April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I liked the cruz but the main point of not buying it and going for the vista instead was because of the carry cot not included in the price. I didnt like how slim the cruz was either for some reason. I read the vista is quite bulky compared to it but which gave it more stars for security and strength. We have a huge boot space. We've got a vauxhall meriva so Im not too bothered about the size of it folded but I hope I can unfold it haha! Hopefully I can find it in a shop round here so I can test it out. I dont want to buy it really without testing it. Which shop did you test it in? Xxx

They had it in three stores out of the four we went to, and all were small independent baby/child stores- Magic Beans, Koo Baby, and Planet Kids in NY. The only place that didn't have it was Babies r Us. UppaBaby is really popular here so lots of places have it, hope you can find it! I'm sure the fold is something you would get used to if it was your stroller anyway. It just is not like the way any other stroller folds. And definitely not a one hand fold! But neither is the sola, and I don't think the Cruz was either. :shrug:
Awwwww, feeling my first case of baby hiccups this pregnancy right now! Poor thing. :haha: She must be giving her lungs a try this morning. <3
Just popping in quickly - have been keeping up but no time to reply over the holidays! Glad most everyone is plodding right along - and special hugs for mommabrown... Have everything crossed that em is just fine in there are the rest of the pregnancy goes by without a hitch! Oh, no full on nosebleeds yet but every morning when I blow my nose there is a lot more blood than usual 'winter dry nose' would be - bleurg.

Happy to be getting so close to 3rd tri - only a few days to go but it's also making me nervous! Was only in third tri for 8 weeks the first time around so hoping to make it further this time but not counting on it quite yet. Have slowly been ticking things off my list but now that's it's after new years my brain kicked into high gear with getting ready. Crib is up and the bedding is washed and in place. DS and baby will be sharing a room so almost all the other things are already 'ready' - changing table, bookshelf, linen area, bath/medicine paraphernalia area, diaper/wipe storage etc. Changed all of DS clothes to a larger armoir last night (and sorted out the too small stuff I've been digging around for months!) as its bigger than his dresser and started putting the washed baby's bits from Christmas in the dresser. Going to start in this evening on bringing up boxes of Tommy's outgrown clothes and pulling out anything that I could put a girl in :) have to rewash everything bc it's been in totes in the basement - I am a stickler about washing EVERYTHING and having that fresh baby detergent smell! Then just have to fold and arrange it all in the dresser!

The only other things I can think of that will need done is to sterilize/boil all the bottles and small baby toys and teethers, put the swing and play gym back together and wash the cloth parts and wipe them down, bring the rear facing carseat upstairs and clean it/wash the cloth part, and get the bassinet together. (god my basement must aound filthy but I am really just anal about it lol!) Oh and pack mine and baby's hospital bag (have to buy a few bits for those) and pick up some newborn and size one diapers - and a few nursing bras. I feel like I am missing a lot somehow though - argh!!!

I figure if I have it all ready by 34 weeks and then make it to term - I'll just have a very relaxing end of pregnancy!!

ETA : littlespy I've been feeling the first hiccups within the last 10 days or so too! About once a day now it seems... Thankfully not at night like DS ALWAYS had hehe!
Lily: I've known a few teen moms... one of them was actually my best friend in highschool. She just lived at home with her parents, and her parents did most of the caring for Zack. I have no doubts she loved her son, but she was a terrible parent. I cut contact with her years and years ago, but I still shudder when I think about it. That's certainly not to say however that all teen moms are bad at parenting, or that older mums are any better!

We're really lucky with parents/in-laws buying us stuff. My parents are buying the crib and DH's parents are buying the change table. DH's grandma wants to buy us a reclining chair for the living room too so I have a comfy place to nurse! :thumbup: Other than the stroller... that's pretty much all the big stuff already taken care of!

mommabrown: I get them all the time! :dohh: My apartment is so dry and we have forced heating, so that even with a humidifier going full blast in the bedroom and our bedroom window cracked open, I get one almost every morning. Which is crazy because I drink like 3 liters of water every day! I don't understand how I can get so dried out over night!

AFM, I'm feeling pretty huge at the moment. I feel like my bump has really 'popped" even though I'm eating better now than I was over Christmas break. Maybe Fraggle is going through a growth spurt or something... definitely less movement than over Christmas, but also less sugar to send baby into cartwheels....:haha:
Hi everyone Im so tired I wrote in my post here last night about Benson causing me pain after sex well... that pain turned into regular braxton hicks which grew stronger to the point where my gp was shoving me off to hospital.. all is well with me and baby benny benson just tired and a little sore. The contractions gradually cooled off and come to an end. My cervix was shut tight and still long so after a few minor obs I got to go home. OH has sworn himself off sex now until Benson arrives :(

I really hate how teen mums get a bad rep. I had Connie at 18, since then Ive only partied once and come bome early. Quit drinking and smoking and I take care of my own kids no baby sitters unless I need to etc. My aunt had her daughter in her 30s and it was almost as though she couldnt accept that she had to give up her lifestyle to care for Holly. she dumps her on the child minder and pays for tattoos and holidays before buying holly clothes and instead of taking her to soft play or on daus out she takes her to the gym and sits her on the floor while she goes off sparring.. I agree completely that some older mums are worse than teen mums.. Im sorry for the ranty thing Im tired and teen mums get a lot of respect from me since I was one lol..

The contact center went well.. I cried when they went in but that was only because the stupid bitch was being all.. are you okay? .... he brought them some chocolate and toys and get this.... cheese¡!!! Then the lady was like.. oh you will be on time tomorrow wont you? Yes I was on time today I was like 2 minutes late and thats because I come straight from hospital... my unborn child and contracting at 25 weeks trumps contact center with a violent ex piece of shit.

Then I found out they let him take Lucas to the toilet alone.... its meant to be supervised contact ..... so yeh that was my day... I treated myself to a bigmac and double cheese burger and now im shattered xx
My mother in law brought me a pack of paper napkins for Christmas present :dohh: They are soooo stingy. Maybe baby gets a pack of generic brand wipes from them haha:haha:

Oh my gosh are you kidding me?! What a Christmas present! At least they are useful?! :haha:

I'm also very lucky (like readytomum) with parents and in laws contributing. I always knew they would, but never budgeted for it just in case, so it's a nice bonus for us. My mum bought our travel system (and no doubt a million pieces of clothing etc she isn't telling me about!) and my in laws are buying our nursery furniture. All the big bits, which is so helpful and generous :)

Kealz, glad that Paige enjoyed peppa pig, even if it wasn't so easy a journey for you. I don't envy you that one at all.

Ukgirl I checked out the uppababy and it looks great! I'm not a fan of 4 wheelers (just a weird preference thing) but it looks nice! Glad to hear you and benson are ok, and I'm not surprised oh is off sex for the next while! He must have felt it was all his fault (even though it takes two to tango :winkwink:) just make sure you take it easy. Just right to have a McDonald's (I had one last weekend!) after a crappy day. I'm sure connie and Lucas really appreciated the cheese your ex brought them- boy does he know what kids want! :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh: I'm glad it all went ok though, and I'm assuming Lucas is ok after the non-supervised part of the visit? You maybe just need to stamp into them tomorrow that if that happens again you will be like a pit bull attacking (or like a pregnant lady on the rampage :haha:) as its totally not on to do that when its very clear that its supervised contact.

Sweet pea whoa it sounds like you've been so busy! I hope you stay in third tri a little longer this time, but if you don't, it sounds like you are all prepared for your little lady's arrival!

Afm - I only started back to work yestday and I'm still thrilled its the weekend! How am I going to take 9 more weeks of this?!
Doggylover the thing about the cheese is that its goats cheese and he hadnt put it in the fridge sonits gone all sloppy and wet and stinks lol.. gross.. Lucas is fine after that but if I say supervised they should let him take them to the toilet alone... maybe Im over reacting I think once Ive had some sleep and unwound a bit it wont seem so bad. I dont mind three or four wheeled buggies but Im very particular over the type of wheel haha. hard plastic and massive bike tyres are a nono. Im not looking forward to being back on the school run next week :( ive had it so good over xmas I dont want to go back to school!!! I dont blame you for waiting on the weekend xx
Seriously, who brings children goats cheese?! Although maybe your two really like it?! But even then, presumably they prefer it in good shape! :haha:

Nope I do not think its an over reaction to be upset about them not supervising part of the visit. Fair enough nothing happened, BUT the point is the contact has to be supervised because your ex has demonstrated in the past that he is (please excuse my French) a bit of a fucking pyscho, and I wouldn't be accepting the fact that they seem happy to let that slide.

What sort of pram wheels float your boat?! (Honestly, the things I am interested in now, my pre pregnancy self would think I'm insane!) I am a BIG fan of air tyres... It does really interest me how different everyone is, and how everyone likes different stuff. I know some people would hate the my3, and I've read their reviews online, and others love it. Funny old world!
Wow Ukgirl WTF is that woman thinking. I swear i would love to more than slap her a good one. My Ex was over and hour late dropping kids off for Christmas and i told him straight were to stick it at the police station! I wish they would lock these assholes up and treat them as badly as they treat our children and us! Sorry for the Rant. I did hurt after having sex too and always put up a fight because i knew the pain was coming. I take a hot shower afterwards lmao so that always helped easy her up and back to normal i went.

Sweetpea i am so envious of you. I have her crib up and bedding...that is about it...haven't bought her clothes or anything else that she may need. I guess i bet get my butt in gear and start prepping!

Oh Kealz i love seeing my kids happy like that. I too cry at the thought of how something so small is so spectacular in their eyes.

ReadytoMum lol i know i gained 6lbs from Thanksgiving to Christmas(my OB appointment was the 27th) I was like WHOA! Emmaleigh has been very active lately not that i am complaining after my last OB appointment.

Doggylover only 9 more weeks wow! Your a trooper.

I was in the supermarket and this lady walks over to me and asks me "Are you pregnant or just fat???" I was took by total shock...i think my go to hell look sent her in shock too then i replied Yep 26 weeks then walked away before i smacked her. I swear do i look fat seriously????
Mommabrown someone seriously did not say that to you?!!!!!! What on earth would possess someone to say something so insane and RUDE to a stranger?!?! And from your bump pics, you definitely do not look fat!! You look pregnant!! I really cannot believe what people think is ok to say to pregnant people.

You should have said to her "sorry do you have special needs, or are you just REALLY FUCKING RUDE?" I would have torn strips off her.
Yeah people are so stupid i swear they just blurt stupid shit out like that all the time here! I have never in my life been asked that so late in pregnancy! I couldn't believe the old hag.
omg mommabrown!!! my face was like this when I read the last paragraph .. :O!!! WTF????

How fucking rude!! You should have said something like yea I'm pregnant, are you just really ugly or is your face always like that?! Stupid bitch!!

Do you know what as well mommabrown my ex is the kind of guy who would lie like your ex has just to fuck up mine and Aaron's relationship because he vowed to do so when I wouldn't get back with him. He's been known to say shit to the kids to upset them, like before he told them he had sent birthday presents and nothing came, Connie waited for 2 months for her presents to come and he even told her over the phone more than once that they were coming then I called him to find out what was happening and he hadnt sent anything, I had to buy online and pretend it come from him. He also does things to make me look bad, like oh do you want to go out to the park with daddy? and they'll say yes and he'll go oh well mummy says you can't, bad mummy! So no I dont really want them alone, not even for a minute! Plus he put pictures of them naked on his facebook so I dont want him taking them to the toilet alone either!

Doggylover - I like some of the air wheels bit they can go a bit lop sided and make the buggy veer to one side if the pressure isnt right haha. I like the foam filled air tyres. Hard wheels make a horrible noise on concrete and rattle about. Plus there is the up the curb test. airfoam tyres go up them easier.... it matters :p

yeh everyone is different not everyone will like the same stuff. The cheese is really odd becuase we can't get that brown goats cheese in england and it's really bitter sweet. Not something my kids would actually eat... the only soft cheese they dont stuck their noses up at is dairylee lol xx
I have a coworker who comments almost daily on whether I look pregnant or "just fat." Really. :dohh:

Today, she was giving me shit about having red cheeks (.... I'm a big mutt but a lot of me is Irish and my cheeks to turn red about pretty much anything. Today I guess because it was cold outside on the walk in to work and super hot inside and I hadn't adjusted yet.). Then told me I looked like "Chip and Dale" the chipmunks. I don't remember what they looked like, just that there was a cartoon called "Chip and Dale, Rescue Rangers" when I was a kid, so I said "The rescue rangers?" and she looked at me like I was crazy so I went on to explain that maybe the cartoon had changed since I watched it 10-15 years after she did... because I'm that much YOUNGER than she is. When I was a kid, the Chip and Dale cartoon was them being "rescue rangers." Then I prodded on explaining to her that I'll be much thinner in 3 months or so but she'll just be 3 months OLDER. :haha:
Oh What a dick putting NAKED pics of his kids on the internet like that! What a complete joke he is. Poor little Connie having to wait like that for her dad to step up and be a man and he still can't do it. I don't know why there isn't some sort of warning label that comes with these type of men. What a douche bag this dude is trying to manipulate your kids into being mad at you. I wouldn't worry it won't work they love you and know you are always going to be there for them and take care of them far better than he could have ever tried to do.
Omg I forgot to tell you all the best bit... Aaron had to park in the main carpark across the road from L&D so I went in before him to wait for a room. When he come in the receptionist at the main desk asked if he needed any help and he said...... '' yes, I'm looking for my fiancee, her name is Candy... She's pregnant!'' HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!! he's so funny, she turned to him and said... ''They all tend to be pregnant here love'' HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
Little Spy oh geez what a wench. I was so pissed off if looks could have killed she would have been dead! I couldn't put up with that crap on a daily basis!
aww thanks mommabrown, yeh he has some huge issues, I can't even stand his voice anymore. I had to ask him to take the pictures off facebook and he said no, So I had to get the CPS lady who works on our case to get him to remove them. He had one of Lucas in his pants as his profile picture :/ I don't know who is on his facebook... he adds people he meets at concerts and nights out. You don't know who's looking at those pictures at the end of the day, besides why do you need to put that on facebook?? I have tonnes of naked pics of my kids, let's face it naked bum pics are super cute, but they are in my private folders, saved for viewing by futures wife's and husbands of theirs hahaha :p x
I mean, I'm both pregnant AND fat. I don't know why she has to make the determination on which I look the most each day. I am both and, at this point, I look both. :shrug::haha:
Oh geez i know what you mean. I hate hearing my Ex's voice too. I cringe at the thought of it. I too have millions of naked pics of my kiddos and like you they aren't going on the web for some pedophile to look at. You can't screen that crap over the web.

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