April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hello Ladies! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

ReadytoMum... Glad your shower went well.

Kirstabelle.... Thank you for that post! I love reading/hearing the truth. I just get so sick & tired of the comment "You better ENJOY all the sleep you are getting now, soon you won't ever be able to sleep again." Really.... I have been averaging about 2-3 hours a night for the last several months. I'm pretty sure I won't be getting much less. I did actually pop off to a lady over the weekend who has kids when she said that crap I responded "Yeah, looks like you haven't slept in years." I know it was wrong, but it felt great to get that off my chest!!!!

Steph... Good luck at the appointment.

AFM.... We had our 4D scan this weekend!!!! Now I completely understand why his kicking hurts so badly.... Little Mason stays curled up in a ball. He keeps his feet & hands all curled up around his face. This also explains why my doc couldn't find his head the other day (it was under his feet). But after about 30 minutes we were able to make him mad enough that he finally showed his sweet little face!


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maybesoon your 4d pics are gorgeous! lovely bump too :)

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days I'm having a crap time, My kids dad hasn't been showing up for web chats and my 6 year old is on the brink of giving up on him. My 4 year old has been clinging to me and Aaron a lot more this past week and saying how he doesn't want to talk to his real dad. I've had to send a letter through my solicitor to his and the CPS worker on our case to say if he continues to not show up I'll have to refuse contact which looks bad on me. But what else can I do?
Our papers from Norway are finally all here and now I'm terrified about what they say and that I'll have to go through them all and translate them, I had CPS on my side in Norway but what they say to you and what they say about you in paper work are 2 separate things, I really hope it's good stuff in there. So I may not be around for a while I have to focus on my children right now and court stuff and baby. I will try to check in every day at least though xx

Hope you are all well and feeling good. xx
awww thank you! You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers Candy. I can't imagine what a nightmare you are going through with all of this crap.... Take care & do what you need to do to protect your kiddos. That's the most important thing. Keep us posted when you can.
Maybesoon, what lovely pictures!!!! I'm sure it was utter bliss to see LO for that long :hugs:

Candy, sorry your still dealing with ur idiotic ex!! Let us know, if there is anything we can do to help and know that we are here if you need us!
thanks steph good to be back lol. Hopefully i cant keep up with this moving thread lol i finished up next friday for mat leave so ill have plenty of time to read lol xxxx
Thank you Steph! We have a CD with 84 pictures & a DVD video of the entire session. I watched the video yesterday afternoon & started crying. It's just so hard to believe he is real & soon I will be holding him. I just can't seem to get enough of his face!
So I just got back from my Doc appointment and they actually really scared me :cry:.
Doctor asked if LO is keeping me up and night and if I feel him kick a lot. Well I told her that his schedule is 8am to 6pm and that he is not to be headed of after that.
Since he has always had that schedule, I didn't think much of it... :shrug: well she seemed rather concerned and said that I should feel him after dinner or when resting after I eat something sweet. Food really doesn't seem to bother him much, since I had a whole chocolate bar Friday night and then laid down to watch tv... He never budged.
Long story short, she did an ultra sound and gave me jelly beans (to wake him up). He has plenty of fluid, plenty of room, no cord around his neck, good heart beat... But not much response to the sugar (supposed to wake them up in 5min). He did open and close his fist once, swallowed, was breathing, and had two small movements. She seemed happy with that and said she wants another US in two weeks. She told me not to worry, but I'm not sure how not to :nope:.
As I was driving home (35min post jelly beans) he started kicking up a storm :haha:. I'm hoping that maybe he just has a delayed response to sugar :shrug:

I'm happy for another scan in two weeks, so I didn't call to tell them that he was now active. Maybe I'll just eat something sweet 40min before the scan on the 27th... I'll be happy for a quiet baby, as long as everything is ok ...

Kristabelle, as for our issue.. Looks like diagnosis confirmed: separation to abdominal muscles and maybe even a mild hernia (bought out by pregnancy). Doctor told me I was weird because all of my weird symptoms baffle her :growlmad:. Granted, this was the "other" doctor in te office, not my usual one...
Hello Ladies! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

ReadytoMum... Glad your shower went well.

Kirstabelle.... Thank you for that post! I love reading/hearing the truth. I just get so sick & tired of the comment "You better ENJOY all the sleep you are getting now, soon you won't ever be able to sleep again." Really.... I have been averaging about 2-3 hours a night for the last several months. I'm pretty sure I won't be getting much less. I did actually pop off to a lady over the weekend who has kids when she said that crap I responded "Yeah, looks like you haven't slept in years." I know it was wrong, but it felt great to get that off my chest!!!!

Steph... Good luck at the appointment.

AFM.... We had our 4D scan this weekend!!!! Now I completely understand why his kicking hurts so badly.... Little Mason stays curled up in a ball. He keeps his feet & hands all curled up around his face. This also explains why my doc couldn't find his head the other day (it was under his feet). But after about 30 minutes we were able to make him mad enough that he finally showed his sweet little face!

Ha ! Nice comeback to the lady with the kids lol!
I hate that comment as well. I wonder why so many people (especially women) are not more supportive with us expecting a baby, and say such BS to bring us down... I usually answer something super nasty to those with older kids saying these things (how's the anonymous facebook chats your kids is having lately?):growlmad:

Beautiful 4d scan!!!

I just came back from my appointment and the doc told me that my belly (uterus) is measuring for 32 weeks and I will have another scan soon.
Uh, my baby isn't that active either. But i read an email i get with updated each weeks saying that there will be less movement to as baby sleeps alot more. :S

I feel baby moving now and then through out the day but its like fish like movement lol that only wat i can describe it lol feel her hiccup through out the day to and stretching out but she does really kick or punch much. i have midwife tomorrow so i hope things are ok. and im just being over paraniod lol
oh Steph.... I wouldn't be worried if you haven't been feeling him in the evenings then maybe he's just one of those babies that already has a sleeping pattern! One of my bff's girls was that way & when she was born she was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old! Sugar doesn't work with all babies. The place where I had my 3/4d's done have been doing them for over 30 years & they question you before doing the scan on what you have had to eat within the previous couple of hours. Believe it or not, fried foods such as fried chicken & french fries has been the top things that mommies have eaten within that time frame that got their babies to moving!

Thanks lily.... So your uterus is measuring 2 weeks further along. Is that the same as them saying the baby is measuring 2 weeks further or that you maybe have more fluid? I'm still really new to this so I don't really understand how that works. You should have seen the look on my face at my last appointment when my doctor told me my cervix was closed & long.
Maybesoon :thumbup: excellent come back to your friend!! And great pics! All curled up like a little hedgehog!

Ukgirl: sorry your ex is causing more problems. He is never done making life hard for you, and being a bad dad to Lucas and Connie. You'd think after seeing the so recently he'd be MORE interested in talking to them, not less. Fingers and toes crossed your Norwegian papers are what you need.

Steph: the dr didn't say why Grayson would respond slowly to sugar? Maybe your body is just greedy and was hogging it all :haha: I wouldn't say my LO is more active after sugar either. A few times I've actually resorted to lucozade(like fizzy Gatorade) if I've been worried about movements, and it does nothing at all. So I wouldn't worry too much. Just enjoy your scan again in two weeks!

Lily: I don't trust the belly measurements. At my last appointment I measured 6 weeks BEHIND and nobody batted an eyelid. And honestly, just to look at me you'd know I'm not that small! Plus I heard you an have 3 cm either side of your week and still be ok, so I wouldn't worry about the size of LO just yet.
Doggylover, I didn't bother to call them once I left. I figure, he just responded later then expected but I'm looking forward to another scan, so I didn't want to give them a reason to cancel it again :blush:
He's been active ever since I left there, so maybe he just wants to move when I'm moving and thinks its nap time as soon as I lie down lol.
I course I tried to google all possible medical reasons but none seem to make sense (the ones I found are linked to decrease in movement and not general laziness). I did find one scary answer that's called fetal hypoxia. It doesn't seem to match with me situation but I do not like the sound of it :nope:
I shall not google that as i would convince myself LO has it - I'm an awful hypochondriac!

I think as long as you know LOs schedule and he sticks to it that your dr was talking rubbish, personally. That's my very non-medical opinion but all babies are different when they arrive, so surely they will be different when they are still in there as well?

We have a lovely fine coat of dust on everything as dh is sanding down where he plastered last week. Delightful fun to clean up...
I shall not google that as i would convince myself LO has it - I'm an awful hypochondriac!

I think as long as you know LOs schedule and he sticks to it that your dr was talking rubbish, personally. That's my very non-medical opinion but all babies are different when they arrive, so surely they will be different when they are still in there as well?

We have a lovely fine coat of dust on everything as dh is sanding down where he plastered last week. Delightful fun to clean up...

I surely will convince myself of the worst case scenario as well ... :wacko:

As for the dust being created by your OH... Clearly, the clean up of said dust, must be completed by said husband :winkwink:. It's for LOs safety and in your best interest to have him do it lol
lol doggylover..... Shane sanded our floors just about a month ago & it was a complete & total nightmare. He neglected to cover anything up or use drop cloths so our entire house was covered in saw dust!!!!! He was so afraid I was going to stroke when I came home & saw the house that he was working really hard to get it cleaned up!!!
Readytomum, glad the baby shower went well. Did you have a co-Ed one (because you said your DH drove right?)? I keep forgetting that you have not announced that Peter is a Peter :haha:
Did people buy lots from your registry? We have ours scheduled for 3/3/13 and I'm worried that people won't look at the registry :blush:. I know that's silly... I just have a few items left that I will need to go get, if they are not gifted... No big deal, just want to feel like everything is in order for LO.

This one was a traditional ladies only shower that my mom organized for my family members. DH and his dad, and my dad all showed up at the end to help thank people and eat cake! :haha:

Most of the stuff we got was off our registry, although not necessarily the exact same colour/make/style etc. We still need to get some more crib sheets and diapers and wipes... but I think that's about it! (And the stroller, but that's getting ordered this week!)

We are having a small co-ed friends shower next month for our local friends that my sister is hosting at her place. That one will be much less formal and more just hanging out.

We still had people trying to trick us into revealing boy or girl at the shower! :haha:

doggylover: wooohooo for 2 more Mondays!! That must feel awfully good.

ukgirl: I'm sorry the kiddos are getting so upset by idiot dad. I hope that things sort out soon and they can just stop taking to him, since he clearly upsets them. Good luck with the translating--I hope it goes quickly for you!

AFM, I spent all last night putting away baby shower gifts, and this morning and afternoon washing baby clothes and writing out thank-you letters. I'm at real work now, and I'm already ready to be done for the day! lol Hopefully it's a quiet night. The nursery looks awesome now though and I'll try to post a pic or two later tonight!!

Hope everyone's having a good day!
Awww Steph I'm sorry your doc got you all upset and then didn't properly explain anything at the end. Step away from google! If you had fetal hypoxia they would have found it on the ultrasound because your LO's heartbeat would have been affected, plus they checked cord position etc, so you really don't have that. Its like the time I had a rash on my belly and google convinced me that I had liver failure and me and baby were in horrible danger... when actually apparently my tummy skin is just extra sensitive because it is all stretched and I can't use normal soap anymore ie no big deal. Sometimes google is not our friend. :flower:

When I had my recent meltdown at the hospital because LO was not moving very much the L&D nurse recommended drinking (like chugging) super, freezing cold water. She said that works better/faster than sugar in her experience. So you can do that experiment next time LO is sleeping and see how he likes it :haha: Probably about as much as we like our abdominal muscles separating. That wasn't very nice of your doc to call you weird, especially since that implies I am weird too! Hope you don't get her for labor and delivery. Also, that same nurse said that sometimes when baby is facing your spine you don't feel very many of the movements they are making, so maybe that is Grayson's fave sleeping position and contributes to not feeling him move at certain times.

Your scan pics look gorgeous Maybesoon! Love all his little hands and feet in front of his face, all cozy in your belly!

Glad your shower was a success Ready to Mum, can't wait to see pics of your nursery!

UK Girl, hope everything gets sorted out with the papers from Norway and that your kids don't have to put up with your wretched ex's non-existent phone contact for much longer. Poor things.

And Doggy Lover I agree that your hubby should clean up the dust, in the interest of yours and LO's safety, of course.
Thank you Kristabelle :hugs:. You are soo right about googling yourself sick :haha:. I've been know to do that a time or two. Since Grayson has been extra busy this afternoon, I'm thinking that he is ok. lol. Not that I will mention it until after the next scan :blush:
I'm sure they try to give you as little info as possible, in hopes that you wont worry... little do they know, I am the master at picking up context clues and therefore using it to my disadvantage later :haha:. I can use all of the little things I picked up in google and will certainly end up with a mutant baby :rofl:

160 Heart rate, normal visual breathing, opening and closing hands, 21 cm of fluid in all for quadrants... if I have enough time, I can make something very creative out of that lol. :wacko:

As for the stupid sore spot... yes, she def did not give me any advice on what to do! So very helpful! I will just ask my doctor at the next appointment. lol
So here's a few pics of the nursery so far!

There's still some random stuff in there that needs to come out (extra bookcase, computer chair, donation bag for goodwill etc), but you'll get an idea at least. :flower:


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Readytomum that looks great! It's just gorgeous, Peter will be a very happy little man in there I think! Especially with all the books, I really love how any you have! I definitely need to get some more books soon.

So after our conversation last night about how if you know the baby's schedule of movement then it doesn't matter so much if they move on cue.....I spent most of the night awake and paranoid that the baby wasn't moving! Usually when I go to bed and lie on my side it's a kick fest. Last night - nothing. I poked at him/her- nothing. So I spent half the night shaking myself around in the hope that baby would move! I got little tiny ones, but nothing to satisfy me. I even contested getting the Doppler out at 3am, but knew dh would not be best pleased by that. This morning, of course, all is fine. Big movements, and heart beating away.

Oh expectant mothers....what a bunch of irrational beings we can be!

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