April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh Lily, sorry to hear about the lawsuit! Surely they must be able to do something other then you paying that much money!!! That sounds rediculous! Keep us updated and try not to let the stress get to you.
As for the spotting, I would let my doc know... Just in case!!! My doctors rules are: if there is spotting, she always wants me to call.

Readytomum, yay on ordering the changing table! Sorry to hear that Baby's R Us was disappointing. I've have felt the same way about them. Every time I go to look for something, they don't have what I want. That's why we ended up registering at Buybuybaby. They are a bit more pricy, but since they are part of BedBathand Beyond, you can use the 20% off coupon that they send in the mail all the time :shrug:
Hi all!

Lily hope all is ok? I had some spotting when I over did it a few weeks ago - they tol me not to worry unless I needed to wear a panty liner and it was probably an irritated cervix BUT I would call the docs anyway just to be on the safe side!

Readytomum yay!! What sort if table did you go for? Also I haven't had much success with toys r us either :( glad you got some bargains tho!!

Ukgirl that really made me chucke!! I know the feeling well - oh and I tried a few weeks ago (prob 3rd time since bfp) and well let's just say it was a no go - we both ended up rolling around giggling!!!

I too feel totally like a Beeched whale :( infact it's getting me down a little I don't feel attractive anymore grrrr

Well update on me: saw Midwiffe this morning and part of plug def gone and bubs in head down engaged and ready to go eeeek!! They think I maybe in very slow labour that has for te minute stopped thankgod!!!! I have to see consultant for scan Wednesday - they will try stop labour for 2 weeks then at 34 weeks let it happen OMG!!!!! But there is also a chance that he will stay put until my c section date (which I don't have yet lol) so I'm on rest !
^ Oh dear! I hope baby doesn't come out soon, please stay in bed!
I hear mucus plug can grow back, is it true?
Ong nimbec tell your lil man he needs to stay put!!!! I know he is eager to meet his mummy and daddy but not yet! Make sure u stay in bed mrs with ur feet up and no more stress from oh! Gosh! big hugs!
nimbec: we bought this one- https://www.sears.ca/product/delta-change-table-with-pad/632-000479196-10DA715R it wasn't the one we were expecting to buy, but it had the biggest surface area on the actual change pad area which was important to us because it means it will hold a bigger baby longer than most of the other ones would have!

Now listen lady, you need to stay in bed and relax!! No more stressing out about helping OH etc. You stay put and make OH take care of you! Your little man needs to hang out in there for a while longer to finish baking, and the best way to make that happen is to keep off your feet and take it easy. :hugs:
Oh WOW! nimbec! Cross your legs & stand on your head!!! lol.... I can't believe we are all getting SO close to GO TIME!!! I thought about it over the weekend & it has me completely freaked out that in 15 weeks or LESS Mason will most likely be here EEEKKKK! Where has the time gone??? TAKE CARE & rest!

lily, hope all is well & the spotting was nothing more than a little iritation of the cervix.

I also am not feeling all that great about myself lately. I feel like a hippo & dh refers to me as his toothpick with an olive...

Had the baby shower meeting on Friday. I guess it was ok. Between my MIL & bff they are going WAY overboard with the whole thing, but I don't really care at this point. If it makes them happy they can do whatever it is they want.

Lots of drama at the house yesterday as step-daughter got busted lying about a few things, got into trouble & grounded for the next 2 days. She locked her bedroom door (again but for the last time). I stood by my word & removed the door knob so that won't be an issue anymore!!! She tried to blame it on her little brother (who had been in his bedroom the entire time putting up his clean clothes). I was the last one in her room giving her clothes to put up. She got mad at me & locked the door to keep me out.... Well that didn't work well in her favor!!!! But dh was great & stood firm with me & for the next 2 hours she spent doing what she does best trying to manipulate him into giving in. Which in her defense has ALWAYS worked in the past!!!

As for Mason.... Well he's been a tumbling mess this weekend. It's like he's doing gymnastics in my tummy. It feels like he's rolling head over heels over & over & over....

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Nimbec, I 100% agree with what the ladies said! Tell LO to stay put for a few more weeks!
Oh WOW! nimbec! Cross your legs & stand on your head!!! lol.... I can't believe we are all getting SO close to GO TIME!!! I thought about it over the weekend & it has me completely freaked out that in 15 weeks or LESS Mason will most likely be here EEEKKKK! Where has the time gone??? TAKE CARE & rest!

lily, hope all is well & the spotting was nothing more than a little iritation of the cervix.

I also am not feeling all that great about myself lately. I feel like a hippo & dh refers to me as his toothpick with an olive...

Had the baby shower meeting on Friday. I guess it was ok. Between my MIL & bff they are going WAY overboard with the whole thing, but I don't really care at this point. If it makes them happy they can do whatever it is they want.

Lots of drama at the house yesterday as step-daughter got busted lying about a few things, got into trouble & grounded for the next 2 days. She locked her bedroom door (again but for the last time). I stood by my word & removed the door knob so that won't be an issue anymore!!! She tried to blame it on her little brother (who had been in his bedroom the entire time putting up his clean clothes). I was the last one in her room giving her clothes to put up. She got mad at me & locked the door to keep me out.... Well that didn't work well in her favor!!!! But dh was great & stood firm with me & for the next 2 hours she spent doing what she does best trying to manipulate him into giving in. Which in her defense has ALWAYS worked in the past!!!

As for Mason.... Well he's been a tumbling mess this weekend. It's like he's doing gymnastics in my tummy. It feels like he's rolling head over heels over & over & over....

Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Good for your OH! Putting is foot down and backing you up! That's how it should be!!

I thought we surely had at least another 6 weeks without worrying but I guess there really is no way to know. Time to order all the pieces I need for my hospital bag lol.

Grayson has def been kicking harder these last couple of weeks and I'm starting to feel that heavy sensation in the bottom of my belly when I get up lol.
He must be head down because I always feel his hiccups low in my pelvis and kicks always high in my ribs.

Has anyone heard from Littlespy? I wonder how she is doing...
wow nimbec your little guy is in a rush isn't he!! Could be a sign of things to come! lol, I really hope he stays put and bakes for the full time but if not then 34 weeks should be fine shouldn't it? Eeeek!! fingers crossed that he changes his mind like a typical man and decides he isn't ready to be born yet xx

Readytomum that is a lovely changing table!! Much nicer than the babiesrus ones IMO!! xx

maybesoon urgh girls girls girls HEY!! My little girl is a right bitch sometimes, of course I would not say that to her face but you should hear the stuff she says to her brother when she thinks I'm not listening, she's a daddies girl too so if she wants something and I say no she runs to daddy who says yes only to be moaned at because he had no idea I had already said no lol.. She turns on the tears and he can't bear it. It's cute really but also good to be put in her place! I hope your step daughter has learned a lesson!

well after OH and I DTD last night Benson turned round!!! He's head down now!!! horraaaayyyy!! must have been all the jiggling hahaha (sorry tmi). Today I'm feeling really under prepared so I've gone and brought a load of stuff ahead of time, I planned to buy most of the stuff I needed in the final 2 months but because of court fees I've had to spread it over a longer period of time, today I got Ben's matress, bedding, and carseat and my hospital bag, all I need to buy now are his toiletries, my hospital stuff, the Graco evo carry cot and then in the very last month our Graco Evo. I also got 2 huge bags of clothes today so now I'm off to sort through them all I don't know where they are going to go yet though as his wardrobe is full of stuff. I still haven't got the drawers to go inside yet.
Thanks ladies!! I intend to rest! I'm doing an online food shop later so I can make a few big casseroles and a few easy meals so I do t have to stand it kitchen for ages. The plug can grow back but it takes time...so knowing my luck it will be fully formed again just when I'm ready to deliver lol!! They assured me that babies do really well even at 32 weeks they need a bit if help breathing for a few weeks but are fully formed - how scary is that!! 36 weeks if preferable but they won't stop anything after 34 ....I suddenly panicked and thought I'd best get everything ready! They also said their was every chance I could make it to 38 weeks so I intend to barricade him in until then! Lol yes Ukgirl perhaps he is going to be impatient like his father and want to run before he can walk! Ha well I intend to put a stop to that right now - he can wait till I'm ready lol lol

Having baby brain but well done for taking door knob off great thinking and stick to your guns!
nimbec, I lost my plug with Connie in early january and she was due on the 22nd of april, I went 10 days over with her, so your doctor is right you could still go to full term xxx
lol Thanks nimbec! I'm a girl of my word & they were all told it was going to happen if that door was locked one more time!!!

Guess now they will ALL take me at my word!!!

I'm with ya on barracading him in! lol.... It scares the crap out of me that we are this close. I'll be 28 weeks on Friday & the thought that in 4 weeks they wouldn't stop labor if it started is just crazy to me! I'M NOT READY YET!!!!
Thanks Ukgirl! That's good to hear!! :) hope your enjoying your new baby buys :)

I can't remember who introduced me to pink lining nappy bags but OMG they are gorgeous!!!! Currently bidding on one on eBay :)
I will go check them out nimbec... dont worry though I wont bid for any Aaron has me on an ebay ban :( xx.
Nimbec that was potentially me with the pink lining bag! I have mine and love it! I can't believe LO is launch ready so early. He better not even think about coming out yet!!

Lily, €6000? That sounds awful :( I hope it doesn't come to that and everything is settled quickly.

Afm, sciatica pains in my left butt cheek tonight. I had them a lot during early 20 weeks, but they stopped from about 24 weeks on, and seem to be back again :( maybe I overdid the walking at the weekend.
Hey I had a growth scan today....everything is a ok. Measuring exactly on schedule . I got to see noah's chubby cheeks . Consultant appointment tomorrow and anti d injection. Anaesthetist Monday and glucose test Tuesday..looks like I am not getting paid much these two weeks. I am not entitled to pay for appointments because I am an agency social worker...I don't think I am anyway.. Gonna google it now. Glad everyone is doing well. Spd really kicks in in the evenings
oh doggylover.... I can completely understand the sciatica pains! I have had them for 13 years off & on..... The weather here going back & forth (and I'm sure Mason isn't helping) is making mine flare really bad right now. I laugh every single time someone says "Oh you will KNOW you are in labor when your back starts cramping & hurting".... That was even something my doc was asking me when I was having the menstral like cramping a couple of weeks ago "Does your back hurt/cramp?".... My response "My back has hurt/cramped/ached since I was 22 years old & had my first back surgery at 23. If my back didn't hurt/cramp or ache I'd think something was wrong."
Ukgirl don't look once you see them you will be hooked!! They match my pram as well because its a cream colour with a coffee border grrrrr if only I was rich lol! Thanks Doggylover - ill blame you then when oh says 'how much?!!!' Lol although he did just say he'd buy me one (didn't ask price) think he's feeling guilty!!! So he should i say!! And yes I will let him buy one if I can find one at a reasonable price ;)

Gosh Doggylover and maybesoon I can relate to the back pain ugh it's awful!!!! ((Hugs)) I also get shooting pains through my hips fun!

Gosh bitsysarah sounds busy! You should be payed I think? Are u in the uk? If so try have to let you out for preggy appts!

Hmmm well I baked a cake and choc brownie this afternoon so I didn't have to worry for a few days - big mistake all I want to do is eat it ALL!!!! No self restraint at all!!!' Poor bubs!! Maybe the sugar rush make make him jiggle out if being engaged lol!!
Sarah, sounds like you are super busy with baby bits at the minute! So glad to hear Noah is measuring just perfect (and I love the name!)

Maybe soon, now I feel bad, because my pain is like a 2 on the pain scale. It only hurts for a very short period of time (until I move again and undo whatever I did when I moved into the sore position) and although its agony for that time, it's only a few seconds. I can't imagine having to go through that non stop :wacko: on the bright side, think of how well prepared you'll be for labour!

Nimbec mmm sounds like you had a tasty day! Eat it all - you deserve it after a tough weekend! Some places have the pink lining bags on sale ATM. Not sure how much yours currently is on eBay, but I got mine for £53 on mummyandlittleme.com. Not sure if they still have them for sale, but I know a few other places do. I know that mine is now considered "last season" (I'm so out of style :haha:) but it was actually my fave one and the fact that it was on sale was a bonus! Which one are you bidding on? I got a blooming gorgeous multicoloured bows. I love it so much it is subbing for my child until LO gets here!
Update: I just got back from ER, they gave me an U/S and everything is dandy, they told me to rest and take it easy, it was just a blood vessel that burst. And I have no more spotting, as soon as I got back home I checked and discharge is clear, yay! And I saw my little boy in the screen being cute as a button <3
DH took the day off work tomorow to take care of me, he is the sweetest.

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