April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Readytomum I never asked about your meeting with school that you were having to see about doing all your exams at once. How did it go? What was the outcome? That definitely isn't good that you have so much on at the weekends too, if you're working hard during the week and then no time to relax you'll be exhausted! Also, I can't believe your sisters wedding is this weekend! I remember you mentioned it ages ago, when we were all maybe 3/4 months pregnant, and it seemed so far away!! And :haha: at your 'mystery voice' you've got pregnancy brain I think!

It went really well actually! They agreed to let me split them up, so I only have to do one written exam before I go on parental leave, probably during the second week of April. So that was a relief! So I have the written one second week of April, and I'll have an oral exam the first week of April for a different set of exams (which is what these 4 papers are part of as well). It's going to be a buuusy few weeks that's for sure!

At this rate it'll be more relaxing once LO gets here! I already sleep terribly, at least then I won't need to be trying to focus on essays and exams... I can let baby-brain take over and give in! :haha:
Only 8 weeks to go! 8 busy weeks by the sound of things - I don't know how you can think about doing exams in the first weeks of April, I'm already lagging when it comes to doing any work- and it's not anywhere near as important as your exams are! But I'm glad that they let you split them and it will hopefully take some of the pressure and stress off!
Nimbec, hope you feel better hun...

Not very well either. I fainted yesterday, of all places when I was quiet in my bed. We were watching a film on my laptop, and suddenly I felt really sick and dizzy and lost consciousness. I scared the hell out of DH, he thought I had a heart attack.

Anyone else has fainting trouble still? I thought in 3rd tri we were out of danger of fainting...

Oh no!!! I have had quite a few dizzy spells and have felt faint on two occasions but I havent actually collapsed. My iron levels turned out to be low so they think thats causing it. Hows your iron?

Hi ladies, hope everyone is ok, im so uncomfortable and in so much pain, my baby is sitting bolt upright with legs either side of head and its soooo uncomfortable ive cried on several occasions, just dont know how im going to get through the next few weeks like this. My back feels like its breaking and having babies head under my ribs feels pretty awful. Sorry for the one sided pity post...

bless you sweetie. its is so uncomfortable in these last few weeks. I am getting really bad hip pain and this baby loves to get her legs under my ribs which is something I didnt experience with Cam. :cry:

UK ladies searching for flip flops.... search no more!! Sports direct has some nice and cheap ones xxx

Thanks! Will be looking there.

Thanks ladies. that just customers for you.

Oh i got a chocolate rabbit for my leaving gift lol no card or anything from people on my floor. but one guy thought it was this friday i was leaving lol.

I think I will get some nice gifts but I am dreading it! They get everyone in the dept around to give them when people leave. .. thats like 80 people. They all stand there watching awkwardly just to get away from their desks for 5 minutes and then you are expected to say something after! I would honestly forego any cool gifts to get out of that!!! crriiinge. :dohh:

I got a board game today lol! In fairness a Geography one which I love. But the only reason I'm getting actual gifts is because my contract ends when I'm on maternity and I'll never be back :cry:


I just fell over. I was walking up 6 steps (which I walk up at least 4 times a day) and carrying a bunch of stuff and...tripped I guess. Went down on my knee and elbow and managed to pretty much wreck my trousers (actually, my SIL trousers!) and now I'm stiff and bruised :( LO gave me a right telling off afterwards though, kicking me as I did my photocopying as if to say "Oi, woman, walk more carefully! I don't like being thrown about like that!"

I am being made redundant whilst I am on mat leave which tbh I am quite looking forward to!! So my leaving is also a for real leaving!

I hope you are okay now after your fall?

Sweetpea -- I'm on to having 6 or so contractions an hour now. :wacko: Some of them are getting rather strong. I'm so unconcerned about preterm birth because I had a very similar last 5 weeks or so with my first and she hung in there until I was induced at 41 weeks. I'm secretly hoping that since everything seems to have started about 3 weeks earlier this time, maybe that means she'll come about 3 weeks earlier (which would probably be 38-39 weeks). But I should (and do) really know better than to expect her before 40-42 weeks. Sometimes I worry I'm not bothered enough by all the contractions but I really think everything is fine. :thumbup:

OMG you are so breezy about this! It would be driving me crazy...:flower:

Oooh... also, 32 weeks today!! :happydance:

Readytomum yay for your exams being sorted! And congrats on 32 weeks.. technically you can say 7 weeks to go since the last week doesnt count ;)

I am sporting this rather sexy support belt to bed tonight in an effort to prevent spd pains because last night was horrific. also to top off my sexual look I have a maternity pillow between my legs... Aaron isnt interested haha..
while watching tv earlier I got up and suddenly realized one of my feet was bigger than the other.. it was awful and huge and fat.. Thanks to Lily's exercise thing she posted up its back to normal now... shoukdnt have sat with my ankles crossed :(

And.... I was looking at my babies baby book today. My little angels were proper little porkers... anyway it reminded me of a tip I used in the first month of birth... if you mix a few squirts of baby oil into the bath water it stops their skin drying out and pealing off.. or stops it leaving dry patches when the skin does peal.. babies are born covered in a fuzzy type of hair which sheds not long after birth with a light layer of skin.. so yeh a small tip from me to use when your los are here if you want to :) it is also great for cradle cap ;) xxx

well Im off to bed now... Aaron is already asleep.. :p lol .. good night all xxx
Have not been posting much, but have been reading. The weekend was very busy with the shower and people here from out of town etc. How scary about your fall Doggy Lover, glad your LO reassured you immediately that he/she was fine with a loving beating :haha: Wish you had found your elusive silver shoes Ready to Mum! And how terrible that your work are doing that to you Steph! That is also against the law in Australia.

Sorry so many of us are feeling like crap and having contractions, and not much movement and all sorts of things now now, I am thinking that is going to start becoming a trend as we get into the home stretch. I hate when people say "nearly there" or some BS as well UK Girl, especially since technically my kid might decide to stay in there for 42 weeks which is 7 weeks and 2 days away! That is 51 nights of crappy sleep and 51 days of heartburn, emotional meltdowns, putting up with other people's insensitive, insulting, anger-inducing crap and all the rest of it. I'm also counting down the days until the end of work. I just have so much stuff to do still and feel like work is a waste of time at this point. Next week is my last week. Hurry up time!

On a non-moaning note, I did find LO's coming home outfit today at Baby Gap. On sale, obviously.:haha: Couldn't find a picture of it online but here is my little photoshoot of it below. It looks really gray in the pic but its actually a sort of minty-grey-green. I'm sure its intended for boys, as its not pink, but I think its adorable all the same. Its so little and cute :cloud9: When pregnancy and people are getting me down all it takes to cheer me up is a quick look in baby's closet :haha:


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Kirstabelle love the outfit! It is 100% adorable! Glad it was in sale though, baby gap is crazy expensive! Also glad the shower went well, now it's over you must have almost everything you need for LO!

Candy: whoa, how could Aaron keep his hands off you last night?! ;) and thanks for the tip about the baby oil - it makes a lot of sense! :thumbup: I will now promptly forget that only to be asking in a few weeks how on earth to stop their dry skin :haha:
I know doggylover!! He missed out bigtime! To be honest I think my sexy days are over for now, I can't turn over in bed anymore without crying.. can you imagine anything else more strenuous haha..
Don't worry if you forget I'll be throwing all my good advice in your faces anyway so I'm sure I'll remind you! :p
Morning all! Jut a quicki as I'm off for scan & consultant appt...fx they say I can last another week or so!!

So sorry to hear a few of us are having keen babies...grrr they are impatient! Fx to everyone that's having contractions/pains/movement issues that we can all cross legs for a lil while longer!!

Kristabel I LOVE the outfit!!!

Candy that made me chuckle - I think u deserve a medal for lasting this long on the bedroom front ;) !

Hope everyone is ok?

Oh my Midwiffe yesterday said that I was moving like a 90yr old granny hahha charming! Infact I think I'm worse I'm in crutches and going so slow I could almost be standing still :(
Nimbec :hugs: You are really suffering, you poor woman. I really hope you get good news at your consultant's appointment, but at this stage not sure whether that would be for him to comeout now so you can start to feel better, or to keep him in another week so he can keep growing. We are at a dodgy stage now where it's a toss up.

Candy: It's not almost Friday enough (if that makes sense?!)

I have a flipping hen party this weekend. One of my closest friend's, but the last thing I want to do is get dressed up and go out. I want to sit in my jammies in my house for the next...few months?! Luckily we are just going for dinner, so it isn't too strenuous. I had awful visions of having to go pole dancing or something!
omg Nimbec I would happily accept that medal of honour haha!!
Good Luck at your scan and app today! Fingers crossed that they let you go one more week! Bless him he's too keen!! Was it you who put up expired formula on fb? that was so dangerous. Good thing you spotted it! xxx

doggylover you deserve a medal too if you go on that hen night!!! omg no way could I last! I'm in bed by 9 these days. Maybe you can get them all wasted and sneak home early :p xx only 2 more days to go until the weekend and your leave!! hang in there :) xx ''not long now!!'' haha :p xx
To the weekend is right but...:cry: I have ALL next week to go as well! I don't finish until 8th March...which may as well be next Christmas for how far away it currently seems! But two days to the weekend is super news :happydance:
I'm not looking forward to this hen party at all. I am really good friends with the girl but I don't know any of her other friends, so I'm gonna be a big whale loner :haha: I will definitely be leaving earlyish as I cannot stick a late night! But then you know what happens - you go out with the intention of leaving at a certain time, and by the time you get round to saying bye and finishing convos it's an hour later and your are exhausted!
oh doggylover I thought you finished work this week!! Yup it's like that with my friends too. I tell Aaron to pick me up at a certain time then he gets moody because he sat in the car for an hour while I say bye to everyone lol xx
nimbec -- Fx for your appointment today! Like doggylover, I'm not sure exactly what I mean by that. :flower:

doggylover -- LOL at pole dancing! Getting dressed up sounds awful to me any time, pretty much, but especially now. I went out to dinner (at a bar.... of course) with friends a couple of weeks ago and... we had to move the booth table over so my belly would fit! :blush: :dohh: So um... push for sitting at a table with chairs and not a booth. :haha:

kirstabelle -- That little outfit is darling!

TeAmo -- Hooray for for-real leaving! I'm doing that too, but it's my decision and I'm not telling anyone before my leave begins (mostly out of fear of being retaliated against but also because they can just suck it). :happydance:

I started timing my contractions last night. These are worse than the ones I had with Maisie because there's a crampy element to them which does make me slightly paranoid. I had 5 start in 31 minutes.:dohh: 7-8 minutes apart. So... move my "5-6 an hour" to "8 an hour." Definitely more at night, though, which is the way it was with my first. Not bad individually but I feel myself being worn down by the sheer number of them. I'm such a cranky bitch by the time I make it to bed every night. :nope: And in other great news, we had to sign to extend our contract on the new house. Extended to March 25. Not that that means anything because this is the 3rd contract. Contracts and contractions can both suck my butt! :haha:
Hi all!

Littlespy I can't believe how relaxed about these contractions you are - fx he hangs in there..have you mentioned them to Midwiffe? Mind you as mom you probably know your body far better (((hugs))) hope they go away!!

Aww Doggylover a week will flyby maybe you could do lots if videos as its your last week? I hope it goes by quickly for you! Lol at pole dancing too - at least you have a valid excuse for leaving early but I 100% take my hat off to you for even attempting to go :)

Yay for finishing teamo :)

Ukgirl yes it was me posting te formula I couldn't believe a store like tescos would have 6 boxes really out if date so dangerous!! I intend to write to them when I get round to it. The worst thing was they didn't have any at all in date :0 they did appologise but so dangerous as they where the ready sterilised ready to feed straight from bottle type! I was buying them for a just incase I couldn't breast feed in an emergency!

Ok well as for me I have a date......7th march - next Thursday eeeeeeek (36+2) te consultant wanted to admit me today and possibly take him earlier as I'm in so much pain but as he is ok I wanted to wait till next week! Now the only reason I won't be a mum that date is if they don't have any special care beds...in which case they gaureteed me the 12th (Tuesday!) but it's more than likley going to be Thursday! :) now I have a few weird emotions....I feel like I have let him down having him early :( I feel awfully guilty!! So worried and praying he comes out well otherwise I'd never be able to forgive myself :( :( also I'm terrified, the reality has hit and I'm really nervous about the whole thing from having a section to actually being a mum!!

Also he was just under 5pounds today so I don't know whether to go and buy some really tiny clothes....it just use my upto 7.5pound ones on him?? They may drown him?

Also how many baby grows do you think I need? I've only got about 8 vests and 8 sleep suits in small sizes...think I may need more?

Oh god sorry for rambling!!!!

Also I'm not putting anything on Facebook so until I announce please don't write anything unless its in our Munchins page :)
Nimbec how exciting but scary at the same time! Don't feel like you have let him down, you haven't! At the end of the day the doctors wouldn't take him that early if it wasn't safe! You will both be fine and you will be a brilliant mummy a little sooner than you wanted! Maybe buy just a few more bits in a small size, they say bubs puts on roughly 1/2 pound a week so he should be 5 1/2 maybe 6! They are not always right with weight! I was 5 11 when i was born and I was a week late! I hope your ok, and try not to worry too much! (I know it's easier said than done) thinking of you and sending you big hugs xxxx
nimbec you have absolutely not let your little guy down!! You have done amazingly well to get this far with all the complications you've had to deal with, you have got him to just a few days short of full term and that is amazing! So well done you!! I cant believe you're going to be a mummy next week!!! yay!!!

get some blankets so if he is drowned in his clothes you can still wrap him up warm xxxx
Candy, I will need to add that belt to my list of things!! Anything that will deter Rob from wanting to DTD will help :haha:

Nimbec, I think it's exciting!!!! LO is almost here!!! All of us will be envious come next week... We will continue to wine and complain about how our uteruses are falling out lol. I'm 100% sure everything will be perfect! :hugs:

LittleSpy, I'm also impressed with your relaxed attitude... I would camp out at the doctors, convinced that LO was about to crown lol. I do hope you feel better soon and the contractions ease off a bit.

Sarah, I do NOT envy you for the hen this weekend! Like everyone else, I would prefer to just sit on the couch. One of Robs best friends was having a birthday dinner/drinks evening a couple of weeks ago and I managed to talk Rob into making it a guys night out :haha:.

I have my babyshower this Sunday, so I'm looking forward to that. We decided on co-Ed .... Basically a get together to see all of our friends before LO gets here. After that is done, I really need to finish all the shopping I have left. It's driving me crazy, not to be 100% ready.
Steph we are just too sexy.. even when we are walking bowling balls!!!

My 6 year old has a maths level of a 9 year old.. the head teach says she gets top marks for her maths which is 3 years in advance for her!! Proud mummy moment!! :D :D :D
Nimbec hope everything goes well for you when it happens.. Ive just munch alot of crap lol full bag of pisachu nuts, muffin, kfc snack box and down bottle of cola. OMG im going to be a super fatty lol. Just filled a cola bottle of the shells haha.

I bought some more mat bra's as i went into matalan seen all my old work friends lucky there was this one in the sale lol and i pick up cute like 3-6mths mickey jumper :).. super cute lol

Aww dogg i though you finished this week also :( oh well its the middle of the week not far til friday :) bring on the pole dancing hahaha lol i been to a head party but it was a comdey night they had instead lol. was nice. i couldnt make a full night now as being pregnant.

Like someone said i go to bed around 9pm now maybe even 8.30 if im super tired.

Im meant to be going to see Die hard tonight if my brother hasnt forgot :) hope i dont falll alseep in there lol xxx

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