April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Steph we will have to muddle through the next few weeks together then - ahhhh I pity us hehehe.
SweetPea and Steph: I'm with you on the working till the bitter end! Although I think I might be done a week before LO's due date. My jobs will end when the semester ends on April 19th I think, and I'm hoping my exams will be done by that point as well!! So I might get a little bit of a break, unless of course Peter comes early! :dohh:

kristabelle: That is a bit of scary US photo.. but I think a lot of them look a bit creepy when you really think about it! It just means our LO's will look even more adorable once they're born because we were paranoid about giving birth to aliens. :haha: I know sometimes it feels like Peter is trying to bust out aliens style at least.

Steph: good luck at your upcoming US! Hopefully they can put your mind to rest about movements, and get you a better quality pic! We didn't get very good ones either when we did our 22 week scan, but I don't think we'll get to have another one... so we'll just have to wait till Peter shows up to see him again!
Ooh also have to declare I got ALL baby shopping done this past weekend! The only things I have left are I want to get a few easy 'snacks' to put in the hospital bag for DH in case I go into labor in the middle of the night again when the cafe at the hospital is closed, and a small present for the baby to give to Tommy when he meets her for the first time - and I think DH is going to take care of those two things himself next time he runs to the grocery store - it's just a relief to know it's all done. Now to just put it away/pack it or whatever which at the rate I'm going will not be done very quickly!

Yay on finishing baby shopping!!!
You are so organised! I'm impressed with the snacks, good thinking!

I have *almost* finished shopping too. My stroller still pending of course, it is stuck in the harbor in a container, and I have given the store a dead line till next week to bring it home.
Not prepared for the hospital at all. I will start thinking about the hospital bag after 33 weeks.

The midwife my doc is working with is ridiculous, I asked for her number to make an appointment with her for the birth classes but was told she is not giving any as no one has a natural birth anymore, everyone is drugged out and epiduraled. So what's the point of having the MW (and paying her) if she doesn't assist you with classes?:shrug:
I have to look for another one from the hospital I'm going, crazy.... :wacko:
Wow Lily, that is crazy! Why would they tell you that?! It doesn't make a person feel too confident in their abilities to labour naturally to be told that. I hope you can find a better midwife and get some support for a natural birth, if that is what you are interested in.
Well I'm a stuborn person and I will do my thing to the end. I might even search for a birth consultant outside of the system and have the classes with her ;)
I already follow seminars with an independent midwife about breast feeding and I have learned lots from her.

It is really disappointing that all those women ask for so much intervention though, and the midwives no longer assist natural births, many have never even experienced one (the younger ones)...
lily that is so backwards!! Lots of people have natural births! Maybe you could find a doula who can be with you during and upto birth?

I hate pregnancy hormones they have turned me into a wreck of a woman! I used to be strong but lately I worry about everything, when I go out I worry if the door is locked, if I left my iron or hair straightners on, If the hamster died in the night, if someone breaks in or if there's a fire during the night... I seriously don't know how I'm still standing! Then this morning I let Connie go to class with a friend through a different door than usual, he goes that way all the time so I watched them go in together then left but now I feel terrible, what if she couldn't go that way and got stuck and come back out looking for me? what if she didn't get to class?? I'm sat here worried sick! Next time I will be walking her right to her proper doorway! I feel awful!

and this is going to sound weird too but is anyone worried that they might die during child birth? I keep having nightmares where I'm in L&D and a lady comes in with her little boy and then she dies and he's just hanging around her bed. I keep having c section nightmares too like they go to take out the baby to find that he's severely under developed by months but they have to take him out anyway then he's on life support and shit... I am a mess, a big ball of nerves!! Why is this happening?? I've been here twice before.. :/ please say I'm not alone lol xx
Lily that is so strange about the midwife - I don't blame you at all for looking around for other options. How horrible to say all women get drugged up when clearly that is not the case. I'm not super farmiliar with midwives but from reading on here it seems they are generally the exact opposite of yours - what a bad apple!

Uk I have told DH many times that he better be prepared for me to bleed to death right after I give birth - how dramatic! They had a hard time getting my uterus to 'clamp down' (probably bc of funky shape) after DS was born (mind you I was totally fine - they wanted to infuse one pint of blood before I went home but I managed to avoid that in the end) but I still can't help thinking about it. It really doesn't scare me so I'm very matter of fact about it (bc I know I'm being ridiculous and hormonal) but I still say it anyways. DH took me seriously at first and now he just rolls his eyes bc he knows I'm being a drama queen!
sweetpea I can understand why you would be afraid after something like that. But then on the other hand I guess you know that if something were to go wrong they can fix it quickly. I know I'm being an absolute nightmare to my family right now with all these worries but I can't stop, I know I'm probably not going to die, the flat wont catch fire and no one's going to break in but I can't stop worrying lol. I really can not wait to be over this so I can get back to me again! I guess it is part of coping though we have to look at the negatives as well as the positives so we are prepared for any outcome? xx
Hi ladies,

Just back from my hospital appointment, and although everything is just fine with LO I am absolutely gutted.

They have changed my due date AGAIN. That's now the 4th time. 23rd March -> 10th April -> 29th March and now -> 10th April again.

So I have been pushed back 12 days. I am absolutely gutted. I felt like I was getting so close, and now I feel like I'm being pushed so far backwards, even though it's only 12 days. I actually cried in the hospital because I'm so upset. The Dr did a scan (althou we didn't actually get to see anything) and I saw him measure the head size at 33+1, which is only 4 days behind where I am now. But he still pushed the date the whole way back until 10th April. Then they did a growth chart for me as none had been done before now, but the didn't do it properly and just stuck me on at 32 weeks, when the funal measurement was actually 26cm and the head measurement was 33+1. So I feel like I just have no idea what mu due date is supposed to be :shrug:

Also, from a practical stand point, I now could have worked an extra 3 weeks, but since my maternity has all been arranged I no longer can.

I feel awful :( I know it probably sounds really stupid, and I don't know WHY I'm so upset exactly. I think I just had my hopes up that in 6 weeks I would be there, and now I feel like I have so much further to go :(
I think that is just the 'mom/mum' in us - I am always worried about something (even when not pregnant) but being pregnant and hormonal just magnifies everything - especially when we are so close to the finish and anxiety is usually at its high point. Hang in there girl we are almost done with all this craziness!
Oh doggy I can understand why you are so upset - 12 days seems so small in the long run but when you are in third tri it seems like 12 years. Try to take solace in the fact that at least if LO is 32 weeks right now and doesn't come until 39/40, they won't be trying to induce you for approaching 42 weeks (if they kept the end of march due date) iykwim? It is a small consolation right now I know :(

Use those extra weeks off to really pamper yourself and get some rest before LO comes, maybe do a special project for the nursery you wouldn't have time for otherwise? I am gutted for you darling - so glad bubs is healthy but dammit it's just not fair!
Thank you sweetpea its nice to feel understood xx Mothers angst is awful! Xx

doggylover :hugs: Im so sorry the scan didnt go well :( They could have atleast let you see bubs! I would say if your cycles are regular then go by your last period and do it that way. if the head is measuring 33weeks I would also go by that as fundal height isnt important. This is your first baby so you might have tighter muscles than people who have multiples hence why you would measure small.. I really hope they can make their minds up! Xx
I can't bring my own doula/birth consultant or midwife to the hospital, she has to be an employee there to attend the birth and procedures... I can get coaching from any source I like, most women don't get any education coaching or seminars/classes. Only granola types (like myself?) are looking for these options.
When I say to other women I don't intend on having a drugged out birth they look at me as if I'm from outer space, people here are very much into births with appointments having induction or selective c section. They think I'm crazy I want to wait it out and do it normally. Those who do it naturally usually go straight for home birth but I can't do that as I have heart arrhythmia and I can't afford a home birth (double cost)...

Sweat pea & Candy: yes I often think I might die during birth, and I asked DH to raise the baby with love and care if I die. He gets mad at me when I tell him that.

Doggy, omg why do they push you back and forth like that??? This is totally unacceptable, you are right to be upset. I'm sending you love and hugs xoxo
Sarah, first off: I'm very happy to hear that everything was fine at your appointment (fine with LO that is)!!! That's number one priority of course.
As for them moving your due date: ugh how frustrating!!! But the great thing is, LO will come when he/she is ready.. I doubt he is keeping a calendar and saying: oh man, 12 extra days in here :growlmad::haha:
So rest assured, LO will be here at the same time, no matter what the doctors say :hugs:.

Candy, sorry you are having all of this anxiety right now! I'm sure it's the natural progression of being so close to the end! If you think about the cycles of worries that we have all gone through (first trimester spotting, hb, scans, etc), it only seems natural to have a new worry in the last trimester!!! :hugs: you will not die, or burn down your house! I am very certain of that!!

Lily, I'm surprised that they let you hire a MW, but then you can't have a natural birth?!? :dohh: wouldn't that be the point of spending the extra money?? Geez, I'm sure you will stay strong and get exactly the birth you want!!!

AFM, I received my old navy order last night... Just in time, since I was running out of clothes that fit :dohh:... Everything fits and I'm super excited to be able to change up my wardrobe lol. Well my receptionist at work just said: you know, some days you dress a way that makes you look like you should and other days (like today) you look fat! :growlmad:
All I could answer was: well it depends on what laundry day I am at and believe it or not, I AM getting bigger (like I'm supposed to)!!!! Stupid cow! What I wanted to say was: funny, cause you just look the same fat everyday and your NOT pregnant! Sorry, rant over! I just hate dumb people!!
I doubt he is keeping a calendar and saying: oh man, 12 extra days in here :growlmad::haha:

He's not?! What did I send that red pen in there for then?! That was to cross off the days! :haha:

Thanks ladies for your support. I know LO will come whenever they fancy, it's just the constant changing that has happened for my due date. Unfortunately, my cycles are very irregular (anywhere from 28-70 days!) so LMP is no use to me :(

What confuses me even more is that the print out of the scan says the following dates for different measurements:

Weight: 33+4
Head measurement: 34+1 (massive head lol!)
Abdominal measurement: 33+1

So according to the measurements this Dr took the EDD is 2nd April (printed on the sheet). And he took them so he could give me a better due date. Then ignored them??? All those measurements tie in better with my 29th March due date than 10th April. I'm super confused. :(

Steph: I cannot believe someone said that to you! :shock: you definitely should have said "Same for you. And today is definitely a fat day" or something like that! So so rude!

Lily: I also can't believe people are so negative about you wanting a natural birth. It does definitely seem like the trend in some places is for drugs, drugs and more drugs, but there are PLENTY of women who go natural, or even use FEWER drugs, and your midwife should be perfectly aware of that. And she is there to support you and offer you what you want and need. Ridiculous.

Sweetpea and Candy: :hugs: thanks for the support. I think I'm having a crappy day in general - i cried on the way to the hospital because I thought we were going to be late (by no more than 5mins I should add!) Hormones!
ukgirl: sorry to hear that you're stressing out so much!! It's horrible feeling like we have no control over our thoughts and feelings, stupid hormones! DH and I have hardly said much of a word to each other the last few weeks because when we do sit down to talk for any length of time the convo inevitably swings around to my school stuff, which at the moment makes me incredibly ANGRY, so I don't want to talk about it. Hopefully it will all pass soon though, and we'll all be back our old selves with beautiful new babies!

doggylover: I'm so sorry hun! That must be so aggravating that they keep chaning your dates. Although it's true that LO will show up when they're ready, we cling to those dates to count down towards. Also really a bummer about the mat leave situation... but LO might be here well before the 10th, and this way you get some extra time to relax and pamper yourself etc.

Steph: Glad your order arrived and that everything fit well! I'm always so paranoid about ordering online and things not fitting properly. :wacko: Did you get mostly new shirts, or some pants too?? I've been looking for some brown pants or cords for a while now and no luck so far.

Lily: That's really bizzare about the midwife situation! I'm not using one, but they're starting to become more and more popular around here. Do you have the option of using a different hospital?? I hope you can work something out that will make you happy.

AFM, I received my student course evaluations in the mail today from the course I taught at Niagara University last semester. So now the question is... do I open and read them now? Or do I wait till May when I can relax with a glass of wine and read them then? If they're really nasty I'm not sure I could emotionally handle that right now without crying. I've been really looking forward to them getting here, but now that they've arrived I'm afraid to open them!! :dohh:
Thanks Readytomum :)

Open them now!!! I am 100% sure that they will be very positive! You'll always get the odd person who didn't like a course (I did when I was at uni) but it's very rarely the lecturers fault, it's more they don't like the content, as it doesn't interest them so much, than the delivery.

No way could I wait until May!
Doggy -- Any idea of O date? You got your bfp on July 30, had you tested before that? That may give you a better idea of which due date is "correct." I got a bfp on July 29. I wa 10dpo. I'm due April 11.

I can imagine how much it sucks now, but it's going to be sooooo much better in April when you're probably still pregnant (just statistically speaking) and looking forward to April 10 instead of looking back to March 29. :haha: And as others pointed out, won't be rushed into an induction at "42 weeks" when you may really only be 40+2. :flower:
Steph and doggylover I had weird images of you pushing pens up there and baby chilling out looking at him or her watch haha. My two both came late. Connie come ten days late and Lucas came about six days late so I always say give or take 2 weeks around the due date anyway.

Lily thats sad that you cant even have a doula well done to you though for sticking it out and going natural! I feel that lots of ladies get tired and impatient at the end and I can see why but I always thouht its better to go into labour when your body and your baby is ready if it is possible.

steph you are probably right Im probably just nervous :) I cant believe that girl was so rude to you!!! I bet you look lovely no matter what you are wearing. Some people really dont think before opening their mouths! :mad:

Readtomum I agree with doggylover on the papers :) Im sure its all good stuff in there xxx I think once our babies are here we will all feel much better. Im sorry to hear the school stuff is being such a pain in the ass! :hugs:
I doubt he is keeping a calendar and saying: oh man, 12 extra days in here :growlmad::haha:

He's not?! What did I send that red pen in there for then?! That was to cross off the days! :haha:

Thanks ladies for your support. I know LO will come whenever they fancy, it's just the constant changing that has happened for my due date. Unfortunately, my cycles are very irregular (anywhere from 28-70 days!) so LMP is no use to me :(

What confuses me even more is that the print out of the scan says the following dates for different measurements:

Weight: 33+4
Head measurement: 34+1 (massive head lol!)
Abdominal measurement: 33+1

So according to the measurements this Dr took the EDD is 2nd April (printed on the sheet). And he took them so he could give me a better due date. Then ignored them??? All those measurements tie in better with my 29th March due date than 10th April. I'm super confused. :(

Steph: I cannot believe someone said that to you! :shock: you definitely should have said "Same for you. And today is definitely a fat day" or something like that! So so rude!

Lily: I also can't believe people are so negative about you wanting a natural birth. It does definitely seem like the trend in some places is for drugs, drugs and more drugs, but there are PLENTY of women who go natural, or even use FEWER drugs, and your midwife should be perfectly aware of that. And she is there to support you and offer you what you want and need. Ridiculous.

Sweetpea and Candy: :hugs: thanks for the support. I think I'm having a crappy day in general - i cried on the way to the hospital because I thought we were going to be late (by no more than 5mins I should add!) Hormones!

I'm so sorry if that came across wrong :blush:. I was just trying to encourage you to ignore what the doctor said!! I've been ignoring my doctors due date since my 20 week scan :haha:. I use the measurements because they make more sense to me!!

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