April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I have 18 brand new nappies (14 little lambs and 4 itti bittis) and then 20 preloved size 1 tots bots bamboozles, and maybe about 15 size 2 tots bots. And 7 new wraps to go with all my fitteds, and maybe about 8 preloved wraps- but the elastic on them isn't great so they are not really on my radar!

So I'm hoping that (as long as the tots bots fit) we'll have enough to be able to wash every day and a bit at the start, then down to every 2 days once nappy changes are a bit less frequent.

Where did you get your minky ones? Tiger print will be so cute! I laughed the other day when you said you were getting some from (I think) a friend on Facebook and some of them are denim print so Benson will look like he's wearing hotpants :rofl:
Hi ladies whooo aaa what a day I've had with mamas and papas!! Firstly Thankyou for everyone's advice and kind words this morning!

Ok so they refunded my footmuff :) then I had a row with them about car seat as it was sticking really bad an had scratches all over and was literally brand new!! He turned round an said quote 'its for saftey dear not fashion!' Well I was furious and sai well at £145 I'd expect it to be in tip top condition! So long story short she said maxi cosi seats fit the sola and they can order them but had none to show me and told me try where more expensive BUT they would price match! So off I trotted to mothercare guess what maxi cosi was much nicer and only £95!!! So I went back to m&p asked to order and they couldn't as haven't got any till April lol lol so in the end I persuaded them to refund me! So I will order one off line now and save my self £60!

As for the cotbed that is what they are like on some of them basically I have no choice but the ones in store are misleading as they don't show the high ones like mine grrrr any how it will be great for the first 6 weeks or so when I've had my section then ill drop it down to the lower one - still I would NEVER buy from them again!!! I have £130 voucher to spend with them due to their incompetences but after that I will be boycotting them lol!

Ooooh thinking I may buy a baby carrier from there with voucher I remember ages ok chatting about them but I have choice of stokke, baby Bjorne or their own (clearly I won't be buying theirs!) but why do you guys recommend? I can't seem to fin many reviews online....my partner needs to be able to wear it too....

Hope you've all had a good day!!!
Blimey Ukgirl & Doggylover that is some nappy stash :) and very trendy too!!

It was me that mentioned pound land, home bargains & 99p store for baby bath wipes etc they are megga cheap on known brands! They have some very cute pram suits in too at the minute!

Ooh and I you join bounty club you get a pack if free goodies - it's not bad actually all u do is print voucher and take it into boots or super drug

Right off to collapse in a heap :)
yeh I didn't go for the demin hotpant nappy in the end hahaha!! I don't want the other babies at the park to get the wrong idea about him ;) You have a good stash there, I feel better now knowing I'm not the only one who has far more than I need :p I got the minky ones on ebay, a lady was selling them brand new due to her baby being born with a medical condition meaning she couldn't use them. I got them for £5 each. I feel very sad for her though having to sell such cute nappies for a sad reason.

nimbec my dad works in poundland so I'll get him to pick me some up :) Thank you for the advice with Bounty too :)
I can not believe what the guy in the store said to you about it being for safety not fashion!!! OMG I would have blown a fuse at him!!! How dare he!! like you said if you pay so much money for it you want it to be working and undamaged! I'm so glad you found a cheaper nicer one and got a refund xx
The baby bjorn carriers are amazing I had one for my babies :) Super easy and comfortable. xx

I have to go I'm being screamed at by Connie who is trapped in the bathroom by a spider the size of a pinhead -.- Have a nice night everyone xx
I honestly can't believe someone would say "it's for safety not fashion". So they would buy a car with scratches all over it? Or a fire guard which is splattered in gunk? Ridiculous. I'm glad you got it all sorted though.

Nimbec: I've heard that baby Bjorns aren't great as they are a "crotch dangler" which basically means that the baby's hips aren't supported in the correct position, and they are only held under their crotch. Their legs need to be a in froggy position rather than just hanging down outside the carrier.You should also avoid any baby carrier that carries baby in a forward facing position, as it throws your weight off centre, and doesn't hold them in the correct position (this is all info I've gained from my research on carriers, much of it over in the natural parenting forum, but other places too). I believe the stokke carrier allows a parent facing carry which would be much better, but again I'm not sure if properly supports the hips. I mean, I don't know of anyone whose baby has ever had serious injury or problems because they used a "crotch dangler" lol! but if you plan on using it a lot, then it's something to consider. After looking at loads of different styles, I went for a Boba 3G in the end, but obviously that isn't much help to you since you would prefer to use your M&P voucher!

Ukgirl: you can get minky pockets for less than a fiver on tiny nippers - I'm going to get a whole load when baby is a bit bigger because they are so flipping cheap! They do newborn as well on there. They are the same brand that bulk sell on eBay and come from china, but apparently they are pretty good :thumbup: I wasn't that interested in pockets before I saw those, but they would be great for when my parents are on baby duty lol!
Thanks Doggylover and Ukgirl... Crotch dangling hehehe made me chuckle clearly I've lost my marbles today lol! Good point tho...not sure how much I'd be using it but the the stokke is longer lasting ie can carry a bigger child too so maybe worth going for that one. In all honesty I don't know what else to spend voucher on in there as I feel like things may be crap quality :( and I already have my bouncer....

Hope you catch the tarantula (sp) Ukgirl eeeek! Bless her
doggylover: Your boss sounds like he's being a douche today! Maybe a lot of people called in and he was panicing? We had some nasty weather here the last few days, but it's quite nice out today now. Just super cold with a freezing wind.

ukgirl: Poor Connie!! I was that kid... whenever I saw a spider, and it didn't matter how big it was, I would literally be paralyzed and scream for my dad to come kill it because I'd be frozen in place. I can kill them myself now... but I'm still terrified of them! :blush:

nimbec: Glad you got things mostly sorted out with the cot/carseat issue. That sales person should know better than to say such stupid things! Our crib (your cot) has three adjustable mattress heights, and we have it on the highest one right now, and I feel like it's a pretty good distance from the top of the bars, but we don't have any bumpers so that might be why it looks more spacious? Might just be a difference in brand/make too I suppose.

AFM, I went to get my glucose test done today. I had to drink this horrible orange liquid. Yuck. It taste soooo bad. :wacko: So I guess I have to wait not to hear about my results. When they took my blood after I drank the stuff I specifically requested the one nurse do it so I could avoid the monster. My arm is a little bit sore, but not even a tiny bruise! That woman is MUCH better!!
Nimbec I got my baby bjorn when I was pregnant with Connie and used it with both kids until they were about 2. I used it for hours on end when travelling through airports and honestly both my kids were super happy in it. No crotch danglies! You can adjust the seat on them so when your baby gets bigger you can make the seat bigger for extra support. I would have gotten one this time round for Benson too but they are expensive and I was given my last one for free. IMO baby bjorn are amazing :) Ive never tried a stokke one but Ive heard good things about them and if you prefer that one then go for it. Its always good if you can find one that lasts a bit longer too! Xx

well the spider was bigger than expected... it was a huge garden type spider and while I went to see where Aaron was it had crawled away.... later found in the bath tub lol.

Im glad your blood test went better today readytomum! I hope your GD test results come back normal xxx
Ugh I hate spiders in the bath ukgirl, I would be the same as Connie - screeching for help!!!

Readytomum: glad you weren't butchered when giving the blood samples! I'm sure your GTT results will be just fine.

Afm, snow is worse with us today, but it seems to have only dumped down in our area. I live in a hamlet with about 50 houses and a school...and we are the worst hit area in the country! But after my boss being kind of mean yesterday, I felt I had to come to work today even though all the schools around me are shut. I made it safely, but it wasn't fun :(
I would be screaming for help as well (if it did any good) :haha:. I can handle snakes and mice and rats... But if its creepy-crawly... I want to cry ahaha

Doggylover, be careful on your way home! Hopefully it will have melted a bit by the time your done with work?!? Your almost on maternity leave anyway right???
Down to the last 10 weeks (and 2 days lol) for me :happydance:. Which reminds me... Time to panick :shock::wohoo: ... I still don't have word about my nursery furniture and feel like nothing is ready!!!
^ Same here no nursery up yet. The cradle that came was faulty and I returned it so I have 0 furniture :(
I have a changing station and a bouncy chair. That's it :(

I feel like I'm running out of time, but I don't want to settle for stupid stuff. The bedding of teh cradle was a bad idea, a whole lot of money for a mediocre product, we are really disappointed. Pretty it is but it doesn't worth the money we spent.
We have rain today yay its washing all the ice away :D I got a sweet cheap cot bed set and pram blanket in sainsburies today half price. £30 altogether. I was in huge trouble last night over my cloth nappies.... i didnt take into account while I was bidding on the cutest ones how much the postage was.. last night I went to pay for them all together and they come to £190 my cards been conviscated haha..

steph yay for 10 week count down!!!! I cannot wait to be there.. I cant wait to be in April and full term! You have a while yet so dont panic xxx

I have our cotbed stacked up in the spot where its going to be built but Im too scared to put it together. my mum keeps saying how its bad luck so for now its just sitting there..

hope everyone is having a good day. Be careful in the snow doggylover xxxx
Steph: Mice aren't scary! I used to have two of them as pets actually. They're super soft and their cute little whisker faces are adorable. :thumbup: I can see how you might be a little uneasy about one running across your floor or something. I'm right there with you on the snakes thing though...

ukgirl: glad you got your nappies you were bidding on... but sorry to hear the shipping charges were a bit of a shock! I try to avoid ebay so hard because I always get sucked into buying things on there that I don't really need.

I woke up this morning to discover a winter wonderland outside! I don't know what time it started snowing last night but we've gotten quite a bit overnight and it's still snowing pretty hard now at 10am. Today will definitely be a winter boots day! I also think that this snow calls for making some spicy Tom Yum soup for lunch today..... Mmmmmmmmmm.

I still can't find my camera but I took a picture of the Puppet I bought with my webcam so I could show you all. It's not great quality, but you'll get the idea!


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Hello Ladies. Sorry it's been awhile & it's going to take some reading to get all caught up. I ended up going to the doctor last Thursday morning which led to a "preterm labor" test as I had one of the cramps I was talking about while she was examining me. It made her a little nervous so that started all the testing. Long & short of it, I'm having extremely hard braxton hicks. The preterm labor test came back negative (longest hour & 15 minutes of my life)!!! No infection of my urine, bladder or kindeys, my cervix is closed, fluids all look great & Mason is doing well measuring right on the money for EDD of April 26th! However, she was not bashful at all when informing me that I'm pushing 37 years old, not superwoman & it's now time to start taking it easy. No lifting over a milk jug, not to spend too much time on my feet & get rid of anything causing stress..... UMMM, I'd LOVE to take care of the last one, but unfortunately I have bills to pay & I really like to eat so guess I won't be telling my bosses to "take this job & shove it" anytime soon..... So now I'm stressed because I feel I have so much I need to get done & sooner now than later. DH is keeping his thumb on my head & not letting me do ANYTHING. Which is sweet, but it's driving me nuts. I'm being good because I want to keep my little Mason safe & sound where he is for as long as possible, not to mention sitting on my butt doing nothing is better than laying on my back on bedrest for the next 3 months! But now I have the fear he will be here early since it seems he's anxious to meet us!!!

On a good note Sunday night while we were laying in bed DH & Mason were playing a game with each other. It was so cute!!! DH had his arm laying across my belly & would tap my left side of my belly & Mason would kick him in the arm. They did this for about 30 minutes... I loved every minute of it!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. I will try to get all caught up on the reading!!!!

Have a great day!
readytomum what a cute puppet, is it for your nursery theme?

Maybesoon: Sorry to hear you got a scare! if it helps I've been having a lot of hard braxton hicks too. Im glad the Mason is doing well and that you are also fine. :) I know when Benson is laying low he can cause braxton hicks x

Well it's snowing again here now, pretty heavily... an hour ago I had to almost sprint to my kids school to get them as they sent a text about a possible gas leak. When I got there it took me about 10 minutes to get them out of there, they were all made to leave their things and get out asap. It was rather dramatic really, When I got home I found out about the factory in France which is leaking gas which is a possible cause for the smell at my kids school, apparently it's travelled over the channel overnight. I'm a bit worried about Benson now as I got a stitch while I was rushing about and haven't felt him kick since :( I hope he is okay.
readytomum what a cute puppet, is it for your nursery theme?

Nope. I just thought he was adorable. :haha: He does sort of remind me of a Fraggle though, and since we've nicknamed bumpy Fraggle it seemed like a good excuse. hehe

maybesoon: Glad to see you back!

I was just sorting through all the bits of clothes I've got so far, and I've got quite the stash going already! I wrote out a list of everything I have so far so I can figure out what sizes to tell people to get if they want to buy clothes.

Here's what I have so far:

19 X 0-3m onsies (or vests as you UK ladies call them!)
7 X 0-3m sleepers (the long arms and legs all in one things)
1 X 0-3m cotton pants

11 X 3-6m onsies
NO X 3-6m sleepers
2 X 3-6m cotton pants
2 X 3-6m button up cotton cardigans

1 X 6-9m overalls
1 X 24m onsie

I think I'm good for 0-3 month, although I would like a few more pairs of pants.
For 3-6 I need to get some sleepers, a few more onsies and a couple pairs of pants. And then so far I have nothing in the 6-9 size range besides the overalls. That will be back into cold weather here, so I'll need to get some warm stuff for that size. I have tons of hats and bibs, and I have a few pairs of booties as well.

Does this sort of matchup to what you ladies have/intend to get? Is it too much? Not enough? I don't want to have to do laundry more than once a week and I figure you can bet on going through at least two outfits a day?
Hey Maybesoon! Sorry to hear about all the drama with testing and your difficult BH contractions. Hope you can relax and that the jerks at your work stop giving you a hard time so that you and Mason can hang out for all 40 weeks! That is so cute about the game! I have tried poking my baby and even if she was kicking before she completely stops when I start poking. Its like she gets disgruntled because she's the poker, not us :haha: Typical that my child would be uncooperative from fetushood.

We're getting there Steph! I just did a little math and figured out that March 14th we will be full term! So once January is done we will be able to say we will be full term "next month". Sooo.. :happydance: and slight 8-[ as well!

Diggylover & UK Girl sounds like you have good stashes to get you started... you know you'll probably never stop buying cute dipes though :haha: Lucky you got so many diapers before your card was confiscated UKgirl!

AFM I'm going to do the second coat of paint on the crib today. I can't wait until that's done and I get the bookcase done so I can move everything around into their permanent spots and start putting things away. So impatient! I want to have it mostly done by my shower as we are having it here at the house on the last weekend in Feb. Exciting!

Even now that I am almost 7 months pregnant, I still have moments where I think "oh my god I'm having a baby" and get soooo excited!!
Haha that is a cutr idea for fraggle :p I have a lot of vests but all my clothing bar one pram suit is 0-3 months so I posted on fb asking for donations. I need more romper suits and a jacket for him. lots of people have brought him shoes.

after my nappy buying fiasco I will be surprised of Aaron lets me buy anything else this month at all! Xx

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