April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

awww no cherrybump!! I hope you feel better soon!

Your pelvic pain sounds like the start of SPD, I have it really bad, it hurts in the night when I roll over and after resting for a long time, it hurts to walk, tell your midwife you can have physio to manage the pain xxx
Yeah i mention to the midwife about something else and she said i could get a physio but i said ill past lol ive not got that long left of being pregnant and that grinding pain i was getting i wasnt getting that often lol. I can cope with it through the night with a hot water bottle lol.

Just hope this isnt a cold im getting. my nose seems to always be stuffy bring every night when sleeping :( think i need to open a window lol xxx
Thanks Doggylover I will give my honest review of it :) haha yes I would t me much fun at a shower now so it's a good plan!

As candy says normal planned sections ten to be 39 weeks or 38 if breech baby but I there is complications 37 is by far their most comfortable early date as they are considered term at that point. Bless her that must be scary!!!!
Aww cherrybump sorry your feeling so bad (((hugs))) you haven't got a UTI have you?
Cherry sorry you aren't feeling so great :hugs: I'm all stuffy at the minute as well and it's a pain. Either come on as a full blown cold or buggar off I say!

Thanks ladies for the info re: c-sections. Her placenta only covers a very small amount of the cervix, but at 20 weeks they basically told her it would have moved by now, and it hasn't. She'll be scanned again I think at 34 weeks and then I suppose they'll decide what to do then. Her baby was measuring pretty small at her last scan as well, so I imagine they may want her to wait it out as long as possible, but we'll wait and see what happens.

Does anyone else get annoyed when people ask "are you very tired?" "are you really uncomfortable?"

Do I LOOK really tired and uncomfortable?! Am I giving off a haggered appearance right now!? Because that's what those questions imply to me!!!
Yup Doggylover I hate the comments - the best was yesterday when I was hobbling on crutches a lady said to me gosh you look huge such a big baby in there causing you not to be able to walk! Oh well dear it will be all over soon and you will get back to LOOKING like normal! I was like WTF grrrrr felt like saying stupid cow baby's actually small & I have a fractured spine and I actually thought I looked good today grrrrrr I had makeup on and was dressed nicely!!
Hi ladies, thought I'd pop back in to see how everyone is doing, now I have a little more time :flower:

Nimbec, sorry to hear you are having a rough time, you poor thing :hugs:

UKgirl, is that naughty baby of yours still breech then? Mine still keeps flipping between head down and sideways, hoping he locks in head down soon as the sideways position invariably makes me throw up after eating a proper meal, too uncomfy lol!!!

Cherry, sorry to hear you are feeling a bit crook, maybe your BP has dropped a little? That always makes me a bit woozy.

Hope everyone else is well, looks like I have about 8 million pages to catch up on, talk about ignorant, will promise to post more often now!!! My brain just doesn't work properly when I'm pregnant! :dohh: :haha:
Thanks ladies. But i found the problem lol it defo the heat. It's scortching outside right now so ive opened both windows pulled curtains over to block out the sun lol feeling much better now :)

I've seen people mention UTI but i never knew exactly what that was lol.

I think because we normally have the living room door closed because we had no heating kept what ever heat we had in the room lol. no where i always never felt the cold and ryan did :| lol

how i hate when people say something like that. But i have to say people have said to me oh look at you belly is defo growing or its wow you've got so big. I just smiled and say yep. try my best to keep a straight face. but i think there is a point it bothers me lol xxx
cherrybump mine went from managable to very painful over 2 or 3 weeks so if you do start to suffer badly tell your midwife, sometimes they induce you early if you are in lots of pain.

Doggylover, I don't get asked if I feel that way, I get TOLD I look tired and uncomfortable lol! Usually in a sympathetic voice! :/

Dan-o!!! hello :) Sorry our baby is being a monkey like mine!! My little guy keeps flipping too but he has a very hard bum (the midwife's words) so they can't tell yet if he is upside down or breech hopefully I will find out next week, but he keeps stretching out and making me feel sick too. x

Nimbec I was in sainsburys just now, and I saw that they had some gorgeous baby clothes in tiny baby size, which is about 5lbs, they have small baby too 6-7lbs, the clothing I saw looked really comfy and soft and was £6 for a whole outfit. I was going to take a pic for you but people were around me and I didn't want to look weird! :p If I were you I would go for the small baby clothing if you decide to buy some, after birth babies lay on weight very quickly xx

Afm: Just got home from L&D assessment, I don't have pre-eclampsia but have to go back in again on monday for monitoring, I am a bit anaemic though and the swelling is due to me being on my feet so long during the day with my kids ect. They took bloods and tried to feel Ben's position but they didn't know which end was which, they said it feels like he has a very hard bottom which feels like his head so it might confuse midwifes. He kept wriggling away from the doppler, the poor midwife had to try for ages to get a reading, she called him a monkey haha, then she had upset him by prodding him so much he spent the next 30 minutes kicking the shit out of one of my hips hahaha.. So yesh Iron tablets for me! xx
He has a very hard bottom!?!? What kind of weird thing is that to say about a baby?! Their bottoms are notoriously soft and squishee and lovely!! Glad to hear it's not pre-e though, that would not be good.

Dan-o, so glad to hear from you!!! Sorry to hear your LO is being a naughty one! Seems to be a bit of a trend on here at the minute!
Yep I was going to say what Candy said. That while I hate when people ask me stupid questions, I hate it more when they just assign me things like that. "You must be sooo tired" "You don't want to go out tonight"... I always want to say "WTF would YOU know?" I am just generally sick of being asked the same questions over and over again "when are you due?" "Do you know gender?" "What's her name?" "Is it your first?" which then prompts all the "you have no idea..." comments... I get it from every customer so I am well and truly sick of it now.

I don't have anything to sort out before I leave work. I was pregnant when we moved here so intentionally picked something nice and low stress. I have had plenty of high-stress, office type jobs in the past (publishing, events, commodities trading) so after those kinds of experiences I find I am quite good at picking the no-stress jobs :haha: So now I just leave on my last day and that's that. I don't get maternity leave so I am just quitting, so that's the end of my discount unfortunately. Its alright, I have plenty of spies there to tell me when things go on sale :haha:

I agree with you Candy about all the work that goes into having a shower. I know they are supposed to be thrown for you but it didn't really work out that way for me and so last week was really crazy and stressful for me and I had loads of cleaning and cooking to do. I already told me DH no way I am having a shower for the second baby. I don't even care if we get no presents, its better than all the stress and work.

Oh yeah, and I got my snuza in the mail yesterday as a shower gift. I got the Snuza Hero because I liked the idea of the vibrating thing that tries to wake them before the alarm goes off, which I think is the only difference between the two. The monitor is so little which I am glad about as my one worry was that it would be really big and bulky for being clipped onto baby. But it is small and will be good I think. Makes me feel like I will be able to get some real sleep as it will give me some peace of mind.

Glad you don't have preeclampsia Candy. And sorry to hear about your friend having a scary bleed Doggy Lover. Hopefully it all goes okay and she can hold onto baby for much, much longer!

Well, I better go get in the shower so I don't miss my bus for my second last day at work! Hope everyone has nice days!
doggylover, I think he is laying sideways so it is more his hip that they can feel.. Babies have quite boney bums at birth, it's only really after that they plump up a bit x

Kristabelle I have been looking for a snuza go here in the UK but they are so expensive, they are very hard to come by too so I'm not sure if I''ll be getting one now, I generally wake up before feeds anyway, usually every 2-3 hours with my older 2 so I will wake up and check him regularly during the night. I would have been throwing my own shower too Kristabelle and in my own home so I can imagine how crazy it must be I just cba with it this far in to pregnancy, I can barely make the school run and try hard not to talk to people I can't imagine having to sit there and listen to the ''oh you look tired, you look fat, you're huge since I last saw you'' remarks lol .. I hope you make the bus and have a lovely day, it's evening almost now here.. well my day is over as my kids are home from school lol I'm glad to be sat down! xx
Nimbec, people can be morons lol. I always hate those comments and especially on days that I actually feel good! Lol I've managed to just laugh it off so far but with hormones building ... Ahaha I'm like a ticking time bomb!

Candy, so happy to hear that it's not pre-e!!! Try to relax more (I know it's hard with Connie and Lucas running around. Tell Aaron to step up (or else he will have to rub your hoofs for the next few weeks).

Cherry, UTI is a bladder infection. You basically feel like you ALWAYS have to pee, and when you do go, it hurts! I used to get them a lot when I was younger, but nothing lately (thank god). I'm feeling similar to you though... At night I am constantly running to the bathroom! Ugh so annoying (especially considering te effort it takes to get myself out of bed lol).

DanO, glad to see your back!!

AFM, I'm a little annoyed with OH today! I had asked him to find and order a baby gate (to sepperate the play room from the living room). Now, I asked HIM to do it, mainly because I have been doing EVERYTHING else and I wanted him to feel included. That was 6 weeks ago :growlmad:. I have reminded him since and he will tell me he found one but bla bla bla. IT'S A GATE not like buying a house! Just pick one and get it!!! Ugh! So with the babyshower this weekend, I wanted the gate up this weekend to put all the things in the room (and out of the nursery). I don't want the dog around the baby's stuff right now, so I really need that gate.
Of course today I asked again if he ordered an his answer was: well no because I wanted us to look at the smaller one in the store and then we can order the longer one. WHY? IT'S A GATE!!! JUST GET IT!
Ugh sorry, rant over! Now I will place the order today myself
Ukgirl-- thanks hun i will if anything more happens. glad you dont have pre-e hun just keep an eye on it hopefully not much worse. Need to put your feet up.

Heya girls! How are the babies?

Candy so glad you are pre e free!!!

Steph, omg I totally get you! Men are like that, I had the same trouble with DH and the car seat. Eventually I picked up the car seat myself, DH can't do anything, except joke around and foot the $$$.

Kirsta, yay on your (second) last day at work!
I don't know what snuza is, I will google.
I didn't have a shower because the weather was awful, and everyone was sick, and I didn't want the flu as a present.

Bleh at the people who say random BS, I can't stand them, I hear all kinds of stupid stuff and I just roll my eyes. Yes I do get a lot of "You must be very tired" comments, as well as " you must be bloated" "sleep deprived" or other stuff like that. I'm like "nope I'm fine, I sleep like a baby, my back is fine, I have energy, not bloated, in fact I'm better than ever" and they look at me as if I'm an alien. I don't mention blood coming out of my pooper (bad piles) for my good manners, but generally I'm really just fine.
On the other hand dh and my parents are not ok, at all.
DH has developed IBS from stress, and my parents are not sleeping. I must be really thick skinned.

Dan O darling! Stick around, these are our last weeks, although I hope we will still be buddies after birth too!
Steph men hey!! Yup my oh has not bought or even expressed an interest in anything! That is until I told him I had bought a pink car seat hahaha it took him 10mins to register what I had said lol my response well if you where so concerned about colour perhaps you could have had some input lol it's really black haha he's so funny about the image of his precious car it was such a good point to make!

Kristabel yay for hero monitor I would have that one too apart from the cost. Great it was bought for you! Ladies in uk I got one for £55 ill post link if anyone needs to know.

Lily they are conning out in sympathy for you hehe and great news you are feeling so good!!

Candy phew about no pre e brilliant!!!! I second aeon massaging feet as part if a daily routine ;)

Hi Dano great to hear from you!

I've suddenly developed a temperature and a very raw throat this afternoon - hope this doesn't effect my c section date...

I should probably add that my oh is very excited to be a dad but has never been in to shopping he happily foots the bill tho ;) well not always so happily lol!! He will be a great dad as he is so caring and loving and also works from home a lot - not sure how this will work with a noisy baby but it will be interesting!!
Hi ladies,

Hugs to all those who arent feeling great, i feel your pain! Ive had a sicky tired week not helped by my breech baby whos legs are either side of his/hers head, how attractive that must be!

Dan-o, nice to hear from you i think we were pregnant together with our first LOs?

Nimbec, hope you are feeling ok hun and the raised temperature isnt anything, you still have plenty of time before next week

Steph, you gotta love men for that kind of thing! If i ask the same thing more than twice i get accused of nagging lol, you just cant win either way!

Cherry, hope you feel better soon hun

UKgirl, glad you dont have PE, good that they are continuing to monitor you too

AFM Been trying to keep busy and DS entertained which isnt easy when all i want to do is sleep all the time, luckily OH has been home around 3pm everyday this week so i have been able to flake out for a bit then, hes off now for the weekend so very grateful for that. Ive come to realise this is actually the hardest time ever of my whole life! Glad its not for much longer! Tomorrow another fairly busy day, mums birthday, messy play with DS, then i have to make a birthday cake before we are going out early evening for a meal., its never ending! lol
Lily and nimbec, I'm happy to hear, that mine is not the only one lol.
Problem with mine is... He wants to be part of all the choices but can never make up his mind :wacko:. This is why I have ended up making all the choices. I figured a baby gate would be an easy one and he could feel like he was involved :dohh:. Apparently I was wrong lmao. Well I have placed the order and the gate will be here on Saturday for him to install :haha:

Lily, glad your feeling well but I hope your family is on the mend soon as well! Def try not to get sick this close to the end!!

Nimbec, I'm not sure what the regulations are but a fever before any type of surgery can't be good! The good thing is, you still have a week to get this out of your system! Call your MW just in case and ask what you should do!
Hey girls..just wanna update you and throw out a rant.

Dr's appt went good. Had a U/S to see check cervix and fluid levels and cervix is soft and measuring at 27 mm and still dialtated to a 3. It has stopped so far with the meds. He said it could not progress anymore until full term or it could go as soon as i am off the meds. Both Emmaleigh and I are still doing great just chugging along so maybe this is one of those things that could not mean anything---I dunno.

Now for my rant* I had to get school records for my DS who is with his dad right now and the teacher wrote a letter saying that He seems happy and in a good mood most of the time and plays with his friends more now that he is living with Dad. Then to top it off DD therapist will not release her records to me as my EX has temporary custody of them! WTF! I feel like nothing i am doing is going to get them back. I hate that my DH has to go through this shit of being lied on and nothing we are doing is showing how much we love and cared for our children. I am so fed up and at the point i want to give up. They all treat me like i am the woman who lets a man beat on her children and don't care. That is totally not true. If they only knew me they would realize DH is the poor soul people should worry about because i don't put up with anyones shit. (I don't beat him) lamo that came out totally weird. Sorry girls i am just having one of those days.
oh no nimbec! I hope your fever goes down soon!

Steph Aaron does loads at home he's brilliant but the problem is his working hours, he works from 4am-9am and then again at 4pm-8pm so basically when I need help with the kids he's at work! lol But on the weekends he gets up and does breakfast and tidies up while I have a lay in which is sweet.
Aaron says he hates baby shopping but he puts a baby voive on and says stuff like ooooh look this one has a raffy on it (giraffe) or nelly (elephant) haha, he says he doesnt care what I buy but if I go to buy something he'll be like.. oh really? that one over there is better haha.. In fact it was really cute today, I was going to buy a taggy with Benson's name on it but Aaron wouldn't let me because it was a lady who makes them from home and he was worried the tags would come off in Ben's mouth! cutie!!

Talking of Aaron he's such a pain in the ass!!! He was bored while we were having tests done today and started playing with the bed, he was lowering it and raising it.. then he started trying to lower the back and I remembered that poor woman on OBEM who's bed collapsed when her OH tried to lower it so I told him off.. then he sat there farting really loudly!! I was in stitches, praying they didn't smell when the midwife come back hahahaha... I can't take him anywhere!!

Lily - tell your DH that peppermint tea is brilliant for IBS, I'm allergic but I know lots of others who has IBS and swear by it ... or peppermint sweets x

Melissasbump it's great that you can get some help from DH over the weekend, I was really bad earlier and put Alice In Wonderland on for the kids and slept for an hour in the front room chair while they sat next to me watching it hahaha.

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