April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

nimbec: I am indeed allergic to my pillow, and always have been. It's a feather pillow which I sleep soooo much better on than any foam pillow, and I have it in double pillow case to stop the feathers poking out, but sometimes they stick through anyway. I know it's a little nuts to sleep on a pillow that I know I'm allergic to, but I've had a feather pillow since I was a kid... and I LOVE them. :dohh: I'm also allergic to my cat, but there's no way I could ever part with him either! I'm pretty sure he's allergic to himself as well, which somehow makes it better :haha:

doggylover: no change table yet! They're supposed to come between 12:00-6:00. DH will be home from work around 3:00, and I have to leave at 3:30 for work. So if they don't bring it before I leave, he'll be on waiting duty!

Steph: we've had people ask if we're planning to have any more after this one as well! In a perfect world DH and I would like three, but let's get number one out first and see how that goes before we line up to try again! Sheeesh!!

Hmmm... what do I want to make for lunch? Answer: I don't want to make anything... I would like lunch to simply appear before me! I think I might be waiting an awfully long time.
Steph I've had that exact same pain. I asked my mw at my last appointment and she said it is likely musculoskeletal pain from stretching as our uteruses keep moving higher and higher to accommodate the baby. Sometimes mine feels like tearing and sometimes it is stabbing and she said when it is the stabbing one that is likely to be the uterus pushing on a nerve somewhere in that area. She wasn't concerned. It sounds like your baby also likes to move his feet around up there so that probably isn't helping! Sorry you are having the pains too! Mine come and go so hopefully yours will go soon too and give you a break.

Yes! They do come and go... I was also thinking it must be stretching and that's why it hurts some days (growths spurts) and not others?!?:shrug:. Glad I'm not the only one! Why confused me, was that it gets better when I lay down for a bit... Like its taking the stress off of the area for a while :shrug:
I will check with doc next week.
Ahaha glad I'm not the only one getting "next baby" questions. I always said, that I would love two kids close together... But I really need to see how everything works out financially. I wish that wasn't a concern but with daycare running just under $700/month per child, that's a lot to consider.
... And... I really would like to be able to have my body to myself for a little while :blush:... Even though I have had an easy pregnancy so far, so I shouldn't feel that way...
Readytomum ugh that must be soooo frustrating! I can relate tho - I'm allergic to hay and am a horse rider which involves feeding & being around hay but nope I could never give if up! I had 11 on the yard b4 being preggy! Lol
Readytomum ugh that must be soooo frustrating! I can relate tho - I'm allergic to hay and am a horse rider which involves feeding & being around hay but nope I could never give if up! I had 11 on the yard b4 being preggy! Lol

Actually when I think about it, I'm really a sucker for self punishment on the allergy front. I'm allergic to plants (particularly strongly scented ones) yet I used to work in a flower shop and have several plants around my apartment. I'm also allergic to dust and I currently work in a university library! :shrug: I gave up on clear nasal breathing a long time ago. lol
Lol readytomum I bet you've forgotten what it's like to breathe normally!
That makes sense Steph. We probably have some (tiny amount) of space left in our bodies that when we are lying down things shift to the side a bit instead of always pulling down and forward like when we are sitting and standing. Although having said that one of the most painful times I had that pain was in the middle of the night and it woke me up. I was like "what is this child doing to me omg" :haha: She must have gotten into some weird position that made it worse even lying down. Monkey.

I just saw on my registry that someone got us the giant 5 foot tall stuffed giraffe that I am obsessed with and thought nobody would buy us in a million years. :happydance: Cannot wait to put it in the nursery!

Speaking of nurseries, your decal is adorable Doggy Lover! I have a feeling mine will not be ready when baby comes just because of that stupid broken bookcase piece. I have asked the guy twice how long it is going to take to get the replacement piece and he just doesn't reply. The last thing he told me was just that it had been ordered and they were waiting for it to arrive. Jerks. I did paint the shelf pieces today, so when it finally gets here it just needs to be assembled. So annoying though as I would be so close to finished otherwise. :growlmad: I am going to email again on Friday for an update, as that will be a week since the last time I emailed.
Question: I am still getting this crazy pain at the top of my bump! It feels like burning or tearing sensation. Right under my sternum in the middle. It's usually fine in the morning, and once I get to lunch time, it gets progressively worse. If I lay down for 30 min or so, it will stop hurting for a bit :shrug:. I'm at a loss as to what it could be! Checked my ab muscles (to see if they were tearing) but they are at the normal 1-2 finger width. Is there a ligament that holds that part of the belly? I don't have any other stretching pains

That sounds a lot like the indigestion/heartburn/reflux (I assume) I've gotten with both of my pregnancies. I got it every day for about 2 weeks with my first and have had it only a handful of times with this one. It's excruciating and not like any kind of heartburn I've ever had not pregnant. Nothing seems to help me more than a tall glass of milk and lying down. Neither thing alone has helped me much, and antacids have been useless in my case. :shrug:
Question: I am still getting this crazy pain at the top of my bump! It feels like burning or tearing sensation. Right under my sternum in the middle. It's usually fine in the morning, and once I get to lunch time, it gets progressively worse. If I lay down for 30 min or so, it will stop hurting for a bit :shrug:. I'm at a loss as to what it could be! Checked my ab muscles (to see if they were tearing) but they are at the normal 1-2 finger width. Is there a ligament that holds that part of the belly? I don't have any other stretching pains

That sounds a lot like the indigestion/heartburn/reflux (I assume) I've gotten with both of my pregnancies. I got it every day for about 2 weeks with my first and have had it only a handful of times with this one. It's excruciating and not like any kind of heartburn I've ever had not pregnant. Nothing seems to help me more than a tall glass of milk and lying down. Neither thing alone has helped me much, and antacids have been useless in my case. :shrug:

But doesn't heartburn get worse if you lay down?? :shrug: I've also had mild heartburn at the same time, which is resolved with two tums... And the stretchy pain never travels above my bump... It's almost like a bruise or sore spot about 1 square inch big, center, top bump! It's very strange lol

Little spy, since you are very knowledgable on baby carriers... Have you heard of the Baby K'Tan? They sell it at the store that I registered at an it seems to be the latest trend?!?
Hey Ladies!!!

Sorry I haven't been on the last couple of days. It's been really crazy.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm going to try to get all caught up on the reading...

Had my doctor's appointment yesterday. Mason is good, spinning in circles, my cervix is closed & long (woohoo). But she reiterated that if my contractions (cramps I've been having) get more frequent then 4/hr or 10 minutes apart &/or I start spotting/bleeding I'm to head straight to the ER!!! ummmm I know it's just in case, but that scares the crap out of me. I am signed up for my epidural ($200.00) video. I'm watching it next Friday on the 15th. I seriously don't want to take a chance of going into labor & not being able to have an epidural!!!!!

Ok, off to try & catch up on the posts!!!
Little Spy! I was just thinking about you as I was standing in the deli staring into the Ben and Jerry's freezer deciding what to pick... I picked Oatmeal Cookie Chunk, you know to prepare for lactation :haha: Its nice to see you, I missed you :flower:

Little Spy will prob know more about your carrier Steph, but the one thing I do know about that one is that it is pretty much like a moby wrap that you don't have to wrap, which makes it easier to use. I think the only downside to it is that because you don't wrap it they are sized so the one that fits you might not fit your DH, for instance. I thought about getting that one too, but then I scored a free hand-me-down moby wrap and thought getting two stretchy carriers might be overkill. And the way you describe that pain you get is exactly, exactly like mine. Just that little triangle patch between ribs and bump. So weird. I am glad someone else gets that weird pain so that I feel less weird, although obviously would like it to go away for both of us since its uncomfortable. I wonder if it will resolve itself eventually, like when you work out the same muscle every day and it stops hurting as much. Yes, ask your doctor about it too and we will compare notes. I have my usual midwife at my appt tomorrow (last time I had a stand-in) so I will ask her also.
Kristabelle, i'm glad someone else shares my weird pain :haha:. and thank you for the info on the wrap! :thumbup:

Maybesoon, yay on a successful appointment and scan! did you get some pictures??
Appt today went well - bp and urine good, sugars good, baby good, and measuring spot on for fundal height which was surprising as I feel like a whale lately! Got a (well meaning) lecture about getting to hospital ASAP when I go into labor as she thinks it will go even faster than last time since I've been 70% effaced for weeks. Made everything seem very real all of a sudden! Also told me I'll be induced between 39-40 weeks bc of the GD, however she doesn't see me getting that far anyway - and honestly I don't either. I said my goal was 36-37 and she seemed like that was a reasonable target to get to with my history so I was happy about that.

Here's my first bump pic of the pregnancy - kept meaning to but with a toddler pregnancy is def a whole different ball game!


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SweetPea you look great :thumbup:
Geez I can't believe you/we are getting so close already :wacko:

My chihuahua was sleeping on my the other night and I had to take a pic .. He was using my bump as a pillow :haha:
I also tried to get a picture of my dimming lamp (not sure why I'm so excited about them lol sorry)...


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It's only let me attach one pic :shrug:


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Love the pendant and the wall color Steph! And even though I can only see a smidgen of it the red rug definitely looks fab, your DH is wrong just as you said!

Sweet Pea you look great!! You do not look at all big and definitely not like a "whale"! Hope you make it to your goal, that is coming up soon!! And sounds like everything else is going very well for your pregnancy, yay!

Maybe soon, what is an epidural video and why does it cost $200? Glad Mason is looking good!
Woohooo!!! The change table is assembled! It matches the crib so nicely too. :happydance: So that's all of our big furniture for in there taken care of now. We get our curtain rod and chair cushions on the weekend so then we can hang the curtains and the chair won't look so bare.

I hung up most of the wall stuff tonight as well because I couldn't help it! I still need to figure out a way to attach the carpets together, we need a thicker change pad for the change table, and then we still need all the little details stuff. We need some baskets for the change table, bedding for the crib and a sheet for change table, some sort of lamp so we can change in the dark without using the big light, and I want to find some small shelves for displaying stuff on too, as well as put up the rest of the Dr. Seuss wall decals. So nursery wise we're pretty much set except for fiddling stuff.

Now we just need to get the stroller, car seat, monitors, diapers, wipes.... etc. :dohh:
Kirstabelle, I know people will say getting the nursery done doesn't matter before LO arrives as they don't use it, but its nice to get everything finished and ready for LO. And not have to try and juggle a new baby with decorating! Fingers crossed your bookcase gets sorted soon.

Sweetpea- glad the appointment went well again :) and what a beautiful picture! You look amazing!

Steph lol at your dog!!! I wonder if he can hear LO when he leans on you like that? And love the lamp!

Readytomum: that's great about the nursery being more or less done!!! Any pictures?!

Afm, parents evening again tonight :dohh: not fun.
Morning ladies! Well I was hoping for a lie in - no such look the boiler people want to service it at 7.30am ....really!!! Grrrrrr so annoying!! I have struggled to sleep and the one day I am sleeping I get woken up by my alarm :(

Steph your chi looks really cute - mine does that too...infact sometimes he lays ontop of the bump until bubs says get off which can be really amusing in its self! Love your nursery - it's gorgeous!

Readytomum yay on the nursery front!! Whoo hoo! Gosh I can't believe we are all at this point, in some ways it seems only like weeks ago we where worrying about our our babies sticking and getting to the 12 wk scan - now we are nearly ready to deliver them eeeek! I almost had a panic attack last night as reality hit that I have 4 weeks max 5 left suddenly I was worried about him being healthy, the c section, being a mum, coping and just about everything you could imagine! Not helped by watching obem and reading the preemie thread on here (wanted to see if any others had had 36/37 weekers) hmmm I will not be going back there it was heart wrenching (not 36/37 wks) listing to ladies who have bubs at 25-28 weeks :( but I think in general odds are pretty good at 36/37 oh god I'm stressing!! Feeling guilty that I can't keep him in longer due to my back and also fluid :(

Seeetpea you look fab!!

Maybesoon what's this $200 for a video thing?

Hope you all have a good day!
Oh god I think morning sickness is returning :( hoping its just that my alarm woke me up from a deep sleep!! Fx

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