April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Thank you ladies I feel better knowing you all agree with me. She gave me a different antibiotic but it made me really sick and dizzy so I had to go to a weaker one I really hope this infection clears up so I dont have to go back.

Connie has gone to her boyfriends house for dinner bless her. So ots just me Aaron and Lucas and they are both playing xbox so Im here with milkybar buttons lol yummy!!

Mommabrown have you heard anything else about court? Im still waiting on the papers :-/ you could ask on facebook if anyone has any clothes they want rid of. I did that and got loads! Xx

readytomum Im glad your app went well and baby is head down.. yay!!!! Xxxx
Ukgirl i was in his office today to pay him off completely and still not one freaking word. He said we should be hearing something soon from the judge on a court date. I am so aggravated i wanted this over with before the baby got here honestly.

I am hoping my baby shower goes well next month so hopefully she is covered for a bit. My sister said she has some clothes to give us but has never brought them. Maybe she is just waiting till after she is here.

Afm..It's Valentine's Day and i got some beautiful roses from DH and i went and got my hair cut!! I have cried already today and now i am about to head off to the school to spend some time with the children at their parties! All in a life of a pregnant woman! LOL
omg Sarah, you're neighbour is sooooo weird!!! And to talk to your sister about you as well!!! how cheeky!! LOL

Thank you for the washing advice!! what is dish washer tablet stripping? :/ are you going to presoak your nappies and liners in the bucket? I have found some antibacterial powder in mothercare which you pop in water in the bucket to soak. xxx

readytomum it honestly didn't seem like a lot until I had put it all away lol, I put socks, mittens and booties between the folded clothing to save some space, I had too many shoes to store so I'll need to get extra too I like the under cot storage idea! Might have to copy you :) xx

by the way I got my mini fan from ebay for my hospital bag the other day yay and ASDA are doing 3 for £3 on travel toiletries, they have savlon and small baby bottles of shampoo ect, I even got a travel toothbrush which folds up ad some deodrant, which has all gone in the hospital bag. xx

I got those 3 for £3 travel stuff to lol they came in so handy.

Eww Lily now you mention other babies sleeping on the sheets (and throwing up on them etc) I am adding sheets to my hospital bag as well!!

Maybesoon sorry to hearyou haven't been feeling great, take it easy and get as much rest as you can.

Cherry, that's nice to feel Paige moving more often. The Drs and midwives push SO hard to feel baby don't they?! My dh was horrified yesterday at the hospital at how hard they pushed me! He thinks when I give it a little poke that I am damaging some internal organs, I thought he was going to punch the Dr yesterday for attacking our baby! :haha: (in fairness, the Dr was rough)

Thanks hun. Just been bit sore today was pretty bad i could have cried but im ok now must have been hungry lol

Yikes Ukgirl!I don't think it's normal to feel that much pressure either. I don't understand why people's Dr's always have to shout and be rude. Asses!

I have absolutely no clothes for Emme. Reading this makes me realize I need to get with the program in the next 7 weeks! I don't even have a bag ready for her let alone me.

Dont worry about buying clothes hun you'll have plenty of time. Ryans mum gave me alot of things they are all second hand but they will come in handy lol.

Im super tired now so i think im going to head of to bed. Work took it out of me today lol xxx
doggylover do you just use a basic dishwasher tablet? Do I just put it in the drum or the drawer? Sorry Im so clueless! Xxx

Yep, just a normal one (we have the one with a power ball, but you don't need that!) As long as it doesn't have a gel bit, or a liquid bit, and just pop it in the drum. It makes a great noise until it dissolves!! Sorry to hear your dr was a prick today :hugs: definitely get a second opinion after the weekend if you are still having discomfort. Better safe than sorry anyway! Also, so cute about Connie and her boyfriend! I saw what he got her on FB - that's too cute!

Mommabrown: I'm sure you have lots of baby stuff from your other LO though. You're a pro at this, it's us first timers who have panic bought everything in sight!!!

Cherry: I'm still a bit sore from my Dr being too forceful as well :( Why have they suddenly turned into barbarians?! But I'm glad you are feeling OK, if tired. Get a good night's sleep hun.

Afm: Nothing much new. Busy day today and I am actually scared about how much marking I have to do before my maternity leave starts!!! I will have to break my tradition of never taking work home :shock: lol!!

Readytomum: :thumbup: about Peter being head down and looking good. Did you have a scan or just a "feel"?
Hi Girls!! I have been a bit AWOL. Lots to update you on but Ive just spent the last 20 mins reading your posts from page 899 to try and get back in the look :coffee: GIVE ME STRENGTH! lol. here goes....

Benson has had a few quiet days too he was really quiet over the weekend and his kicks were really weak, today though he is back to fighting hard, I had spasming bump last night is where it looks like your baby is having a fit inside the womb but it is where their brain is building connections to their nerves and causes their muscles to spasm.. I hope I said that right... so I think his quiet days were due to him sleeping deeply to make those new connections and developments.

If you don't get 10 kicks in 2 hours you should call your midwife unit but even if the kicks are weak they still count. Orange juice gets babies kicking so try that :) At our stage though our babies are running out of space too so the hard kicks aren't really happening as much as before.

So yeh hope this helps :) and hope you are all having a good day, readytomum I love your nursery it's beautiful xxx

Sarah do you not have half term next week? or is it different in Ireland? xx Exciting to be almost on mat leave :D xxx

I am almost certain you mean 10 kicks in 12 hours, that threw me for a minute. lol. I ask the doc today as I had heard it had to be strong solid kicks, she confirmed it is any type of movement. Luckily babes is pretty active all day long for me so I havent had too many scares yet. Does make you panic though doesnt it! :(

Orange juice at the ready then!

Steph, you didn't scare me, I have one of these episodes whe I am convinced baby isn't moving every few weeks :haha: I'm just neurotic!

Candy: thanks for that info re: spasms - I've actually wondered about that as sometimes I would swear baby is having a fit in there! So that makes sense! And yep, I have half term next week, but we just have the Monday and Tuesday off, I think in England most schools get the whole week? Ties back to us having the longer summer holidays.

Readytomum: book freak here as well!! Hence my sudden panic that I am woefully underprepared for LOs arrival in that department! Unless they like listening to "the womanly art of breastfeeding" I may get on this ASAP!!

I didnt know that was what the spasms were. It feels like baby has a shiver right? very interesting!

Thanks ukgirl, but I think I'll pass. :haha:

DH and I are going out for a nice dinner tonight to celebrate Valentine's Day early, or I would make them for dinner!

We usually make either Apple Cinnamon ones, or Banana Chocolate Chip. I like mine with peanut butter ontop!! But sometimes I'll put butter and maple syrup on instead. :thumbup:

oooooooooooooooooh I am a massive fan of cinnamon. OMG.... Whenever we come to Canada we cant get enough of Cinnabon! :cloud9:

So the tech gave me two US pics from yesterday and they are horrible :nope:. Rob and I are seriously concerned, that we have a mutant in there and not a baby :dohh:. The tech seemed to think everything looked good, because she was all excited and said: oh look, he's looking at us!
If you ask me, it looks like a creepy Halloween mask (I'll try to attach the pic).
The other pic was a profile shot, but it seems like he is missing a lip :shrug:
I'm seriously tempted to do a 3d scan, just to make sure I have a normal baby :blush:

This cracked me up!!! hahahaha. I have to admit it is a slightly strange angle. :dohh: I am more than sure you have a gorgeous little baby in there though! :hugs:

Hi ladies,

Just back from my hospital appointment, and although everything is just fine with LO I am absolutely gutted.

They have changed my due date AGAIN. That's now the 4th time. 23rd March -> 10th April -> 29th March and now -> 10th April again.

So I have been pushed back 12 days. I am absolutely gutted. I felt like I was getting so close, and now I feel like I'm being pushed so far backwards, even though it's only 12 days. I actually cried in the hospital because I'm so upset. The Dr did a scan (althou we didn't actually get to see anything) and I saw him measure the head size at 33+1, which is only 4 days behind where I am now. But he still pushed the date the whole way back until 10th April. Then they did a growth chart for me as none had been done before now, but the didn't do it properly and just stuck me on at 32 weeks, when the funal measurement was actually 26cm and the head measurement was 33+1. So I feel like I just have no idea what mu due date is supposed to be :shrug:

Also, from a practical stand point, I now could have worked an extra 3 weeks, but since my maternity has all been arranged I no longer can.

I feel awful :( I know it probably sounds really stupid, and I don't know WHY I'm so upset exactly. I think I just had my hopes up that in 6 weeks I would be there, and now I feel like I have so much further to go :(

This is CRAZY!!!!!! I do not understand why they are changing your dates around?! Here the 12 weeks scan dates your pregnancy. Thats it... if you measure differently along the way it purely because your baby is growing faster / slower than they should. They do not change your date! My babes is measuring a bit ahead on my growth scans but they just say she will prob be bigger than average. no dates changed. Not on and I would be upset too xx:flower:

You girls talk a million miles a minute. I need to be on here more cause its incredibly hard to keep track! Ill update on me separately! :wacko:

so..................... afm...
Last I updated you that I had been diagnosed with high amnio levels. I had my 32 week growth scan today and the levels are now lower. They are no longer worried about it but will scan me again on 14th March @ 36 weeks to keep an eye on it. Consultant said my hemoglobin levels are low although I am not quite aneamic but need to start on the iron supplements to get it back up to a normal level. I was weighed as well as I have a higher BMI and I weigh 1kg less now then I did at my first midwife appt @ 10 weeks! :happydance: I cracked up! How is that possible?

OH missed the scan today because the car park was chocka and he couldnt park. The lovely lady printed me a pic to show him. Although it is just babies face you can make our her features really well! Its not so skelator like some of yours. :hugs: (attached).

Also we have been working our butts off trying to get the nursery and my little boys room decorated. They are mostly painted now but we are in the middle of building all their new furniture. I have attached a pic of the wall I painted in my baby girl's nursery. SOOOOOO chuffed with how it came out as I drew it freehand! :) :blush:

I officially have 19 working days left at my job!!! Wahoooooooooooo. Cant bloody wait!

SO... has anyone else paired up for labour buddies?! I think we need them added to the front page so if someone goes into labour we can see who their buddy is? anyone else think so?



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Oh putting buddies on the front page is a great idea! So you and ukgirl are buddies right? I'll get that on there now! I actually cannot believe you drew that mural :shock: I looked at the pic before reading the post and thought "oh I love that decal" - I have no artistic talent so I am in awe of everyone who does! It's gorgeous! And I love the colour of the walls, I'm hoping that in a weeks time mine look the same! We searched for that type of colour for ages, and I'm hoping once its all on the walls it looks as good as yours!
With my due date it's insane. It's been different/moved at every scan I've had. So frustrating!!
TeAmo, first off: what a beautiful nursery wall!! It looks like that was so muh work! And yay for a "normal" face shot :thumbup:. I'm still trying to convince OH that we are intact having a human baby lol :haha:

What were you fluid measurements? I'm curious because mine were rather high (doc didn't say it was bad, just that she was expecting less by my size :shrug:). Mine measured 21cm in each of the 4 quadrants. I know that is around 90%. If I looked it up correctly, they say 25cm and up is considered high?!?
Glad to hear that your back to normal levels!!
Ladies when I was updating the front page with our first birth buddy pair, I noticed how many mommas to be we have in our list who don't post in here.

I wondered what the general consensus would be about me shorting the date list to just the people who post regularly/have posted regularly in the past and moving all the other ladies to a list at the bottom, without dates, just above the April angels? It's something I have seen on other threads, and thought it might make it easier for us to keep an eye on whose due date is coming up as we get closer?

Let me know what you think, as I won't do anything without your agreement.

And if any ladies who are on the front page and don't post are reading this, let me know if you want to stay on there! Pm me or post a short message here!
Silly question: but what are labor buddies???

Someone to keep updated via text when you go into labour, so that others can keep up to date with your progress without you having to come on and post here. Also someone to offer a bit of support when oh is driving you insane :haha:

Steph and TeAmo, you guys get so much info at your appointments! Nobody has ever mentioned my fluid level!
Ladies when I was updating the front page with our first birth buddy pair, I noticed how many mommas to be we have in our list who don't post in here.

I wondered what the general consensus would be about me shorting the date list to just the people who post regularly/have posted regularly in the past and moving all the other ladies to a list at the bottom, without dates, just above the April angels? It's something I have seen on other threads, and thought it might make it easier for us to keep an eye on whose due date is coming up as we get closer?

Let me know what you think, as I won't do anything without your agreement.

And if any ladies who are on the front page and don't post are reading this, let me know if you want to stay on there! Pm me or post a short message here!

Sounds good to me :thumbup:
Oh and could you move me to the 4th?:blush:
That's the date that I was given at my 12 week scan and it matched perfectly with my own calculations from ovulation day and all. Doc used LMP date and said she would stick with it, because it was close enough :growlmad:
Oh putting buddies on the front page is a great idea! So you and ukgirl are buddies right? I'll get that on there now! I actually cannot believe you drew that mural :shock: I looked at the pic before reading the post and thought "oh I love that decal" - I have no artistic talent so I am in awe of everyone who does! It's gorgeous! And I love the colour of the walls, I'm hoping that in a weeks time mine look the same! We searched for that type of colour for ages, and I'm hoping once its all on the walls it looks as good as yours!
With my due date it's insane. It's been different/moved at every scan I've had. So frustrating!!

Yes we are! So excited to do her labour thread.

thank you! I was very nervous drawing on OH's freshly painted wall! We took ages to decide on colour but didnt want a pink room. It is a gorgeous shade and all of her new furniture is white so it looks awesome. The tree isnt quite finished. A friend of mine is making us little stuffed patchwork owls that will be velcro'd onto the wall in the tree :cloud9: Also there will be three of them on twigs in the opposite corner. I will put more pics up when I have them!

TeAmo, first off: what a beautiful nursery wall!! It looks like that was so muh work! And yay for a "normal" face shot :thumbup:. I'm still trying to convince OH that we are intact having a human baby lol :haha:

What were you fluid measurements? I'm curious because mine were rather high (doc didn't say it was bad, just that she was expecting less by my size :shrug:). Mine measured 21cm in each of the 4 quadrants. I know that is around 90%. If I looked it up correctly, they say 25cm and up is considered high?!?
Glad to hear that your back to normal levels!!

Thank you!! :blush: I love it too.

You are defo having a normal human baby! No mutant!

Mine werent off the chart, they were also 21 but they wanted to rule out GD which I was all clear on. If they had increased again today they would have done a torch test on me today to test for infection. Luckily they have dropped to 19.3 so no tests. They want to keep an eye though so scanning again at 36 weeks.

Silly question: but what are labor buddies???

So you basically swap contact details with someone (pref in the same time zone) and when each of you goes into labour you text the other person updates and it is their job to start a labour thread here and up update all the girlies! It is a fun way of involving each of us in anothers labour after getting to know one another over the last 9 months! xx
These doctors and their due date calculations :growlmad: moved you! I hope Grayson listened and knows he's expected a few days earlier!!

Oh TeAmo I can't wait to see the owls!i am big into owls at the minute for LO!
Silly question: but what are labor buddies???

Someone to keep updated via text when you go into labour, so that others can keep up to date with your progress without you having to come on and post here. Also someone to offer a bit of support when oh is driving you insane :haha:

Steph and TeAmo, you guys get so much info at your appointments! Nobody has ever mentioned my fluid level!

Ah makes sense :thumbup:

Sarah, I really don't get all this info... I was just listening to what the tech was telling the doctor during the scan :haha:. Then I went to trusty old google and figured out what I meant... Ahaha
My doctor tells me nothing
Oh glad to know I'm not the only one then! I say yestday and googled what ac (hadlock) and other things meant from the print out my dr had put into my file!

I like how they don't think it's important to tell us mummies any of the information about what's happening in our bodies!!!
These doctors and their due date calculations :growlmad: moved you! I hope Grayson listened and knows he's expected a few days earlier!!

Oh TeAmo I can't wait to see the owls!i am big into owls at the minute for LO!

Thank you!
I have sent in a written notice and official date change!! He will receive an eviction notice on the first, just to make sure he know lmao :winkwink::haha:
Ladies when I was updating the front page with our first birth buddy pair, I noticed how many mommas to be we have in our list who don't post in here.

I wondered what the general consensus would be about me shorting the date list to just the people who post regularly/have posted regularly in the past and moving all the other ladies to a list at the bottom, without dates, just above the April angels? It's something I have seen on other threads, and thought it might make it easier for us to keep an eye on whose due date is coming up as we get closer?

Let me know what you think, as I won't do anything without your agreement.

And if any ladies who are on the front page and don't post are reading this, let me know if you want to stay on there! Pm me or post a short message here!

Yes, I think that is a good idea! Easier to keep track of! :thumbup:

Silly question: but what are labor buddies???

Steph and TeAmo, you guys get so much info at your appointments! Nobody has ever mentioned my fluid level!

I didnt get told last time, I think they only mention it if there is a problem. Looking on my notes before they did measure it but it was normal. On your notes it might be called AFI.

These doctors and their due date calculations :growlmad: moved you! I hope Grayson listened and knows he's expected a few days earlier!!

Oh TeAmo I can't wait to see the owls!i am big into owls at the minute for LO!

OMG me toooooo!!! I have wanted an owl themed nursery for ages but couldnt find any nice bedding to do it do I decided to DIY it!!

Silly question: but what are labor buddies???

Sarah, I really don't get all this info... I was just listening to what the tech was telling the doctor during the scan :haha:. Then I went to trusty old google and figured out what I meant... Ahaha
My doctor tells me nothing

Yep Im a googler too! lol
Oh glad to know I'm not the only one then! I say yestday and googled what ac (hadlock) and other things meant from the print out my dr had put into my file!

I like how they don't think it's important to tell us mummies any of the information about what's happening in our bodies!!!

Tell me about it :growlmad:. But the good thing with google is: if I don't like the answer, I just go to the next page and find an answer that suit me hahaha
Thank you!
I have sent in a written notice and official date change!! He will receive an eviction notice on the first, just to make sure he know lmao :winkwink::haha:


TeAmo, I should have said we also have white furniture and are getting a big tree wall decal (no talent here unfortunately!) so our nurseries are pretty similar! You have great taste ;)

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