she turned 4 months old, the use of the toy bar was really short-lived. Very unnecessary, IMO. We didn't even have it attached most of the time since it was easier to get her in/out without it. Once she started rolling, I felt like putting her in the bouncy seat was really unsafe. She almost flipped it over a few times before I put it away. That was one advantage of the more expensive one -- it had a wider base so was safer for her those last few times we used a bouncy seat.

Ugh, I've crashed from my sugar high. I'm so sleepy. :sleep: Still have 2.5 more hours of work today. :nope:

I keep freaking about how we have to buy another crib (pretty sure toddler bed isn't happening in time). We're better off waiting for our tax return to buy it so it'll be a couple months, still. I'm a bit of a planner so the waiting makes me anxious! It's not a huge deal, really. It's not like we couldn't use the pack n play if needed. And, based on my previous experience, it's not like I can expect the baby to actually sleep for the first couple of months anyway. :dohh: I do think nesting is starting to kick in for me, though. I pulled out all the newborn clothes a few days ago and put them in a box to wash and hang at some point over the next couple of months. They're so itty bitty!
Yes, please let me serve my baby some paint chips :growlmad::nope:


Nimbec: we bought a bouncer from Argos that was about £35 and it vibrates. My nephew spent a lot of time in his, so I wanted to get a decent one...but they are so expensive! So we went for the cheaper end of the good spectrum (if that makes sense!) as I've also heard that some babies hate them. I also bought tommee tippee bottles, just two (just in case I cant bf and for any time I go out) in terms of a warming bottles, you aren't supposed to microwave in case there ar pockets of very hot liquid - but my SIL always warms my nephew's bottles in a Pyrex jug of warm water.

My SIL text me today with a great list of stuff she is lending us, lots of clothes, baby bath, monitor (with breathing mat, I'm non-negotiable on that as I know I will be neurotic. I'm also getting a portable clip on breathing monitor for naps downstairs. I know it's insane, but I know I will just be panicking constantly otherwise. When we babysat my nephew I found the little "click...click" of his breathing very reassuring, and it was really a background thing so not taking over from what i was doing)
so apart from nursery furniture, we are actually all done!! And nursery furniture isn't until February as my in laws ar buying us that when they come to visit then.
I'm sure there is loads we could still buy, but dh and I aren't big "stuff" people for ourselves, so we have the necessary for baby, and one or two little extras and that's that.

Can you all believe how quickly this is going?!?! Tomorrow I am in 3rd tri, and on Saturday it's 3 months to my due date!!!
(esp because you shouldn't shake breast milk)

:haha: this reminded me of a priceless comment from my dad to my SIL: it was maybe 3 months after my nephew was born, and she was on the treadmill in our gym. My dad popped out to ask her something and apparently said to her

"Jacob will be getting butter for tea if you keep bouncing the milk up and down like that!"

:rofl: he's such a loser sometimes, luckily my SIL was very relaxed about us referring to her as a dairy cow!
thanks for all your info ladies - fab as always!!!!

hahahahahah that was a BRILLIANT comment! sorry i can so see my oh saying that to me!

doggylover its soooooo exciting isnt it .....i'm only a few days behind you and also excited about 3rd tri :) :) :)

Ok thats a thought i think i will do middle of the road....and i know what u mean about monitors i'm also seriously NEUROTIC so a mat maybe just what i need!! think i may have to rob a bank tho!!
Mothercare have the angelcare monitor on sale, down from £99 to £66 at the minute. It was the one I was going to get if I couldn't borrow SIL.
Someone gifted me a 2nd hand angelcare monitor/mat and we never used it. :shrug: The crib has to have a solid bottom (so no slats or metal cage thing like our crib has) for it to work. And if you have a wooden foundation or wooden floors, I'm not sure you should bother with it because it will pick up movement from that as well and could give you false peace of mind (so for me, it would have made me even more neurotic! :haha:). We have wooden everything so our floors move a lot when anyone walks, or from the bass from a passing car or the spin cycle on the washing machine. :dohh: I was able to watch dd breathe in the video monitor if I needed to (um... I still do it sometimes :blush:).

I don't know about the clip thing doggylover is talking about (nor do I want to know because I don't want to have to buy one :haha:).
:haha: I'm going to tell you anyway in case anyone else wants to know! Sorry!! It's actually something I read about somewhere on b+b ages ago.

Snuza make clip on monitors that attach to baby's nappy and are basically a portable breathing monitor. I'm getting the snuza go, but I think they have other models too.
Thanks doggylover and littlespy i've just found them on mothercare now - it recommends to put a 1/4inch ply underneath if you have slats......just asked oh and he says thats easy enough to do - it seems to have good reviews - oh just winced at me when i told him price oooooops i told him its cheap compared to babies life and me being neurtic and unable to leave bubs room LOL LOL!!!!
Nimbec tell him you want the one with a video monitor as well...then look up the price and let him decide ;)

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