April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Steph I wanted to make you feel better about your ''mutant baby'' scan pic so here is my ''Alien'' hehehe xxx

[url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/76341089@N03/8470367507/][img]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8241/8470367507_39c8630209.jpg[/url] 20130213_162059 by Diamond449, on Flickr[/IMG]
Readytomum, open the papers!! I agree that they will surely be positive... And even if the odd student gives a negative review, I'm sure it's only because he/she got a bad grade (or was expecting a bad grade) and therefore didn't like the class. That's usually how I felt about my classes :haha:

I did order pants (2 pair) and both fit perfect :thumbup:. Plus they were on sale, so I only paid $50 for two pair of pants and two tops. Free shipping. Totally worth it.

Sorry if I'm coming across bitchy or negative today but I am just in the worst mood lol. Was trying to schedule some appointments with possible doctors while OH is here and I'm having no luck. Guess trying to get in the day before is not all that easy :haha:... And then OH wants to micro manage and add more places for me to contact (mind you, we are both at work and busy). Told him I'm done and if he wants to check out any others, it's up to him!
I'm so sorry if that came across wrong :blush:. I was just trying to encourage you to ignore what the doctor said!! I've been ignoring my doctors due date since my 20 week scan :haha:. I use the measurements because they make more sense to me!!

Don't be silly I was only joking! :flower:

I know that all edd are give or take, but my worry is that if I go over I will be getting induced at 43+5!! And since my baby is apparently already 5lbs, they would be huge by then which would surely lead to a definite tearing episode, and greater potential for a c section?

If I knew I wouldn't need induced, and knew baby would come on April 10th then I wouldn't care less! But my worry is for induction, and that it would be so late.
I think at 40 weeks you can request a sweep... but that is the UK and it seems N.I are much different to here :/ xx
I'll be requesting she pulls it out at 40 weeks :haha:

Well I text my brother and asked him if there is a medical reason for my date being moved back considering all measurements point to an early edd. So will wait and see what he says, fountain of all medical knowledge in our family that he is!
haha if my brother was a doctor I would be constantly on the phone or messaging him questions! lol

I've just got Ben's drawers today and just put all his clothes and nappies in them, I didn't realise we had so much stuff... I can't resist buying things I see when I'm out now he has 3 big draws full of clothing and one full of nappies! I'll need to buy another set of drawers for his towels, muslins, safety kit etc .. -.- oooops! :p xx
Hey girls ...been away for a bit...working on the house and the kids rooms is exhausting so i sleep pretty much all day and am up all night when DH gets home.

Doggylover...my OB did the same exact thing to me. He told me that they go technically by the earliest ultrasound due dates because they are the most accurate. Anything later because of baby's size can give them the wrong information and they don't want to risk baby being delivered to early. So if baby comes on its own then they won't stop it but safer fot the DR if they kick it back. I started out the 4-12-13 went to the 6th and was told she would be delivered before the 29th of March and now she isn't getting delivered till the 9th. If she don't budge out before then. Don't worry when your body is ready to pop baby out it will!

I probably won't be on much i have the DIY stuff going on plus have started to have BH, DR says it is my body prepping for baby, and court stuff so i am just way way to busy. I will check in regularly to see how everyone is doing though!!!
Doggy as I have said before I just completely ignore the due date the hospital gave me and go by my O date (which I am fairly sure of as I was carefully temping, and doing O sticks) and by the kid's actual measurements (which in all three scans have been within a day of or exactly on what I think the due date is, hoping scan 4 seals the deal :haha:) But I totally understand that it is REALLY annoying to have a due date you think is wrong and have them always talk about it like its right. I worry for the opposite reason to you, that everyone will try to induce me early. :nope: But another good point about your due date being pushed back is that now we will let you stay in the April babies club, as we had all been plotting to overthrow you after all this March talk. :haha:

Read them now Ready to Mum! I'm sure they'll be fine :)

UK I love your alien picture! Glad there are so many alien fetus pictures around and I am not the only one hatching an alien/cyborg.

Steph glad you have some new clothes to show off. That receptionist sounds horrid. What a rude thing to say, and I'm sure its not true. I mostly got baby clothes from ON, just a few things to fill in some gaps. It shipped already so should be here soon :happydance: I have had mixed experiences with ordering mat clothes online, some things have been good and some I had to return. I feel like mat clothes can be a challenge anyway since we all grow in different ways, and it seems like you never know what's going to suddenly undergo rapid expansion while other things stay perfectly normal sized :haha:

Where is it that you live again Lily? Somewhere in Europe, I remember? I am surprised they don't even let you have a doula. I guess that is a pro of the American system. Yeah you have to pay for it but nobody's really telling you what you can and can't do because you're footing the bill. I picked the hospital we are going to because they have the lowest c section rate in the area. Its around 20% for the regular hospital and 10% if you are doing midwife assisted. Epidural rate with a midwife is about 40% but I would never begrudge a woman an epidural if she wants one, so I definitely don't mind that this is higher. And a lot of their "standard policies" are the "crunchier" things anyway like delayed cord clamping, no routine episiotimies. And they LOVE doulas. It is interesting to see how different things are in other places. I had always thought of the US as being more pro-drug and interventions and Europe as being more natural and things :shrug: Hope it all works out though, and glad there are at least classes outside of the hospital system that you can access. If you are looking for a good book I really enjoyed the book Natural Hospital Birth by Cynthia Gabriel. It was really good for navigating what usually goes on in a hospital with interventions etc and some really positive steps to take to get what you actually want :flower:
But another good point about your due date being pushed back is that now we will let you stay in the April babies club, as we had all been plotting to overthrow you after all this March talk. :haha:

\\:D/\\:D/ phew thank goodness for that!!

Good news, I spoke to my brother and his exact words were "who was it? Twat. They are wrong. You'll have another appointment in a few weeks. Tell them that someone messed it up."

You can always rely on him :haha:

Ukgirl: I'm jealous of your organisation! I can't wait to get all mine sorted!

Maternity clothes: I am so so sick of all mine! I don't want to buy any more though as my main problem is I'm sick of them for work, and that's only three more weeks. After that I'll live in jammies until this LO comes...and then for several weeks afterwards!
I'll be requesting she pulls it out at 40 weeks :haha:

Well I text my brother and asked him if there is a medical reason for my date being moved back considering all measurements point to an early edd. So will wait and see what he says, fountain of all medical knowledge in our family that he is!

Ahahah we will all have to post an eviction notice after 40 weeks :haha:
I'm not sure how well I will cope once my due date passes (MY due date and not the one the doctor uses ahahah)!
LMAO at not kicking doggy out of the April thread :thumbup:

Candy, I need your motivation and organization skills lol. I dropped all of my clothes off at my moms house to wash :haha:. In my defense (if there is one lol), she really wanted to do it and she has a bigger washer then me.

Sarah, as for maternity clothes: if I didn't have to work for another 7 weeks :wacko:, then I would have never bothered getting more... But I only had one pair of work pants left that fit, and you can only wear it so many times, before people think your gross ahahah
I would live in PJ bottoms right now, if I could !

Mommabrown, hope the room switch is coming along nicely!

LittleSpy, your like a Superhero ... Pop in with good advice and then your gone :haha: how are you doing? We're you able to move Maisie in a big girl bed yet?
Well I still need to find the motivation to wash it all!! I got my washing basket empty thennthe day after it was full again Im going to have to just put it all in with the other stuff. I still dont know how to wash the nappies either! The directions on the internet are mainly for usa machines :/ I found mothercare sells bum genius washing powder though :D xx
Steph so true- it's the trousers that are the problem for me too. Embarrassingly I was still fitting into pre-preg ones (not quite buttoned in fairness!) but last week I thought the zip had come down...I had actually bust right out of them and the zip is now no longer attached to the rest of the material :haha: and the only other ones I have are not great and slip down all the time...so I'm all about the dresses these days. But again, only so many times I can wear them until people think I'm gross!

:haha: so true about littlespy flying by with her good advice! But we miss your updates!
Ok im like so behide :( ive read as much as i could lol and then skip last 2 pages lol..

Im so happy to finish up next friday cant take no more of being uncomfy at work :(.

speaking of baby movement my little one as been moving around alot more today :S not sure what ive had to make her more active lol but hey it helps keep my mind at bay.

Glad you got your last bits for baby and your hospital bag.

I still need to grab some snacks also and some juice cause i drink way to much cola lol Guess my baby is use to sugar aswell as i eat to much junk lol.

But another good point about your due date being pushed back is that now we will let you stay in the April babies club, as we had all been plotting to overthrow you after all this March talk. :haha:

It is interesting to see how different things are in other places. I had always thought of the US as being more pro-drug and interventions and Europe as being more natural and things :shrug: Hope it all works out though, and glad there are at least classes outside of the hospital system that you can access. If you are looking for a good book I really enjoyed the book Natural Hospital Birth by Cynthia Gabriel. It was really good for navigating what usually goes on in a hospital with interventions etc and some really positive steps to take to get what you actually want :flower:
I'd hate it if we had to kick doggy out because the docs are stupid and can't take a measurement.

Thanks for the book recommendation!

What is happening where I am right now is that the system is highly influenced from the American procedures, most docs have worked and studied in the US etc. Very unlike UK, Sweden, Denmark etc...
Anything granola is very badly criticized, no concept of attachment parenting etc.
Bringing your doula or midwife in the hospital (even if I covered 100% of all costs) would leave doctors with nothing to do in the hospitals, as only a tiny % really need intervention from a surgeon, and lose a lot of their status. They don't even allow husbands/partners in the delivery room in the public and university hospitals. Some of the high end private clinics have other policies that I'm not familiar with but they cost a lot and I'm not in a position to even think about those.
They don't even allow husbands/partners in the delivery room in the public and university hospitals.

:shock: :growlmad: That is beyond ridiculous. Do they think this is 1950? They would have a hard time keeping my DH away from us during L&D. You're not having your tonsils out for goodness sakes. I think if that was what we were facing we would be doing home birth. Or I would be going to Australia or the UK to give birth as I am a citizen in both places :haha: My husband and his brother were born at home when it was "illegal" to have a home birth here because my MIL couldn't find a doctor who would agree to basic things like no routine episiotimy etc. She had her third baby in a free standing birth center as she was older then and by that time it was the 90's and the crunchy ways were much more accepted. :nope: that there are still places where women have so little say over such a significant thing.
Well I still need to find the motivation to wash it all!! I got my washing basket empty thennthe day after it was full again Im going to have to just put it all in with the other stuff. I still dont know how to wash the nappies either! The directions on the internet are mainly for usa machines :/ I found mothercare sells bum genius washing powder though :D xx

In terms of washing...so confusing! So many conflicting things! What I am doing is the following:

-for preloved nappies I am dishwasher tablet strip washing them then regular washing them at 40C
- new bamboo nappies I am prewashing at 40C with an extra rinse. People say they take up to 10 washes to become fully absorbent, but since LO won't be peeing enough to soak the nappy in the first week, they should get that washed by the time the wees are a bigger issue
- new microfibre nappies and inserts I am doing one wash at 40C with and extra rinse
- wraps I am one wash at 30C

I dunno if any of that is right :shrug: but I do know the preloved I had smelt a bit funky and after their strip they are smell free!

Afm: I laughed so much at this story. My sister knows a girl who lives down the road from us. We live out in the country, and we walk the dogs each night down the country lanes. It's winter, so it's dark of course! Well this girl said to my sister today how awful it is that "that husband" of mine "makes me walk every night in winter, and in the dark and rain no less!"

My sister didn't tell her Simon is unlikely to make me do anything I don't want, so this girl genuinely believes he forces me to do it! Usually it's me begging to go with him as he hates how slowly we go now I am so huge. It's funny to think she is watching us (creep) and judging him!
Bwahahaha poor Sarah! Your neighbor thinks your being abused :haha:
And poor OH... Now the neighbors think he's a mean husband lol.
If you ever see her, you should scream at OH and make a scene because he treats you so poorly ... At least give her some real gossip to talk about :winkwink:
I'm kidding... Poor Simons reputation is on the line!

At least you can hope that she is just as nosey, if someone tries to break I to your house! Neighborhood alarm!!
ukgirl: Glad you've got the drawers and filled them up! We had to go buy some long rubbermaid totes to store under the crib last night, because the dresser we bought is pretty small and doesn't have enough room to store everything!! We have the 0-3m stuff in there, and that's all that fits! Hats, socks, scratch mittens, booties etc. are being stored in seperate bins because there's no room in the dresser. I think we still need to get another cuby-hole storage unit too because it just seems like we have so much stuff and nowhere to put it away!!

doggylover: That is a little creepy re: your neighbour! :haha: The joys of living in a small community. hehe Also, I'm not sure if I've said so already or not, but I love your DH's name!! That was one of the names I suggested for LO, but DH said no.

Lily: Wow! That's some strict procedures they have there...! I really hope you can work out something you're comfortable with, it all sounds a little bit crazy. I can't even imagine being at one of the places where DH wasn't allowed in the room!

Thanks for all your feedback ladies on whether or not I should open the evaluations now or wait... I'm going to give it a few days to decide I think so I don't make a hasty decision.

Tomorrow is going to be a fairly stressful day... so I certainly want to make sure if I open them now, I calm down from that first before venturing into the evaluations. Tomorrow there's a History Dept. meeting which will decide my academic fate in terms of writing my exams this April and whether I can write just some of them now and write the other one after I return from Parental Leave, or whether I have to write them all together before I go (which won't happen... so I wouldn't be writing any of them).
Lol steph I said to my sister I was going to walk tonight with my hand on my back (proper pregnant lady style) and pretend to sob! My sister said she'd probably run out of her house and start yelling at poor Simon! I may do it yet...:haha:

Readytomum: I hope things go your way tomorrow. If they decide you have to do them all together and you can't do them before LO arrives what will happen?

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