April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I remember Candy saying once when she was pregnant with Lucas she used to pat his bum, and I since my mw told me roughly what position baby is in I've been doing that at times as I like the sound of it...but am probably actually patting it's knees or something :haha:

:growlmad: I am trying to book car hire for our trip to England in August and no matter how many times I try to book it on different websites...nothing happens! Damn Europcar enticing me in with their deals and then giving me nothing!
doggylover & nimbec LOVE the pics!!!

doggylover I LOVE labs. They are such sweet cuddle bugs! But I'm a big dog lover. Almost the bigger they are the more I love them!!! I've never been big on the small ankle biters so it's taken some time for me to get used to the chi.

nimbec, Mason never stops moving. I keep saying hes ADD/ADHD already. And I'm pretty sure he's got my Daddy's nervous foot tick where he shakes his feet even when sleeping!!!

lol... Check this pic out..... All 4 dogs on the couch. The 2 little ones are piled up on top of the great danes who are piled up on one end of the couch leaving room for someone to sit with them!!! It's so funny because one of the danes alone can stretch out & take up the entire couch by herself & yet they can curl up on one of the cussions.


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All your pets are so cute lol doggylover Luke still likes getting his bum pat when hes sad haha xx
Hi guys I am still stalking you all :)

Vent alert!

Found out I havd gd today . Well the doctors receptionist said the doctor has written results suggests gd refer to midwife do you think that means I defo have it? Been trying to get in touch with the midwife all day. I am panicking! I feel like I have got everything during this pregnancy ... Rehsus -, spd, high bp, gbs and now gd.... Is it because I am overweight? Finding it hard to fit all the extra appointments with work...I don't get paid for appointments and work over an hour away so it takes a whole afternoon/ morning....sorry just venting!
Sweetpea that would be amazing!! I'm a bit confused as to what will happen ie special care or not? Will he be able to breast feed or have to be syringe/bottle fed and all the other millions of worries/questions any advice info would be greatly appreciated!! How's your Lo now? X

For a 36-37 weeker (37 weeks is considered full term however 39 weeks is optimal - see march of dimes website for info on that) USUALLY special care is not needed however some 36 weekers do spend a day or two in just to regulate breathing and body temp, and to establish feeding as sometimes they are a little slow to start with eating. Jaundice is another big issue with any late preterm baby and some have to go under the lights or use a special lighted blanket for a few days. Some hospitals let you take the lighted blanket home so that the baby doesn't need to stay at the hospital but that all depends how severe of a case they have. Many of them are lazy feeders so losing weight is another big issue that can put them into special care as they don't have as much to lose as a 38-40 weeker and it can get 'critical' more quickly. At 35 weeks all the same issues apply but are obviously more common because of the earlier gestation. It's very iffy whether a 35 weeker will need special care, mine did not but something like 80% or so born at 35 weeks do (35+0, not 35+6 iykwim?)

As far as nursing, I had a very rough time because DS would get worn out within minutes and fall asleep at the breast, and barely get anything. That coupled with the fact that my milk didn't come in for almost 10 days after he was born (tried hand expressing and then pumping and got almost nothing until BAM overload on day 10!) and he began to lose weight very quickly. At birth he was 6 lbs 2 oz and within two and a half days he was down to 5 lbs 6 oz. I started supplementing with a special high calorie preemie formula (similac neosure) and gave it with a syringe for a few days (maybe 2?) and then switched to a bottle. I still tried to BF during this time but by the time he would finish the syringes or bottle and I would get him latched on (he had an amazing latch from day 1 which I was really fortunate with) he would nurse for like a minute and fall asleep. He started gaining pretty quickly on the neosure and although my milk did come in about 1 1/2 weeks after birth I made the choice to switch to exclusively preemie formula because it had extra calories and he was gaining so well and I didn't want to derail the ever important preemie weight gain. It's hard to say whether BF will work out or not HOWEVER I believe I could have after my milk came in as he did latch very well and dropping the bottles would have left more energy for him to nurse - you'll just have to assess your own situation and figure out what is best for you! It is entirely possible though! There are many paths I could have gone down with feeding and chose what I thought was best at the time :)

DS was also born with bilateral clubfoot (totally unrelated to coming early) so that was another thing to deal with on top of the prematurity - and really all in all it wasn't that bad. He was jaundiced and I had to take him for a lot of bloodwork the first few days but as soon as I switched him exclusively to formula it cleared very quickly (as I think he was getting more liquids in to flush out the bad stuff than my breasts were giving him). He was a very lazy eater at the beginning and it could be difficult to keep him awake through a whole bottle pretty frequently (had to constantly lightly flick the bottoms of his feet to keep him awake, sounds cruel but it was the only thing thing that worked!) so those two things were our biggest hurdles for a 35 weeker. At 36-37 weeks I imagine that'll be what to expect only a little easier!

After starting neosure he flew through the centiles and has been at about 75th centile for height and weight since he was about 3-4 months old. We stopped the special high calorie formula around 4-5 months. You would never quess he was 5 weeks early (people say all the time he was more than 35 weeks when born but going by early ultrasound and especially charting - I am positive it was exactly 35!) as he grew so quickly and is really a bruiser now, which he totally gets from daddy haha. He hit all his milestones on time, and walked (even after clubfoot treatment) and was speaking single words before a year. He's been talking a TON since just after a year and started short sentences a few months ago - may be biased but I think he is really bright for his age! Anyhow what I'm trying to say is at 35-37 weeks I think you can expect a baby to be pretty equal on meeting milestones as a termie, after about the first 2-3 months generally.
Hi guys I am still stalking you all :)

Vent alert!

Found out I havd gd today . Well the doctors receptionist said the doctor has written results suggests gd refer to midwife do you think that means I defo have it? Been trying to get in touch with the midwife all day. I am panicking! I feel like I have got everything during this pregnancy ... Rehsus -, spd, high bp, gbs and now gd.... Is it because I am overweight? Finding it hard to fit all the extra appointments with work...I don't get paid for appointments and work over an hour away so it takes a whole afternoon/ morning....sorry just venting!

Sarah, did you take the 1 hour Glucose test or the 3 hour one? I know in the US we have to take the 1 hour test, and depending on those results, we then have to take the 3 hour test. So maybe you just "failed" the first one and will need further testing to determine if you may have it!?! I would not worry too much, as I am certain, they would make it more of an issue for you to change diet and what not if you did have it :shrug:

Keep us updated!!!!
doggylover: I'm definitely a dog person as well actually... it's sort of random how I ended up with a cat, but it's because he's so un "cat-like" that it worked out. Growing up we had a black lab, and same as everyone else has said, that poor dog was put through it all and she was such an angel about it! Then we had a lab/shepherd mix and she was a little nuts and unfortunatey we had to put her down because she was so over-protective we were worried she might bite someone.

In my ideal world I would love to have a huge property outside of town, and I would want several dogs and a few horses, maybe even a few sheep or goats! I love goats. My favourite dog breeds are: labs, irish setters, bernese mountain dogs, shepherds, huskys, and newfoundlanders! I like big puppies! :cloud9:

I have no idea which way baby is facing most of the time either, but I usually feel kicks just below my bellow button and often on the right side...? But I also usually feel a bulge on the right side? So I don't know how LO can kick that way and also have his bum/back on that side? :wacko:
Sarah - hopefully the failed GD test is a one off, and when you go to your mw for further info all will work out. I think it's just one of those things, and just unfortunate that you seem to have been lumbered with everything :(

Readytomum: I would love some donkeys, horses and goats! We do own some land by my parents house, but we rent that out so can't stick anything on it. One day...

, I don't know if any of you ladies on fb saw the video I "liked" last night? My husband out it up of our year old lab getting out of his pen. He pulled other wire back with his teeth and paws, and then squeezed out through the little gap it created! Smarter than he looks! So dh is now out screwing a board of wood over what we thought was a secure gate! Otherwise he goes nuts and wrecks the garden (the dog, not dh!) I can't wait til I'm off so they don't have to be in their pen, I hate leaving them in there.
Hi guys I am still stalking you all :)

Vent alert!

Found out I havd gd today . Well the doctors receptionist said the doctor has written results suggests gd refer to midwife do you think that means I defo have it? Been trying to get in touch with the midwife all day. I am panicking! I feel like I have got everything during this pregnancy ... Rehsus -, spd, high bp, gbs and now gd.... Is it because I am overweight? Finding it hard to fit all the extra appointments with work...I don't get paid for appointments and work over an hour away so it takes a whole afternoon/ morning....sorry just venting!

Oh Sarah, many hugs hun... :hugs: You are right to be venting, that's a lot to take. I know that weight does play a role in gd and bp -not always-, but not the rest. However many "healthy" weight women develop all the conditions you mention so you shouldn't feel guilty. It will all be fine if you follow your midwife's and doctor's advice.
Thankyou so much sweet pea it's lovely to hear from someone who has been through it!!!

Hugs Sarah fx its wrong but pls dont feel bad (((hugs))))

Doggylover haha propper escape artist lol

Well my mum & husband are coming down today for the weekend so I may not be able to get on here - I will be reading at night in bed but may not be able to reply until Monday! This is the last time ill see mum without having a baby!!

Hope you all have a good weekend!!!
Nimbec that is a scary thought isn't it?! Next weekend my in laws are over and it's the last time we'll see them without a baby (fingers crossed!) and it just seems so surreal!

Have a great weekend with them, let your mum spoil you!
Hi guys I am still stalking you all :)

Vent alert!

Found out I havd gd today . Well the doctors receptionist said the doctor has written results suggests gd refer to midwife do you think that means I defo have it? Been trying to get in touch with the midwife all day. I am panicking! I feel like I have got everything during this pregnancy ... Rehsus -, spd, high bp, gbs and now gd.... Is it because I am overweight? Finding it hard to fit all the extra appointments with work...I don't get paid for appointments and work over an hour away so it takes a whole afternoon/ morning....sorry just venting!

Aw Hun apart from the rehsus-, you sound exactly like me! The same thing happened with the doc or me with gd, and on top of gbs you just feel like wtf? Lol! Are you in the uk? I found out about gd about 4-5 weeks ago, ty sent me to the hospital to see a diabetic doctor, they gave me a kit to measure you blood sugar levels an hour after every meal and hopefully you can manage it through diet which is what I am trying to do! It's not because your over weight, though it doesn't help, I too am over weight! But basically the placenta is the cause, we have super placentas which means instead of giving baby half our nutrients, it gives baby all of it so we as mummies feel weak and tired and can't handle certain sugars and makes our little bubbas super full. Try not to worry until you see you mw! You will prob have more appointments now, I have an appointment every 2 weeks and you will have extra scans to check on baby's growth! Your not alone if you need to chat about it all I know what your going through! Xxx
Hello Ladies! Well another week has passed & we are getting closer & closer. I still can't believe that in approximately 11 weeks or less I will be holding my little Mason. It just doesn't seem real.... I never thought in a million years it would fly by so fast after waiting & trying so long.... Dh said to me last night while I was rubbing & patting my tummy "You are going to miss feeling him move so much in just a short few months" My reply "Nope, I can't wait to have him in my arms & actually be able to see him & play with him". EEEKKKK!!! Sometimes it still doesn't feel real to me that I'm actually going to have a baby.
Aww bitsysarah it sounds like youre having an awful time with pregnancy! I really hope things look up soon.. not long to go now until bubs is here xx

Omg maybesoon I know what you mean! I have about 9 weeks left now I can not believe how quicknits gone I know I will miss my bump and feeling baby wriggling around in there but I will be so happy to be back to normal again. No spd no backpain being able to dress nicely again :D then there all all the play groups we are going to go to.. :D its going to be so much fun!! When Im not sleepy lol xx

Im dying to visit my mum but my little brother has a virus at the moment so Im staying away. Shes not going to believe how big Ive gotten. Shes not on facebook so she hasnt seen my bump pics.

I asked about the hat thing today apparently in april they need to wear a hat out side but not inside and not all the time just when its cold :)

I had to go and change my antibiotics for my uti today too. I was getting sick and dizzy sleepy and headaches so Im hoping these new ones are nicer to me. The doctor requested I come in then moaned at me for not going to the day assessment clinic for preggos instead :/ I only wanted new pills. But my BP and temps were all normal again which is a plus Im booked in for the whooping cough vaccine over half term I really hope its not as bad as Ive heard lol xx
I'm so torn on how I feel... Lol... Part if my thinks: wow, only 8 more weeks... And the other part of me is like: geez, still another 8 weeks :haha:
I told Rob the other day that it felt strange to think that our lives will be 100% different and that I still have a hard time imagining it. I asked him if that was weird and he was like: hmmm yes :growlmad:. Jackass lol

I also asked him, if he was getting a lot of the typical comments that us ladies have been getting (your life will never be the same, you'll née sleep again, bla bla), and he actually said no... He's being told nice things, like: you can't even imagine now, how much you can love one single human being... And... You will see how everything that you cared about before, is now only second best!
Why can't people say those things to me?? I only get the laughing, mean comments :cry:

Candy, I hope the new antibiotics make you feel better!! And silly that she would tell you to come by and then get upset, that you didn't go to the day assessment clinic. :shrug:

I really don't mind being pregnant, but I'm not sure I will miss it :shrug:. Won't it be so much more rewarding to be able to see an hold LO? But I have heard lots of people say, that they actually miss being pregnant.
To all second, third and forth time moms, what's your verdict on that??
ugh... Candy... Hope the new antibiotics work & you feel better soon.
I love having my babies in my arms but being pregnant is such a special thing you have a unique bond to your baby and love seeing your bump get bigger and feeling the wiggles. Yes I defo miss it when Im not pregnant. I have milked the heck out of it this time as I knowvhe is my last baby Im making the most of wavey belly and hiccups and practice breathing. I wont miss the pain and discomfort thouh lol but when youve had your baby all the negatives seem to melt away. I forgot how hard being pregnant is lol xx
Afternoon ladies :)

Well I now only have 7 (or possibly up to 9!) weeks left! How crazy is that! I absolutely love being pregnant. I've been very lucky and had a very straightforward, "easy" pregnancy. I get the odd back ache, and the odd sciatica pain, but nothing major at all. And I have loved watching my bump grow to these epic proportions! And even though I always say how people make mean comments, some people are so lovely as well, and I've enjoyed having that special attention on my LO! I will definitely miss feeling the bumps and wiggles LO gives (like right now!) but when they arrive I just imagine it will be a million times better!!!

A kid at school asked me today:
”Miss, if you rolled over onto your stomach at night, would you squash your baby a bit?" :haha: I laughed so much, and pointed out that isn't an issue because I couldn't roll the whole way onto it because I'm too big, and would just wobble back again! Then he asked "Can you hear your baby?" :huh: I was like "ummm...hear what about it? I don't think it makes any noise in there!"

But I did laugh a lot, and it was interesting that he was interested (he's 15!)
Bitsy Sarah sorry to hear about all the issues you're having to cope with. At least we are in the home stretch now! Hope your new antibiotics clear up the uti quick Candy.

AFM I scored the day off work today because of the alleged blizzard that is rolling in. Just had to brave the grocery store nightmare to get some key supplies: milk, chocolate, yogurt, Pirate's Booty... :haha:

Baby was head down at my MW appt yesterday but she wants me to have a quick scan next time to make sure just because she was transverse last time and she is still super active and always shifting around. So I do get another quick time to see baby before she is here. Hopefully no more after that as if I need another it will be because she is late or something wrong.

I asked about our weird pain Steph and she said it actually is the muscles separating, but not to worry as they will go back together after the birth. Good to hear. :shock: I love knowing that my uterus is getting so massive that now my muscles are dividing. Who really needs their body parts stuck together anyway? She also said unfortunately there is not much to be done about that kind of pain. Also good to hear.

So, since I am cooped inside with the snow I am going to do some baby laundry, put sheets on the crib, watch some season 2 of Downton Abbey as I finally got it from the library yesterday, and do some knitting. Bliss! :cloud9:

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