April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

:rofl: ukgirl, I love how you are storing the nakie pics away for evil purposes! Don't forget 18th birthdays! You are a pretty incredible mum to buy the present for connie instead of telling her that her dad let her down. I'm sure lots of people would have used that to get their kids on 'their side', so I think it's pretty awesome what you did. And lol at Aaron saying 'she's pregnant' :dohh: funny that, being in l&d!

Littlespy :haha: good on you having a wee go at the woman you work with! People like that need someone to just stand up to them and be as blunt to them as they are to other people.
I agree, naked baby/kid pictures are for awwing over now and embarrasing later. :haha:

I got a GOOD one of Maisie at midnight on New Year's. The countdown concluded, the ball dropped, and I was trying to put her in her PJs at the time (yes... I'm a party animal. :haha:). She just flung herself backwards, threw her legs behind her head, grabbed her back of her thighs with each hand, and looked at me through the space between her legs. While only wearing a diaper. It was so funny I truly was tempted to throw it up on Facebook but no way I actually would have!
I mean, I'm both pregnant AND fat. I don't know why she has to make the determination on which I look the most each day. I am both and, at this point, I look both. :shrug::haha:

I bet you look lovely LittleSpy! And that gives her no excuse to say those things! She should have a little respect for you since she does know and keep her rude mouth shut!
exactly! facebook is a magnet for peados. I don't want my kids on there for some dirty ******* to look at. I don't understand any parent who would put naked pictures of their kids online.

Littlespy that lady you work with sounds horrid! Obviously you are pregnant. Maybe she's jealous of you in some way? I dont know anyone who would actually call someone fat or a chipmunk while they are pregnant.
Thanks, mommabrown. It's shocking that a stranger would say it to you!

The first time my coworker did it (months ago), it was in front of several other people and it embarrassed the shit out of me, honestly. I really hate being overweight and am still hanging onto the 40 pounds I gained with Maisie and I'm so, so, so self-conscious about it (just not quite self-conscious enough to not eat Doritos... just Doritos... for lunch like I am right now :dohh:). :nope:

But I've also known this woman for about 6 years and I know that she doesn't really mean any harm by it. It certainly doesn't make it okay, but she says messed up stuff to people pretty often. It doesn't embarrass me when she does it now, even in front of people (it's almost always in front of people) because she's the one who ends up looking like the unbelievable a-hole! It's not like her pointing out that I'm fat is going to make someone realize it for the first time. :haha:
doggylover she was just 3 at the time and seeing her cry every time the postman left without daddy's presents was breaking my heart. When she gets older I will tell her the truth. I was told that I shouldn't have done it, that she has to learn for herself that her dad is a twat but I dont want that for her at 3 years old. She's old enough now to have her own opinions so I dont think I would have done it now but it is hard to see my kids get hurt it builds up hate in me against him that I can't describe.

I think a slide show at their 18th brithday parties is a good idea!! haha!!

littlespy - the pic of Maisie sounds supercute! Defo a pic for her new in laws later on ;)

I have Connie laying naked on her front on fluffy bean bags and all naked covered in green paint from head to toe. One of Luke with his jeans and pants under his bum like a thug hahahahaha.. I love those types of pictures!
I was just standing there looking at peas and carrots and she walked right on over. I had some weight on me from sitting at a desk and not doing much else so i know how it feels to be self conscious. With my first baby (DD#1) I gained 55lbs and couldn't lose 35lbs of it for the longest time. With my DS's just breastfeeding helped with the extra weight. Lets hope it does this time too.

Ukgirl I have had to learn my lessons about letting the kids learn the hard way too. It kills me to see them cry like they did when they were little but now they just tell him what a butthole he is and how they hate being with him. DD got into an argument with her stepmom about what a douche her dad really is and was to them when they were younger. Of course the step mom sees me as the evil bitch because she is so jealous of any woman that has been with him before her....She's a real work of art that one is. As they get older and they can remember all the stuff he has done they will form their own opinion with out any participation from you.
see before pregnancy i was a size 8-10 uk waist, and at the kids pool party a few months ago when I was in the fat or pregnant stage I was soo self concious my face was burning as I got into the water haha.. If someone actually came over to me and called me fat or anything like that I think I would buy a burhka and hide away for the second half of pregnancy! ...

I hate stepmums who try to act like they are the mother of the child like that. I always shielded my kids from the truth but now CPS are telling me that if I do that they will only grow up to blame themselves for his behavior and that is something I don't think i could stand so I'm trying to let him mess up and not cover his ass but yeh like you seeing them learn the hard way absolutely cuts me apart. Your ex and his wife sound like they deserve each other, judgemental arseholes. I'm glad your kids know the real him though.
Morning Ladies! Anyone else having horrid nose bleeds yet? I have had a couple but this mornings was by far the worst.

I have lots of errands to do today so i will drop back in later. Hope you all have a great day!

I got loads of these last time around, like on a daily basis but none this time! Very strange.

Awwwww, feeling my first case of baby hiccups this pregnancy right now! Poor thing. :haha: She must be giving her lungs a try this morning. <3

YAY!! I cant wait for the hiccups. She feels like she is trying to escape tonight!

I have a coworker who comments almost daily on whether I look pregnant or "just fat." Really. :dohh:

Kick her in the chuff ;)

Omg I forgot to tell you all the best bit... Aaron had to park in the main carpark across the road from L&D so I went in before him to wait for a room. When he come in the receptionist at the main desk asked if he needed any help and he said...... '' yes, I'm looking for my fiancee, her name is Candy... She's pregnant!'' HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!! he's so funny, she turned to him and said... ''They all tend to be pregnant here love'' HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

Pahahaha this cracked me up! Typical bloke thing to say <3

I mean, I'm both pregnant AND fat. I don't know why she has to make the determination on which I look the most each day. I am both and, at this point, I look both. :shrug::haha:

This is me also! hahahaha :happydance:

Have to say I only get to pop on here briefly in the evening and you girls talk so much!! Hahaha. it is hard to stay in the circle :coffee: lo xx
Awww UKGirl, that is so sad about poor Connie waiting for her presents when she was three! What a horrible jerk. Although if his idea of a good present is some off goats cheese, she might have been better off. I would have done the same as you. She will figure out what he's like soon enough, unfortunately.

Some of my friend post pics of their kids that I would never put on FB. Not just bathtime ones or whatever, but also ones with their noses full of snot and stuff. :shrug:

I cannot believe that woman at the grocery store Mommabrown!! That question is not appropriate at any stage of pregnancy, or just ever at all in normal society. And, I don't know how you put up with that woman at your work Little Spy. What a wretch. I agree that she sounds jealous. And I agree with TeAmo that you should kick her in the chuff. :haha: Add that one to my list of favourite words I have heard on b&b... chuff, galactagogues... I briefly worked with a very annoying, stupid woman who once asked a customer in the store when her baby was due and the customer replied that she wasn't even pregnant. This is the same stupid woman who when I announced my pg at work at about 16 weeks said "oh, did you only just find out?" Yes, I only just noticed that I have missed my period for four consecutive months, am gaining weight at an alarming rate and have been nauseous for weeks on end. And the first thing I did was come to work and tell you.

I get the same thing with my nose every morning SweetPea. I gave my OH a fright one morning. I blew my nose and dropped the kleenex in the toilet in his bathroom and when he went to the bathroom he absolutely FREAKED OUT because he thought I had used the bathroom for real and was bleeding and didn't realize (like I don't check every single time, habit from having a chemical), I was like "no, no its my nose, my nose!" Poor DH. And I am impressed with all your cleaning and organizing. I didn't even count the baby clothes like I said I was going to yesterday. In my defense I did take down the xmas tree instead, but still. I am failing in the battle towards organization.

The footmuff for my stroller arrived today though, so if she is born tomorrow she will have no clean clothes and I will just have to wrap her in the footmuff instead. Who needs organization?!
I hope everyone has some nice relaxing plans made for this weekend!

I'll have a bit of strange day tomorrow... my sister and I are driving 3.5 hours to our old hometown to meet my parents (who are driving 2 hours from where they live now) for the funeral of our old neighbour. My parents lived across the street from them for almost my entire life, until my parents moved a few years ago. My mom still stays in frequent touch with Shelly and she's an amazing person. John is the one who has passed away, and he's been very sick for a long time and very unhappy about life, so it's almost a relief more than something to be sad about.

But I have such mixed feelings about going! I will no doubt see many people that I haven't seen in years, some who will know that I'm pregnant, and some who won't. Some will possibly not even know that I'm married now since my parents no longer live there. I have this strange desire to make sure I look extra nice tomorrow to try to impress people. What people? I have no idea. :shrug: But I just feel sort of odd about it all. Possibly because I feel like a balloon... :dohh:

Anyway... here's hoping everything goes well with the service etc. and that it doesn't turn out to be a really awkward day for me either.
This is the same stupid woman who when I announced my pg at work at about 16 weeks said "oh, did you only just find out?" Yes, I only just noticed that I have missed my period for four consecutive months, am gaining weight at an alarming rate and have been nauseous for weeks on end. And the first thing I did was come to work and tell you.

:rofl: oh kirstabelle you make me laugh so much!!! And never worry about the organisation - I dunno if you've ever seen the film Jack and Sarah, but in it a baby is born and the guy Has no idea how to dress it so just puts it in a padded envelope/jiffy bag, and sticks one of his socks on its head...you can improvise :haha:

Readytomum, sorry to hear about the funeral. I do know what you mean about wanting to make an effort when you are seeing people you haven't seen in ages, I would definitely do the same. Plus I'd be hunting out the outfit that made my bump look biggest just to make sure there was no confusion!!

Happy weekend everyone!
Hello to everyone! I understand what you mean readytomum you want them to think you are doing well in life even if they mean nothing to you because its been a long time since you saw them and a lot has changed. I'm sure you will look lovely :)

Some woman outside asda was pushing her screaming kid in a trolley today and she looked at me and said you've got all of this to come.. I didn't bother telling her I had 2 other kids and none of them acted that way in public haha.. Connie had a tantrum once in a shop I just picked her up under my arm and carried on shopping while she tantrumed, she eventually got the point that her shit wasn't going to fly and stopped bothering. Not one single tantrum in public after that :D <--- smug face!

The lady in the contact center is really pissing me off... it's not hard to do admittedly because I'm pregnant and everyone pisses me off lately... she said to me, your ex husband gave your daughter some beads make sure she uses them up before the baby comes so the baby doesn't choke on them... like I don't know how to look after babies!! I've only had 3 now.. stupid cow!

And then... my uncle keeps taking the piss out of Benson's name, he keeps saying shit like Benson and hedges so I had a go at him for it after he didn't stop the first time and he said to me.. it's only what people are saying behind your back!! SHIT ME!! So then I grabbed my phone and started calling people and asking if they were sayign that shit about my baby too and apparently they are but agreed to stop now. I swear... where do these people think they have any right to comment on MY babies name??? I could kick ass today!!

and that is my day! :)
UK they really all need to piss off about the name! Honestly, I think every name out there can be twisted into something unsavory if people really want to be assholes... Which it sounds like in your case! I've not gotten too much negative on our name but I'm sure someone will say something rude eventually!
What name have you chosen sweetpea? I expected some shit for Benson's name so I asked them politely to stop the first time it just pissed me off that they carried on. It really does annoy me... but then he is the same person who said my first scan pic looked like a poo too bad hes family or he would have been gone by now. xxx
We chose Scarlett Lynn - thought we'd catch hell because of 'The Scarlett Letter' and such but so far so good.

My feeling is if someone wants to have so much input on a baby's name then they should just have one of their own and they can name it whatever they want! (Although if they are that rude maybe parenting shouldn't be on the table LOL) why people feel the need to make fun of or put down a name that parents have put at least a little thought into and chosen for their child is beyond me - it is so unbelievably rude but soooo commonplace for whatever reason... Just like comments about a pregnant belly - keep it to yourself people! I will admit there are times when I really dislike a name someone chose for their LO, but it is not MY child and not my place to put down THEIR choice! I always smile and awwww just like I would if I loved it, because it is special to them whether I understand it or not - and it's not really awing over the name, it's awing over the fact that the baby has a little identity and makes them seem more like a little person than just saying 'baby'.
Girls I have 8 huge totes that DH brought upstairs full of baby clothes. 8 HUGE TOTES. HUGE.

I was expecting like maybe 4?!

They are packed in really tight too.

We didn't really buy a ton of clothes (I looove baby clothes shopping but bought maybe a third of what is in there) and I am just shocked how much there is to go through. I know there is stuff that DS never even wore because he grew out of things before I managed to get it on him but I didn't think I had that much stuff! It's stuff from preemie all the way to 18 months but still. There's a small (or large!) yard sale fortune in my living room. Plus I have another probably almost full totes worth of stuff I just cleaned out of his closet and dresser a few evenings ago.

Anyone need baby clothes LOL!!!
I like the name Scarlett Lynn, it's cute. I agree with everything you said completely xx
Hallo Ladies,

Its been a lazy day on the couch for me lol. Sweatpea and Candy, I can't believe have the need to make fun of anything you pick for the baby :growlmad:. It makes me so mad! Why do they feel that they have the right to comment on it at all?!? Both names are absolutely lovely! I can't believe they want to compare your baby to cigarettes! You should see if there is something wrong with them maybe :wacko:

Good luck ReadytoMum, I hope your days goes ok.

Kristabelle, I love the new words I learn on here too :haha:.

Teamo, Its def busy in here lol. I can keep up during the week usually, because I always ready while at work :haha:... weekends are a bit tougher (unless i'm lazy and do nothing all day lol)
They just like to put people down I think Steph.. They obviously cant stand other people to be happy without bringing them down. I just hated the way he said that he was just saying what others were saying behind my back. It really got to me.

I would love a sofa day.. Im chilling out now in Aarons pjs watching football with him while the kids play their new games. Thank goodness we can stay home tomorrow as the center is shut on sundays yay! Xx

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