April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I am excited for labor!

DH can hear LOs heartbeat with his ear straight to my belly but only when LO has her back poked out making my bump really firm where his ear goes. He says it sounds very far away but you can def hear it. I said I wish I could hear what it sounds like and he offered to fold me in half. Nice!
:haha: What a helpful DH you have SweetPea!

Yeah I have heard a few times now that the growth scans are not super reliable, but at least they tell you something :shrug: I wonder if they will tell me anything about size at my scan in two weeks. MW said it will be a very quick scan, literally just check where her head is and that's it, so maybe not. One of my DH's brothers was almost 10lbs but all the other babies in our immediate fams including both me and DH have been small to average. DH and I were both under 7lbs. So, not expecting a monster baby. Although she has been eating a lot of Ben and Jerry's...

I know what you're saying about the growth spurts coming up Steph. I am hoping that as baby drops further into my pelvis maybe the muscle separation will be less? We can hope! Maybe it doesn't matter because even when she drops down it is her wild little feet smashing my abs, so perhaps there's no hope :cry:
And I am glad you are excited for labor Sweetpea, that makes me feel better about what's approaching if someone who already did it is not dreading it! :flower:
Def not dreading it - while yes it hurts it was one of the most exhilarating times of my life and I can't wait to do it again... the feeling of accomplishment afterwards is like none other - you just brought a human into the world!

This may sound strange but the first thing I thought about after getting a BFP this time around was how excited I was to go through labor again and have that experience for a second time. It's just such an intense, empowering thing to go through - you first timers will understand afterwards what I mean! It sucks being in pain, I won't lie, but when you look at the bigger picture it's just an amazing thing - look what our bodies can do!
Sweet pea, what a great positive spin you are putting on labour for us first timers! Makes me feel less like I am going to go through the most hideous hours of my life, and more like I could maybe actually make it through to the other side in relatively good shape!
I'm not as optimistic after my 3 day labour last time round but I have to agree that it is amazing and empowering when you realize how complex the body is at doing all these things on it's own. I'm not scared of labour but I'm not excited for it either I think I will just take it as it comes and to be honest, here you have me who survived a 3 day hard labour with minimal drugs and intervention and I'm saying I'm not scared so you first timers have nothing to fear xx
Good to know! :thumbup:

So I got some stuff for my hospital bag today :) some maternity pads, breast pads, nipple cream, big old granny style black pants and a nightie/big t shirt (still not sure which!) to labour in. It's blue and white and thin, so will get totally wrecked, but was only £6!

So feeling very prepared at the minute!
We got two feet of snow yesterday, so I am staying on the couch! That's a lot of snow for Boston. There are still driving bans in place.

If any US ladies are interested Old Navy is having a baby, kids and maternity sale, lots of stuff 40% off. I just ordered a few things. Not much else to do when you're snowed in.

I got a lot of stuff done in the nursery yesterday. Washed all the newborn and 0-3 month stuff and sorted it in her dresser and just tidied the room and found things homes etc. I still need to find some nursing nighties and do the hospital bag. Usually you stay in the hospital here for 48 hours for a vaginal birth. I am not sure how many clothes to pack for baby. I have quite a few little long sleeved open-bottomed gown things with the little fold-over hand mit things, I was thinking to mostly take stuff like that for her in the hospital. I have four of those. And then a going home outfit. Is that enough? Or I need more?
Doggylover and Kristabelle, I also got a bunch of stuff for the hospital bag.
disposable nursing pads, nipple cream, granny panties, two nursing bras, and two sets of PJs. So now I need to get some maternity pads and I think that covers me (for the most part :haha:).
I will get all of LOs clothes packed next week and I think I'm going to order this for Rob as a surprise:

I will wrap it up, and give it to him after Grayson is born

Kristabelle, I just placed an order with OldNavy on Thursday lol. As much as I dont want to spend any more money on maternity clothes, 8 weeks is still a long time and I'm running out of options lol. So I ordered two pair of pants (that I can wear to work) and two tops that I can also use for work.
Steph I think that present for Rob is lovely!!! So cute! And a really nice idea as well - I might steal it and pass it off as my own :haha:

So today I actually finished getting the stuff for my hospital bag - a black towel and a top that buttons down the front so I can whip the boobs out! I maybe need one more nightie, but I'll see. It's so hard to know because you don't know how long you'll be in :shrug: the minimum stay for me is 1 night if everything goes smoothly, but I am assuming it won't and I will need more than that!

Kirstabelle, I think four outfits (well five if you include the going home) is probably enough, I'm planning on taking six - 3 in each size (newborn and 0-3 months) just to be safe, but if yours are open bottomed then sizing won't really be an issue. I imagine most poop will stay safely in the nappy at that early stage so the outfits won't get too dirty, plus if you have visitors they will probably bring you more for her!

I am really tired today :sleep::sleep: and I feel heavy. That's the first time in a loooong time that I've felt really pregnant.
Steal away doggylover :thumbup:
I actually stole the idea from the push present thread :blush:. One of the ladies mentioned matching shirts (full pint and half pint) that she wanted to give OH as a push present and I loved the idea! My OH is not much of a drinker but when I googled matching shirts for daddy and baby, I found this and loved it.
It will be my push present to Rob at the hospital :haha:
Hey ladies, ive not posted in here for a good while now. think i must have unsubscribe on my phone lol instead of clicking into the group it clicked that :(. Ive stop using my mobile for on here because ive unsubscirbe from few groups by using it lol..

Hope your all well to. We aint got much longer to go thank god lol i finish work in 2 weeks now and i cant wait been a struggle past few weeks. so im welcoming maternity leave. With the stress of the council being totally ass holes mucking me around i just wanna relax and take it easy for the remainder of this pregnancy also i think i have little spd. I see midwife on tuesday so i have alot to ask her about lol

Really hope the council get things sorted out soon. got a guy coming out tuesday morning for more info again. this has been going on since sep. so pretty much my full pregnancy nearly. This guy is going to get a whooping from me and i need to keep it together and not cry :(.

anyways i thought i would just let you guys know how i was doing and ill be back to reading you posts again now ive found this group again lol xxxx
I hope everyone had a good weekend!!

Thankfully we managed to make it down to Windsor even with the crazy snow! The baby shower was lovely and we got tons of great gifts from everyone. We've managed to get most of it put away, but we have TONS of washing to do now! One of my cousins brought us a HUGE box of 0-3m clothes hand-me-downs, and she's putting together another box of 3-6m to give us in March when we see her parents for my sister's wedding!!

There was a ton of little cotton pants in the box, so I was really happy about that because I wanted some pants, and of course there was a whole ton of sleepers and onsies. We sorted out the nicer pieces, and we'll just store the rest of it in case we need it next time! They're done having kids, so it's ours to use and then pass on.

Hoping to order our stroller sometime this week! So exciting... feeling much more prepared. Although we still don't have diapers! I was a bit amazed about that actually... we only got one box of diapers at the shower and they're size 2, and then there was a bunch of loose size 2 diapers in the clothes box from my cousin as well. So we still need to stock up on those!
Readytomum glad your shower went well! And hand me downs are always very welcome - are their babies boys? If so, even better! I'm sure you got an absolute pile of stuff, so you must be almost done now - apart from the stroller and diapers! But you am pick diapers up anytime, so I wouldn't worry about those.

Cherry, sorry to hear you've been a bit sore with spd, but hopefully once you are on maternity you will be much more comfy :)

Steph, I read briefly through some posts on that push presents thread. It made me laugh a little as the initial poster was all "this is a horrific idea" then everyone after that was saying how nice it was to get gifts etc!
Those shirts are adorable Steph!

Well huge delays on the buses this morning and the sidewalks aren't properly shoveled (enough for a 7.5 month pregnant lady anyway) to walk to the train so work said I didn't have to come in. Woo Hoo!

So while wasting time on Facebook I saw this posting, I am cutting and pasting it below. I thought it seemed like some good advice, and quite funny.


A doctor told a very good friend of mine that the first three months of a baby's life is like a fourth trimester (I guess it wouldn't be called a trimester then but whatev). He said that major development is far from done but we wouldn't be able to give birth to their giant heads if they stayed in the womb any longer (I wouldn't say that they fit really well at 40 weeks either but I'm not going to argue with nature.)

My friend told me this when my first son was about a month old and I was trying to implement all the "well intended" (code for "shit") advice that is often bestowed on a new mother. It was like an Oprah A-Ha moment and it made perfect sense. If I just let him live his life like he's still in the womb my life will become way less complicated. Here's what I did:

Someone told me a bath was essential to establishing a bedtime schedule. She also told me that this should be followed by a massage (sadly for him, not me) and a story. He hated bath time because he was naked and freezing (for the record, he loves being both now), the massage confused him just long enough to get through it and I don't know why I thought reading "Go Dog Go" to a two-week old was logical, but then "sane" wasn't an adjective I'd use for me in the first three months of my child's life. I accepted that he was a newborn and not a member of the Deadliest Catch fishing crew so he wasn't dirty and he didn't need a bath.

He ate, he pooed, he slept and he cried in a one-hour, round-the-clock cycle. When you have a newborn there is no day and night. I quickly found out that newborns don't have schedules and they are like those creepy rave kids strung out on E, they want to party at 4am AND 4pm. It was a perpetual Groundhog Day so why dress for that? Plus, you just have to undress them if they happen to fall into a blissful sleep around 8pm because IT'S BEDTIME!! (said in a high-pitched control freak shrill) and they don't help with the undressing for a while so it's like stripping a surly, drugged monkey. Not pretty.

I remember crying, "he can't be hungry, I just fed him!" so I would try everything to get him to stop only to find out he did want to eat. He would promptly spit it all up but he was happy and therefore I was happy. My motto was "Pick him up. Fill his mouth. Change his bum." If that didn't work, I'd hand him to his father, say "I can't take it anymore" then cry in the bathroom. It worked for us.

Another "helpful" person told me I should never let a child sleep past 4pm because you'll never get them to bed. This is, in fact, true FOR A TWO YEAR OLD. If your newborn is sleeping, don't wake them. Even though it may not seem like it, they sleep about 16 hours out of 24 in a day and if you think you can roll that into 8 consecutive hours you think wrong. That's like you sleeping one month so you can stay up for two – you'd starve and/or go bonkers. If your baby is sleeping, sleep yourself or hit the Southern Comfort – don't poke the bear.

You know these classes that they have to "stimulate" your newborn. Let me tell you something, being awake stimulates your newborn. Jingling keys is like an effing air show to them so don't bother with the damn classes. If you want to feel normal and a part of humanity go do something that stimulates you (in a non-porn way) and just sit the baby in the corner or have it strapped to you in a baby carrier. They don't know where the hell they are anyway so there's no point in you having to sit through "If You're Happy and You Know It" clapping your baby's hands like a newborn/E.T. puppet show because I can guarantee you that your newborn is thinking "I'm not happy and I know it. If I had a dry bum, a full tummy and was asleep on your chest while you lay on the couch watching a taped episode of your favourite show, now that would be pretty damn sweet".

When I was sent home from the hospital they gave me a chart to record his peeing and pooing to make sure he was eating enough and everything was in "working order". I was so happy. I love charts and I loved the small sliver of control I had over the situation. The problem was I got into the habit of changing him every 20 minutes or so. This included the night so if he woke up to eat, I changed him after which meant he woke up that much more which meant it was harder for him to go back to sleep which was not pretty because by the time I got him back to sleep he was hungry again. Once I figured out that if you grease up their little bums and slap a diaper on them they can pretty much make it through the night without a change unless they poo.

Some people warned me that this would "spoil him" and he would manipulate me and cry every time he wanted me. Er, okay, look at me and my sneaky baby! My thinking was I would rather pick him up to find out nothing was wrong rather than leave him to cry and find out something was.

This was considered a big no-no by many because I was "creating a bad habit". Even I wondered if I would have to rock him to sleep and have him sleep on my chest in his dorm room at college (which would make for some awkward roommate moments) because I didn't establish a sleep schedule early on. Here's the thing, even if you get something established in the beginning, they change so damn quickly that it will be out the window the next week and you're back to square one. A wise friend once told me "whatever gets you though the day" and him sleeping on my chest while I watched a movie got me through the day. So there.

Personally, I think you have plenty of time to get all these schedules into place so just do "whatever gets you through the day" for the first little while and cut yourself a break. I like the idea of the fourth trimester. All you need for those first few months is to provide them with warmth, food and love – the nightly baths, ferberizing and Mommy and Me classes can wait a bit. I'm just grateful nature decided that it made more sense for them to be on this side of the fish tank rather than making us give birth to 18lb babies, but I'm weird like that.

(via pregnantchicken.com)
Cherry, I've accidentally unsubscribed from threads before as well lol. Glad to have you back. We are all finally down to the last bit!!

Readytomum, glad the baby shower went well. Did you have a co-Ed one (because you said your DH drove right?)? I keep forgetting that you have not announced that Peter is a Peter :haha:
Did people buy lots from your registry? We have ours scheduled for 3/3/13 and I'm worried that people won't look at the registry :blush:. I know that's silly... I just have a few items left that I will need to go get, if they are not gifted... No big deal, just want to feel like everything is in order for LO.

Hope everyone is doing well and had a relaxing weekend!
Kristabelle I have my doc appointment today, so I will also ask about our pain lol. Hopefully I get the same answer.
Yeah I liked the bit about the surly, drugged monkey :haha:

Hope all is well at your doc's appointment Steph I look forward to hearing our next diagnosis.

My shower is next weekend and I have noticed a very obvious trend with who buys from the registry and who doesn't. Women who have had babies seem to always get stuff from the registry and women who don't have babies seem more likely not to. I even got a couple of complaints from the no-baby crew that the stuff on my registry was "boring". Yes, things you really need for babies are often boring. :haha: So I currently have no idea what the no-baby ladies are getting me :shrug: My guess is cute things! :haha: Its funny because now that I have had this experience, I also would always buy the person something from the registry. I guess once you know the full scope of how much stuff is really needed and how much research the person has probably put into the stuff they want you feel like you want to help them with their list more, whereas when you haven't experienced that you just want to get the cute things! And it probably evens out anyway because we are so focused on getting sensible things that having some people get sort-of-pointless cuteness will be nice too :)
^^^ What Kirstabelle said! :flower:

Kind of still do most of that with our 18 month old, honestly (adjusted for temper tantrums). :haha:

And for real -- sleep when the baby sleeps. I NEVER did that with my first because that's when I wanted to take a shower or clean the house or whatever and it ALWAYS bit me in the ass that night when she was up screaming from 10pm-6am. (I was in mega-denial that she was going to continue to do that but she did for the first 3 months or so. Apparently a normal thing, per her pediatrician.).
:haha: at the post Kirstabelle!!! It's always nice to have moms tell you how it is in the real world, as opposed to this fantasy world that has been created by people who had children...10 or more years ago and have clearly forgotten what it's like!

Also, although we don't have registries over here for baby showers (well we do, but the showers are so rare that their use is even more rare!) I totally agree that I would always ask the person what they want. Before my mini-shower I couldn't believe they hadn't asked if there was anything I wanted/needed or, importantly, DIDN't want/need. Now I understand that it's because they haven't had that experience themselves!

Afm...only two Mondays left at work! :happydance:

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