April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Nimbec, you havent let your little man down at all, its so exciting! and like others said they wouldnt take him if they werent happy that he would be fine. You will be great!

Will catch up with the rest of you lovely ladies later! xx
Luckily we are just going for dinner, so it isn't too strenuous. I had awful visions of having to go pole dancing or something!

:rofl: This made me laugh so much. Can you imagine a 30-something week pregnant woman trying to pole dance? :rofl: "I can't... quite... reach it. Oh, there we go... I touched it.... and now, it's gone again! :haha:

I'm sure it will go ok, but I understand that desire to avoid dressing up. I'll be dressed up Friday night for rehersal dinner, and then uber dressed up Saturday for the wedding. :dohh: I feel your pain!

I went out to dinner (at a bar.... of course) with friends a couple of weeks ago and... we had to move the booth table over so my belly would fit! :blush: :dohh: So um... push for sitting at a table with chairs and not a booth. :haha:

I had this happen to me a few weeks ago! :haha: DH and I went out for dinner for Valentine's Day and we sat at a booth... and it was a huge table so there wasn't much room on the benches. DH isn't a tiny guy, so between him and my huge bump neither one of us could move! :haha:

Ok well as for me I have a date......7th march - next Thursday

Ooh nimbec that's so exciting that you have your date!! And like ukgirl said, you're just shy of full term at 36+2, so don't feel guilty at all!! You've given up the last 8 months of your life to take care of your LO as best as you possibly could! You will be a fantastic mummy so try not to worry to much!! :thumbup:

It might not hurt to pick up a few extra vests/sleepsuits in tiny size, but once LO is here you can see how things fit and always go out to get more after he arrives if you need to. (Or send DH while you're recouperating from your section!)

Keep us posted lady, and can't wait to hear how it all goes and see pics of our first arrival! :flower:

I have my babyshower this Sunday, so I'm looking forward to that. We decided on co-Ed .... Basically a get together to see all of our friends before LO gets here. After that is done, I really need to finish all the shopping I have left. It's driving me crazy, not to be 100% ready.

Have fun at the shower Steph!! I know I couldn't wait for mine to be over too so I could finish picking stuff up that we really needed. We still have a small co-ed one coming up in March, but it's just with local friends, and most of them will buy "cute" things rather than useful things off the registry. :haha:

AFM, we got dumped on last night with a huge snow/rain storm, and it's really slushy and gross outside today... I haven't ventured out yet, but I need to go soon to head to work. If I wear my winter boots they're just going to get soaked immediately.... but I don't have rubber boots. Maybe I'll wear my winter boots with my feet inside bags, and bring some shoes and dry socks in my bag for work? Either way this isn't going to be pretty. :dohh:
Littlespy- advice about a table for dinner on Saturday duly noted. I had to ask my parents to move their table tonight as I didn't fit :haha: that would be too much with a bunch of people I don't know well!! Do your BH keep you awake? If so you must be even more exhausted than normal :(

Nimbec, you have in no way at all let LO down!!! You have done an amazing job growing him until now, many babies come much earlier than this on their own and are just fine, so do not worry! I honestly cannot believe he is going to be here so soon!!!! I'm actually JEALOUS in a major way that you get him here so soon! And as the others said, they wouldn't take him out if he wasn't going to be ready. Not sure on the vests front, if he is coming a little early maybe buy a bunch of tesco etc newborn, but keep receipts in case you don't need them?

Steph: have you got a registry for your baby shower? I've heard so many people say that they got so much more off their registry than they ever expected, so hopefully after this weekend you will be 99% done thanks to your friends!!

Cherry: I'm jealous of you seeing die hard! I hope you didn't fall asleep lol. I love Bruce, but haven't managed to get to see it yet (dh doesn't like the cinema....) so it'll be another one we have to wait for on DVD!

Readytomum: eugh sounds like horrible weather with you, I hope your feet stayed dry! And yeah...the image of me pole dancing now is minus sexy lol!! I've done it twice before for hen parties, and I was awful and unsexy then...now not being able to get near the pole would just add too much comedy for everyone else as well I think!
Oh nimbec...my OB feels superb about delivery at 36 weeks. I don't think you have let anyone down especially making it this far!! Can't wait to see pics of him!

Steph yay for your shower. Mine is the 16th and by then I'll be off meds and bed rest hopefully! I hope you have a great turn out hun!

Doggylover work will zoom right on by and before you know it your LO will be here! I still can't wait to see if its a boy or girl! Do you have names picked out yet?

I am hurting today and unlike little spy I think they fucking hurt! I have another appt in the morning to check my cervix again fx for no more dilation. Dh isn't ready for her and told me to keep my hand over my ho ha lol. He talks to her and asks her why she can't be like more women and always be late lmao!
Mommabrown.. goodluck for your check up tomorrow.. Fingers are firmly crossed for you xx I think woth each additional pregnancy Ive had personally the contractions feel more intense... the braxton hicks with this little guy have been incredible xx

Im thinking I should pop in to l&d tomorrow for a check up too.. This evening we were watching greys anatomy and I felt my foot literally swell up in my shoe within about two minutes. I had pre eclampsia with Connie so Im not willing to go unchecked.. Aaron took my shoes and socks off and Im not joking we both sat there in utter shock at the size of my feet.. It was like... you know those really fat american people who live in bed and wash with a rag on a stick? That sized foot.... massive... so I shall be calling them tomorrow to check me anf my hoofs (as Aaron has nicknamed them) out.
Awww Nimbec, you have done such a great job and been such a trooper through all of your pain and complications etc. How amazing that you will be a mummy so soon! I have no idea about the vests, fairly sure I have way too many clothes so am not a good judge and I would like to promise not to buy anymore until LO gets here, but we all know that would be fibbing :haha:

Doggy Lover, just because the pole dancing has not been pre-arranged for the event doesn't mean you can't get the ball rolling on the night. I think you will be fab :winkwink: Steph have a great time at your shower, and Ready to Mum have a great time at your sis's wedding!

Little Spy maybe your contractions are sorer this time because your uterus is actually better at contracting? Like now that it has been through childbirth once before, it has stepped up its game and is taking caring of business? Maybe it also means that LO will come on her own this time instead of being induced. Sorry they are bothering you though :( You too Momma Brown, hope you get good news at your appt tomorrow and everything is fine.

AFM... So once I tell you this I may win some sort of prize for worst pregnancy brain of the thread... I forgot what day I leave work and Friday is my last day! I thought I had a whole week left, but I actually have two days! I was all confused as I wasn't on next week's schedule and when I told my boss he was like "no I checked and double checked and this is what you put as your last week" Then he showed me my notice letter, and there it was March 3rd. I cannot believe this, I am obviously a total maniac and should not be left alone unsupervised.

So, I am actually relieved anyway, although now I am rushing to buy things I had planned to get from work while I have my discount :haha: Oh, how I will miss my discount :cry:

I did get a lot of things from my registry at my shower and then I bought the essentials that were left the other night. A stream of boxes should be arriving on my doorstep throughout the week. Poor DH, "more boxes?" has been one of his most uttered phrases over the last few months. :haha: So, I have almost everything. Just need to get a few things for the hospital bag for me, like nighties and another nursing bra and some maternity pads. Which brings me to a question, US ladies, do I need to take maternity pads to the hospital with me, or do I just need them when I get home?

I have been feeling weird all day and just had a funny dizzy moment. I feel really tired, and a bit sick or something. Feeling very blah.
We were writing at the same time UK Girl. Hope your hoofs are fine and it is not preeclampsia you poor thing. My hands swelled up the other day and then unswelled during the day and it hasn't come back since. So weird. And congrats on Connie being fantastic at math!! Meant to say that before, but as has been established earlier I now have the brain function of a goldfish. Maybe not even that good. A minnow.
Kirsta they usually supply you with them here however you may prefer something thinner as the mat pads are really thick and also where I delivered they did not have adhesive on it was just a super long pad with extra material on each end to flip out the front and back of your undies to hold it in place. I actually used the hospital ones though while I was there because the extra padding was very welcome due to the stitches I had - they were just comfier than the thin super absorbent ones I had brought along.

I might take some of your choice along but also try out the ones they have there and figure out which you prefer :)
Ooh also they had ice pack pads where I delivered - the kind you snap and shake and they get cold - bliss!
Ladies... You have given me the strangest visuals about pole dancing :rofl:
I can see us pole dancing with a belly support band, swollen hoofs and awkward facial expresions :shock: (because of random cervix kicks lol)... :haha:

Candy, I'm so sorry that you are dealing with all this swelling! This is coming from a girl that naturally has kankles (Robs expression for my lack of ankles :haha: - no difference between knee and ankle :dohh:)! I don't think I would notice if they swoll up ahaha.

Krista, that is baby brain that has actually worked in our favor :thumbup:. 1 week less at work?! YES PLEASE :winkwink:

ReadytoMum, Careful walking outside! Don't slip or get sick!!

As for my shower: I have a registry but only 3 items were bought off of it :shrug:. I am by no means complaining, since two of the items were kind of expensive and it is a huge relief that they are taken care of!! As I was talking to my mom today, she told me that her friends had found my "other" registry, that I created at Babys R US months ago :dohh:. I never told anyone about it because I chose to use a different store. So... much to my surprise... 4 items were bought from that registry as well :happydance:.
Ladies... You have given me the strangest visuals about pole dancing :rofl:
I can see us pole dancing with a belly support band, swollen hoofs and awkward facial expresions :shock: (because of random cervix kicks lol)... :haha:

Don't forget the head/bum lump sticking out the side of the belly! Talk about sexy curves!!

Good idea sweet pea, I will take some of mine along just in case I hate theirs! Ice packs sound nice!

Hope you still needed the things from your "secret" registry too Steph!
Steph: I'm not surprised people found your 'secrect' registry at Babies R Us. We registered there and at Sears, and every single person except one bought us stuff from Babies R Us. It's like the automatic go-to I think, whether you tell people explicitly or not. :shrug: Hopefully you get lots of useful stuff at the shower. We found that some people bought things that we wanted on the registry just from other places, because it was cheaper there etc. So you might be surprised at how much you get that you actually wanted.

krista: That's too funny that you thought you had another week left of work! Pregnancy brain at its finest. :haha: Hopefully you can manage to collect everything you need still while you have your discount. I used to work at M&M Meats (which is like a frozen meat/meals store) and the ONLY thing I miss about it is the discount! lol They had really good meatballs and chicken breasts.

ukgirl: hopefully the check-up goes well and everything is ok! Keep drowning yourself with drinking lots of water!! I know I haven't been drinking enough the last few days and my hands are definitely puffier than usual.

I finally finished my art gift tonight for my sister's wedding! They're heading to Italy for their honeymoon so we're giving them some Euro in their card, but I wanted to make something for them too. With the carpel tunnel it's been slow going because it's really hard to hold a pen for any really long length of time... but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out! It's a little hard to tell in the pic, but the swirls are purple and silver, which are the wedding colours. I've attached a pic of it. What do you ladies think? I hope she likes it!!


  • TwoBrides.jpg
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Oh ReadytoMum, that picture is so wonderful! I'm sure they will love it !!!!!

I should have thought about the fact, that people may just check for a registry at Babys R US on their own. It's great though, I just had to update the registry I had to take off things that were already bought. :thumbup:

Krista, YES the side bump! I'm rocking one right now :thumbup::wacko:

For the experienced moms: this will sound stupid... But what do early contractions feel like?? Are they just like mild period cramps?? I feel like, I would have no clue if I actually had them lol
.. It was like... you know those really fat american people who live in bed and wash with a rag on a stick? .

:rofl: this made me giggle so much! But isn't good at all, fingers crossed it isn't pre-e at all, and you just have weird feet at the minute! Keep us updated.

Kirstabelle oh my goodness, that may just win best pregnancy brain moment! I can't believe you only have two days left at work :growlmad: I'm so jealous! Will you have everything ready to go? And do you not get to keep your discount when on maternity? That sucks. Big shopping days today and tomorrow then!

Steph, maybe people have looked on the registry and then found the items cheaper online elsewhere? But that's good that bigger items have been taken up, it'll make it so much easier to finish off the shopping after the shower.

Readytomum: :shock: that picture is amazing! Your sister will love it, it's such a thoughtful and beautiful gift!
Great news about people buying of the registry ladies! I had a minor melt down last night over the fact I haven't had a baby shower lol!! Poor oh he said well your not ment to know but something has been organised but for after bubs has arrived - I burst out laughing and said well a shower is ment to be BEFORE lol but I really don't mind it will be nice to have a baby welcoming party plus I have a few friends with lo's so they will come along too ...I hope! Blooming hormones hey!

Candy I hope all is ok!! Have I tried sitting with feet elevated ie not just level with hips but higher?

Readytomum that picture is fantastic you are very talented - the best I can do is match stick men & Humpty Dumpty lol!!

Kristabel great you have less time left in work :)

I had early contractions and they feel like waves if period pain they start mild then build up and die away again a bit like a hill shape if u where to draw it. They can also be felt in your back sometimes apparently...and also the stomach tenses up BUT I was not totally aware that was happening. Fx you are all ok!

Well I'm having a finishing of buying baby things day today - eeek!!

I know ages ago we spoke about monitors well I decided to go for the snuza go :) really excited for it to arrive!! Going to order a few more baby grows etc after his arrival (will give me something to do in hospital whilst recovering!) everything is washed ready to go. I just need to add snacks to my hospital bag!

I also had a mini panic as my mil who I have a fantastic relationship with who was going to be my right arm when bubs was born has her date for a knee replacement on the 20 march OMG so will e totally out if action for at least 6 weeks...lets hope I take to motherhood naturally and have an easy baby! My mum will be here for a week but I will send her home ASAP as I want some time with just oh & bubs :) (mum lives 4.5 hrs away)

Hope you all have a good day!
readytomum that picture is gorgeous!! I thought it was a print when I saw it! And you have carpel tunnel too!

Kristabelle I was like oh I've not really had that yet... then it happened LOL yay for side bump! x

Steph it's like braxton hicks but with pain around your hips and lower back, I was worried when I was a FTM that I wouldn't know when I was in labour but you will know, it's so different and they gradually build up and last longer than BH. Don't worry about it xx

Doggylover LOL I couldn't think of another way to describe it.. well I could say elephant feet! lol I think it's just typical edema but because I had Pre-E with Connie I have to check out any swelling asap.

Nimbec - that is what we are doing too, we are going to have a family get together for a welcome to the world party instead of the baby shower. I've warned everyone though that there shall be no kissing and only anti bac hands may hold him! lol I was aiming for a baby shower but I cba to sit around and listen to everyone's horror stories about birth, eat all my food and make a mess that I have to tidy up... not when I'm this fat anyway lol. I've tried banana's, water, rubbing them, lifting them (not easy with SPD) and still my hoof was huge!! lol
It is great that you have so many people to help you :)

I have an appointment today to check my fat feet :) and I am going to put payment down on my pram :D Benson keeps jamming his head up in my diaphram I can't breathe!!! lol I feel so much happier since doing the papers and finishing them up. So for the last few days I'm in a good mood :) x yay
Have a nice day everyone xx
Ooh candy i missed that you had finished the papers that's GReAT!!!! You an focus on you and you Lo now :)
Nimbec, I cannot believe how seriously close this is getting for you! Good choice with the snuza go btw, I am getting one of those as well :) We have a regular monitor for the crib, but since it will stay upstairs I need/want something for when LO is napping in the moses basket, so have decided to go for it as it looks great. You'll have to let me know how it is when it arrives! And that's so sweet about OH sorting a party for when LO is here! Realistically it would now be a bit tight to fit in a baby shower lol! And showing him off at a party will be a MILLION times better!

Candy, glad to hear you have all the work finished!! I know it's been tough for you, in lots of ways, so it must be nice to be able to just kick back and relax now!

Afm, my friend who is also pregnant (who was being really weird for ages) was at the hospital last night with a bleed which is scary. She's 29 weeks, and has partial placenta previa.
Does anyone know if, when they schedule a section, they do it at like 38 weeks?
yeh nimbec I'm feeling much better now I have all my evidence against him too :D

Doggylover I think they try to make you as close to your due date as poss with a c section but if there are problems they try to get as close to 37 weeks as possible, with placenta previa, if the cervix starts to dilate or efface it can rupture the blood vessels and cause bleeding which is the main worry with the condition, typically if the cervix begins to dilate they can do a few procedures to stop it, such as injecting it with fluid to keep it closed, or stitching it shut, but if the previa is extreme and the woman has a risk of bleeding into her uterus they will typically take the baby when they absolutely need to.
Hey ladies, just little quick update from me.

Feel like i must have a head cold or something. Nose feels mega stuffy and have a sore head. :( dunno if its cause we have the heating on now or what but i just feel bit over hot.

ooh good question about early signs of labor... I get period pains only at night times but last night i was getting little pain on my right side hip :( also when i need a pee really bad through the night my pubic area sore super sore :( baby must be pushing on bladder.

I dont feel so good right now :( every now and then i feel little dizzy-ish like i could be sick :( booo i dont wanna be ill

hope everyone else is well x

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