April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Candy lay down and get some rest for sure! Are you drinking lots (and I'm talking "drowning yourself amounts" ) of water and cranberry juice?? May as well try to fight the UTI as best as you can by yourself until you get some help. Plus, I find that there is nothing worse, then UTI pain with an empty bladder :nope:

Sarah, I will try to keep myself in check ahahah... But since we are all so much bigger, she has no right to complain :haha:

Mommabrown, enjoy your yoga class today!! :thumbup:
Aww put your feet up hun sounds like you need it :)
I was in tesco early to and really wanna get some oven cleaner and degreaser cause when you use a deep fat fryer the oil seems to be super greaser when it spits out lol but my mum told me to try hot soapy water first so i guess ill try that. lol its on my list of things to do this coming weeks since ill be on mat leave.

I hope you got on ok today Nimbec :)

AFM: i so glad ive only got one more day to work now and that shall be it :) when i left work i was ok until i got so far near the main road my lower bump started to really hurt right around to my back i had to hold my stomach while walking i was in alot of pain but once i got on bus and sat down for few mins it started to leave :S so strange, never had to me before so i was confused lol xx
Cherry I hope your last of of work goes well! I'm so jealous, I still have two more weeks! And you sound just like me, a list of things to clean on maternity leave! We should rest up, but I guess this is the nesting they talk about!

Candy, glad you got a new GP for your appointment, like steph said drink lots and flush out as much as you can.

Afm, home late from parents evening so we had a Chinese, and I may or may not now be on the chocolate...
My LO is going nuts tonight, I have bits poking out all over the place!!
Cherry I hope your last of of work goes well! I'm so jealous, I still have two more weeks! And you sound just like me, a list of things to clean on maternity leave! We should rest up, but I guess this is the nesting they talk about!

Candy, glad you got a new GP for your appointment, like steph said drink lots and flush out as much as you can.

Afm, home late from parents evening so we had a Chinese, and I may or may not now be on the chocolate...
My LO is going nuts tonight, I have bits poking out all over the place!!

Yay for Chinese (it's what I had for lunch) and chocolate... I may have just shoved two twix bars in my mouth :blush:. So enjoy :thumbup:

I used to be so amazed when LO would stretch and I could feel a little nub... Now I feel like he is ready to push his way out through my ribs (or just below) :haha:. I feel like I can almost be successful in grabbing one of those little feet when he shoves them out hahahha
Last night, Violet kicked my belly button into an outie (I'm "fluffy" so it's still an innie and probably will be through the rest of pregnancy :haha:). Lately I've been feeling like most of this pregnancy stuff is kind of old hat and I've been a bit bored (I've been pregnant for more than I've been not pregnant over the last 2.5 years. :wacko:) but that was really bizarre for me.

And now, thank you doggylover and Steph, I'm dying for Chinese food. :winkwink: Oh, and I'm mega jealous of your 2 weeks left, doggylover! I can't put up with much more from work so I've allowed myself to set a date in my head but it's still 4 weeks away! And it's really just an emergency bail-out date, I'm trying to hold out longer.
Baby is head down... today! The scan was cute, they did 3D for a few mins and she is so chubby now. Her face was so squished my DH said she looked like a boxer. :haha:

Have so much stuff to do as the shower is on Sat and my friends are driving up from NYC tomorrow. So I best be getting off this couch and getting started with all my stuff!
Yaaaay kristabelle!! That is great news!!

Mmmm chinese... I got paid today so perhaps I can persuade Aaron to share a sneaky one tomorrow.

I STILL didnt get round to my papers.. After my nap my brother come to visit then we had dinner.. tomorrow I have a play date for Connie at soft play and doctors hopefully afterwards i can tackle them.

my friend messaged me today shes 37 weeks pregnant and found out she has cmv or something.. its a virus that her baby has caught and she might have to be induced tomorrow.. i didnt know babies could get viruses in the womb.. apparently its really rare though. xx
Kirstabelle glad the scan went well, and your chubby bunny is growing nicely! Nobody likes a skinny baby :haha:

Littlespy: no offence but kicking your innie into an outie?! :sick: gross! My belly button is pretty much flat, and it really freaks me out! Sometimes my LO pokes me in it and it HURTS! I'm sorry you have so long left at work, but as far as I remember...you aren't going back? Like...ever?! So keep that in mind and think about how in a year or two you will be working as a LC (fingers crossed!) and all this crap at your current job will bea distant memory.

Steph: two twixs at the same time?! Impressive ;) yep, I feel like I could grab a little limb sometimes too! I find myself rubbing them/tickling them until LO retracts them. It honestly feels like s/he is trying to bust their way right out of there for me too. They are surprisingly strong little souls!!

Candy- I've never heard of an infection in the womb either. Doesn't sound good at all. And don't worry - you can do your papers tomorrow and then treat yourself with Chinese! Winner all round!

So I forgot to say about how much my boss pissed me off today:
Before Christmas I gave him my MatB1 form which is needed for me to claim maternity pay. Three weeks ago I got a letter from the department of education saying they hadn't received that, and they need it. So I emailed him and said to him, and he said he did send it, but they must have lost it, but luckily he had a photocopy to send them. I assumed he therefore WOULD send it.
My mistake.
The school got a phonecall today saying if they don't get the form ASAP I am not entitled to maternity pay! I freaked out and sent him an email (he is hard to get to speak to) and then I saw him at break and asked him had he sent the photocopy away....He acted like he had no clue what I was on about :shock: he never sent it away three weeks ago when I asked him to :growlmad: So I sent him another email later saying he needs to do it ASAP or I get nothing, and he seemed to be sorting it out,but I have to check tomorrow. I'm so annoyed that its basically come down to me to sort out something he should have done months ago. And I'm panicking he won't do it in time and I'll get no pay!!
Last night, Violet kicked my belly button into an outie (I'm "fluffy" so it's still an innie and probably will be through the rest of pregnancy :haha:). Lately I've been feeling like most of this pregnancy stuff is kind of old hat and I've been a bit bored (I've been pregnant for more than I've been not pregnant over the last 2.5 years. :wacko:) but that was really bizarre for me.

And now, thank you doggylover and Steph, I'm dying for Chinese food. :winkwink: Oh, and I'm mega jealous of your 2 weeks left, doggylover! I can't put up with much more from work so I've allowed myself to set a date in my head but it's still 4 weeks away! And it's really just an emergency bail-out date, I'm trying to hold out longer.

Innie to outtie = awesome :haha:
And it's only awesome because its not happening to me at the moment ahahaha... Surely it will now though lol... My innie is currently hanging on by a thread lol :dohh:

Can you imagine the lady from 19 kids and counting?? She's been pregnant for just over 14 years :wacko:. So you still doing good :thumbup:. But to be honest, I'm looking forward to my non pregnant self coming up
Omfg doggylover what a cock.... do you think he done it on purpose?? I can not believe some people!!
Baby is head down... today! The scan was cute, they did 3D for a few mins and she is so chubby now. Her face was so squished my DH said she looked like a boxer. :haha:

Have so much stuff to do as the shower is on Sat and my friends are driving up from NYC tomorrow. So I best be getting off this couch and getting started with all my stuff!
Awww! Congrats on head down!:happydance:
Good luck and have fun tomorrow at your shower hun!!! I had to cancel mine because of weather and everyone being sick :dohh:
Yaaaay kristabelle!! That is great news!!

Mmmm chinese... I got paid today so perhaps I can persuade Aaron to share a sneaky one tomorrow.

I STILL didnt get round to my papers.. After my nap my brother come to visit then we had dinner.. tomorrow I have a play date for Connie at soft play and doctors hopefully afterwards i can tackle them.

my friend messaged me today shes 37 weeks pregnant and found out she has cmv or something.. its a virus that her baby has caught and she might have to be induced tomorrow.. i didnt know babies could get viruses in the womb.. apparently its really rare though. xx

Oh dear sorry about your friend, thank fully she is full term. I get a CMV test every 2 months, most people have been through it as kids, but I didn't. I think it is also called parotitis and it is nasty/dangerous for the baby. I'm sure she will be fine though, as she is 37 weeks, and can be induced. It is the first 2 tri that are dangerous. I wish her a smooth labor, and the baby to be well!
Kirstabelle - glad your scan went well hun. And baby is gaining fat in the right places lol Love babies with chubby cheeks lol they look so cute.

Dogg: thanks hun. cant wait just to get it over with now. and your 2 weeks will fly past.
Omg your boss sounds like a right idiot. He must be lacking in his job is he's not on the ball like. hope he gets it sorted out for you hun so you can get mat pay :(. x
Candy, I don't think my boss did it on purpose, he just spreads himself too thin and things get over looked. Which, in this case, is my INCOME FOR THE NEXT 39 WEEKS!!!

I made him phone them today, but the woman wasn't there so have to hang around until he gets phoned back, and then makes it down to speak to me :growlmad:
Hi ladies just checking in quickly!:flower:
Probably wont be on a lot over this weekend as as are overnight at parents tonight then finishing off the nursery over the weekend so busy!

Doggylover, thats out of order by your boss! Hope it gets sorted in time!

UKgirl, hope you are feeling better, dont worry bout not getting your papers done yet

Sorry to people ive missed, just wanted to let you know i had my 34 week MW Appointment today and my baby is well and truly breech sitting up on its bottom! Not that it really matters as will be having section anyhow but it scares me if i go into labour, Ive really struggled last few days, immence low down pressure, back breaking and can hardly walk, im also measuring 36 weeks so im wondering if i might go into labour...:dohh:
Hi all

Gosh Melissa fx all will be fine. I'm sure even if u I'd go into labour they would either try & stop it or just whizz you down for a section pls try not to worry! Hope u have a lovely weekend and get nursery all finished - cant wait to see some piccys!

Candy I hope you manage to get some papers done it must be awful having them hanging over you :( (((hugs)))

Doggylover that sucks you have to hang around grrrrr well not long left now & fx he sorts it in time - what an idiot!!

Well my 2nd steroid jab was fine yesterday but they but me in monitor as bubs had been very quiet & low and behold he was still quiet and I was having some contractions - tiny ones I wasn't even aware so they gave me sugar etc to wake him up and eventually he had a good kick but as there is not much fluid I have to keep an eye on it. As for mini contractions they are not worried unless I notice them LOL!! Also by a stroke of luck the actual consultant popped in (I only saw registrar who asked her advice yesterday!) and she was a bit now positive thy we would get to 36 weeks even if I had no waters they would try and get me there so fx!!

Hope everyone is ok!
lily - they aren't sure how long she has had it for, hopefully they will induce her today in Southampton so she can have him out and they can check him over properly to see what the damage is xx

Doggylover- Either way he should have priotitised it, as you say it is your income for the next 39 weeks! Either way they should be able to sort it out still. Have you checked what you are entitled to from your midwife? I think you are entitled to maternity allowence and a one off amount to go towards baby. I can't remember the names of those things though x

Nimbec - YAY for going to 36 weeks at least!! That is brill :D Glad that little man is doing well despite the stress of everything xx

melissasbump - sorry to hear you are feeling so uncomfortable! All the pressure of baby's bum so low down must be putting pressure on the cervix and making it difficult to walk and move about. I feel like that when Ben goes breech. He's still flipping around in there lol. xxx

Well Aaron got me a new laptop today!! I didn't knwo he was even going to do it, it just turned up! So now I have a new laptop to type all my papers up on, I can finally get started, apart from my solicitor now is a pain in the ass!! I got passed on to some lady solicitor who is always busy I've been trying to get hold of her since wednesday!! I've left her 2 emails and 3 messages to call back but heard nothing from her, I'm getting a bit annoyed now. Ah well off to start on these papers :) xx
Oh nimbec that is great news!

Melissa bump what Nimbec says is true. As long as you don't wait it out and get to the hospital soon they will take you down and cut him right out.

Ukgirl what a sweet heart Aaron is for doing that for you. I hope you get everything done now.

I got my answer to a court date yesterday. ...July 15th. I am so upset they are making me wait 4 more months to fight to get them back. I have an appointment in March with my attorney to discuss my case and I am wanting to see what I can do about kids coming to the hospital when the baby is born. Shit hit the fan again with OH about it because now once she is born he will still have to leave. I got mad and yelled at him that he was being selfish and putting me through to much because I am already to that point I can't take anymore. It sucks majorly but at least now I have a court date.
My oldest DS called me this morning too as soon as he woke up to tell me Good morning and that he loved me. It was a good chat just me and him for some time and it made me so happy to know they understand i love them and miss them as much as they do me.
Momma brown, how sweet of your LO to phone you like that, I'm sure it brightens your day but makes you miss them even more. That's not good news that the court date is so far away, and awful news that dh will still have to leave even when Emmaleigh arrives. Here's hoping your meeting with your solicitor next month starts to resolve things more quickly.

Candy: how awesome of Aaron to buy you a new laptop!! What a great gift! Hopefully it makes doing all your paperwork much easier. Grrr about your solicitor though. I hate people who are hard to get hold of and never get back to you. As for my maternity, I get 90% of my salary for six weeks, then down to 50% for 13 weeks, and the rest is statutory maternity, so not too bad a deal. It's set by the education board that way, so I'm not sure about maternity allowance etc, but because I'm entitled to more than smp for a period, I think that's generally more than maternity allowance (I think. I barely understand any of it! They sent me a letter last week and I was baffled!!!)

Nimbec: :thumbup: excellent news about waiting until at least 36 weeks. Hopefully you'll be ale to hang on even longer. Your poor little man was probably having a lovely snooze in there until you lot woke him up :haha:

Melissa: I wouldn't worry about the measurements saying 36 weeks - I've heard they are so inaccurate at this stage, so don't panic! I am confident that you will get your section and everything will go smoothly. LO is just trying to help out making sure you get your section by staying breech ;)

Kirstabelle: :thumbup: yay for head down! Now she needs to stay down there! Im worried mine might flip again!

Afm, I believe my boss now has finally sorted my stuff out. He came and said that he had spoken to the girl, faxed her through the details, and that I am definitely getting my maternity pay, no matter what she said yesterday lol. Such a weight off my mind!
I spent my day running round getting bits sorted for my friend who is going to be covering my job until June. We had a staff day so no kids, and it was great to have a bit of time to catch up on things. I'm feeling a lot more confident that I may just get everything done before I leave!
Aww dogg im so happy he finally moved his butt and got it sorted for you.

My last day was pretty good, it was pay day and friday and it was half day for kids so it pay out well for my last day. Got 2 hugs from the Hr lady and everyone was being super nice to me. Going to miss them loads but hey ho im on mat leave now whoooo xx

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