April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Thanks girls. I went through this with oldest Ds. My OB knows about decreased movement just as long as she is still moving he feels that she is still doing good. When my contractions would spike her heart was still strong so he wasn't to worried about her. Dh and my youngest Ds are veey good at taking good care of me.

Ukgirl I bet that was a major headache but glad you got it all done!
Hey girls - I don't have too great of news either arghhh. Friday started having contractions and shot wasn't due for two days but dr said to take it early. Had tightenings for about 16 hours that were 7-8 minutes apart mostly - then I think the shot finally kicked in and stopped them. Def wasn't labor contractions but they were starting to get really uncomfortable. I think at this point the half of my uterus that she is in is stretched to the max and no matter what meds/shots I take she's just too big to stay in there much longer. DS was born a week from now at 35 - I'm hoping to make it two weeks to 36. I don't feel like I'm about to go into hard labor (just had a very distinct 'feeling' with DS a few days in advance) but in my heart I know it will not be much longer. I'm having a lot of breakthrough tightenings even after the shot which hasn't happened at all since I've been on them so I just think my uterus has reached it's max and is super irritable.

Hopefully us early birds can manage to hold on a little while longer - fx'd for all of us :flow:
Candy, thank god you are finished! You must have been just blasting through those papers :thumbup:. That is awesome!!

ReadytoMum, what a sweet DH!!!!! At least he was working on Saturday and didn't decide to spend the day going about with friends or golfing or anything else! Still wonderful that he made up the time and you guys were able to relax a bit :happydance:

Mommabrown, oh boy... like candy said: Legs closed!!! Between Sweetpea, Nimbec and yourself, we have some eager babies!!! :wacko:. 36 weeks sounds good for all three of you! SweetPea, tell your little lady to use the WHOLE uterus, and not just the one side :dohh: Silly baby! Mine stays on the one side as well, but he still seems to find plenty of room to stretch out :haha:

Sarah, how many days do you have left at work?? Your in the homestretch, thats for sure!! :thumbup:

AFM, I have officially had my first hormonal pregnancy day :cry:. Spent most of the day trying not to cry and ended up on the phone with Rob, just bawling and telling him that I didn't like my family anymore and that I didnt want to be pregnant because it was making me irrational. lol Kudos to him, he let me went and made me feel better.
I found out during my HR meeting with my boss, that my position is NOT guaranteed for when I return :nope:. They guarantee that I have a position, but not that it will be mine, and not at my salary. I don't think that my boss would do that to me, but knowing that I have no legal backup, just made me really upset. So when I told my mom about it (who worked in HR for many years) her response was: Welcome to America! ... I was just so stunned that she could be such a B about it (though I know she didn't mean to be)! So I told her: Thanks for the great advice! and her response again was: Its a fact of life! .. geez... could you be any more tactless towards a highly pregnant women with hormones of a pre-pubescent teen? Man oh man :growlmad:. She tried to call me tonight, but I have no desire to talk to her lol.
Then I found out that my sister has booked her flight from April 3rd to the 9th. She really wanted to be here for the birth, so she went ahead and just booked! I don't know why, but this made me soo mad! There is no saying when LO will show up! So she books a flight to be here for the birth, when there is no way to know that he will show up :shrug::growlmad:. Maybe that red marker and calendar that Sarah sent down to her LO will need to be given to mine as well... I swear... I know its the hormones... but THAT made me cry :haha:

Tonight, I would really love a drink :wine: ... or 5 :haha:
Oh and Sarah.. I'm sorry that you fell of course :hugs:... but how funny of LO to let ou know whats up !!! :haha:
I had to LOL, with a visual of you LO shaking his/her head in the womb and giving you a few swift kicks in the ribs :rofl:
Steph I'm sure my LO would love to stretch out but there's a separation down the center of my uterus (bicornuate) so she literally can't get into the other half! Results in a verrrrry lopsided looking bump these days as the half she is in is stretched to the max. She is in the whole left side of my uterus and can use about 1/4 the bottom part of the right as its only open to the other side a little bit at the bottom. The probs I have with my cervix being weak is because it is under so much stress and literally being pulled open from the inside because my uterus half simply can't stretch fast enough as baby grows. Craziness!

So sorry you are having a hormonal day... family, even though they all mean well, can just create so much upset without knowing it. Hopefully the job works out... why is it that these things always seem to crop up last minute just when we think all is good?! Huge hugs sweets.
Steph I'm sure my LO would love to stretch out but there's a separation down the center of my uterus (bicornuate) so she literally can't get into the other half! Results in a verrrrry lopsided looking bump these days as the half she is in is stretched to the max. She is in the whole left side of my uterus and can use about 1/4 the bottom part of the right as its only open to the other side a little bit at the bottom. The probs I have with my cervix being weak is because it is under so much stress and literally being pulled open from the inside because my uterus half simply can't stretch fast enough as baby grows. Craziness!

Oh boy... Sorry I did not know about the separation. That makes things difficult, i'm sure! I'm sure that is rather painful for you as well! :hugs:
No prob sweets it is rather strange after all hehe! Feeling pretty breathless these days but my pregnancy with DS was def more uncomfortable so can't complain too much. Drs said he stretched that side out so this time around there's a wee bit more room thank god!

Anyone having stronger braxtons these last few days? Full moon tonight so wondering if maybe that's why mine are picking up?
Sweetpea -- I'm on to having 6 or so contractions an hour now. :wacko: Some of them are getting rather strong. I'm so unconcerned about preterm birth because I had a very similar last 5 weeks or so with my first and she hung in there until I was induced at 41 weeks. I'm secretly hoping that since everything seems to have started about 3 weeks earlier this time, maybe that means she'll come about 3 weeks earlier (which would probably be 38-39 weeks). But I should (and do) really know better than to expect her before 40-42 weeks. Sometimes I worry I'm not bothered enough by all the contractions but I really think everything is fine. :thumbup:
Hey girls - I don't have too great of news either arghhh. Friday started having contractions and shot wasn't due for two days but dr said to take it early. Had tightenings for about 16 hours that were 7-8 minutes apart mostly - then I think the shot finally kicked in and stopped them. Def wasn't labor contractions but they were starting to get really uncomfortable. I think at this point the half of my uterus that she is in is stretched to the max and no matter what meds/shots I take she's just too big to stay in there much longer. DS was born a week from now at 35 - I'm hoping to make it two weeks to 36. I don't feel like I'm about to go into hard labor (just had a very distinct 'feeling' with DS a few days in advance) but in my heart I know it will not be much longer. I'm having a lot of breakthrough tightenings even after the shot which hasn't happened at all since I've been on them so I just think my uterus has reached it's max and is super irritable.

Hopefully us early birds can manage to hold on a little while longer - fx'd for all of us :flow:


You are going to make it to 36 weeks,a nd everything will be fine!
I just wanted to tell you that docs say many things but can't predict the future. The doc used to say to my mom when she was pergannt with my sis the same thing, that the uterus can't take it for long and my sister was born on 37=>38 weeks entirely healthy and mom had a quick birth, and no labor!!! She just went to the hospital when waters broke and popped her out in 20 min.:haha:
So chin up!!!:kiss:
Sweetpea -- I'm on to having 6 or so contractions an hour now. :wacko: Some of them are getting rather strong.

Oh you are super cool with this!!!:thumbup:
I would have driven myself crazy. I have a few BH that are strong, but they are like once a day or so.
I got a board game today lol! In fairness a Geography one which I love. But the only reason I'm getting actual gifts is because my contract ends when I'm on maternity and I'll never be back :cry:


I just fell over. I was walking up 6 steps (which I walk up at least 4 times a day) and carrying a bunch of stuff and...tripped I guess. Went down on my knee and elbow and managed to pretty much wreck my trousers (actually, my SIL trousers!) and now I'm stiff and bruised :( LO gave me a right telling off afterwards though, kicking me as I did my photocopying as if to say "Oi, woman, walk more carefully! I don't like being thrown about like that!"

It is my latest fear, falling down...:nope:
Hugs hun, I hope bruises go away soon, and there is no pain.
Lily, thanks :) I am ok, just have bruises like a small child on my knee and elbow now! And a new fear of walking on stairs :wacko: I was coming down our house stairs this morning and suddenly thought "what if I fall down these?" And clung to the railing the rest of the way. I can see me being a downstairs sort of girl from here on in...

Readytomum: there will definitely be a different position available at my school next year, but it would start in September and I don't know if I would be ready to go back to work with LO so young :( plus it would be a job working solely with the pupils with special educational needs and I find that so challenging to meet their needs I don't know if I could do it! But you're right, new things open up all the time,so fingers crossed. And our board game is called 10 days in Europe. There is a whole series of them, 10 days in America, Asia etc. you basically have to travel for 10 days around the continent, but its a lot harder than it sounds! We played five rounds last night.,,,I only won one!!!

Mommabrown :hugs: oh my gosh. Make sure you get plenty of rest so that if Emmaleigh decides to make her big entrance any time soon after you stop your meds you are all ready. Must be so scary, but at least she is safely in there for now. And I hope dh is taking good care you.

Sweetpea: not good news at all. I have my fingers crossed you make it to your goal of 36 weeks, but if she does come now, despite it being early and probably having a stay in nicu, you know the stats say she will be absolutely fine. Make sure you are getting loads of rest as well.

Steph: once today is over only 8 more days at work! And of course I'll lend you our calendar and red pen! That is awful news about your job. That's actually illegal here, I believe they have to let you come back to your old job as it was at the same pay, and then they'll screw you once you return :haha: Hmmm my SIL is trying to do a similar thing to your sister.she wants to book flights for the week after my due date, and I'm pretty insistent she doesn't. As you said, no gaurantee lo will be here, and no offence, even if they are, I don't want a house guest right then!! So I'm trying to get her to hold off, but I don't think she unstandardised, just keeps saying "but if LO is here I can still spend time with you!" Yeah, that's what you want when you are 40 weeks pregnant...a guest to tidy up after. Why are people so insensitive sometimes?! And yep, pretty sure LO was cross in there about me falling, waggling their finger to tell their terrible mother off :haha: that'd be about right in our family!!!

Littlespy: I wouldn't worry about not being other end by the contractions, especially if your history says LO is just trying to trick you!! I hope they aren't too painful though, as having that many an hour cannot be comfy at all. As lily said, you are being pretty darn cool about it all! You second time moms give us FTM some perspective I think!!!

How can it be that with only 8 (ok 9 including today!) days left at work I still cannot be bothered to go?! Dh is off today and I hate that. Makes me feel like I'm being punished when he gets to stay all cosy in bed!
Dogg: i was like that last week i knew friday was coming but i really didnt wanna go to work at all lol x
Hello everyone, I just read through the pages and can't remember all of what I read so I'll just reply in mass here, doggylover I'm glad baby is okay after the fall. They are tougher than we give them credit for! I slipped on ice when I was heavily pregnant with Lucas, I managed to angle myself so I fell on my hip to protect him. He was fine too :)
I hope everyone is feeling better today after yesterday?
I learned on my last pregnancy that no two births are the same, Im not taking any chances if I have any worries with this baby I'm going right in to L&D. Connie was a 23 hour labour slow but hard and regular contractions. 10 days late, Lucas was just a day late but 3 days of slow hard pain which rapidly sped up, from 4cm to 10 in an hour, almost having him in the car after waiting for days after my waters went. 71 hours with him. I don't think personally you can ever know whats going to happen until it's happening with labour.

I'm so pissed off today, I still have a headache from translating all those papers, I still have 5 pages of police reports to translate. All in my favor though so not too bad, then I have to print them out and attach notes for my solicitor.. My SPD was so bad last night it made me cry everytime I had to turn over in bed... When I walk it feels like my hips are being ripped apart. So I wrote on Facebook ..urgh.. this SPD is painful!! And do you know what they said??? not long now... NOT LONG NOW!!! OMG!! REALLY????? no just 6 weeks of feeling like my hips are pulling apart and my vagina might fall off!!! You go 6 weeks like that!!! Stupid people!! Then some girl was saying how it made her labour more painful then she said..good luck... GOOD LUCK!!!! good fucking luck!!!! omg!!! The shit people say!!!
Doggy/Lily -- I learned my lesson the first time around. I thought she was coming literally "any minute now" for over a month. Then in the end had to be induced to get her out. :rofl:

I mean, I was 3cm dilated and lost my plug at 38 weeks and everything. Even my OBs were saying I wouldn't make it to my next appointment at my 38 week one... I made it to 3 more appointments. :dohh:
Oh littlespy Maisie was just so COMFY in there that she never wanted to leave!! They had to force her out!

Candy: people are cocks sometimes :haha: oh yeah, 6 more week of agony is NOTHING :wacko: I'm sorry you are feeling so rubbish :hugs:

Afm, made it through another day. I don't understand what happens - my marking pile goes down and down...and then it somehow shoots up again by the end of the day, so everyday I leave with more than I started with!? I need to stop setting so much work!! Maybe I'll just tell my classes we are doing nothing from now until next Friday...ask them to bring me chocolate instead...
Lol thats sounds like a good idea. plus if you do that you have a easy free last week with little to do. and make sure they bring the chocolate.

Wow labor can be so long uh. Im not looking forward to it now lol. going to some how brib Paige to come out. going to get one of those excerise balls and bounce like crazy lol xxx
doggylover: I hear you on the work load! I sat down yesterday to plot out on my calendar when I need to have things done by... and between now and March 12th I need to write 4 papers, 6-8 pages each. :dohh: And both weekends that occur in there are pretty full up with my sisters wedding this weekend, and then our pre-natal course next weekend which runs 9:30-4:00 Sat and Sun! Paper #1 will hopefully be finished up today... I've been making good progress so far, so I'm hopeful! And then after the papers are in I have exam prep to get started on.... :wacko:

ukgirl: People are total idiots! I don't really post anything pregnancy related on FB, because I feel like it's just asking for those stupid people to say something! I'll add nursery pictures or something once and a while, but I hardly ever make status updates about things. I'd rather whine to you ladies where I can get some positve support. :haha:

AFM, I slept horrible again last night, so I've been in a bit of a daze this morning. Thankfully it's worn off now and I'm making pretty good progress on my work. But I just had the weirdest thing happen... I could hear a voice talking, but I knew it wasn't coming from my apartment building and I couldn't see anyone/anything out back... but it was pretty loud and the tone/quality sounded like someone was speaking into a loud speaker. I thought I was losing my mind for a bit... I went around looking out all the windows to see if I could see anything... and not a thing! So then I opened the front door to look out front and there's a huge Hydro truck out front trimming tree branches away from the wires!! So it must have been them making the noise. :dohh: I feel a bit silly now, but at least the mystery voice is solved!
Readytomum I never asked about your meeting with school that you were having to see about doing all your exams at once. How did it go? What was the outcome? That definitely isn't good that you have so much on at the weekends too, if you're working hard during the week and then no time to relax you'll be exhausted! Also, I can't believe your sisters wedding is this weekend! I remember you mentioned it ages ago, when we were all maybe 3/4 months pregnant, and it seemed so far away!! And :haha: at your 'mystery voice' you've got pregnancy brain I think!

Cherry, you'll have to dangle something good for Paige down the business end to entice her out!!

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