April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I'm on a quick snack break.. lol

Mommabrown it is in a way a good thing that your court date is after your due date, It is really hard going to court while being so far along, at least you can relax knowing they love you and that they know you love them too. Once you have had baby you can focus all your energy on kicking ass in there. I have to go in to court at 37 weeks.. I'm not happy about it at all I feel like I've been robbed of a relaxing pregnancy. xx

doggylover you have to do your research because they wont tell you what you can have you have to ask and apply for it, They are really sneaky!! Aaron is lovely haha I kept asking him what he had done wrong to buy me something :p I'm looking forward to him coming home we are getting CHINESE thanks to you lovely ladies talking about it last night... then it's Grey's Anatomy and snuggles :D Things are looking much better for the time being.

wheeeeeeheeeyyyyy for mat leave Cherrybump!!!!! :D :D :D xxx
Awwww bless. always nice to be treated to something. i hope you both get these court things sorted out. Ex's like that are pain in the butt. My sister has a 3 year old and the Fob was abusive etc he can only see the wee one every 2 weeks in the place but when he goes he either wants to leave early because his boss appartenly keeps putting him into work not giving him enough time to spend in that place but we think its just him being lazy shit he really doesnt have a clue like.

Enjoy your programe hun ive got all the soaps just now lol xxxxx
Your right Ukgirl. I just never imagined 8 months with out my oldest two children. I have never ever spent more than 2 days away from them(when they were with their Dad for visits) now it is really just bothersome. I see more and more how much they have changed being with my EX. and it is for the better with me. I am ready to go in there with guns blazing and take out the trash! lol I know how you feel. It is hard to focus being pregnant and all emotional. I really hope that this is all over with for you soon too. Hopefully along with my lying P.O.S. Ex they will bust their ass in their own lies. Don't worry that crap is easily detected.

Cherrybump enjoy your leave hun. Before we all know it our LO's will be here in our arms!!!!! I am getting soo soo soo excited to have her!!!
Hi lovely Ladies!! I haven't been on here for a really long time so thought I'd pop in and see how everyone is doing now we are nearing the finish line, lol. There is pages and pages for me to catch up on, ill be here all night! Ive actually been preoccupied ( why I haven't been on) and my son is being assesed for autism, so although Ive been very excited for this pregnancy I have had another major issue on my mind. I really hope you are all doing really well and are not too uncomfortable. If your anything like me, you will no longer be sleeping at night and waddling around, lol. I'm now 32 + 3 wks. And we have decided on our little girls name. Chelsea Anne. :happydance:
A quick question, has anybody started getting verrry strong braxton hicks and pressure? I remember having it with Riley but not untill the last few weeks.
Hey Kristy, nice to see you back darling!
Good luck with your little boy being assesed, everything will be fine, many hugs.
Oooh love the name for the little lady!
Yes today I had a BIG and painful BH, It started like the feeling of big fart coming up, but then it just hurt, and lasted for several seconds - maybe 1/2 minute. I was at the grocers and kind of freaked out, thinking, ooh maybe this is it, my water will break at the grocers, eeew, the poor employees.
Then it just went away and continued shopping lol.
I didn't have a lot of water this morning, so maybe that makes them more painful, because I usually have BH that are plain pressure, no pain, but am always well hydrated.

OT but holy crap we were looking at the prices of the disposable nappies today, and they are sooo expensive. The taxation is really high here (23%) and nappies are as high as € 0.50 -0.40 a piece for brands like pambers, but more normal at hard discounters like Lidl, it goes down to 0.17 per piece for the Toujours nappies.
We don't regret choosing cloth for a second.
Kirsty, I hope all goes well with Riley's assessments and that once you get the results you are well supported and given lots of information. I work with several children who are at the Asperger's end of the ASD, and 9 times out of 10 they are just like very other child in the class, and when we support them with their own specific needs, they are able to excel.
I love the little lady's name! Very sweet and cute I think! Can't help with the braxton hicks though unfortunately!

Candy: my maternity is set by our department of education so I'm already getting more than most people get, so I'm pretty happy! It's a standard set up for all women in Northern Ireland who are employed by the DoE, so it's all made very easy. I did look early in pregnancy at any grants etc we might be able to get, but unfortunately because we are a high earning household we aren't entitled to anything else. Well, I say unfortunately, but it means the money go to people who need it more I suppose! Your night sounds perfect last night, greys and Chinese?! Heaven!

Cherry, glad your last day went well and :wohoo: for maternity!!

Lily, that is crazy expensive! I always waiver when I'm in the supermarket as the disposables always seem to be on offer and I do all these quick sums in my head and think have we made the right decision?! But we have, regardless of cost, I think. We will hopefully use them again for another LO so that would definitely be cost effective, plus they are better for the env, and they look too cute!! So I'm happy we've gone that way too :)

Afm, I am washing LOs clothes today :mrgreen: pretty excited about that! Not so excited about the cleaning and marking I have to do though. And it appears to be snowing?!
lily: disposables can be really expensive yeah!! DH and I have been looking around at sales and we've figured out that Walmart has diapers the cheapest on regular price (still better than most places on sale!), and if you buy the really huge box of Pampers (204 size 1's) they work out to $0.17 a diaper. And if you can find some coupons, then it's even better.

kristy: I hope the testing goes well for your little guy and that you get all the information and support you need, regardless of the outcome. Welcome back too btw! I'm right there with you on the no sleep thing... Sigh. The last few weeks have been horrible, and the frustrating thing is that I was sleeping soooo well, and there's no specific reason I can point to that explains why I'm not sleeping well now! I need a nap....:sleep:

doggylover: Ooh! It's so exciting to get the clothes all washed and sorted and put away! We have all the 0-3m stuff sorted, but next weekend at my sister's wedding my cousin who gave us the first big box of clothes is sending us another one of size 3-6m!! So we'll have another big pile to look through and wash and sort. :happydance: Baby clothes are adorable.

ukgirl: Awesome about the new laptop!! Maybe he felt really bad about breaking the speakers on your other one? :shrug: Did you end up getting Chinese for dinner?? I need to head to the mall today I think I might get some for lunch. I'm jealous of everyone else's delicious take-out. :haha:

mommabrown: I'm so sorry to hear that your court date is so far away. :hugs: I know it must seem like forever for you, but like ukgirl said, this way you have time to adjust to life with your new lady so you can walk into that court room and give them all hell withouth the discomfort and emotions of pregnancy to deal with too. You can be ultra focused on taking ALL your LO's back home.

Cherrybump: Huzzah for mat leave!! :happydance::happydance:

AFM, I slept like crap again last night. DH didn't get home and to bed till 2AM last night because he was out with some friends, and I never really sleep well till he's home anyway... but even after he got home, I still slept like crap. God I hope this is just a phase and isn't going to last the rest of pregnancy! I'm sooooo tired... I just wanna sleep!! :sleep:

But there's too much to do today to sulk about it! I need to get some chili made and cooking in the crockpot for dinner tonight, and I have to head out to the mall today to return some things and get some pictures printed.
Kristy, like everyone else said, I hope all goes well with the testing for Riley. Autism is such a broad term that encompasses so many different levels and needs. I taught Special Education here in the US and every child that was diagnosed was extremely bright and successful in school. :hugs:
Its good to have you back and hopefully those BH will ease up a bit. I only get the really tense ones, if I'm running around a lot at night.

Candy, I hope you enjoyed your chinese takeout :thumbup:. I had it again for lunch yesterday :dohh:.

Cherry, I am very jealous of your maternity :winkwink:. Enjoy every bit of it!!!

Mommabrown, as the ladies said, the court date is a pain but maybe you can get yourself adjusted with Emmaleigh and get some of the hormones from pregnancy sorted out and things will end up working out for the better!!! :hugs:

Readytomum, sounds like a busy day! try to get your feet up at least for a little while today!

Sarah, good thing your boss finally got things sorted. I think men just don't see the urgency sometimes :dohh:. I just picked up Graysons washed NB clothes from my moms house last night :blush:. OMG, his little socks are soooo tiny!! I'm in love :haha: Already picked out 3 sleeper onesies and his going home outfit, and packed it in our hospital bag.
I think all i am missing are:
* Maternity pads
* Push present for Rob (should arrive here next week)
* Snacks (though I am not sure that I will really need them in the US, since there is always stores open and vending machines in the hospital)
* Phone charger
* Hair brush
* flip flops (which I will probably be wearing to the hospital anyways)

In other news: I swear, if this baby gets any stronger, he will be able to donkey kick his way out through my ribs :wacko:. I'm very happy for the movement, just wish he would not always kick the same spot lol. The good part is, he still only kicks during the day and goes to sleep around 6.30pm. Then starts again at 7am. Not too bad :thumbup:
Thanks hun you'll be on mat leave soon.

Afm: im not long in from town. Just bought a baby sling (as sometimes you have to get of bus if a wheelchair is coming on and if there is a buggie already on you have to wait for the next bus... Also just bought some stetchy jeans lol which are bit tight but hey ho ill get into them lol and new cardigan.

So nice and sunny here today :) xx
Steph you are so organised if that's all you have left to pack! All I have packed so far is a mountain of baby clothes (all washed and dried, and so cute I could cry!) I packed first size and 0-3 months since I don't know what size this beastie is going to be! I may have to revisit that though as currently I have almost no room left for anything else in LOs bag!!

Readytomum, I haven't been sleeping well either, and I also hope it doesn't go on for the rest of the pregnancy. I'm not hugely tired because of it, but its annoying me!

Cherry, what sort of sling did you get? Sounds like a sensible idea if you use the bus a lot :thumbup:
A question for UK ladies who already have a LO...

Do you need to take blankets to the hospital? Or do they provide them? I hadn't ever thought about that before, but when packing LOs hospital bag it suddenly became the most important question in my life!! :haha: If you do need to pack them, how many? And should they be thick ones, or the thinner ones?
Those ones the you strap on and the baby sits in front of you lol. can be use from newborn. Can remember what they call them i just call the baby sling lol think their call baby carry x

Ive got all mines packed also lol I did wanan get black pj buttons but i forgot to pick them up may just get them some other point x
Doggy even though the US supplies them I still packed a few receiving blankets and a thick fuzzy one anyway as the hospital ones can be a little starchy/rough feeling. Not sure (obviously!) if UK supplies but it might be nice to pack one or two of your own especially soft ones :)
Excellent point - scratchy blankets are no way to feel when you've just entered the world! Blankets are going in!
urgh my brain is friiiiied!! 23 pages done! lol

I can't remeber who wrote what and I cba to look back lol so I'll just write this as one thing..

my hospital bag so far consists of the following

travel toothbrush, hand gel, shower gel, toothpast, body spray, shampoo and conditioner, a pair of leggings, a dress, a cardigan, a mini fan, nappies, wipes, a baby blanket.

I would include a blanket in your hospital bag anyway to put over baby when you come home. The blankets in the hospitals aren't really scratchy. Well not from what I have seen anyway, they get a little recieving blacket and a baby duvet hehe. But if you want to use your own you can.

afm I took the kids to the park today, Lucas got chased by a duck which was super funny. he should have dropped the bread! Other than that there's nothing new to say I'm just tits deep in norwegian shite!

(TMI) I'm having really watery discharge (sorry) Is anyone else having that? it's not uncomfortable ect. Also second time mums in the UK is your 34 week check at the GP office or the midwife, mine says GP by whats the point in that!! Otherwise I wont see the midwife until 36 weeks, last time I saw her was at 28 weeks! this countries system is so backwards! x
Good point about needing a blanket for coming home...I may pop a nice thick one in the car seat in preparation for that :thumbup:

Poor Lucas! That is the sort of thing that could haunt him for years, and when he's at a dinner party in 30 years and someone mentions they are having duck, he'll freak out as it all comes back to him :rofl: you always sound like you and the kids have so much fun! I hope when our LO gets here, and is hopefully joined by a few more in a couple of years, that we have as much fun as your family do!
oh doggylover you will have loads of fun trust me! Me and Aaron always feel lost if we go out without the kids lol. We never know what to do. Lucas is in the funny sentences phase, hes coming out with some pure gold statements lately... his best one was.. mummy if my top teeth fall out I can lick my nose like grand-dad hahahahaha.. grand-dad can lick his nose because he has no teeth..
Kids are funny. Well I'm not sure if he is afraid of the duck, once he stopped running from it he started trying to do some power ranger moves on it. I had to pull him away.. those things bite! Lol..

I'm thinking of sleeping with the baby blanket before he is born, maybe for a week or 2 so that when he arrives his blanket smells of me.. that could be good in some way I guess? My kids used to sleep better at night if I put my t shirt from the day in their cots x
I'm exhausted!

After several hours walking around the mall, I still can't find anything else shoe-wise for my sister's wedding... so I'll be wearing the silver flips flops that are too small. I've also finally caved and have started to wear my wrist brace for the carpel tunnel... I look like an idiot trying to type because I can't bend my my right wrist at all. Another terrible night sleep last night, and I'm desperately hoping for a better sleep tonight--even a few consecutive hours would be nice! I feel yucky.

BUT... I finally found some Gummy Bunnies today (which are my favourite candy ever and only come out at Easter), and I bought three bags. So I'm counting today a win!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes with Rileys assesments. Hearing that some of you know or work with children on the autism spectrum makes me feel a bit better. To hear that a lot of children diagnosed are very bright and do well in school is a relief. Like all mums I just want a wonderful life for him, so I'm still praying he is just developmentally delayed but either way, he is such a beautiful funny smart little guy and I'm sure he will do great in life.

I'm starting to wonder if I have an overactive uterus? I know some ladies said that got braxton hicks but it seems I get them very frequently and much stronger than others which is slightly worrying.

I am going to start washing everything today and packing my bag. Ive hit the nesting period as Ive been cleaning like crazy and been sewing and knitting. Ive made bibs, burp cloths and im knitting a blanket.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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