April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Awww Nimbec your challenge for the next week is to see how many tasks you can accomplish from bed! Hope everything works out well with the shots and that you do indeed magic up some more fluid. At our birth class the L&D nurse said that in our hospital they actually don't even classify babies born after 34 weeks as premature because they do so well. I forget exactly what they are classed as, something about late pre-term something or other. Please do not worry about the cooking and cleaning etc. LO needs you to stay still so that he can swim around in his lil pool of fluid like a goldfish. If you're running about vacuuming and what not then his little pool will slosh about and make it harder for him to get his laps in :haha: :flower:

Good luck with all your papers UK Girl. Your DH is such a lying wretch, I hope he gets what's coming to him.

Ready to Mum, I had no idea pregnancy could cause carpal tunnel syndrome. I am starting to think pregnancy can cause absolutely anything to happen. Hope your splints help and glad you got your stroller to cheer you up!

Doggylover your nursery looks fab! I love the decal and don't think its too much at all. Babies rooms are where I feel like you can really go crazy with the decorating. Says she of the giraffe wall and papier mache rhinoceros head stuck to the wall. :haha:

Steph I so hope that your job comes under those regulations and has to give you your 12 weeks. US companies are so sneaky, anything to save them some money or squeeze everything possible out of their employees. It really is such a different attitude here towards everything from mat leave to vacation time. I think its really unhealthy and I wish it would get fixed.

AFM You will never believe this but today I got a REALLY nice email from a woman who works at the factory where the bookcase I ordered is made after I sent a really nasty email to them yesterday. She apologized for everything and said that she was a grandmother of two and was so sorry that everything that had happened had made me stressed out about my nursery. She said not to worry and that she was making sure a brand new bookcase (not even just the replacement piece) was being sent to me today and if there were any other problems from this point forward to contact her directly and she would fix it. :shock: :wohoo: I am so relieved. I know it is just a bookcase, but it has been an almost month long saga of dealing with that HORRIBLE man. So glad I don't have to keep arguing with people and going round in circles.

And now I am off to make pie crust dough for my shower quiche.
And tomorrow is my scan to see if baby is still the wrong way round. I think she is head down right now, but I know she wasn't yesterday or at various times during the last week. She still likes to be sideways like she's in a hammock on the beach :haha: So I quietly think the scan is pointless since she seems uninterested in staying in one position so far. But I will just keep that to myself and have my scan. :winkwink:
And tomorrow is my scan to see if baby is still the wrong way round. I think she is head down right now, but I know she wasn't yesterday or at various times during the last week. She still likes to be sideways like she's in a hammock on the beach :haha: So I quietly think the scan is pointless since she seems uninterested in staying in one position so far. But I will just keep that to myself and have my scan. :winkwink:

bwahahaha Grayson still switches from sideways to head down as well! I say: take advantage of the scan, even if it actual reason is pointless :haha:. Seeing your little lady is always worth a trip :thumbup:
Kirstabelle I love when you go in guns blazing an then the person is really nice and you feel very taken care of! Great news! Also, when are we getting to see this rhino head?!

Steph: excellent news about having a human baby :haha: and a bloody cute one at that! Great pic!
Yay good luck for the scan Kristabel :) I agree enjoy it an while your there tell them she moves about & they may book you in for another sneaky preview :)

Great news on the bookcase I agree it's so nice for someone to actually be helpful - and unfortunately so few and far between these days!

Ukgirl hope you manage to trudge through a few more papers today - just remember they will find out he's lying he will slip up eventually what a ****** sorry I know I've already said that once!

As for me I'm still in bed...will venture to the sofa shortly - how exciting! Before heading back to the hospital for another steroid injection. I'm feeling quite sick this morning wondering if its a side effect and also just got Doppler out as bubs hasn't moved yet - his hb was 140 tho so I'm going to just mention when I go in at lunch time if he has not perked up a bit ...gosh they don't half get us worried!

Hope everyone is ok and has a good day!!
Morning everyone

kristabelle yay for a scan! My little man is being difficult too he is transverse.. he goes head down then flips again! Hope yours is head down today but if not theres still lots of time xx

nimbec sorry you feel sick hun. Im sure bubs is just groggy from the medication you've been given. Benson moved less when I was on antibiotics and after the jabs I know yours is much worse than that but Im thinking maybe that could be part of it. I hope the sickness eases off soon for you :hugs: xxx

afm its my first day attacking these papers and guess what.. Lucas has pink eye!! I keep telling my kids not to fart in eachothers faces but no one listens.. I have to admit I did laugh about it too.. so today before we do anything we have to take a trip to the doctors to get him some eye drops before he passes it on to all of us! Bloody Kids!! By the way you have this all to come :p xxxx
Hehe sorry Ukgirl that made me chuckle :) but yes I'd get some ointment just incase bless them!!!!

Yes I'm thinking its from the medication - hope so! Only a few hours till I have next lot so u will def mention it too them. My appt is 1pm so I'm going to go 30mins early incase I have to wait for ever!!
morning ladies, good luck with all the scan's and i hope all babies end up head down lol
My lil one loves sticking her butt out lol

Ukgirl i tried not to laugh when you said farted in each other faces wow kids can be kids lol. Hope no one else catches it either. x
Oh, Candy pink eye is not nice at all! Get him an eye patch and let him pretend he's a pirate!!

Nimbec, I'm sure not feeling good is a side effect of the steroids, and maybe LO is feeling it too which is why he's been quiet. Or maybe he's using all his energy to grow up big and strong for his entrance to the world next week (potentially!) Yep, head to the sofa and snuggle up with Bentley, stick Jeremy Kyle on and be thankful you aren't like that lot!!!

My LO has been head down at the last 2 appointments, but there has been a lot of wriggling this week so I'm not sure what the craic is in there now!
Hahaha he has it in both eyes Sarah :p we are off to the doctors at 11. Little shits! Connie likes to fart in her hand and throw it in his face while shouting cupcake... me and my brother will be having words later!

Good luck for the appointment today nimbec let us know how you get on xxx
Haha yes Doggylover Bentley has taken up residence in front of the fire it's still freezing here and I'm still in pjs on the sofa - jeremy Kyle is hilarious it's really grounding in making you realise how lucky and normal life really is lol I feel sorry for the genuine ones on there but the majority or nutters!!

Thanks candy ill let u all know later! Kids will be kids an I guess typically the more u day not to do it they will do the complete opposite!!
Oh how I have cracked up reading these past few pages.

Steph were I worked we got the option to take 12 weeks but the kicker was I had to wait to leave a week before I was due to give birth. If I left any earlier I only got 6 weeks. I hope you get your 12 weeks I couldn't imagine going back so soon.

Good luck on the scan today girls.

Nimbec my husbands best friend and his wife had their first one early bc she was losing fluid too. They couldn't find where it was going and baby ended up stressed and they took him a month early. He is amazing and healthy. Just hang in there hun.

Doggylover---OMG I love your nursery!!!

Afm, one word INSOMNIA! Emmaleigh isn't suppoosed to interrupt my sleep till she gets here. Little runt. We have this huge ice storm and I am praying power doesn't go out!

Has anyone heard from Maybesoon? Or have I missed her posts????
Mommabrown I was wondering where she had gotten to as well.. Hope all is well with her and Mason.

we justbgot back from the docs luke has eye drops and hes being a typical male and acting all sorry for himself.. hes too sad to put his own shoes and coat on apparently haha bless him. Off to do shopping and visit my middle brother for his birthday then HOPEFULLY i can get cracking with the papers xx

Nimbec I love Jeremy Kyle he isnt affraid to get in their faces and tell the truth. Sad that he had cancer but great that he is back on monday :D yay xx
I agree awful that he had it but great that he is prepared to be so open and hopefully help others!

Awww he's being a typical boy needs some mommy cuddles!
Candy, kids can be so gross :haha:... And when I think back, I'm pretty sure my sister and I were just as bad lol. I guess it's one of those things we all have to look forward to ahah. I love that he feels sorry for himself though... Those are the moments that only mom can make him feel better :hugs:

Mommabrown, I have my fingers crossed, that your power stays on! Surely, Emmaleigh will keep herself warm with all that moving :haha:

Nimbec, every shot you get, is like a super power booster for LO!!! Good thing to relax and let your little man soak it up :thumbup:

I was wondering the same about Maybesoon... Is anyone fb friends with her? I hope she is ok
Omg ladies, I just made a horrible realization!! An acquaintance of mine posted a pic of herself on fb. She is 17 weeks pregnant and skinny with a little baby bump... In the comment section she was complaining how she wants her body back :dohh:. Amazingly, I didn't say anything but my first instinct was to say: LMAO just wait another couple of months... Your belly is tiny now... Your gonna get huge and feel aweful... Sleeping will not be possible!! :haha:
I HAVE TURNED INTO ONE OF THOSE AWEFUL WOMEN THAT SAY HORRIBLE THINGS AHAHAHAHAH! Granted, I didn't say it, but the fact that it crossed my mind :dohh::haha::blush:
Afternoon ladies, had a lot to catch up on!
Nimbec, I hope you get better news at the next scans and those estero is jabs do ur little man some good, omg that you could be meeting him so so soon!
Sarah your nursery is stunning. What a lucky little baby!
Candy, can't believe what an arse your ex is! Hope doesn't take too long to translate your paperwork and Lucas' pink eyes clear up soon!
Ready mom I can't remember but I think you mentioned work? I'm sorry I read so much I might get it mixed up but I hope you can get a bit more time off! I feel so sorry for you ladies in the us, I mean we complain about ou health service enough but at least it's not costly like yours, and our maternity (depending where you work) is not great pay out wise but sounds a hell of a lot better than yours :( x
I agree with Steph, hope maybe soon is ok!
As for the weight gain thing, my mw said I need to loose weight :s because apparently I'm obese! I think that's a bit harsh! I mean yeah I put a bit of weight on after Paige but I like my food! Any way, my mw has not weighed me since my first booking appointment! And I font own scales in this house haha, but I finally bit the bullet and weighed myself! And can't believe I've only gained 6lbs in my whole pregnancy!!!! I'm so chuffed with myself!
Nimbec I'm so jelouse of your fire! My rads haven't worked properly for nearly 3 months, I've been back and forth between land lord and plumber and basically the whole system needs to be power flushed, I need new valves on all rads, and 2rads need to be replaced! The landlord was being a cheap skate and won't replace all valves or the rads! So we are literally freezing and I'm considering going to stay with my mum because Paige's hands and feet are always frozen and she hates wearing slippers!!!! So today I finally had enough and broke down on the phone and he has agreed to it all! But now I have to wait for plumber to fit me in and might not be able to till bloody week after next!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so annoyed!!!! Sorry for rant xxx
Connie likes to fart in her hand and throw it in his face while shouting cupcake...

Without the cupcake bit...SIMON DOES THIS TO ME. A grown man! :dohh: Maybe 2 eye patches for Lucas then!?!? :haha:

Mommabrown: I haven't been sleeping that great either. I suppose they are preparing us for their arrival?! I'd prefer if they didn't bother!

Steph: Nooo...you cannot become one of those people! I refuse to allow you! let's face it though, anyone moaning at 17 weeks with a tiny bump maybe deserves a bit of a reality check ;)

Kealz: From what I have seen of your pics on Fb obese is NOT the word to describe you at all. What is your midwife on!?!? And also, what a stupid time to advise someone to lose weight - when they are hevaily pregnant?! What a dope! I also can't believe you've only gained 6lbs :growlmad: I hate you just a little bit for that!! :haha: Hate it when the heating isn't working - snuggle up with Paige on the sofa with some movies (and snacks - in your face midwife!)

Afm, another parents' evening. Never ends!
ukgirl: I can't decide whether it's hilarious, or to feel sorry for Lucas! :haha: Nutters. I do hope it goes away quickly for him though and that it doesn't spread around the house! Pink eye is no fun.

mommabrown: I'm right there with you on the insomnia front!! Holy crap. People keep telling me "Just wait till LO gets here, then you'll know what it's like to stay awake all night." I'm already awake all night! It doesn't matter the cause, being awake all night is still not sleeping. :dohh: The last week or so it's been really bad... I'll lay in bed for hours trying to fall asleep, and then when I do I wake up every hour and toss and turn. i felt bad because I managed to keep waking DH up a few nights ago too. I'm supposed to be wearing these night splints for carpel tunnel when I sleep now, and I tried them one night and gave up. I can't sleep to begin with, those things just made it even more impossible!

doggylover: Peter was head down at my last appointment, and I've been getting lots of up high kicks, so I'm pretty sure he's still hanging out that way. This last week I've been getting an incredible amount of motion though... I think it's part of what's keeping me awake at night! Doesn't this kid sleep anymore?!

AFM, nothing too exciting going on today. I have to get some groceries and run some errands, and then I have my pre-natal yoga class tonight. Hope everyone has a good day!
Pahahaha Sarah you know Aaron stopped doing that to me since I got pregnant and mine smell awful so I started doing it back... You'll have to warn Simon about the pink eye thing!!

Readytomum.. I find it very funny but I cant show them that haha. Kids will be kids but omg they don't listen perhaps now they will learn! X

Afm finally home bt now Im too tired to start on the papers so I will do it after dinner. I got loads of cleaning stuff from Tesco.. they are having a cleaning sale :D
I managed to get a new drs app with a new gp so hopefully tomorrow I will get some answers. Ive had a lot of pressure today again and feeling like I need a wee all the time. Hopefully its just a tiny infection. Its causing me to have braxton hix tho which sucks... ahh well Im off for a lay down :) xx

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