April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I can't believe my luck!!!! After weeks of trying to get into a natural birth group I FINALLY managed to get in one starting on 4th of March (3 classes per week until the end of the month)!!! Of all places at the hospital I'm giving birth :O 2 blocks from my apartment! So.damn.lucky.

I just had to share the good news!
Wow that was super lucky with the classes hun mines started next friday the 1st of march :)

Dogg: did i see you mention something about brown discharge? I had that.. Went to bed ok and woke up to this brownish stain mark on my under wear. I mentioned to the midwife when i seen her about it but i um smelt it to to make sure i just didnt leak out through the night. Looks like i did :blush: Midwife said it was ok and if it ever happen again let her know. I did keep a check on it the full day also and every other day until i seen her on the tuesday lol but nothing else just the one morning weird i think.

I took a picture of that nightie and i tried it on to lol just fits nicely. I think you should defo go check out primark lol its the only nightie i found good enough for the job i am also big girl to nimbec Feel huge right now but i can still fit into my size 18 clothes lol somethings are snug but its passes well.

Here that pik of me in that nightie lol i know it not the best looking thing but i was looking for comfort and easy access to the boob lol


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Cherry easy access to the boob is a big part of what I'm looking for so I will be at primark very very soon! And thanks for the info about the discharge, I haven't had any more, but will keep an eye out and then get onto my midwife if I see anymore.

Readytomum: I would have needed a vodka with these kids assignments! Like a whole bottle! They are going to get such an ear bending on Thursday - and Thursday their parents are coming in as well so I will thoroughly enjoy getting to tell tell their parents how lazy they've been :haha: glad to hear the dress still fits well, you'll have to show us a picture when you are all dolled up for the wedding :)

Steph: glad to hear about the nursing bras :thumbup: my new ones make me so much more comfy...but I didn't get any money off coupons with them so I feel like I've been cheated :haha: and good idea about using the store card as well. I'm definitely not a fan of them (I somehow accidentally signed up for one and have no idea to this day what happened...) but I am all for things that make things cheaper! And I may have conned my dad into saying I was puffy...I was being pretty insistent he tell me I was :haha: I'm currently glugging water like its going out of fashion in the hope it helps!

Afm, I got a great lie I this morning so am nowhere near as tired :) sadly today is my second, and last, day off until maternity leave when I plan to fall asleep and not wake up until the contractions start!!!
Lol i would love friday to hurry up so i dont need to get up so early lol. can lazy in my bed to but knowing me ill still wake up about 8am :(. but i did have a good sleep :) just hoping this week passes fast as yesterday was slow and it was quite most of the day :( xx
morning ladies,

Cherry bump I like your shirt it's cute.

Doggylover, has the brown stuff stopped now? sometimes if you hit the cervix or over do it with stuff the blood fromt he cervix can come away. I had bleeding after an internal check I had at 22 weeks it scared the shit out of me.

I'm probably going to steal one of Aaron's shirts to use as a nighty, he has those awful clubby tops which are all black or black and stripey.. douche lol.

?I'm feeling like shit after my whooping cough vaccine!! You all should have warned me better lol.. I feel like I have a dead arm it hurts so bad to move it, it's all swollen and red. Aaron told me to man up I could have slapped him lol. I was so tired afterwards yesterday I slept for hours after I think it's effected Benny today because his movements are less.

Lily that is good news about your hospital and the midwifes there. x

What is the whole fat face fear thing about? :/ I don't get it lol x
Candy I did my best to warn you! Although I don't think words can prepare you for the pain after that vaccine. Like none I have experienced before, including when I reacted to a vaccine and my arm basically fell off. (Slight exaggeration there). Maybe the discharge was from overdoing it as I basically feel like I haven't stopped since...well a while ago anyway! Hopefully a good rest today and that'll be it :)

Fat face fear...I feel like people judge pregnant women with a puffy face as in "oh she's pregnant and she's let herself go" nobody will know about other puffy bits, and people expect you to be all bumpy, but if your face goes, people judge. I don't want people judging my big puffy face - my harsh judgement of myself is enough!

Lily: that is wonderful news about the classes at your hospital! I'm sure it's a weight off your mind after you had mentioned how medically kind of pushy they were being and how difficult it would be for you to take your own midwife or doula. :thumbup:
Just had to pop in before I'm off to work and say HONEYDEW! :happydance:

Hope everyone has a great day :D
Candy I did my best to warn you! Although I don't think words can prepare you for the pain after that vaccine. Like none I have experienced before, including when I reacted to a vaccine and my arm basically fell off. (Slight exaggeration there). Maybe the discharge was from overdoing it as I basically feel like I haven't stopped since...well a while ago anyway! Hopefully a good rest today and that'll be it :)

Fat face fear...I feel like people judge pregnant women with a puffy face as in "oh she's pregnant and she's let herself go" nobody will know about other puffy bits, and people expect you to be all bumpy, but if your face goes, people judge. I don't want people judging my big puffy face - my harsh judgement of myself is enough!

Lily: that is wonderful news about the classes at your hospital! I'm sure it's a weight off your mind after you had mentioned how medically kind of pushy they were being and how difficult it would be for you to take your own midwife or doula. :thumbup:

Fat face: I have naturally chubby round cheeks, I can't help it, even at my very low pre pregnancy weight I had cheeks. :shrug: Now I'm only a tiny % rounder than I was except the belly and the boobies that have grown a lot. HOWEVER my MIL and few others just have to tell me how fat my face is. I keep telling them I never had an angular face so there is no real difference. But I think people will not rest until they make a comment, nasty or otherwise, usually nasty.
Only place they were super amazed by the obvious lack of difference were at the hair salon, all the girls who work there (and hadn't seen me since summer) were like "omg you don't look pregnant you are the same" - except the belly-.
Also my male friends who are brutally honest are the only ones supporting me and making me feel good about my self.

The entire fault is my doctor's (and his secretary).

Turns out my hospital has one of the best and most sought after natural birth classes, and coincidentally my doc who is high ranked there didn't even know about it :growlmad: or chooses to not refer his clients to the classes.

He is telling me all kinds of nonsense since day 1, or he will tell me to talk to his secretary , who is even worse: She is giving me all kinds of bad advice and wrong info. So I learned to NOT trust them with much, and keep doing my own thing, research, classes, etc. They are there just to see my blood tests and make sure baby is ok, nothing else. I can't say I feel supported by them. TBH I regret the money spend in visits to this doc's office.
Steph: the reviews were mostly mediocre, which is what I was expecting. A lot of whining about tests being too hard, there being too much information to learn, too much note taking, they want study guides provided for each exam etc. Basically they're a bunch of lazy *******s who haven't quite realized they're not in highschool anymore! And of course... the splitting the "big" paper. :haha: There were some really nice ones in there too though, so that was good. The wedding is March 2nd! So coming up quickly!!

I hope you're able to combine all your discounts to get the glider you like! I'd warn caution on the store card though... apparently they aren't so great for your credit rating. So if you want to get it for the 10% off, pay the chair off right away and then cancel the card like the next day and cut it up!

dogglover: Tell those lazy kids off good! And definitely make sure you tell their parents how bad they've been too. It just blows my mind how little effort and seriousness people are willing to put into their education.... time to shut the X-Box off!!

lily: Hurray on finding a childbirth class! That's so ironic that it's at your hospital and no one had bothered to mention it. I'd be very angry with your doctor. :growlmad: He's obviously not a fan of the natural method if he's neglecting to tell his patients about the class. What a douche!

Sweetpea: Yay on honeydew!!

ukgirl: sorry the vaccine has knocked you out so much! I didn't have to get any vaccines here? It sounds like you UK ladies have to get a ton? :shrug: I guess that must be a country difference thing again. My arms hurts just thinking about it!

AFM, nothing much new. Working from home today, and probably most of this week. Waiting on a bunch of stuff to arrive in the mail, and I hate missing the delivery guys because then we have to go to the post office to pick stuff up, and we don't have a car.
Readytomum I forgot to reply to you in my last post.. sorry hun.. Im glad the review things come back mostly good.. people always find something to moan about dont worry xxx
Yeh we have a whooping cough break oit at the moment so all pregnant ladies are getting jabbed :( Itz awful.

Doggylover youre tiny in your pics I dont think youcould ever have a fat face lol.. Our bodies retain fat and fluid during pregnancy to help with milk production after irth so fat face is a good thing too.. any puffiness soon goes down afterwards anyway xx

did you feel really tired and poorly after your jab? I keep sleeping and feel unwell now :( Aaron hasnt had that vaccine. We are wondering if he should get it done too :/
Man I am so glad I didn't take that vaccine gals sounds awful! Hope you get to feeling better Ukgirl!

Glad everyone is doing well!

I don't have a fat face but I have horrible facial hair growth! I have waxed it as was told not to tweeze it because it will come back after birth worse! YIKES! I was at my appt and I looked at my chart and the nurse put down low maternal weight gain down as a problem. They haven't said anything about weight gain the whole pregnancy but they have it charted. Is there concern for this?
Thanknyou mommabrown. I feel much better this evening :)
Pregnancy certainly creates some strange symptoms doesnt it!? I have 3 new moles and 2 skin tags from the past month. Apparently the skin tags will go after birth... I jad a lot of hair growth when I was pregnant with Connie I had to shave everyday it was awful. I hope the hair goes after youve had Emmaleigh hun xxx

Im not sure about the weight gain thing. Im not sure why they didnt mention it if its suddenly a concern :/ you passed you gds test though didnt you? I would ask about it next time if I were you. They really should tell you about any concerns they have xxx
Thanks....I was feeling they should speak up if there are any concerns. I passed my gds too. I did ask how big they thought she was and they said about 5 lbs. So I know she is growing well. My original goal for weight gain was between 15-20 lbs and I have only gained 3. I took a peek as I was leaving to check out as they give me my chart to give to the receptionist or I would have asked right away but I go back in 2 weeks and I will ask him then.
They offer the whooping cough vaccine to women in the US as well, it is recommended by the CDC (center for disease control). The one in the US is only a 3 in 1 vax though so maybe whatever is the 4th thing in the UK one is making it even worse :shrug: One of the things is tetanus though, and that is known to be a dead arm vax. I'm getting it when I'm still at the hospital after birth. My DH is getting it before baby comes, so are all the grandparents. We will all have dead arms together! UK Girl your hubby should def get the whooping cough vaccine. When adults get it it just seems like a cough so most adults walk around not even knowing they have (and are spreading) whooping cough.

Mommabrown that is weird that they would write something they think is a concern in your chart but not talk about it with you! I would definitely bring it up. Do you know how much you have gained? I thought it was only a concern if you gain less than 20lbs, and even then if you were small to start with then they have to take that into account too. At my 32 week appt I had gained 25lbs and my MW says at this rate I will probably gain 35lbs. I think that sounds like a crazy amount of weight. But I still fit into my pre-pregnancy pants so :shrug: I swear my boobs have increased by 5lbs per boob so it must be that :haha:

Which glider are you looking at Steph? We have done that with store cards as well. Banana Republic once had a promo to open the card and you got 30% off so my DH opened the card and bought a suit and then paid it off the next day and closed the card :haha: I think those cards are fine as long as you don't actually use them as a credit card. If you pay them off as soon as the bill is due you never pay the crazy interest and sometimes they do have really good reward points and incentives etc. We don't have any though just because it always works out better for us to get the credit card points to use for travel miles.

I can't believe your MIL said you had a fat face Lily! That is ridiculous. I also have chipmunk cheeks, and they look the same as before also. I swear the absolute WORST part of pregnancy has been listening to other people's crap. Their crap stories about horrific births and giant babies, their insulting judgements of our bodies, their crap advice from the 1950's and on and on and on. I would happily take horrific heartburn, aches and pains, insomnia, worry etc over having to listen to one more piece of crap from someone about something I didn't even ask them about. :growlmad:
Mommabrown could they be worried you havent put enough on? X

kristabelle that was what I was thinking too about Aaron getting the jab. Ive heard babies who were vaccinated still got sick when in contact with people who had it. In ours I think there was the whooping cough virus. Polio. diptheria and tetanus. Of tetanus is know as the dead arm vac then thay may be why my arm kills so bad. Ibe heard it lasts for a week... I really hope not!
Candy, I wonder if it is the same vaccine here, that you guys are getting. I got mine before we started to try because my doctor said, it's something I should really have for the baby's safety (and better to get it before pregnancy because less to stress about) :shrug:. Once we did the initial bloodwork, my my doctor requested the same bloodwork for OH and ave him the vaccine as well.
So with that said, I would def have Aaron get it, just in case. Plus it would serve him right to feel the pain that he just made fun of you for :haha:

Readytomum, of course the students want less work and minimal effort to complete the class! Gosh, the nerve! Def plan to only use the card for the one purchase, pay it off, and then not use it anymore. But I'm not sure about canceling. I think when you cancel a card, it goes against your credit as well.
They offer the whooping cough vaccine to women in the US as well, it is recommended by the CDC (center for disease control). The one in the US is only a 3 in 1 vax though so maybe whatever is the 4th thing in the UK one is making it even worse :shrug: One of the things is tetanus though, and that is known to be a dead arm vax. I'm getting it when I'm still at the hospital after birth. My DH is getting it before baby comes, so are all the grandparents. We will all have dead arms together! UK Girl your hubby should def get the whooping cough vaccine. When adults get it it just seems like a cough so most adults walk around not even knowing they have (and are spreading) whooping cough.

Mommabrown that is weird that they would write something they think is a concern in your chart but not talk about it with you! I would definitely bring it up. Do you know how much you have gained? I thought it was only a concern if you gain less than 20lbs, and even then if you were small to start with then they have to take that into account too. At my 32 week appt I had gained 25lbs and my MW says at this rate I will probably gain 35lbs. I think that sounds like a crazy amount of weight. But I still fit into my pre-pregnancy pants so :shrug: I swear my boobs have increased by 5lbs per boob so it must be that :haha:

Which glider are you looking at Steph? We have done that with store cards as well. Banana Republic once had a promo to open the card and you got 30% off so my DH opened the card and bought a suit and then paid it off the next day and closed the card :haha: I think those cards are fine as long as you don't actually use them as a credit card. If you pay them off as soon as the bill is due you never pay the crazy interest and sometimes they do have really good reward points and incentives etc. We don't have any though just because it always works out better for us to get the credit card points to use for travel miles.

I can't believe your MIL said you had a fat face Lily! That is ridiculous. I also have chipmunk cheeks, and they look the same as before also. I swear the absolute WORST part of pregnancy has been listening to other people's crap. Their crap stories about horrific births and giant babies, their insulting judgements of our bodies, their crap advice from the 1950's and on and on and on. I would happily take horrific heartburn, aches and pains, insomnia, worry etc over having to listen to one more piece of crap from someone about something I didn't even ask them about. :growlmad:

Kristabelle, you must be right about the difference in the vaccine.. I know, that I never had any pain after mine (and neither did OH).
As for the glider, we really like the Shermag Grande Glider with Ottoman. We can order it in white wood with grey microfiber material, so it will work with the rest of the room. We originally tried to stay below $300 for both, but everything we found just didn't feel right :dohh:. So after discount, we are a bit over, but I told OH that it will be around for years.

I so agree with you on the worst part being what people say to you (of course it's easy for me to say, because I have had very few discomforts, aside from not being able to get out of bed and a hole in my stomach :haha:).
My 80 year old neighbor delivered another classic this weekend... First time I've talked to her since getting pregnant and we really can't stand each other lol... She asked me how much I had gained and I told her that it really actually wasn't much at all... Then she continued to tell me not to worry and that I Gould be able to lose it again lmao...ummm, I believe I told you that it wasn't much and that I wasn't concerned about it, what am I not suppose to worry about now :dohh::shrug::haha:
Haha at your bitchy neighbour Steph!!! Lol

did your vac include dipheria? Xx
Yeah I'm glad that creams don't stop them appearing as I haven't used any at all lol!

Your LO must be just repeating everything your oh tells him haha! My nephew is just starting to speak and will repeat any word - to the best of his ability - so we have all started to be very careful what we say! We don't want him yelling out "daddy's a dick!" In the supermarket (as we often tell my brother that he is actually a bit of a dick :haha: )

He literally copies everything. He just said tits. grrr. I told OH it is not acceptable!!!! :saywhat:

Just finished watching obem


No thanks. Baby is staying in.

OMG I love watching OBEM. It makes me really excited!!!! However I was another midwifery show on Really yesterday that scared me. A home birth gone wrong. Im not having a home birth but it was terrifying.

Lol haha te amo I thought I was the only one that called a ladies bits mooey! Although Paige calls it moo moo lol! And Stephen accidentally taught her goolies for a mans bits lol! As for bras my sol bought me some for my bday but I just hate wearing bras, I only wear one if I'm out or if we have company over lol!

haha yes it is either mooey or vajayjay! hahaha. :thumbup:

Omg doggy I had to laugh at the little shocked face! You will be ok and make it through just fine, I promise! It seems they always choose more dramatic/sensationalized stories on that show anyways - most are a lot more 'boring' than the births on the episodes!

Do you guys get the english version there? I watched the US one and the labours were so medicalised. Almost every Mom had an epidural. Is that normal procedure there? You pretty much beg for them here. :wacko:

Yay :happydance: that's such great news about being able to move house! I'm sure you guys are thrilled! Sorry to hear about your physio needs, but hopefully once benson arrives you will feel much better anyway.

And if your whooping cough ends up like mine, be prepared for major pain later on :shock: mine was awful :cry:

Mine hurt for about 3 weeks, then it was itchy! Had nothing for a week or so now but its started itching again- bloody thing!

I can't believe my luck!!!! After weeks of trying to get into a natural birth group I FINALLY managed to get in one starting on 4th of March (3 classes per week until the end of the month)!!! Of all places at the hospital I'm giving birth :O 2 blocks from my apartment! So.damn.lucky.

I just had to share the good news!

Oooh what do you learn in this class? breathing techniques and stuff?

ukgirl: sorry the vaccine has knocked you out so much! I didn't have to get any vaccines here? It sounds like you UK ladies have to get a ton? :shrug: I guess that must be a country difference thing again. My arms hurts just thinking about it!

We have flu jab and whooping cough. Whooping cough is a new programme as the virus is on the increase for some reason. Mostly because silly people think there shouldnt vaccinate their children because the virus'/diseases are going away... but in fact they are increasing because people are vaccinating their kids :dohh::dohh::dohh:

Thanks....I was feeling they should speak up if there are any concerns. I passed my gds too. I did ask how big they thought she was and they said about 5 lbs. So I know she is growing well. My original goal for weight gain was between 15-20 lbs and I have only gained 3. I took a peek as I was leaving to check out as they give me my chart to give to the receptionist or I would have asked right away but I go back in 2 weeks and I will ask him then.

I was weighed at my 32 week appointment and I weigh 1kg less now than at my 12 week scan... they think thats great and are really happy so I cant see you putting on 3lbs being a prob? :flower:

Candy, I wonder if it is the same vaccine here, that you guys are getting. I got mine before we started to try because my doctor said, it's something I should really have for the baby's safety (and better to get it before pregnancy because less to stress about) :shrug:. Once we did the initial bloodwork, my my doctor requested the same bloodwork for OH and ave him the vaccine as well.
So with that said, I would def have Aaron get it, just in case. Plus it would serve him right to feel the pain that he just made fun of you for :haha:

no its not the same vaccine. You guys get the individual whooping cough jab. We get the 4 in 1 jab which includes tetanus, diptheria, whooping cough and polio. This is because they stopped making the separate whooping cough jab years ago when it was under control. The jab we get is the same one 8 week old babies get. The reason it hurts is because of the tetanus. As your body can only have so much tetanus in a lifetime it rejects the tetanus in this jab causing a slight reaction.


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