April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

mommabrown you are so strong! You are doing so well xx I wish it wasn't like this for you. I know from experience with Aaron when he is scared or upset about a situation, or feels out of his depth he blames everyone else and goes off to hide for a while, we once broke up for 6 months. But we stayed faithful and he come back saying how sorry he was and how he just needed time to get his head together. I know it's not great when you are pregnant but if in the future he changes his mind I wouldn't be surprised. Men are children, and they hate admitting to being scared etc. I really hope she is just going to be a tiny baby and nothing else. Like everyone has said technology and medicine these days is amazing. My friend had a baby with her intestines on the outside of her body ( I can't remember the name) The doctors told her that her baby would die if she went to term and live a shit life etc, but she refused to abort and her little girl is amazing, she's 2 now, she has a few food issues but she is getting there, she's a healthy happy toddler it really is amazing the journey she's come through. Kids are little fighters, they heal quickly and don't let shit phase them. I really hope Emmaleigh is fine but if she does have a heart problem I'm sure they have the resources to sort it out xx
Thanks Ukgirl. I don't know at this point. He is great at blaming me and says its the end of the line for us and he wants a divorce. I hate even talking with him because we can't be civil to save our lives because i want him and to be a family. I don't see him coming back he has bitched about not having sex and then to the point when he has to be gone he thinks i have a boyfriend. He really just is not happy and this was his ticket out.

I agree with technology and really know that my little girl will be in great care no matter what happens. It seems there is alot of confusion about her nuchal fold in the forums so hopefully it will be absolutely nothing and just an error the tech made.
Ladies I am sorry i have been gone for awhile. DH and i have separated and we also found out there is something wrong with Emmaleigh. Her nuchal fold is measuring to small which is an indicator of Congenital heart defects. We have to go to a specialist but because the Holidays can't get in. They have kicked her due date back because she is measuring small also. That is on top of all of our other stress of the custody and financial problems. I really hate busting in here with my bad drama news while you all are so happy. I am just so heart broken and alone and really can't take anymore.


On a positive note, if you were 10 dpo on 7/30, you would be "due" on 4/12, the day after me as I o'ed on 7/19. So it makes sense she would be "measuring small" for 4/6. Plus, if she's just a smallish baby, she'd be measuring even smaller than 4/12.,Hope they just got a bad measurement and the specialist confirms all is well.
Alright, we have resettled on a name. Violet Isobel it is, again! :wohoo: Wonder how long it will stick this time. :haha:
Yeah they have her at April 10th and are not taking her till the 9th for sure at 8:00 in the morning because they don't want to risk anything.It was such a whirlwind appointment yesterday that i am not even sure what we are risking???
Thank you i haven't even thought back a moment to my ovulation! That really clicked on a light bulb. They moved her due date up because of how big she was measuring at first (based on their measurements in August) I am ok with it as i want her to be as healthy as possible. I really hope because she is a major pain in the butt when it comes to u/s that it is a total fluke!
Alright, we have resettled on a name. Violet Isobel it is, again! :wohoo: Wonder how long it will stick this time. :haha:
:thumbup: Love the name!!!

How is everyone? I'm busy with work before the end of the year but having lots of fun in the evening with DH and friends... I finally managed to go and do some shopping for baby! I got a few clothes and bibs, and a carry sling!
Our V day was on Thursday, wooohoo! I 'm glad we reached this milestone without any serious problems!!!

I must say that I love my 2 good friends: they packed a special "pregnancy emergency packet" for me with chocolates, herbal tea, nutritious snacks and pack juice, body products <3 I feel loved!:cloud9:

I hope everyone is good! I will catch up with all the ladies' news soon!!!:winkwink:
Yay little spy on choosing your name! It's so pretty! And of course since we have chosen Isabelle it gets a big thumbs up from me!

Lily that was so sweet of your friends! I wish someone would pack me a bag with chocolate...never mind the other bits! And congrats on your v day!!!!
Awwwww lily your friends are lovely. I wish I had a pregnancy survival pack!! Xxx

mommabrown do you know when your appointment with the specialist will be yet? Or are you waiting to find out after new years? Xx

Well my ex husband is coming over next week. We took the kids to see the center so they wont be scared when we take them and drop them off there. They are more interested in the toy room than seeing their dad. Then the week after we have court. Im going to ask for a stay of court so I dont have to go back until after Ive had my baby because of the costachondria and fainting etc I have to take care of ALL my kids and he is welcome to the contact center to see them in the meantime.

Im not feeling particularly happy with him at the moment after I caught a sneak peak at his facebook and saw that he had been talking about me on his main wall. saying how the kids are suffering because of my mental issues and how I refuse him contact. Then his family join in with how our kids would have a better life with him. I was so upset because Ive raised my kids alone for the past 4 years and they have an amazing life. They are clean happy and healthy and I have sent him pictures monthly and offered for him to come over to see them. I am fed up with it now. I think now I need to focus on Benson Connie and Lucas and make sure we are okay until Ive given birth x
Hope you are all well!

Lovely name LittleSpy! We are still up in the air on names!!! :) We've realised that we have actually bought NOTHING for baby apart from her cot! oh dear. We need to get cracking xx
TeAmo, you need to get sale shopping!! Loads of time still left to get everything, don't panic!

Ukgirl, your ex is horrible :( and his family don't know anything about connie and Lucas's day to day life with you so how dare they comment on it all? And maybe if your ex wasn't the type of evil (and from what you've mentioned in the past, I don't think evil is an exaggeration) person he is, then they would still get to see their grand kids/niece and nephew because you wouldn't have been forced to flee to get away from him. You're 100% right, focus on you, connie, Lucas and benson, and forget them for as long as the courts will allow xx
TeAmo doggylover is right.. get down to the sales!! we got almost all we needed in one shop for about £100, just bedding and buggy to get now, then my hospital bags need sorting x

yup Doggylover, the thing that annoys me is that I've bent over backwards for him and his family to see them. I've swallowed my own feelings to have them in my home and they were rude to me then too. I even offered to cook xmas dinner for him and the kids and go to my mums for a few hours so he could have xmas day with them and he refused it. So I don't know how I've stopped him seeing them. I have G.A.D but I go to every school play and function to support them even though crowds make me panicky lol. My kids have every thing they need physically and I support them emotionally too. I feel like nothing I do would be good enough for his family. The only thing I'm guilty of is being over protective but that is because of what me and Connie went through in Norway. I really cannot wait for the kids to be old enough to look after themselves and decide what they personally want.
I'm hoping the stay of court will be granted. Otherwise on the 23rd I'll be in court for a whole day. I'm not sure if I can cope with that at the moment. I think I'm asking for something reasonable anyway so it should be fine.
Lets face it, if he really wanted to be close to his kids and spend that much time with them, no matter what he has in Norway (job, partner, other family) he'd be in England. I know if dh and I divorced he wouldn't move back to his family in England as he would never be able to leave any babies we have. I know it's not always as easy as that, but at the end of the day, if he wants to be that involved in their lives he would make sacrifices and not expect YOU to do all the running. Just be happy knowing that you get to be around your beautiful LOs everyday, and you know that they are turning into wonderful little people because of the influence you have on them, and its him who is missing out on the important parts of their lives. :hugs:

Just ordered our baby carrier (or 'pousse' as dh insists on calling it :shrug:) I was caught between the ergo and the boba 3G, but after a last scoot at some online forums, went for the boba. Blinking expensive so we better use it!!!! :haha: dh has always been very vocal about wanting his pousse, so I'll be making sure he has baby in that several times a week!
Thanks doggylover :) leaving Norway with my kids knowing I was taking them away from him was the hardest thing I have ever done. I felt so guilty even though I knew I was doing the right thing. Watching the runway disappear underneath us knowing there was no going back was tough! But I am glad I did it. As you said if he was that bothered he would be trying harder. His family have only been once when Lucas was a baby. He's 5 in may! their dad has only been about 5 times in the past 4 years and most of those visits were arranged through the courts in the past year!

Well done on getting your carrier xxx
Ukgirl what a ******* I cannot believe the audacity of some people!!! Sounds like he has had too many opportunities to me! Grrrrr HUGS!!

Well I've spent all day in the kitchen cooking - in no delia smith infact I'm pretty useless put I was determind not to waste all left I've turkey and ham! So I've made a turkey curry to freeze and 2 ham Porto and leek pies - I was do chuffed my pastry actually worked whoo hoo!! However my feet are swollen now and my back is killing ooooops!!!

Hope everyone is ok?
Lol nimbec the joys of pregnancy hey?! My back is also aching. I'm lumbering through stansted like I'm ready to pop! Starting to wonder why the next 3 months will be like!!
Sounds tasty nimbec!! I'm so tired of ham, that I've decided to make a lasagna for dinner tonight!

In other news, walking around in the snow is a great way to aggrevate ligament pains! :dohh: I went to the mall today to pick up some short sleeved shirts since all of mine are getting to be a little short, and found some pretty great deals at Sears. But now I'm exhausted after all the walking and transiting around.

I think it's naptime for me! And dinner is all set to bake when I wake up later.
Yay for cooking nimbec! I wish I had that much motivation lol.

I finally purchased the nursery furniture today :happydance:. Went to a new baby store that just opened up and they had 30% off furniture. So, I gave up on the idea of buying a used quality set and ended up buying a new quality set at a discount!!! So excited that OH didn't put up a fight... i think I have exhausted him over the past 6 weeks with all my whining that I want it done already :haha:. He has been set on getting black furniture (which I would have done if I had to) and I preferred white... Well the set I found only comes in white or brown, and since we both don't like brown... We got white! I'm so excited! :happydance::happydance:
Needless to say, I was there fore 3 hours and am completely exhausted!Sitting on the couch now with my feet up.

Boy oh Boy they had so many cool things that I wanted to get (all at 20% off) but I restrained myself and only got the furniture and the mattress. I will register at that store for my baby shower, so that way I still have a chance to get all the things I want.

Hope everyone is having a nice and relaxing weekend! ReadytoMum, sorry to hear about the ligament pain, but yay on your clothes finds.
Doggylover, I know right!! How much bigger can we possibly get?!? I guess I'm not huge but I FEEL HUGE! lmao
Wow nimbec! That sounds yummy! Good meals to have in the freezer too for days when you cba to cook. I am the laziest person in the world lately. I find getting out of bed the hardest thing to do lol.

Doggylover this sounds weird but I love stansted lol.. Its one of my favorite airports. I think I just like that weird shuttle train thing. Can you tell I used to fly a lot?? Hope you have a safe flight home xxx

Steph yay for finally finding the furniture you wanted!! And at discount too is pretty awesome!! Glad Dh Approved. Baby shopping is so much fun isnt it?? Im not sure why but buying baby stuff is like drugs! Not that I know what drugs feel like haha but you know :p
Yay on the furniture Steph! Fantastic that you got it in white too hehe!!

I feel knackered and massive too - hmmm wondering how to keep things neat down below actually as I can no longer see it..... not sure i trust oh with a razor down there haha!!

Hoping to just chill tomorrow phew I desperately need it!

I'm dreading oh announcing we are doing new year at our house - I can feel it in my waters! And I really judt can't be bothered I feel so tired :( so I keep telling him invthe hope it may ACTUALLY sink in!!
Hi all

Mommabrown , so sorry to hear your news about your break up and Emmaleigh, relaly hope you can work it out with OH and he comes to his senses. As for the scan there is a lot of hope that it could be nothing so stay strong and have faith. Big hugs to you.

UKgirl, your ex sounds bloody awful. Sounds like you have been a fantastic mummy though and bent over backwards to accomodate him and his family, what an awful bunch they sound too. Hope Connie and Lucas get on well at the centre when they see him and it all goes as well as it can.

Steph, well done for getting your furniture! How exciting and great you got the colour you wanted! I cant imagine baby furniture in black! lol

Nimbec yay for the cooking! I did similar the other day with my leftover turkey, so sick of leftovers now, we are going to my parents tomorrow and praying they have something different on offer!

Well, not much to report here, still been trying to find home for all the toys Harrison got for christmas, and as fast as i try and put them away hes pulling them all out again! Managed to pack up some of his baby toys for new baby today and also got a couple of outfits in the sale at Asda.
So exausted lately too! Think im gonna be this way till the end now! And im in single figures today yay!!

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