April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Awwwww I sometimes baby sit my friends little boy also called Lucas which gets a bit confusing. My Lucas loves his mummy hugs. He loves sneaking in my bed at 5am when Aaron has gone to work too and we snuggle hehe.
Aww he sounds like such a wee pet! A guy a i know just had his first baby and called him Lucas!

Just got some cloth mail :) not the prettiest wraps I have, but :shrug: they all look like they'll do a good job! Got my first grovia shell as well, and I'm pretty impressed with how soft it is, unlike some other outers I've felt. A little annoyed though as they mucked up my order and only sent me 1 rumparooz instead of the2 I ordered. Also, the picture on their website makes it look like the rumparooz have a fleecy lining, but they don't. Not sure I'd order from them again.
Ok the girl emailed me straight back and said she'll get it sorted ASAP. Maybe I will order from them again :haha:
Oh Im so jealous of you with ypur grovia! I can not wait to get mine! Sucks that they messed up your order. Thats a real let down! Send them a mail you may get a free nappy hehe xx
Havent been here in a LOONG while. To OP, my due date was changed to the 19th and it turns out we are having a lil boy, not girl :blush:
Hi Molly, I'll get all that info changed for you - apologies!

I hope you and baby are keeping well - not long to go now!!!!
Dr.'s appointment this morning went well. As suspected my Dr gave me the form for my gulcose test this morning, as well as for more blood work. :dohh: I HATE getting blood drawn... I seriously loathe it. The last time I went the woman was so rough and left a huge brusie and I broke down sobbing. :blush: I am not excited about the prospect of having to go back!

She said my Blood Pressure and Heart Rate were a little higher than normal, so I guess the stress overload of yesterday hasn't quite worn off yet. She said Peter's HB is perfectly fine though, so it doesn't seem to be affecting him at all.

I'm currently rather PO'ed at DH. :growlmad: For the most part I think I'm pretty amazingly lucky with him, but at the moment I'd like to throw something at him. I sent him a text last night saying I was skipping yoga because I wasn't feeling well, and I was overloaded and stressed out from my meetings so I was heading home. When he got home later he went straight to his computer, played there for a bit, worked out, then went back to his computer. He never once asked if I was feeling any better... how my meetings went... what the outcome of them was... or anything!! He didn't say more than two words to me!! So I just gave up and went to bed. But of course I couldn't sleep because I was still so worked up. :nope: Sometimes I'd like to throw his computer out the window.
Readytomum Im so sorry to hear about you not feeling well :( If it helps my OH and I argue over his computer often! He made friday nights his game night after a guy he works with signed up to world of warcraft so on friday nights I get ignored completely. He was meant to have a bath with me all week he kept saying tomorrow but you will never hear him postponing on his friend for WoW! He then told me that on saturdays he was going to play football all day. so we would only really get su days as a family I told him where he could stick it! He told me he is trying to be a lad as much as he can befire Ben is born I could kick his ass! He doesnt get off the computer until 4am! Men!!!
Readytomum -- Maybe you'll get a good bloodsucker for your glucose test. The one who did my 1st tri bloodwork was HORRIBLE. Worst experience I've ever had with a blood draw for labwork (don't even get me started on the butchers who work for Red Cross, though. :haha:)! The woman who drew my blood for my glucose test was AMAZING! Best one *ever*! And I told her that, too. When she was finished, I just looked at her and said "You. Are. AWESOME!" :haha:

And going into it she even mentioned something about my "scar tissue" (from my 2 Red Cross encounters over the last year... little did she realize, I have it on both arms... from just those 2 encounters. :dohh: Totally worth it to save lives, but seriously.).
Lol Littlespy, she prob thought you had scare tissue for pervios drug use :haha:
I've been really lucky with people drawing my blood... Only one time have a had issues because the lady yanked the needle out at an angle and blew my vain that way! I always feel like I would have been an ideal candidate for intravenous drug use ahahaha:haha:. I hear its rather pricy though, so I'll stick to my beer or wine after pregnancy lol.

Readytomum, sorry to hear about your OH. Men are just so stupid sometimes. I swear, they forget what we have to do daily just to function (carrying all this extra weight, the kicks, bathroom trips, hormones, water retention.... And that's without complications lol)! Maybe you can just tell him how you feel? I truly believe that often they are just clueless. ... Keep in mind that I just got into an argument with OH this weekend and he left for his next two week addignment and we havnt talked in 2 days :dohh:. I still havnt told him what he did wrong... Ugh... I just feel like he should KNOW! (I also realize that he won't unless I tell him, but I don't want him to change things just because I complain lol).
kirstabelle -- Did you order Alvas that shipped last night? If so, I think the delay in shipping that everyone talks about is actually just the transit time from China to the US. My Sunbabies took 2-3 weeks after they were shipped. Hopefully they'll surprise you, though (not that you really *need* them right now, I understand the anticipation).
Thanks for the support ladies! :hugs:

DH and I have very little time together at home because of our crazy schedules, so it really bothers me when I need him to listen to me and I get ignored for the computer. Granted, I usually just keep things to myself because I don't like whining to people...but this was something important and I felt really hurt that he didn't seem to care enough to even ask when he knew it was an issue.

He has since been blasted via text and the situation explained. He's apologized and admitted he wasn't really thinking. Hopefully we'll get to see each other with enough time before bed tonight to talk about things, because I would still really like to share my frustrations with him. Sometimes he has good ideas about how to manage things that I don't think of.

I feel a bit better overall today, but I've had some pretty intense heartburn most of the day. I guess my body isn't as good at handling intense stress as it used to be. I was just relieved to hear the Dr. say that LO's HB was normal this morning and that my body freaking out isn't affecting him!
readytomum I hope you get to talk to your oh tonight and I'm glad you got it all out there even if it was over text. I'm glad you are feeling much better tonight and all is well with baby too, gaviscon or tums help with heartburn ;) xxxxx
My MW also recommended raw, unsalted almonds for my ridiculous heartburn. I eat little handfuls of them throughout the day and it really does seem to help. I still need my tums sometimes though, but I definitely feel like I take them less now that I eat all the almonds. Sorry you haven't been feeling good Ready to Mum, and sorry your OH has been a pest.

Yes Little Spy it was my Alva's that shipped. I figure the actual shipping will take longer than usual. When my mum sends things from Australia it usually takes about two weeks, but somehow I thought China might take even longer, so was surprised everything was processed so quickly. I read one lady's order took 3 months! She couldn't even use her dipes on her NB. So if my dipes get here within 2-3 weeks I will be impressed. Especially since its free shipping. Free international shipping is crazy good, I think.

I have had good blood sucking experiences thus far during pregnancy. I usually don't mind blood work. I actually think I would be a good blood donor, but if you have lived in the UK between 1980 something and 1980 something else they won't accept your blood in the US or Australia because it is too expensive to screen it for mad cow disease. I think after 25 years we would probably know if I had mad cow disease or not, but whatever. :shrug: Anyway, hope you get a better nurse than last time Ready to Mum.

AFM, I am glad its Friday night and am ready to for an evening of blissful nothing much!
Readytomum I'm glad I'm not the only person who blasts dh through text or email, and not always in person. I hope you two got a chance to sort everything out, and you are feeling better today. My SIL did some prenatal yoga for a while, and at that she learnt that if you lie on you back with your legs up against a wall (so you are in an L shape, feet at the top, head at the bottom) that apparently helps with heartburn. I've never tried it as I don't get it, and can't imagine it'd be the easiest position to get into .....

No more snow here. My nephew is coming over later but I don't think we will be heading out anytime soon. I don't think dh would be happy driving with Jacob in the car in the snow, so we'll stay in and play all day. That also means no nursery paint this weekend :( although that's maybe no bad thing as we cannot choose the colour. I didn't know there were so many shades of light green!
Readytomum I'm pleased bubs is doing well and hope you manage to talk to oh - bloody men try really have NO idea!!

Talking of that you all know I had my op wed morning 8.30am well tue oh went with a friend to london as the friend needed a medical cert urgently for work. it was last minute to share driving. My parting words don't forget we have to leave at 6am Tom for my op! Well they broke down enroute so decided to stay the night as they where closer to London and he got appt the following morning hence oh didn't make it to hospital :( so when he phoned to tell me I was upset his reply there is nothing I can do! So I left it BUT then I was really upset as he didn't call me at all before procedure just a single crappy text literally seconds before I went in. He arranged for his mum to take me but it was hardly the same. I called him when I was out and he had been out all night in London at a casino pissed and couldn't see why I was upset. Anyway he said I was over reacting and refused to appologize we had strong words and then I had to leave it as he just wouldn't listen. Do u think I was unreasonable?? I'm still hurt over it now. He was then really hung over for 2 days and refused to help me - I was ment to be resting but still had to cook clean and iron his fucking shirt!!!! Sorry rant over!!! Men hey!!!!

Doggylover I know the feeling about paint - when I was looking at cream there where 100's and they dry nothing like they look on the tin grrr sorry u can't get it done this weekend but maybe it wil do you good to have a rest after your busy week :)
Oh doggylover, have Fun with Jacob! I'm sure you will have an awesome time (even if you stuck in the house)!
Picking paint can be sooo hard! I always pick a shade that I think will look great. Once it's on the wall (the entire wall of course), I realize that I hate it :haha:. Is you OH good with picking colors? Maybe just send him and you and Jacob stay in?

Nimbec, you are not overreacting at all!!! Your OH should WANT to be there for you! Going out the night before was selfish enough, but then not really checking on you before and after is horrible! You have every right to be mad! I just really dot understand why men can be so ignorant sometimes! Having any OP is scary and we need their mental support... Add the pregnancy with HIS baby, and you need him even more! Men should really read a book, that tells them: your part of pregnancy is to be sweet and thoughtful 100% of the time! It doesn't matter if we can do things for ourselves... We are carrying their baby's, so it should be an automatic instinct! Sorry, rant over! Tell him that you are hurt and hopefully he will see your point!

AFM, it's 3.30am and I woke up because I had an extreme urge to go pee all of a sudden. When I went, it wasn't nearly as much as expected :shrug:. Afterwards, I went back to lay down and still felt like I had to go... I've had a ton of non pregnant UTIs but they always felt different. Now I'm not sure if baby is just laying funny or what. Once I stood up (or sat up), the urge was gone. It only feels funny when I'm laying :sleep:. I just downed 2 glasses if water, because I hope the water will move him off of my bladder (if its LO).

Hope you ladies have a relaxing Saturday.
Thanks Steph - I tried telling him but I'm not sure it got through :( oh well we are friends again as I chose to let it go I jut can't cope with horrid atmospheres at the moment BUT believe me I will use it at some point and remind him!!!!

Sound like bubs was on your bladder my cheeky monkey is doing this lots to me I'm constantly feeling I need the loo and not much there when I go - pretty normal at tho stage I think, unless it burns or you have pain ....fx you get back to sleep!
Is you OH good with picking colors? Maybe just send him and you and Jacob stay in?


:shock: not ever will that happen! :haha: I'm too much of a control freak! The problem is as you ladies have said the colour looks amazing on the sample pot, and on the sample in the shop. Get it home on your walls, and :nope: it's awful! I painted on the new sample pots yesterday and dh was asking about on in particular he thought was great...on the walls it was like mud! :dohh: we'll get there in the end!

Nimbec: I do not think you are being unreasonable. Ok, fair enough if he really couldn't make it, but he should have been finding another way to get home to take care of you, not out drinking all night. And expecting you to do all the housework after your op AND when you are pregnant? In the words of my nephew "no no no no no!"

Steph the only thing I really dislike about pregnancy is that urgent need to pee, and when you get there it's the tiniest dribble. Especially at night. It drives me nuts. Many times I have thought I was actually going to pee myself, and then about two drops make an appearance! Hopefully your bladder is just as useless as mine, and its not a uti, but make sure you drink plenty just in case (although that will ironically just lead to more bathroom trips!) and try and get some more sleep!

Ok dog walk in the snow time!
So DH and I finally got a chance to sit down at talk last night. We both got home around 10pm and we chatted for over an hour. Everything is sorted out now and I feel so much better. I always feel better after I get a chance to talk to him about things that are bothering me. I think that's part of the reason I was feeling so crappy... I desperately wanted to talk to him about it, and he totally ignored me. But all is well now!

doggylover: I hate having to convey important messages through text-messaging, but as I've said because DH and I have such stupid schedules I only see him for an hour or so before bed each night, at which point we're both tired and trying to wind down for the night. So for us it's pretty necessary sometimes. Not ideal, but it works! Ooh, and have fun with Jacob today!!

RE: sudden urge to pee....I forgot who brought this up originially.... but YES! :haha: This happens to me all the time. The worst is when I'm sitting down for a while, and then I go to stand up and it's like LO drops onto my bladder because I'll desperately have to pee all of a sudden, eventhough I didn't while sitting down! But when I go... there's a little trickle, and that's it! Sometimes I'll go pee, and then literally 10 minutes later will feel like I need to go again. :dohh: Cheeky monkey!

I'm off to my sister's wedding shower today! Her second one technically... this time thrown by the other side. It's a little weird when there's two brides for things like this. Stuff you don't really think of ahead of time. So two brides, two wedding showers! I love my sister's fiancee, she's great, but she's a little high strung, and her mother is even more tightly wound... so it'll be an interesting day to say the least. I just hope everyone makes it out without bursting into tears.

Hope everyone has a good weekend! :flower:

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