April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Nimbec, if you get 7th march that is so soon! You will have your LO in less than 4 weeks either way! Eeeeeek!!!! Excitement!

Glad to hear all is going well, but will wait for more good news on Wednesday from your scan.
Thanks Doggylover! Scary but exciting isn't it!! You are not far behind!! I'd ignore that idiot doc changing your dates grrrrr!!!
Hey again everyone,

So I managed to rest a lot today and my feet are almost back to normal size, I think my new boots combined with walking around the lake yesterday which is quite far, might have caused the blood to pool in my legs so hopefully if I keep it down now I should be better.

Lily, those curtains are lovely :) x

Doggylover wow at all the stuff you got from ikea! it all looks gorgeous! I love the front page too thank you so much for updating it, it must have taken a while xx

Nimbec I'm glad that things are looking better now. Fingers crossed for fluid levels and placenta function! xx

oosweetpea.. I done mine 2 days ago, I didn't have a clue where I was going with the razor haha, I have no idea what it looks like down there.. hopefully there's no tufty bits!! LOL

randomly with my other 2 pregnancies my hair grew at twice the speed. With this little guy I only need to shave about once a month or so, my hair is growing in super slowly.

Maybe I'm giving birth to chewbacca.. all the hair ingredients are going to him to form a super hairy chewbacca baby!! eeeek!!

I just watched Mama Mia with Aaron, he was so awkward while watching it, especially every time Pierce Brosnan started singing, his face was so funny I had to hide my face and giggle. Baby Chewbacca had a good dance around every time they started singing too lol.. Mummies boy already I see!
Maybe I'm giving birth to chewbacca.. all the hair ingredients are going to him to form a super hairy chewbacca baby!! eeeek!!

:haha: if this is true I can't wait to see the pictures!!

Nimbec, hopefully I won't be too far behind you! I wouldn't mind LO coming a week or two early that's for sure, but pretty sure that I'll still be pregnant well into the first weeks of April!
Ukgirl so glad you are feeling better and the swelling is down - it must be lots more comfy for you (mind you comfy is not a word I'd usually associate with being preggy at the minute lol!!)

I'm seriously impressed that u got your oh to watch mama Mia - I've failed on several attempts lol!! I lie musical theatre it's a real passion of mine and I love going to London to watch the shows - not sure how much ill get to do that with a little one...I'm so protective I can't imagine me leaving him overnight or a long time!!!
Also in terms of mama Mia, Simon hates it. He never let's me watch it - so you are lucky! And he is obviously of the same opinion as Aaron - he thinks pierce brosnan is awful, whereas I love him in it!
I remember the first time I left Connie, I only went for a drive for an hour but it was hell the whole time I felt like a part of me had been ripped away. It got easier lol, I must admit I do really miss Connie and Lucas when they are at school but without the break I would go insane!

My legs feel better but I'm still heavy and fat haha.. I love Mama Mia, I'm not really a big fan of theatre but I do love dance and music.

Doggylover my due date with Connie was 22nd of April, her birthday is 2nd of May, to be honest it could go either way, I think you could be having a boy, they tend to cause the most confusion and trouble during pregnancy hehe,, he's trying to trick you with the dates! :p xx you'll have a girl now I've said that though ;) xx
Also love Pierce very much in Mama Mia, Aaron said Pierce should never sing, he should only walk around with a gun and shoot people. haha
Doggylover my due date with Connie was 22nd of April, her birthday is 2nd of May, to be honest it could go either way, I think you could be having a boy, they tend to cause the most confusion and trouble during pregnancy hehe,, he's trying to trick you with the dates! :p xx you'll have a girl now I've said that though ;) xx

Funny I've been feeling very "boy" this week since my scan. At the start of pregnancy, until about 16 weeks, I felt definite it was a girl, then I had no idea, and this week I've been feeling its a boy.

So basically I have no idea :haha: but at least I'm covered either way! You'll just have to slip into convo at some point that you think it's a girl -8 then you'll be right no matter what! ;)
Just to chime in late about water on cloth wipes -- that's all we use. Warm water and wipes in the wipe warmer (because Maisie is a huge drama queen about "cold" wipes). Works great! :thumbup:

The only thing I've heard but haven't experienced because our water is on the soft side is that people with hard water may have issues with wipes getting funky after a day or so in the warmer. That's an easy enough fix - only wet about a day's worth at a time.
Why not just use warm water then instead of a wipe warmer if thats all you use? You can keep water warm when out by keeping it in a thermos.

doggylover I covered myself by saying you'll have a girl now I predicted boy haha. I keep thinking omg imagine if Benson comes out a girl. Aaron keeps reminding me how big his balls were on the scan so there shouldnt be any chance of that but I can't help but worry.

Benson seems to have had a mahoosive growth spurt over the last few days. He takes up my whole bump I can actually feel him everywhere but Im not sure which way he is laying. His movement is really constant now apart from at night when I sleep but he likes to kick the bed where I lay on my sidr and it hurts bad now.

Has anyone else noticed any change in movements? Xx
Gosh I agree I think boy Doggylover only a they seem to be arwkward hehe!

Ukgirl my movement def changed hardly kicks anymore but bit squirming movements that really move my whole belly! He also ha very manic days and very quiet days - I've now learnt not to panic!! Equally he doesn't react to sugar poss cos I have too much of it oooops!! I eat early things too so hopefully they counteract some of the crap?!

Haha well I dreamt that I give birth to a huuuuuge baby and it was too big to fit in the cot yes the COT lol lol also having very strange other dreams ... I dreamt I was out in the car with the pram to go shopping and when I looks in the pram half way round the supermarket I realised I'd brought Bentley (chuihuaua) not the baby and left the baby at home - OMG!!! Lol

Ill happily be someone's buddy ill have had my bubs so will be up all hours anyway...

Night all!!
Oh you ladies have been busy...

I've forgotten half of what I have read but let me try:

Sarah, I'm thinking girl! :thumbup: Mostly because I feel like we have more boys in this months and by using pure statistics... your having a girl! lol :haha:

Nimbec, I cant believe you are soo close!! That is amazing! Let us know how your scan goes on Wednesday!

Candy, Sorry your not feeling all that great these days but good thing the swelling has gone down! I have read that the only way to prevent that from happening, is to drink LOTS of water and walk! Because I have to work to the end, I am terrified of this happening, so I force myself to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day.

Grayson has also been extremely active today (thank god). We have had a very busy day today... Went on a hospital tour of the maternity ward this morning. Its actually very lovely. :thumbup: They encourage natural child birth, water birth, medical birth...whatever you choose... their words: You are the boss and we are visitors at YOUR birth :thumbup:. Sounded lovely really!
After that, we had an appointment with a Pediatrician on our list. This was the second one we interviewed and the guy today was a complete idiot!
On a positive note, we really like the first one :thumbup:

As for trimming the lady bits: :rofl:. I still trim mine every few days. I just can't stand knowing that its all bushy down there :haha:
I am a crazy woman about the water as well. I cannot go to bed unless I have drank 64 oz of water in the day :haha: I am scared of getting that preggo face bloat. I know, I am a ridiculous person.

Sweet Pea I will be your text buddy, we are not too far from each other. I am not sure I will be much of a texter during labor myself, as have no idea what I will be like (my guess is probably total wreck :haha:) but am definitely happy to update everyone for you and support as well as a newbie can! Maybe if I have my DH, my doula, my midwife and you all telling me everything is fine, I will actually be fine :flower:

Nimbec, how exciting that your LO is coming so soon!! I think you are definitely going to win first baby prize! And your baby will be a Pisces! A creative little dreamer :) I am a pisces, my b'day is March 5th. My baby and probably a lot of our babies are going to be firey little Arians. And not sure anyone is interested in any of this sort of thing but here is a cute little profile of babies born in the Chinese Year of the Snake https://www.babiesonline.com/horoscope/chinesezodiac/snake.asp Apparently we're all having little charmers! :winkwink:

Aww Little Spy, love that Maisy hates the cold wipes. I think I would hate cold wipes as well, totally with her on that front. :haha: According to the interweb my water is soft, so that's good on the CD front, seems like people have a lot more issues with hard water. Do you have that Prince Lionheart warmer? The one that is for cloth wipes? That is the one I was thinking of getting. Let me know what one you have and if it has lasted. Thanks! Also, one other question for you, what general breastfeeding book do you recommend getting if you are just going to have one book? I really want one that I don't have to read entirely and can just use for reference, so something with a good index or good layout of info. I feel like you have probably read all of them!

Glad you are having some success finding a ped Steph. The good thing about talking to people you don't like is that I feel like it helps you make a better decision because you know what you really DON'T want then!

Doggylover thanks for fixing the front page. I am guessing you are having a girl. That is based on absolutely nothing. Just my random guess! :haha:

AFM my DH is off skiing this weekend, so me and the dog are on the couch! Probably going to write some emails, do some knitting and watch some Downton.
Sounds good Kirsta - I wasn't a huge texter with my first - just one saying went into labor and a few hours later one saying he had been born, maybe one other update in the middle somewhere? It's a blur!

Oh god just realized about the Aries thing - I am an Aries and don't know if this house can handle two! Especially since DS is a hardheaded Taurus and DH is mr. multiple personality Gemini! What a mix!

2 weeks 2 days until DS was born... Hopefully I'll make it at least a week longer this time around! Today was a mostly lazy day so tomorrow I want to crack on with the preparations a little. Not too much left to do but I feel like I'm running out of time very quickly now!
It's been busy in here today! Lots to catch up on!! Games day was a lot of fun, eventhough there was just three of us. It's so hard to get people together these days. Hopefully the next time we try it we'll get a better turn out.

kirstabelle: I try to drink a ton of water each day too, usually about 3 liters. Otherwise I just feel *so* dehydrated because our apartment is so dry. I didn' t know that you were a knitter... what are you working on right now? I learned to knit not that long ago, but I can't read patterns very well... so all I've made are a few baby hats, and even those I mostly made up my own pattern!

Steph: I'm glad to hear you had such a good hospital tour experience. We get to tour the hospital in a few weeks when we do our pre-natal class. I'm really looking forward to it, so I hope we have a good experience too!

doggylover: Lovely furniture! Sorry you had a bit of a moment while shopping, but hopefully buying the other lovely items made up for it! I'd also like to mention that the front page looks great!! Well done.

ukgirl: That's awsome that you made DH watch Mamma Mia. :haha: Mine has seen it too, but he loves singing (we used to sing in a community choir together!), so he doesn't mind musicals so much. I have to admit though, even I think it's a bit weird to see Pierce Brosnan singing in a musical. :haha: Also glad to hear the swelling has mostly gone down!

nimbec: Glad you're feeling better!! It's so hard to believe that the first LO's will be here so soon. Hopefully your scan on Wed will go well, and we look forward to hearing what date to expect our (quite likely) first arrival!! :happydance:

SweetPea: You had me laughing reading about your attempts to trim. :haha: Because I'm the same way! I don't like shaving there, and usually just trim. But I can't see ANYTHING down there, so it's a lot of awkward twisting and turning for very short amounts of time, trying to see around the bump...resulting in total exhaustion! lol

AFM, tomorrow I try one more attempt at shoe shopping for my sisters wedding. Then if it's still a failure, I'll be buying spray paint instead! So keep your fingers crossed for me!
My DH is an aries, and technically so is the dog, so I am about to be a fish surrounded by fire! :haha: If we are going by my due date, plus the extra week that first time mums are usually late by then LO will be born on my DH's birthday! And then the dog's birthday is three days later. If your LO does come early sweet pea then she might be a Pisces, then you will have a real mix! Earth, Fire, Air and Water all in one house!

Ready to Mum I have been knitting for almost 10 years. At the moment I am working on these for the nursery https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/knit-your-own-hot-air-balloons-154767 but in my colour scheme of white, coral pink, grey and navy. Think I am just going to do navy buttons at the bottom though as I don't have navy yarn and I so do not want to buy more yarn as I have SO much yarn it is criminal! I've also knit her a blanket, a couple of cardigans, booties, and quite a few soakers and wool pants for cloth diapering. I still have a load of stuff on my list to make though of course, its never ending! Are you on ravelry?

And meant to say earlier that I loved the stuff for your nursery Doggy Lover, can't wait to see it all set up in the space!

My heartburn is so sore tonight, omg. My face somehow hurts from it. Like my temples and my jaw. How does that even make sense?! Have already eaten 6 extra strength tums. Blergh.
Well I had been drinking lots. I have an app on my phone that tells me how much Ive drunk during the day because Im crap and I forget to drink.

Well our house is rather electric at times Im an Aries and Connie is a Taurus and Aaron and Lucas are noth Gemini... Gemini are the worst!!! Lol they are so hard headed and stubborn and have split personalities.. Lucas is so placid and cute but is a demon when he's mid tantrum which is rare thankfully. Connie is really lovely and smart but she is shy at times and also stubborn and I am reallu bossy and stubborn. It usually has to be my way or no way lol I thonk another little Arian in the house is going to be fun in the teenage years ;)
DH is an Aries, I love Aries so I don't mind having 2 boy Aries in the house :D
I'm Pisces btw, I'm pretty chilled and can put up with the most stubborn person.

I'm drinking water like nobodies business, always 2 glasses when I wake up and 2 more when I go to bed , and several through the day. Water is good! But makes me pee every 3 min.
Hi ladies, busy in here as usual!

Dogglover, thanks for updating the front page, it looks fab and much easier to read now! Im really interested in you ladies who are CD, Theres a lot of thought in it, i never even reaslised you would need/could buy reuasble wipes too!
I had a meltdown in Ikea a few weeks ago, to be fair, Ikea does that to me at the best of times but was extra bad that time!

Sweetpea, loving the "trimming" talk! lol I have effectivly given up, just blindly wave a razor in the general direction and hope for the best basically!

UKgirl, glad the swelling isnt so bad, ive been a little worried about mine to be honest, ive got a MW appointment friday so hopefully will hold out till then, if not il go in and get my BP checked.

Readytomum, glad the games day was fun, i love things like that.

Kirstabelle, a weekend on the couch sounds fab and i love Downton! Enjoy!

Steph, glad your hospital tour went well and that it seems nice! Its great that they encourage you to have the birth you want too.

Sorry to anyone ive forgotten, between running round after a toddler and keeping him entertained and these last stages of pregnancy taking there toll, my brain is all to mush!
Not too much to report here, OH Is having 4 days off so its been nice to have someone share the load a bit. We are off to the zoo this morning (we have annual passes so can just pop up whenever we want) as its nice sunshine, but il probably regret it later when my womb feels like its about to drop out of my foof!
Re labour buddies, i should be having a section but id love a buddy to keep up to date with, at least with me you know it wont be unsociable hours although i have this fear im gonna go into labour before the section date!

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