April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hi everyone. Im sorry I didnt reply yesterday Im drowning in my own snot lol... sexy sexy sexy...

nimbec I hope it all settles down. I was in l+d at 25 weeks because I had braxton hicks which didnt stop... sods law was they stopped after I got there lol. I can not believe what a douche your guy is being! Men they really dont think things through!! Xx

I havent changed my diet Im just having really bad gas for the past month or two noe. im not sure what thats about but I had to laugh at yours always being smelly doggylover!

Steph omg I LOVE LOVE LOVE Grayson's nursery. my oh was stunned when I showed him the pictures too. It is gorgeous. I can not wait to see everyone elses.

I put Ben's cotbed up today. it looks lovely I will post a pic on facebook later on :) xxx
Candy, as I was laughing at your misery (not so much laughing, but chuckling at your smelly gas issue)... I realized that I have been dealing with extream gas pains myself. lol. I think Grayson had a growth spurt and is pushing up, leaving no room for my intestines.
I have finally reached a point, where pregnancy is no longer comfortable :haha:. I guess 30 weeks is a fair time to feel that way. I know some ladies starting feeling like this much sooner!

Thank you for the nursery comment :hugs:. I love it too, but Rob HATES the red carpet :growlmad:. I don't know what his problem is. I really think he just wants some part of the decisions :shrug:.
So far its just the crib and dresser set up, still soo much left to do :dohh:... but I am very happy with how it looks so far.

Do any of you ladies notice that LO prefers one side over the other?? Grayson mostly lays on my right side, leaving me with a bigger bulge on the right then on the left. It also means that I feel him under my right ribs but not my left :haha:.
Haha Steph its horrible has but I must admit it is funny... I made Connie cry when I farted in the car hahahhahahahahhaahaha... I know they are horrible thouh because not even Aaron can stand to be around me when I have gas!

I think the red carpet is lovely I think men like to disagree lol

Benson's head is under my right rib he is laying transverse so Im looking quite wide. I think that is why people think I look so big because Im measuring perfect for my dates xx
Hi all

well it turns out it may not e braxton hicks i'm having i've lost part of my plug :( The cramps have slowed doen now tho so i have to go see midwiffe in morning for another internal to check cervix isn't dilated at all - fingers crossed my lil bubs needs to stay a little while longer!! If they are not happy tomorrow i will have to go to the hospital ....i'm there wednesday anyway to see consultant and for a scan so i'm guessing as long as i'm not dilated they will asses my situation then......`i didn't think they where braxton as it was more cramps than how hicks are described ....i'll let u all know asap!

I had a massive row with oh after his family went, it was truly awful he was a bit drunk and horrid towards me and said some extreemly hurtful things. For a while i was wondering if i was going to be a single mom :( I could hardly breath for crying. he came to find me and we talked and sorted a few things out. He won't accept that i'm feeling rough and my hormones are making me very snappy ...recons its just an excuse and said he feels like he doesnt know me :(

I know over the last week or so I have been a super bitch and felt bad enough as it was without him telling me. he wouldn't accept an appology :( just demanded me to change ....MEN how would they cope being pregnant, running house, cooking, ironing oh and lets not forget i'm helping him in the office a bit grrrrrrr anyway i absolutely lost i hysterically crying and couldn't breath - at that point i think he realised he had pushed me too far and actually listened to me and understood. He said he loves me very much so i will put it down to just stress for us both but it has left me wondering how he truly feels about me.....he has been ultra nice and considerate today telling me he loves me, even helped me in the kitchen......lets hope i'm just being super sensitive ......god i'm rambling so sorry ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have hurrendous gas tooo OMG i can hardly stand it myself!

Ukgirl hope you are feeling better soon!! Its horrid being rough :(

Steph...I think he must be blind I LOVE the carpet, as the others say perhaps he wants a bit of input.....typical man - never interested until the last minute then feel left out haha!

Right i'm off to relax....Oh and yes ontop of the arguement and feeling rough we have ran out of heating oil which means no hot water!!!! brrrrrrrrrr hoping it will be delivered tomorrow eeek!
Oh nimbec I'm so sorry!! I have heard that the plug can regenerate itself. I hope that thats the case for you, since you are not dilated at all :hugs:

As for your OH.. I'm sorry your feeling like this! I go through spurts with my OH as well and feel like I'm not sure if we should be together... I truly believe its hormones on my part but I can imagine men going through similar emotions! The stress of everything changing soon can make them act crazy! I'm sure he is just going through the motions and just needs time to adjust. Try not to take it to heart too much :hugs:
Oh nimbec Im sending you lots of warm hugs hun. Pregnant women are bitches most of the time but for all we go through I think it should be overlooked. I really hope your OH takes onboard what you have told him. I also have my fingers crossed that youre not dialating. Tell bubs it is far too early and he has to stay put for a few weeks yet! Could your back problems play any part in the pains? Im sure OH is just scared and leting off steam but he needs to sort himself out a bit really. Aaron can be just as bad. Men are so complicated! Xxx
I made Connie cry when I farted in the car hahahhahahahahhaahaha...

:rofl: poor connie! Honestly, do not send her round to my house any time soon! About two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night gagging at oh's fart! It was HORRENDOUS. I actually thought I was going to choke to death :haha: and that's just a normal day for us! My side of the family do have lots of digestive issues though (coeliac disease amongst others) so our child will be the same no doubt!

Steph, I think Grayson's nursery is lovely as well! I love the name rug (on top of the dresser, not sure if it is a rug but not sure what the word is?!) you have for him, it's so cool! And dh will come round to the carpet. Since he's wrong :haha:

Nimbec, so sorry to hear the oh is being such a total dickhead :hugs: and that he upset you so much makes me cross :growlmad: especially considering how worried and terrified you must be feeling about losing part of your plug, and having the cramps :hugs: He has been totally out of line, no matter how he feels he should be pushing that aside to reassure you and take care of you. I'm hoping it was maybe just because he'd had a few drinks with his family, and maybe is a little scared himself about what's coming and is happening. That's NO excuse though. Tell him I'll kick his ass if he does anything like that again ;) and tell LO I'll kick their tiny butt if they even think about appearing any time in the next 7 weeks!

Not much new with me. I brought home an exercise/birthing ball from my parents, but sitting on it has actually made my back sore, which I thought was the opposite of what it's supposed to do?! Maybe just my posture getting used to it. I'll try and use it a little every night and see how we get on!
I made Connie cry when I farted in the car hahahhahahahahhaahaha...

:rofl: poor connie! Honestly, do not send her round to my house any time soon! About two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night gagging at oh's fart! It was HORRENDOUS. I actually thought I was going to choke to death :haha: and that's just a normal day for us! My side of the family do have lots of digestive issues though (coeliac disease amongst others) so our child will be the same no doubt!

Steph, I think Grayson's nursery is lovely as well! I love the name rug (on top of the dresser, not sure if it is a rug but not sure what the word is?!) you have for him, it's so cool! And dh will come round to the carpet. Since he's wrong :haha:

Nimbec, so sorry to hear the oh is being such a total dickhead :hugs: and that he upset you so much makes me cross :growlmad: especially considering how worried and terrified you must be feeling about losing part of your plug, and having the cramps :hugs: He has been totally out of line, no matter how he feels he should be pushing that aside to reassure you and take care of you. I'm hoping it was maybe just because he'd had a few drinks with his family, and maybe is a little scared himself about what's coming and is happening. That's NO excuse though. Tell him I'll kick his ass if he does anything like that again ;) and tell LO I'll kick their tiny butt if they even think about appearing any time in the next 7 weeks!

Not much new with me. I brought home an exercise/birthing ball from my parents, but sitting on it has actually made my back sore, which I thought was the opposite of what it's supposed to do?! Maybe just my posture getting used to it. I'll try and use it a little every night and see how we get on!

Its the rug on the floor that he doesnt like :haha:. The thing on the dresser is actually Graysons name plate, that will be hanging over his crib when OH comes home next. Its wooden letters, mounted on wooden boards (that I covered with fabric).

Good Luck with the birthing ball... Maybe your doing it wrong :haha:. ?!?!

I just did some back stretches to alleviate some back pain of my own ... however, my pain is caused by being a lazy ass and laying in bed all day watching a Superhero marathon :haha:. Cody (my chihuahua) is curled up next to me, but his back seems fine lol

Hope you guys get/got a chance to relax a bit today!
Omg some of the ones I do with my IBS are so loud and go on forever haha but usually they never smell unless Im sick so this is new to me!

I love Grayson's name plate Ive not seen anything like that before.

Me and OH had sex tonight now I feel like Ive dislocated my vagina :/ Im thinking sex mau soon be off the cards for us lol xx
I feel like Ive dislocated my vagina :/

Welcome to the club!

I used to LOVE DTD but just the thought of it now :sick: .. ouch .. :wacko:
I am really looking forward to these hormones going back to normal in a few months :haha:
Omg steph I hate to say this but Im glad Im not the only one suffering haha! Im looking forward to couhing and sneezing without farting or peeing my pants. I cant even turn over in bed anymore its such effort! Xxx
Candy LMAO, turning over in bed over here, looks a lot like a beeched whale, trying to find its way back to water :haha: Even worse : Getting out of bed!!! ahahah it really is comical!
I love having Grayson in a safe place, but I do look forward to getting my body back lol ...
Lol I sound like a beached whale when I roll over its not attractive! When I get out of bed it feels oike Ive been kicked between the legs I waddle to the bathroom.. last time I tried to make breakfast before having a wee I actually peed my pants so now as sokn as I stand up I have to go to the toilet haha... I know what you mean about having them safe I like having Ben safe without having to physically do anything too haha. I cant wait for April to come round though I really cant wait to kiss his cheekies hehe xx
Hope everyone's had a nice weekend!

nimbec: Sorry to hear OH was such a tool the other night!! I really hope things are ok at your appointment tomorrow and that bubs holds tight for another few weeks at least!

ukgirl: DH and I DTD'd two nights ago for the first time in months... I think we've DTD'd a total of three times now since getting my BFP! lol Neither DH nor I have a very high sex drive so we haven't really missed it much, but I had been getting lots of weird dreams the last week that were at least partially sex related so it was time to give it a try again and see how well we could manage. Unlike your experience though, it was lovely. :haha: Also, peeing is definitely the very first thing I do after I wake up too. And after I stand up after sitting. And after going for a walk. And after sneezing. And after breathing... :rofl:

DH and I ordered our change table today! We went to Sears to look at the ones there, and then went on a bus adventure to the HUGE Toys R Us on the other end of town to see what they had for change tables (which was pretty much nothing!) So we ordered one off of the Sears website. It'll be delivered on the 6th!

Thankfully the trip across town wasn't totally wasted though because there was a second hand store next to it that we poked our heads into, and ended up buying a bunch of little outfits! They were 99 cents each! :thumbup: We got an adorable NB size onsie with a small embroderd giraffe on the front, and a much large giraffe head on the bum on the back. hehe Then we got a few 3-6m sleepers which we didn't have any of before, and a monkey cardigan with a full out head on the hood and a tail! That's right... a TAIL!! :happydance:
now I feel like Ive dislocated my vagina :/

:rofl: What a thought!!! Sorry to hear your are suffering.

Steph: Oh when I looked again at the facebook pic I could see exactly how Grayson's name plate is made up! I think it's gorgeous, I can't wait to see a pic of it on the wall! And yep, I'm with you on the beached whale in bed front! Especially annoying in the middle of the night when you just want to get out quickly and pee, and then get back to sleep!

Readytomum: I am exactly the same in terms of DTD. We have done it maybe 4 times (I can't even remember...) I love your clothing choices! A TAIL?! That is amazing! I can't wait for you to dress Peter up in these and take photos for us to coo over!

Nothing new with me today. I have my 32 week midwife appointment on Wednesday and that is the highlight of my week!
Hey girls, hope you had a nice relaxing weekend!

I had a very stressful weekend, on Friday I was served legal papers about an old case about a 23 year old car my DH had, and we had to contact lawyers and see what is going on. That stressed us sooo much. So I could distract my self I decided to deep clean the whole house and I think I overdid it... Then I had to go to my friend's housewarming party where she had too much to drink, she fainted and when she came around she was very miserable, so that made me even more stressed and I didn't get any sleep at all.
Yesterday I finally payed for the stress and not getting any rest, by spotting. I'm in bed now and wait to see how it goes. If it continues I will go to the hospital, if it stops I will just let doc know for our coming appointment.
I hope it stops and that staying bed does me good. I have plently of books to read, but I'm worried about my LO...
Lily :hugs: You poor thing. Definitely take it as easy as possible, wrapped up in bed with all your books. I assume Lo is still kicking away ok in there?

Sounds like a super stressful weekend, which is not what any of us need. Awful about your friend, but she shouldn't have put her misery on you afterwards as you are in (As they used to say!) a "delicate condition"!

Rest up!
Awwww lily :hugs: I hope it stops now you are resting. your weekend sounds crazy! Xxxx
^ Thank you darlings :)
LO is jumping around a lot, I'm sure he is fine. Seems we are on the start of a big law suit, we might have to pay 6,000 euros for an old car that doesn't exist anymore. We are freaking out when we think of legal fees if we take it to court or the settlement amount if we choose not to... It just feels like a very bad nightmare...
My friend is having a rough time with her DH, they are talking about separation, but no one takes the first step.

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