April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Mommabrown: sorry to hear you've been so sick. Hope you and LOs start to feel better asap.

Readytomum: I can't believe even how much your bump has changed since the last photo at 23 weeks! I don't see mine changin (I guess most people don't) so I wish I had taken more pictures!

Steph: I bought SOME newborn stuff (ours does up to 10lbs I think) but not a huge amount since I'm expecting baby to be huge lol! But if we need more I know my mum and SIL will happily shop up a storm for us!! If we have a boy then we are going to get a whole load of my nephew's clothes which, like you say, is good because it means you don't have to buy much, but bad because they have a VERY different style for my nephew than I am into!!!

AFM, I don't know if you remember I told you about a girl at new Year who commented that my bump was massive and the baby could be a hermaphrodite?! Well, I was at a thing last night and she was there and annoyed the heck out of me. She thinks because she is working in obs and gynae (this is her second year as a Dr...) she knows EVERYTHING. For example I said to my pregnant friend "oh i ordered my TENS" and this girl chips in out of nowhere "Oh my god, they are such a pile of crap." I was so cross, but managed to just say "well since everyone experiences pain differently, and I know they've worked for many women, I won't be sending it back just yet" and then she went on and on about not getting an epidural. Now I hope I don't need one, BUT my friend wants one, and she was making her feel awful for even considering it :growlmad: I just find her so irritating. Yes, she has delivered many babies, but she has never been an expectant mother, and never given birth, so really her experience is limited IMO!
^ so irritating that girl :p Someone should shut her up.
I have to say that all med stuff will warn you against epidural when they are not in the hospital. I have my 2 aunts that are nurses and their first words after congrats when they found out I was preggers was :don't get an epidural.

I just ordered my Disana cloth nappies kit :)
Urgh don't listen doggy lover, yes the tens doesn't work for everyone but its all about trial and error! It worked for me, but it might not next time round, I actually need to think about ordering mine actually! I will be in hospital as soon as my contractions start so will have gas and air on tap, but I don't want to really use it till they are really bad so ill be using my exercise ball and tens!
Admit have another scan today to check how big baby is getting and a consultant appointment! It started snowing again last night so thank goodness my mum is taking me!!!! My lil man has been very quiet these past 36 hours! I'm not overly worried as I am feeling him, he is prob just going through a growth spurt as I'm aching at the moment! Starting to freak out a little now that I'm no where near ready! My sil is still needing to bring over the Moses basket and bits so I can wash it all plus more clothing, she bought some clothes over in 0-3 so at least we have that sorted! I ordered some nappies, cotton wool, breast pads and maternity pads for me too! And a play gym that was on offer in Asda for £16, and a new changing bag that is massive apparently according to reviews! It's being delivered today so we shall see! I got the summer infant Isabel tote bloom bag! But that's it really! Gonna start washing all his clothes at the weekend coz my mum is havin Paige for the weekend! Hope everyone is doing okay and keeping safe in this icy cold weather xx
Oh Kealz I think I have that same play gym as you!!! Sounds like you have been very busy sorting things out! With the TENS, and if it works then great! And if not, all I've lost is £21, so I can't really complain! Glad to hear though it worked for you before, that makes me feel lots better. Good luck at your scan today.

Lily, yep I would prefer NOT to get an epidural, and my brother (a Dr) said it wouldn't be advisable for me as I've had a concussion in the past and apparently an epidural can leave you with really bad headaches :shrug: But then again I am a total wimp, and I might be screaming for it before long! :haha: Oh very exciting about your cloth kit!! I was looking at it on the link you had posted a few days ago and it looks really great, and really easy to use!
All I'm going to say re: epidural is that everyone I know (online and in person -- myself included) who decided their birth plan was to "keep their options open" on the pain relief front ended up getting an epidural. :haha: I did manage to refuse all forms of pain relief offered to me while waiting the 2 hours for my epi after I requested it though. My husband thought I was insane for even doing that. :haha: I mainly blame requesting an epidural on being induced. I know it's possible for natural labor to be like mine was with contractions piling up on top of each other, but, at least anecdotally, it seems less likely. It would not have been a picnic, but I truly think I could have managed, even being ill prepared, without if I had even a minute between contractions to get my head together. I just completely panicked, to be quite honest.

We don't have nitrous oxide (gas and air, I think, I've seen it referred to by folks across the pond?) in many hospitals at all here. My understanding is that helps quite a lot. I had a friend who chose to deliver at a hospital 1.5 hours from her house just because they were the only hospital anywhere near her who offered nitrous oxide (and they had JUST started offering it -- this was June 2011). She didn't have an epidural, but she said she was so freaking out of it by the time she had the baby, nothing at all mattered to her (including the baby). :haha:

Anyway, if you really want natural childbirth, I think you really have to prepare yourself for it. That's just my opinion, of course, but I'm sharing it so that those of you who truly want it can take measures to take classes and really prepare. Even some women I know well online who did take natural childbirth classes (which were far more involved than the childbirth classes I took last time) ended up requesting epidurals. :shrug: Yet for some reason, again, I'm going into this one with the mindset that I'd like to not have one (even though I had a fine experience with it last time). :haha:
Oh Kealz I think I have that same play gym as you!!! Sounds like you have been very busy sorting things out! With the TENS, and if it works then great! And if not, all I've lost is £21, so I can't really complain! Glad to hear though it worked for you before, that makes me feel lots better. Good luck at your scan today.

Lily, yep I would prefer NOT to get an epidural, and my brother (a Dr) said it wouldn't be advisable for me as I've had a concussion in the past and apparently an epidural can leave you with really bad headaches :shrug: But then again I am a total wimp, and I might be screaming for it before long! :haha: Oh very exciting about your cloth kit!! I was looking at it on the link you had posted a few days ago and it looks really great, and really easy to use!

I didn't know that! I had a concussion (car accident) 6-7 years ago! I will let my doc know so he can entirely forget any epidural talk he he!

I had my diabetes test today, the glucose was ok, the nurse just mixed 75 grams of sugar in a little water, nothing like I imagined it would be. Why everyone says it is horrible? I like sugar :shrug:
The diagnostics lab I went is awesome I will get my results tomorrow night :happydance:
I don't want a fully natural childbirth (oh lord, I haven't the pain threshold at all!) but here there are other pain relief options which come before epidural, it's kind of our last ditch (in my hospital anyway). We're lucky with the gas and air, but I've also heard it doesn't go down well with everyone - my SIL said it made her feel drunk. Then at my hospital the next option is remiphentanol (sp?) which is a form of pethidine, but one which lasts only a few minutes at a time and is patient administered. Then after that its epidural.

So not wanting an epi at my hospital isn't the same as wanting natural at all. Because I know as sure as I am sitting on my sofa, I will need SOME form of pain relief! I'm just hoping to work up through tens, g&a, remi and then see if I do need an epi.

I haven't heard anyone who had a bad epi at all, but I just don't like the thought of not really being fully in control. Although at that point I know I also won't care :rofl:
^ Oh lordy... I can't imagine NOT being in complete control. I'd rather be in extreme pain to the point of fainting than not understanding what is going on. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Epidurals scare the hell out of me and today a nurse told me they can delay the process a great deal.
BUT for those who need it and they have no medical reasons to avoid it I'm all for it, we must all be free to make our own choices!
Lily I also heard they slow the whole thing down, which doesn't sound ideal at all! The sooner the whole process is over, the better!! I watched a show where the woman gave birth, from first contraction to baby being here, in TWENTY MINUTES.

I wonder what her secret was?!?!
I wasnt overly keen on an epidural, but a back to back labour was beyond excruciating and the epi was a godsend for me, like littlespy says, keep your options open, neither gas and air nor pethadine did anything for me at all.
Hmmm... I don't know if they do the "gas and air" thing here either. But it's certainly something I'll be looking into! I'd rather avoid the epidural if I can... but I know that I'll be wanting some kind of pain relief too! I think I have a pretty high threshold for pain, but there's no sense in making things more painful than they have to be. :wacko: I'm not into that kind of self abuse. lol
On the women who have short labors, I read that some women can be in labor for days with painless contractions and not even know they're in labor. By the time they reach early and active labor everything is well under way. Its like my MIL told me with my DH (her first baby) she had 2 hours of pushing and with her second son she said she didn't even need to push he just slid out and they had to rush to catch him :haha: So who knows what we'll all end up with.

I am less worried about the epi than the induction. I really don't want to be induced and they always seem to be in such a rush to do it here too. My hospital seems the most lenient of all my friends who've had babies. Their policy is 1 week and 6 days past due date and then they start talking induction. But I don't like that either really as they won't change my due date and I know the date they think is my due date (April 2) is at least two or three days later as I was temping, doing pee sticks and baby always measures perfectly for the 4th or the 5th of April not the 2nd. I know it is only two days, but if that is what makes a difference when it comes to them trying to induce me then I won't be having it, unless there is actual medical evidence that my baby is in distress or my placenta function is impaired or whatever. Otherwise this is the face they will be dealing with :growlmad:
Gas and air makes me feel sick. The best one were the pethadine shots but they dont really do a lot. I had the epidural with Connie I was in complete control. I could still walk and move my legs. I felt amazingly well and after wards I just slept it off. Do not write off any type of pain relief. When you are in that pain and you have been in pain for hours do not be too scared to take whats offered to you xxx
The best pain relief for me was deep breathing. it sounds silly but it was only after 71 hours thay I begged for pain relief with Lucas and that was only because I was in transition and loosing my mind lol. By the time I asked for ot the only thing I could take was gas and air and pethadine but he was born before the pethadine set in so I spent the next three hours feeling stoned off my face :p
. Otherwise this is the face they will be dealing with :growlmad:

:haha: it's stupid that they haven't taken the date you gave them, and that baby measures spot on for :dohh: definitely just say no if they want to induce before you are ready. Fingers crossed it won't be an issue!

before the pethadine set in so I spent the next three hours feeling stoned off my face :p

:haha: sounds funny, but I bet at the time it maybe wasn't?! I think deep breathing might definitely be a help for me. I know it's not the same, but I get really bad period pains, like crippling at times, and deep breathing has always really helped with those. I need to make a list of things to remember when in labour though, otherwise I'll forget all this and just be a sweaty, crying mess who is screaming for them to knock me out!!
Lol oh boy ladies... Maybe I'm alone on this one, but I'll take all the pain relief that I can get :haha:. I have not heard anything negative about epidurals and I very much believe in modern medicine. If it will allow for a stress free birth and not harm the baby, then sign me up lol. But again, I think LittleSpy is right, we don't have all that many options for pain relief here. I have heard, that they actually adjust your epi as you get closer to pushing... That way you can feel when you need to push and have full control.

Gosh, all this talk about flus is getting me nervous! I really don't want to get sick this close to the end. I hope that everyone starts to feel better soon!! :hugs:

After all the headache I have had with the delivery of my furniture (store closed and they wouldn't release the order from the warehouse), they have finally confirmed to delivery everything this Friday!!!!:happydance: I am so excited to finally get the nursery going!!!!

Question for you guys:
For the past 3 weeks, I sometimes get this stretching feeling at the top of my bump. It's not Braxton hicks (uterus is not tight). It feels like my top abdominal muscles are being pulled apart. If I push them back together, it gives me a bit of relief for the moment... And I usually only feel it if I ate too much :shrug:
Anybody else dealing with this? Any resolution ... Other then not eating too much (which I can't guarantee will happen ahahaha) :haha:
I just started getting pain at the top of my bump too! I have a MW appt on Friday so was going to ask about it then. Mine is like a sharp stabbing pain and it just happens when I move too fast. I did it in bed last night and it woke me up it hurt so much :( Its sort of like round ligament pain, but not where my round ligaments are. These babies are getting big I guess!

I get creeped out by the thought of a needle going into my spine with an epi. That actually scares me more than any of the other pain or tearing and gushing blood etc etc that people talk about with labor.

I am hoping to go all natural. My natural childbirth class is this weekend, so after that I am going to make a decision about what pain relief options I might try and will do more research on as they will talk about them all in the class. And I also have to decide if I'm going to use a doula. At this point I think I might, it is just the $ that holds me back as it is $1000 and not covered by insurance at all. Not that I don't think it will be worth it, but parting with large sums of cash is all we seem to be doing as we get closer to the birth!
Hey ladies...i am finally feeling much better today. LO is in school finally after being out for almost a week! Talked to my attorney today...court within the next 30 days he say! I am ready to get it over with!!

I agree with you Steph! After having a grueling and long hard labor with my 1st(29 1/2 hours no dilation) and 2nd(preterm labor at 24 weeks-36weeks) i don't ever want to feel a contraction again! I shudder at the thought of going into labor before my c-section....which at this point looks like is exactly what is going to happen.

Kristabelle Emmaleigh has measured spot on for April 6th since our dating scan in August. And now my idiot DR wants me to wait till the 9th. I agree with you it is just a few days but with I don't want to go into labor as our Hospital doesn't do VBAC's yet and i feel very afraid of what may happen if i do. My OB is such a lazy ******* i swear!

I don't know about you gals but my belly isn't so much hurting but feeling like it is going to burst if she grows anymore!

Oh i have the rest of Emme's things ordered! A dresser that matches her crib and changing table that has these cute little storage baskets in them....high chair(I know she won't use it right off but i still bought it while i have the money), swing, bouncer, and playpen.They should be here in about 2 weeks!!!!!! I am counting on the baby shower for clothes and diapers so that will be a bit of a help with the expense!
Oh Kristabelle I understand the needle part! They never bothered me, so I guess that's why an epi sounds perfect lol.
I was with my friend when she was in labor and after the epi, whenever she got a contraction, she would stop talking... Take a breath... And continue on with the conversation! That was all the way up until pushing. She pushed for 10 min and BAM... Baby! Beer once did she cry out! That's te labor I want :haha:

Mommabrown, if you go into labor before the scheduled date, won't they do an emergency c section?? When is it scheduled for?? Maybe you can convince them to move it up a bit??
Lady at work touched my belly today and said: oh it's not even hard yet (oh it so totally is hard :growlmad::haha:), you have plenty of growing left to do!
I told her she was wrong and that I had reached my growing limit ahahahahha
Haha steph in a few weeks you might be rethinking whether you are at your limit now! I seem to have exploded (in the words of my dh!!) in the last few weeks!

I think one of the things that really puts me off an epi is that the DVD my hospital gave me shows an epi being put in. I couldn't even watch! I know I wouldn't see (what with it being behind me :haha:) but it really freaked me out!!!!

I know there are no prizes for being brave during labour though, so if I need one trust me, they will be jamming that needle in my back before I scream the whole place down :rofl:

Kirstabelle, I can't wait to hear how your class goes! I didn't realise a doula was so expensive, that's insane!

Mommabrown, so glad to hear you and LO are feeling better, and back to school is always good! And great news about ordering all the rest of Emmaleigh's "stuff" is so organised of you! You make me feel bad!

Can't help with the bump pain unfortunately. I did read (ages ago) that when you get bigger your stomach muscles can kind of separate if you lean/stretch funny? That sounds like it would be very painful! But maybe I made that up and didn't read it at all :shrug:

New Bones episode here tonight :)

Aaaaah! Just went to take the dog for a walk and what was waiting for me on the stoop? My alva baby diapers! Six days!! That's how long they took to get here from China. That is totally insane. And they ship them DHL for nothing. Crazy.

I so want to just sit and snap and unsnap them and perform experiments comparing them to my other dipes, but I have to go get on the bus. I will take pictures of their cuteness soon tho because they are damn cute!

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