April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Uk I saw your pic of the kids playing the game on fb, looking verrrry intense indeed! So cute :)
Love the name SweetPea!! So cute.

Ukgirl we had thought about naming Emmaleigh Presley....well that back fired to my dad calling her Elvis all the time when we talked about the baby so it got axed really fast. They were furious i didn't name her Willa Jean. . .after both of my grandmothers. Oh well people can get the Freak over it and learn to like it or shut it. My kid my choice. Your Uncle sounds like a real pile of poo.

Afm, we lazied around the house today and i have really enjoyed my weekend with the kids. I hate having it go by so fast though. DD was laying on me and Emmaleigh started kicking up a storm and DD was in such amazement at how strong her kicks are.We laid like that on the couch and she feel asleep with her hand on my belly. It was so darling. It was an absolute moment that i will hold in my mind forever.
Connie had a tantrum once in a shop I just picked her up under my arm and carried on shopping while she tantrumed, she eventually got the point that her shit wasn't going to fly and stopped bothering. Not one single tantrum in public after that :D <--- smug face!

I am taking note of all your amazing parenting tips! No way I pander to a tantrum-ing child in a shop. Under the arm is a good call!! And good on you for calling out the people who are slagging of benson's name. Totally agree with all you and Sweetpea said in terms of not their baby, they should shut it!

Sweetpea are all you clothes gender neutral, or are you not going to be able to use a lot of them for Scarlett? (Also I love the name!)

Mommabrown that is such a sweet story :) I'm glad you had such a good day with your LOs

Afm, spent all afternoon with a close friend who I only see every two months or so so it was great. The only issue is that her wedding is 6 days after my due date. She is convinced I will be at the wedding, whereas I am pretty convinced I won't be. Unless I am like a week early or over a week late, I don't think I'll be able to go. I just can't imagine me getting out of the house with a six/seven day old baby to go all day to a wedding. And it sucks because she is one of my closest friends and I really don't want to miss her wedding, and I hate hearing her say "you'll definitely be there!"
thanks sweetpea haha my little boy thinks he's a super hero! He loves fighting the baddies you should hear the sounds he makes :) I saw your pic of your little man too getting hugs he's cute xx

Mommabrown I agree with you too. My baby, my choice. They can kiss my ass :) Besides if the only thing they pick on with my kids is Benson's name then I can't be doing too bad.
That's so cute with you and DD! My daughter likes feeling kicks too Lucas isn't so interested he's more interested in how long until his little brother is born :) xx
doggylover you'll be amazed at how quickly you want out after the birth! Any op to show off your new born ;) If you're late you could just go for the main service? That is what I did at my best friends wedding a few months back, I was only 6-7 weeks pregnant and feeling sick 24/7 I struggled through the ceremony then said goodbye after an hour of hanging around before dinner. She was just happy I saw her get married. My friend had her baby just before xmas, she had him on friday night and was back on the school run on monday. Not everyone is the same though so if you don't feel up to it don't feel bad. When I had Connie I was so tired I didn't get out of bed until 1pm every day for the first few weeks, your friend should understand that you will be a new mum and have your own things going on. x
I would hope that we would be able to make the service, even with a newborn, and if I'm overdue then I'll just go for as long as I feel happy. But I just imagine that I'll be a total mess the first week or so afterwards and won't be able to take care of the baby in the house let alone anywhere else! Problem is her church is an hour away from us, and the reception is an hour away from us...the other direction! So it'll be a lot of driving, and I just don't know how I'll manage! I read all this stuff about women basically tethered to their sofa breastfeeding and imagine that will be me, in my jammies, a total state :haha:
I didn't want out of the house until about 3 weeks after birth. But I'm a hermit anyway and the first week we had to go out every day to pediatrician or LC appointments and I remember that being so hard for me physically because of pain and like no sleep! Noooooo way I'd be at a wedding a week or even 2 after birth but then, I also hate going to weddings so I'm not the best comparison. Also not super keen on taking a newborn around a bunch of germy people.
I am with LittleSpy i hated taking the kids out so soon. I always wanted to soak them up myself before venturing out for everyone to be picking and poking at them passing their germs all over the baby...I hate even taking my LO's to the DR office at this moment because of all the sickness!

Doggylover you will find that the closer it gets the sooner you will want baby to get here. The end of pregnancy waiting for the baby to get out seems like it takes forever. I would just go to the ceremony and i am sure she would be more than grateful for that!
I hope so! It might not matter as I might be overdue anyway and then the problem is just how tired, uncomfortable and cranky I am rather than having a new baby.

Littlespy I'm a bit of a hermit too and honestly, I adore this girl and her fiancé, but we don't know anyone else who will be at the wedding which also adds to my worry about potentially going. If it was all people i know and knew would be supporting me it would be ok, but total strangers seems over whelming.

Well, we'll wait and see how we get on anyway!
Doggylover.. total strangers is good... they would be less likely to touch or hold baby if they dont know you ;) see how you feel at the time but make sure she knows that you're not certain on your plans yet. xx

I carry anti bacterial hand gel with me everywhere in my baby bag so if people want to hold baby they have to clean their hands x
Doggylover.. total strangers is good... they would be less likely to touch or hold baby if they dont know you ;)

Hadn't thought of it that way!!!

I keep trying to let her know I most likely won't be there, but she doesn't seem to take it seriously. I think she just wants me there so much and is trying to block out that it might not happen.

Other than that, my day has been a little bit :( it's a year ago today that I first got a positive pregnancy test before my mc. I think this is going to be a tough week until the 13th.
Here is my 26 week bump


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Awww doggylover :hugs: xxx

mommabrown that is a very amazingly cute bump you have there! Xxxx
Momma so cute! Lovely bump.

Doggy I JUST finished sorting it all and have pulled out about half from all of it that is gender neutral or can be paired with something more girly to make it more feminine (like black/gray sweatpants and some darker tops etc) I'm not super into girl vs boy things but obviously she won't be anything saying 'handsome' or 'little guy' hehe. Pulled out all pjs no matter what gender as she'll just be wearing them around the house anyways! A lot of the smaller sizes I pulled out as they were more neutral but as the sizes went up there wasn't as much that isn't obviously boy. We will still be set for a long while though, and I know I'll still pick up a few girly bits as will my family before she arrives :)
Quick question ladies, not seeing mw till 30th jan, and online it's all mixed, some say its ok, some say its not! But I've been getting period like cramping, not painful but rather uncomfortable, and been having them for a few days now.... And I know this is tmi but I've been really ill with a cold for nearly 2 and a half weeks and when I cough and sneeze I pee a little :( it's so horrible and imbarrassing and slightly worrying! Anyone else had any of these? Got me worrying to wether its actually pee or waters!!! :( Xx
I have started peeing when I cough and sneeze too.. the crampy pain could be ligament pain. Which would make sense why you are peeing when you sneeze and cough. xxx
Thanks for all your well wishes ladies about my traveling today. The service was quite lovely, and it was really nice to see my old neighbour again. We saw some other old family friends who were there as well, so it was nice to catch up with them. And most of them seemed to know that I was pregnant, so there was no awkward explaining required. I'm really glad I ended up going.

doggylover: I'm sorry to hear that today is a painful reminder for you. :hugs: I can't imagine how hard that must be, but you've got a strong LO kicking away in there this time and angels will always be remembered. :hugs:

kealz: that happens to me sometimes too when I sneeze. (my sneezes are usually quite violent!) :haha:

ukgirl: I'm sorry you're getting so much flack for Benson's name. Some people are just unbelievable. That's part of the reason that DH and I decided not to tell people our name until LO arrives. I don't care what people think about Peter's name. That's his name, and the first time they hear it will be when they meet him!

I read the saddest article today, it made me tear up something horrible. :cry: It was a blog post from a mother who lost her three year old daughter 8 years ago today because when she woke up in the morning and was playing before her parents got up she managed to pull her dresser down on top of herself and died. I can't imagine the horror the parents felt to discover their little girl. :nope: So to those of you with LO's already running around, please (if you haven't already!) secure your furniture to the walls. My heart broke just reading about it.... it's easy to think it won't happen to us, but I bet this poor family never imagined it would happen to them either. Aggh. I'm still all choked up about it! :cry:
Readytomum I read that as well and sobbed throughout it.

Kealz if you are worried, phone your midwife. Better safe than sorry. I had some period like pains over the holidays, and I believe they were just ligament pains in the end, but they were definitely worryin. Mine only lasted a few hours though. Make sure you are drinking plenty as apparently dehydration can lead to those sorts of pains.

Sweetpea, I totally agree that so much stuff can be worn by both a boy and a girl, so I'm lad you've got lots to see you through. I hate all the super pink girls stuff - if my LO ends up being a girl she will dressed nicely, but in as little pink as possible!
Well it looks like Jackson will be here around April 15 instead of April 20 due to the fact that he's measuring about 1 month ahead. I love how they go from measuring a day or two behind, to about 3 days ahead to a MONTH now! WHAT?! :shrug: Ahh well, I don't really want to change any of my tickers because its not like he's going to be any more developed, but at this point my doc thinks he's more the size of a baby coming in 3 months, not 4. LoL I guess I'm just made to have big babies since Liam was 10 lbs and 22 1/2" long. I'm going to share this with you girls, but its something i made for his paternal grandmother while she was recovering from knee surgery in the hospital.


I'm guessing this will be similar to what we have to deal with when Jackson Kiel arrives. I suspect that we'll have some rumblings about his middle name as to whether is pronounced KEEL or KI-EL..I will just tell them to sound it out and to remember Occam's Razor. LoL I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. :hugs:
readytomum thanks and I'm not changing his name no matter what people say. Good to hear you had a lovely service and catching up with old friends was nice given the sad circumstances. Waiting until the birth to tell people Peter's name is a good idea. xx

Wow Liams_mom you have a big boy in there! You're due the day after me now! xx

I'm not going to read that article, I can't do that lately, it bothers me too much. I couldn't even listen to the radio after the school shooting at sandy hook :( I cry too much xx

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