April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh can you imagine if he yelled it in a supermarket?! :haha: you'd die!

Ok, so stretch marks likely in the next short while, I'll have to keep an eye out for them! That is so cute of your oh. And to be fair, he is right, I'd rather be covered in them and have LO than have neither!
Yes I would die. My oh is sooo crude, he means it in good spirit but sometimes Im just like SHUT UP! His nickname for me is 'boobies' so LO has caught on. Today he wanted me to pick him up in the grocery store and OH asked him 'What does mommy have that daddy doesnt?' and he said 'boobies'. hahaah I wet myself but yes... not appropriate.

You may get them, or you may be one of the lucky sods that doesnt! Its genetic and no amount of cream will stop them as much as people think it does. Vitamin E cream / oil will however help them fade brilliantly of they do appear xx
Yeah I'm glad that creams don't stop them appearing as I haven't used any at all lol!

Your LO must be just repeating everything your oh tells him haha! My nephew is just starting to speak and will repeat any word - to the best of his ability - so we have all started to be very careful what we say! We don't want him yelling out "daddy's a dick!" In the supermarket (as we often tell my brother that he is actually a bit of a dick :haha: )
Lol haha te amo I thought I was the only one that called a ladies bits mooey! Although Paige calls it moo moo lol! And Stephen accidentally taught her goolies for a mans bits lol! As for bras my sol bought me some for my bday but I just hate wearing bras, I only wear one if I'm out or if we have company over lol!
My cousin had her baby today, a little boy, 7lb 3oz! Very happy for her! Quick labour too for a ftm! Contractions started at 5am and he was here by 9.39!!! I got all emotional though coz I want my little man here lol! Nimbec I agree with what Melissa and teamo said, even second time round you still feel like that! And I agree with you teamo about the guilt! Paige is a mummy's girl completely and I know she is gonna feel so lost and upset about having a little brother to share mummy with! She doesn't even like sharing me with daddy! It does scare me a little to think how am I gonna cope with 2under 2!!!!!!
I really need I start getting my bag pakeha I've not got anyhing ready! My head is just not there right now...!
Glad you had a lovely afternoon tea doggylover!!!
I'm sorry that I've missed people out!
Just finished watching obem


No thanks. Baby is staying in.

Omg doggy I had to laugh at the little shocked face! You will be ok and make it through just fine, I promise! It seems they always choose more dramatic/sensationalized stories on that show anyways - most are a lot more 'boring' than the births on the episodes!
Hey ladies, just popping in for a quick catch-up before bed...

Re: stretch marks... I have a couple lines on either side near the base of my bump, and then I have some on my thighs as well. :shrug: Nothing on the top of the bump? Hopefully I don't get anymore, and hopefully the ones I already have won't end up being too noticeable... but at least they're because of a happy reason!

I'm totally knackered... so it's off to bed for me! Night night. :sleep:
Sweet pea, I hope that they choose the sensational ones for TV, because no way on this earth could I cope with what the girl was doing. She was screaming her head off!! It was all very traumatic (for me!)
I used cocoa butter when I was pregnant with Connie and Lucas and got only one tiny stretch mark by my belly button piercing, this time I didn't use anything and have them coming up deep red on my hips, so I say if you use the creams they DO help xx

I have had my whooping cough vaccine this morning, I didn't realise it was a 4 in 1 vac but I'm feeling okay. Just a bit of a sore arm. We also got told we can move to a 3 bed house after the baby is born :D yay!
Then I found out I have pubis dysfunction and need a referral to hospital for physiotherapy and I need to buy a good support band but it wont get better until Benson has been born.

Other than that my day has been okay after yesterday's shambles of a day when my phone and laptop both broke within the same hour!! how unlucky is that?!!

Anyway hope you are all having a nice sunny monday :) xx
Yay :happydance: that's such great news about being able to move house! I'm sure you guys are thrilled! Sorry to hear about your physio needs, but hopefully once benson arrives you will feel much better anyway.

And if your whooping cough ends up like mine, be prepared for major pain later on :shock: mine was awful :cry:

I am just marking my GCSE students coursework. Pile of shit doesn't even cover it. I have read more sensible piles of shit than this. It is horrific.
haha my GCSE papers were just full of shit because I had no idea what I was writing LOL.

Yeh I'm looking for homes now :D so hoping we can have a garden for the kids to play in. Maybe then I can get a small wabbit :D
I'm jealous, I love looking for houses online lol! My bro and SIL have just bought a new house and I love perving at them online, so it gave me an excuse!

Honestly, I gave these kids a typed sheet, all they had to do was learn it (or at least READ IT!) and regurgitate. Apparently not :dohh: and some of this lot are bright and should be getting As in geography....but they are too lazy to put any work in!
Yay for a new house Candy!!!! I'm sure you will find the perfect house soon!

I hope everyone was able to relax a bit over the weekend. I was very busy with OH this weekend, getting everything done in the short time that he was home. He finished painting the nursery wall (had some patch work to do) and moved all the furniture to where we decided they would be best... now I need to run out today and try to find a good deal on a glider :wacko:. Its presidents day here, so we have the day off :happydance:.
I swear, Grayson was crazy active this weekend... it must be because Rob was home :shrug:. Of course I am thrilled that he is moving, so I wont complain!!

As for stretch marks... so far none here (though I am not keeping my hopes up, since I hear that most happen right before or after birth).

Sarah, enjoy grading those papers lol. I have seen some crazy things that students have turned in, when I used to teach high school :dohh:. At least you will have an entertainment value :winkwink:
Evening ladies,
Re stretch marks the 1st time i had hardly any until i had my EMCS and they had to rummage around so much to get him out. They faded though, this time i have some on the underside of my bump, very annoying, i do moisturise my bump and boobs every day though after showering, am hoping they fade to next to nothing after this time too.

Candy, how exciting to be looking for a new house! Like Doggylover i love aa bit of house search porn on the internet, we would like to move in around 2 years and my OH is quite obsessed with looking at whats about and prices etc.

Steph, sounds like a productive weekend by you and OH, We still need to summon the energy to paint just one wall in our nursery, its all so much effort at the mo!

AFM, My ankles were super tight and swollen last night, this happened to me last pregnancy and my BP started to creep up so need to keep an eye on it again, in the last hour ive also had some pain on the underside of my bump too, hoping that disappears as not pleasant.
We had water coming through our ceiling last night and had to get a plumber out today ,turns out theres a fault with our boiler and will cost £180 to fix, we arent impressed seeing as our house is less than 3 years old and could do without having to spend that out right now but hey ho.
Om the upside my DS is being super cute at the mo, hes kind of stepped up a level with his speech and understanding in the last few days and its pretty amazing to see him. Im so proud of my little boy, as was said last night, the feelings of guilt and worry that i wont love this baby as much as him are very real. i cant imagine loving ANYONE like i love him..
Dogg: i got the nightie from Primark lol

Ive not gained any stretch marks but i did have stretch marks before i was pregnant lol so no new ones.

Ukgirl congrats on getting the new house :)

Ive got nothing to update you ladies with..but just that im counting down the days to friday now :) xx
Hi all!

Ukgirl congrats on the new house! I also love looking at houses online :) that and new horses to buy hehe and my latest addiction ...baby things!

I haven't got any stretchies yet I thought I would as I got some as a teenager when I was growing. My aunt bought me some crazily expensive oil from elemis that Victoria beckham used in all her pregnancys and had no stretch marks so it may be doing something or I'm so far so lucky!! I certainly wouldn't have bought it for myself lol!!

Melissa what a nightmare :( glad u had it sorted but Blimey that was an expensive one :(

Steph yay for oh finishing painting the nursery :) exciting times!

As for marking papers what a nightmare! I used to mark music theory papers and yes I agree I often wondered if any if them had bothered turning up to class at all lol!!

I can't all though as I was at boarding school and me and my friend did each others course work - eek I did her music she did my art! Surprised we got away with it as we had a's in course work and d's in the main exam hahaha!!

Well I'm being subjected to the film skyfal again I saw it in cinema with oh and he has now downloaded it - good film but we didn't see it that long ago so I'm bord already 20mins in oooooops!!

Anyone any idea where I could get a flattering nursing nighty for a big boobed girl? Not expensive tho....I look horrific in them and would like at least one nice one.....I intend to breast feed so will need a few! Mind you ill e back in pj's ASAP ....grrrr I feel like a Beeched whale haha
Cherry thanks, I must get myself to primark as haven't been in ages!

Steph, glad you were keeping oh busy while he was home! Did you manage to get a recliner? My LO has also been going mental these last few days - they must know its almost time to come out and are stretching getting ready to turn our lives upside down!

Nimbec, I've seen some nice nighties in mothercare. I didn't get them as they have spaghetti type straps and for me, that wouldn't be comfy at night, but they were pretty- I actually commented on how they looked more like lingerie than a nursing nightie!

Melissa, make sure you get some good rest and I hope the swelling goes down. And that's gat about LOs speech coming along! Very exciting times with him :) and I'm sure you could never have imagine how much you would love him, but when he arrived you couldn't imagine life without him, and this LO will be exactly the same.

Afm super super tired still. Dh is at work tomorrow and his sister is going with him, so the house will be quieter and I'm hoping to catch up on some rest properly. I've felt bad because my in laws have been painting and tiling and generally helping dh do stuff around the house - obviously I can't do any of that so I feel like I've been so lazy, and I hope they don't think I have - so I've been trying to be busy and cleaning the windows etc, but I'm exhausting myself! :dohh:

Also, earlier (maybe tmi) after I peed and I wiped there was a very little bit of browny discharge on the tp. I freaked out of course, and had a rummage about :haha: there was nothing more and hasn't been any since, so I'm not sure what happened.

And lastly....I feel ENORMOUS at the minute. Dh was taking photos of his family earlier and got one of me sideways. When I saw it I almost collapsed with shock! My belly is HUGE!!! And of course since then I have just felt like a proper whale. Didn't help that after some coaxing my dad told me that yes, my face is a little puffy :cry: one of my two worst pregnancy fears coming true! (The other is having a huge baby!)
dogglover: I feel your pain on marking the papers! It's really too bad you can't have a glass of wine with them. I know I wish I could have while marking my students papers and exams! :dohh: Try not to feel too bad about having the in-laws come and help, I'm sure they don't think you're being lazy and they're probably happy to come and help.

nimbec: sadly I can't help you on the nursing bra front at all... bras and I aren't friends. :haha: I did finally get myself a new one though, and it's even a C cup! I feel so accomplished. :rofl:

ukgirl: That's great news that you can move to a 3-bedroom once LO is born!! I hope you have lots of luck in finding a nice place that will meet all your needs. I hate moving with a passion, but I do love being able to dream about moving into a big/nicer place from time to time.

Steph: Excellent news on the nursery front! Did you find a glider you liked? Today was a holiday here in Ontario too, it's "Family Day" so I didn't have to work today which was nice. DH did though because he works part-time at the Ontario Science Center, and they never close for holdiays because that's where everyone goes! lol

melissabump: Oh no! Sorry to hear about the repair work. Un-expected repairs like that are horrible shocks. Hopefully the leaking water didn't cause any damage at least!

AFM, I decided to read my student course evaluations today. They were pretty well what I expected... but my favourite comment was: "Break big papers into 4 or 5 smaller papers." Their "big" paper was only 6-8 pages long....:dohh:

Also I tried on my dress again tonight for my sisters upcomming wedding for the first time since I bought it, and it still fits good, so thankful for that! :thumbup: The extra bump has raised the hem juuuust enough that it won't need to be hemmed at all. It's still a little big around the straps/bust area, but a few well placed safety pins will take care of that.
Readytomum, good to hear that the dress still fits :thumbup:. When is the wedding exactly? So the reviews were mostly good then, right? I'm sure they would like to break a 6 page paper into 4 smaller ones :haha:. That is so silly!!

Sarah, I'm sure you are NOT huge!!! Your pregnant and LO needs room to grow! As for your puffy face.. Did you maybe con your dad into saying that :haha:. I do it all the time to people... If you worded it just right, he may have agreed to something that he had no idea what he was agreeing to :winkwink:. If it makes you feel better, drink extra water tomorrow and go for a short walk, it will make you feel better!!!

Melissa, the way you talk about your little man, gets me so excited about Grayson getting here :hugs:. Sorry to hear about repairs... Those are no fun, even at the best of times!

Nimbec, I have no clue on the nighties either :shrug:. I went to look and could find nothing that would not make me feel like an old hag!! I've opted for pjs that are large and comfy! That was I can pull the pants up or wear them low... They are easy to move and look into (for when nurses need to check :blush:).

AFM, no luck on the glider today. The only one I liked, is just so expensive :dohh:. I did buy two nursing bras though (finally decided to pay up an buy some quality ones)!! I'm so happy with them. Figured, I need to wear them for the next year, so enough with these cheap bras that pinch all over. Well with the receipt, I got a 20% off coupon that I can use for my overpriced glider :haha:. Still a bit pricy, but I believe I can use the coupon and get an extra 10% off if I open a store card (which I can pay off right away).

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