April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Candy glad to hear your legs aren't so swollen. Grr about not being able to watch Greys! Sounds like all your kids (inc Aaron!) have been clumsy today! And nope, still no curtains have been bought.

Cherry hopefully the won't grow anymore after Paige gets here! And then go back down again quickly!

Lily: we got a rocker for the nursery (https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/S09861009/#/S29861013 it wasn't that expensive though!) our cot (https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/50208366/) and a mattress, a chest of drawers (https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/00067830/) as the main bits, and then managed to get a little bin for our nappies, and some bits and bobs for other places round the house. I actually love those curtains, I'm going to look and see if we have them here and if I can get them!!!

Oh love the purchases!!! We have such similar taste! :happydance:

I moved my old poang chair from living room to nursery, I had it for 10 years I just washed the cover and is good as new. The exact one: https://www.business.ikea.com/webim...ng-rocking-chair__0153101_PE311392_S4.JPG.jpg
Also moved a small white Lack table to use next to the chair, also had it for years.

The Sundvik cot https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/00187875/ because it can transform to bed for toddler, sooo cute
Love it like that:

mattress cover, duvet etc
I'm making my own sheets btw.

and the hemnes chest with the 3 drawers

The curtains are super cute, highly recommended, and they wash well! Now at the seamstress to fix the length.
Melissa I'm glad I'm not the only one who lets ikea get to them! I love it there, but it can be totally chaotic at times!!! Hope you have fun at the zoo, the weather has definitely been nicer these last few days, so it's good to make the most of it, especially when oh is off :thumbup:

Kirstabelle, I am right there with you on not wanting to get a bloated face! Tbh it's my #1 pregnancy worry at the minute! I drink lots when I'm at school, but I am not so great when I'm at home. I'm actually thinking my face is a bit swollen this morning, so I will be guzzling water down today! And I love those hot air balloons you are making! Just gorgeous!

Readytomum: fingers crossed for successful shoe shopping!

Candy: I never thought about using warm water with cloth wipes. I'd never heard of a wipe warmer until some of the ladies on here mentioned it, but using warm water might be nice on a newborns bum especially.

Steph: that sounds like your hospital is going to be amazing! At least if they start trying to push you to do something you'll be ale to say to them "hey mister, who did we say is the boss here?!" :haha:

Nimbec :rofl: at your dreams! The one about being too big for the cot is just plain scary though!! Can you imagine?! :shock: funny, I was saying to someone last week why are cots SO enormous, as you could literally fit a 7 year old into some of them!

My LO is also more wiggly than kicky these days. Lots of big movements that span the whole belly, which is constantly on the go! I love it, but it still freaks dh out!

My in laws are here, and they are getting started on their painting jobs :haha: one is doing the bathroom ceiling, one is doing the nursery ceiling, and FIL is just starting to tile the bathroom. Meanwhile, I am sitting on the sofa chatting to you ladies like the queen of the castle!

Sweetpea and kirstabelle I will add you two as text buddies to the front page :mrgreen:
Kristabel sounds good to me - peace and quiet and some quality you time :)

Sweet pea fx you Lo stays put a bit longer too!!! Mayr you will be our second arrival?! Have they said they think you will be early again?

Readytomum gosh shoe shopping is hard at the best of times :( good luck!!! Have u thought about just buying a pair if slip on ballet type shoes? They at least would be comfy and you am get some pretty ones these days? Also have a look at the maternity shops online as they sell shoes too - for preggy feet lol!!

Well oh had his poker night last night - lots if lads round the house and I was dreading it! But to be honest they where all well behaved phew - dog and I just hibernated in the lounge. It was a very late night tho they didn't leave until 4.30am UGH and I had no way I sleeping as they where a little roudy! Shattered.com! Oh and oh is snoring like a Gudden next to me right now lol
Hope you all have a good day
Lily your things look/sound lovely!!

Hmmm I live ikea too but I'm not sure if make it round now lol!!

Doggy great the in laws are helping!!yay ! You will be done in no time at all!

Oh I LoVE the owls too - I'm very jealous of all you artistic ladies :)
Lily, that's actually quite scary how similar all the stuff we bought is! We debated between the cot we got and the sundvik, but went for the straight forward cot in the end as I'm hoping by the time this LO is big enough for a bed that we'll have another on the way for the cot :haha:

And we bought a white Lack table for our den yesterday as well! They are such good value, dh couldn't believe how cheap it was!

I am actually going out past ikea again today so will show dh those curtains and if he approves I will pop in and see if they have them! We will be nursery twins!

Nimbec, my artistic talent stretches as far as ordering the wall decal with owls from etsy :haha: I'm sure you are exhausted today if you weren't asleep until so late! Lazy Sunday is called for I think!
Nimbec the dr is guessing I'll go into labor around 36 weeks... my last shot is right before I hit 36 weeks so we shall see what effect stopping them has. Hoping to make it to 37/full term this time but I will def take 36 weeks over 35!

I am so excited for you to find out your date!
Sweetpea, fingers crossed you make it to full term at least, but that still isn't far away! Your LO will be here (safe and sound) before you know it!

Afm, off for afternoon tea with aunties and grannies-to-be. Instead of a big baby shower my sister arranged afternoon tea for me, her, my mum, mil, and my 2 SIL, so that'll be fun :)
Gosh sweet pea you may beat me to first baby on thread then - although I really hope not for both yours and bubs sake! Ill keep my fx for you!!

Doggylover hope you have a lovely time - sounds very nice ...I love afternoon tea!!

Well I jut had a bath...big mistake! The intention wa to shave all areas and well let's say I achieved none! Then had to shout oh as I was literally stuck I couldn't get out...I nearly had a real panic as I thought he had gone out to the shops lol lol instead he just laughed hysterically at me before helping haha I looked like a dead fly stuck on its back !!!
Have a nice time Dogg..

Just read most of those last posts lol. love the nursery furniture. Which i had spare room super jel of you ladies would have love to fix up a room for paige lol.

AFM had such a good sleep last night and having another lazy day. Really would like to chill in a bath but see the thought of just running it lol puts me off. might temp one later before bed. I like baths as they make me nice a relaxed before bed lol but because i dont have gas yet i have to use the shower and a kettle to fill it lol.

Wish there was something better on telly to there never seems to be anything good on at the weekends no more :( x
kristabelle: I love the balloons! Those are so neat!! I have been to ravelry before, and I have a bunch of patterns saved on the Bernat website too... hopefully after LO arrives I can do one of the mom and tot knitting classes around here and get better and figuring out how to read patterns. There's so many things I would love to knit! Thankfully my mom is an amazing knitter, so she's made lots of little outfits and blankets for Peter. :happydance: Homemade is always best.

doggylover: have fun at your tea today! That sounds lovely. Definitely less stress and more low-key than a shower, but a nice way to spend some time togehter! Are you going out somewhere, or is one of your in-laws hosting?

nimbec: Shoe shopping for me is ALWAYS hard because I have huge feet. And sadly they've gotten even bigger now. :dohh: Which is just my luck really... my already huge feet get even bigger, but my very small chest stays small. :dohh: (But that's a whole other rant...!) Slip on ballet flats is actually exactly what I'm looking for, but no one has their Spring shoes out yet... so it's still all boots in the stores! I'm really hoping that by now there will at least be something to choose from though.

melissabump: Have fun at the zoo today! I love walking around checking out all the animals. That's great that you guys have an annual pass. You should make sure you take a few sitting breaks while DH and DS go exploring so you don't end up completely exhausted afterwards!

I've been thinking about zodiac signs... I'm a Libra and DH is an Aries, if Peter is born on time he'll be Taurus. And if he's a week early, then he'll share will DH. I quite like DH temperament, so I wouldn't mind another Aries in the house! lol Not sure what Taurus are like?
Another u/s this Friday :) this babe is measuring super ahead of schedule so they need to keep track of size in case of needing a c section. Oh well, at least we get all of the extra peeks at Jackson!
First baby is something no one wants to win - unless we are past 37 weeks of course - then let the races begin hehehehe!

Am almost totally done with LO's and my hospital bags, and finishing up the last few bits around the house today. Nesting has kicked in HARD this week for me so I figured I better get things done as much as possible while I have the time!

Readytomum - on Taurus this is perfect (I have 4 in my immediate family - makes family gatherings REALLY entertaining!) :

"Taurus Personality and the Positive and Negative Traits of Taureans

All the star signs have their dark side as well as the positive. Taurus can be practical and determined but can be obstinate too!
Taurus Personality and Positive Traits

The positive Taurean believes that if anything is worth doing, it's worth doing well. Patience and persistence are two of your most enduring qualities. You like to plan for the future and will want to know your work and efforts will be of permanent value.

This is why you take your time to get it right. Some people might see you as being plodding and conservative but your productivity can be quite incredible. That's because you are determined to get as much done as possible. Emotional and sensual, you know when to work and when to relax and enjoy life too, so in recharging your batteries, you will be able to take on new challenges.

Taurus is a hard worker and reliable employee. You take your work very seriously and can be depended on to fulfil all obligations. Your home is also important to you and you will build a secure and comfortable 'nest' for yourself and your family. As a friend you are loyal and supportive. People know they can rely on your sensible mind and practical skills.

As a Taurus you are highly sensual, steadfast, warm and affectionate.

Taurus Star Sign and Negative Personality Traits

The negative Taurus can get angry with yourself when your work and other efforts don't meet with your own high standards. You might become fixed in your thinking, refusing to accept there are other ways of looking at things. Imagination can be lacking and you will be so stubborn at times that you leave family and friends exasperated! Taurus will take everything so seriously that you find it hard to relax and enjoy the lighter side of life and living.

Your pig-headedness could drive friends and lovers away when they might feel they just can't ever get through to you. If logical arguments don't suit you, you will simply close your ears and refuse to listen. Your occasional outbursts of uncontrollable rages will arise from accumulated frustration and irritation. You try to keep your emotions under control but when negative feelings and anger erupts, it can be hard for you to know how to cope. In romance, the negative you can be extremely jealous and possessive.

The Positive and Negative Taurus

The positive and negative traits above relate to the Taurus' approach and reactions to events and activities in life but sun sign traits aren't the full picture. An analysis from a birth chart that weighs up all the positions of the planets and their aspects to each other will give a better impression of someone's personality. Remember too that a positive attitude can lead to success while a negative attitude can attract disappointment and failure."
Liamsmom good luck at your scan! It's always nice to get an extra chance to see bubs :)
I agree i would love another scan lol. Ive just re-done my hospital bag again lol. I so ready to meet this little girl now lol
Readytomum, im a Libra too and OH is Taurean, it works for us..most of the time! lol

Cherry, i packed my hospital bags the other day, its all feeling very close now although as far as im concerned it cant come soon enough! lol

Nimbec, sorry i didnt reply to you earlier, i meant to!! Cant believe how soon you will be meeting your little baby! wow!! Would you like to be section buddies since neither of us is likely to labour?
hello ladies,

doggylover I hope you are having fun with the fam today! I don't really get the point of a wipe warmer if you are only using water it just makes no sense really, I didn't use one for my two I used to keep disposable wipes wrapped in a blanket to keep them at room temp or use warm water from a thermos. I have so many friends who brought the bottle and the wipe warmer and regretted it. xx

Connie is a Tauran, she is strong willed and determined. But yeh she definitely gets upset if she can't do anything so I agree with what sweetpea posted :) x

my hospital bag is only half done, I've packed leggings for after the birth, I have some with high waistbands and a few floaty dresses which are easy access for breast feeding. I've packed my secret weapon too.. a hand held mini fan! :D and some travel toothpaste, tooth brush ect, and a a few black pj bottoms. I have to pack babies clothes, Ive got a set of nappies and wipes int here and also need to ask the nurse about anti septic stuff like savlon for me down below and babies cord stump.

I've got horrible pressure today like baby is pushing down and it is giving me backache. So I will be off for a bath after dinner. Aaron has to help me get in and get out and put in more hot water when it gets cold. I spend about 2 hours in the bath lol.. it's heaven.

I'm really angry that the cost of court has meant that we can not afford our 3D scan this time either!! I really wanted one this time as this is my last baby and they dont do 3D scans in Norway but thanks to my ex creating drama and taking me to court for something he already had means that this month we have to pay court fees of £450 meaning no 3D scan :( I'm feeling really bitter about that.

I took my 2 to the park this morning and this girl was there with her friend and their 2 boys, her son was about 15 months old and she just plonked him down in the sand and started playing with her friend on the round about see-saw thing and then she went on her phone with her back to her kid while the other one who was a few months older started climbing up the metal slide steps on his own. She looked over then got a sandwich out and started eating that. He walked towards the exit gate and she finally got up plonked him back in the sand and went back on her phone... seriously... why bother having a kid if you don't look after it properly! grrrr!!
Omg i hate people like that you need to keep you eye on young kids dont you incase they hurt themselves etc.

I need to put my toothbrush in my bag to still need snacks. im hoping to grab a pair of black pj buttons also from primark lol ive got 3 cans of that limted Red bull lol but i wont be over drinking energy juice. like my cola to much.

Defo going for a bath later now lol thanks ukgirl. i probs wont be in it that long but i could really do with my muscles being soaked xxx
Hi Melissa bump that sounds fab! Do you have an approx week for your section? Doggylover please can you add us as buddies?

Hmm I'm in a pickle with hospital bag I just don't know how much stuff to take grrr te only positive is that oh can bring extra in wen visiting as ill be in for a while plus there is a tescos 10mins away from hospital so if I have not got the right baby stuff ill sen him there ...or actually prob send my mum lol!

Ladies having a bath..make sure you have someone at hand to pull you out ;) !

Ukgirl sorry about your scan :( I haven't had one either as things are a bit tight and it's not an essential boo hoo!!

I must take a piccy of nursery too as its all finished :) :) :)
oh you know what I just remembered?? put some plastic bags in your hospital bag for blood stained/wet and dirty clothes.. Those are essential!!

Someone on here mentioned Honey sticks, I am going to check those out, I don't like to eat during labour, I'm scared of being sick so those are a good idea, I like the cereal bar idea too.

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