April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

mommabrown sorry I didn't reply to you we must have posted at the same time..

I'm pretty sure that even though your children live with your ex you still have shared parental rights to them, which means you have to be involved in decisions regarding big changes in their lives, including you have right's to medical notes and decisions and school stuff. Do you know if you have any parental right? or parental responsibility? As long as your name is on the birth certificates, which it definitely is! And your PR hasn't been revoked you still have rights to the children even if their dad has custody. Trust me it's what is sticking Connie to her dad. I didn't put his name on Luke's BC so he has no rights for Lucas lol. Check that with your attorney. It's not fair that you are refused information regarding your own child's medical health!! That is totally unfair!!

I hope your cervix stays shut for a few more weeks! xx
Does anyone else get annoyed when people ask "are you very tired?" "are you really uncomfortable?"

Do I LOOK really tired and uncomfortable?! Am I giving off a haggered appearance right now!? Because that's what those questions imply to me!!!

No one has asked me, really, but the coworker who told me daily for about 15 weeks whether I looked "pregnant" or "just fat" has now moved on to telling me daily how "miserable" I look. I think I mainly look miserable because I'm at work and I hate this place. :nope: I've honestly felt pretty well until the last few days and now I think baby is engaging and my cervix is effacing or something because my hoo-ha feels like it's going to fall off every time I stand up. :haha: But other than that and having a huge parasite in my belly and my toddler only letting me sleep 3 hours a night, I'm fine, really! :haha:
For the experienced moms: this will sound stupid... But what do early contractions feel like?? Are they just like mild period cramps?? I feel like, I would have no clue if I actually had them lol

Mine started as pretty mild/moderate period cramps, yes. But very, very, very quickly escalated to um... unmistakeable. :haha: I think I'll probably miss very early real contractions this time since I've been having crampy BH contractions at times. Not a big deal (for most) if you miss them because (statistically) you'll still have a few hours to get to the hospital after they escalate to unmistakeable. :thumbup:

From what I understand, the length of my active labor with my first was pretty "typical" for a first timer (about 10 hours). I was 10cm dilated about 5 hours after my contractions had reached the I-can't-do-anything-other-than-focus-on-making-it-through-this-contraction stage. And there was no denying I was really in labor for a couple hours before I reached that point. It should go without saying that everyone is different but I'll say it anyway just so no one jumps down my throat. :winkwink:
mommabrown sorry I didn't reply to you we must have posted at the same time..

I'm pretty sure that even though your children live with your ex you still have shared parental rights to them, which means you have to be involved in decisions regarding big changes in their lives, including you have right's to medical notes and decisions and school stuff. Do you know if you have any parental right? or parental responsibility? As long as your name is on the birth certificates, which it definitely is! And your PR hasn't been revoked you still have rights to the children even if their dad has custody. Trust me it's what is sticking Connie to her dad. I didn't put his name on Luke's BC so he has no rights for Lucas lol. Check that with your attorney. It's not fair that you are refused information regarding your own child's medical health!! That is totally unfair!!

I hope your cervix stays shut for a few more weeks! xx

No i still have rights to them. I never lost my rights and that is what i sat there and argued with the DUMB BITCH about for over an hour! So low and behold i had to call my attorney who has to call his attorney just to get some damn medical records that may or may not even help me out( and i still don't have them because HE has to go sign this medical release!) !!!! I feel like i am being pushed as far out of my children's lives as possible! I didn't want to put my Ex's name on Brandon's BC because we were already separated but they would not let me divorce him while pregnant because they said it was because of my hormones. Shit i didn't want to be with him at all as soon as i had him down to the attorney's office i went to hurry up and divorce him. So because we were married that is how it went. :cry::cry::cry::cry:
Kirstabelle: that was a smart plan to pick a low stress job when you moved! I'm impressed with that forward thinking! And that'll be great to be able to just walk out tomorrow and go "see ya!" Without having to worry whether you have everything sorted- a lovely way to end! Glad to hear the snuza is nice and small, it's so hard to tell from the pics!

Steph: men = procrastination and unable to do anything properly without guidance. I'm the same, we have our gate up at the bottom of the stairs to keep the dog away from the baby's room so I think it's a very sensible idea. Annoying that dh has been so slack on it :growlmad: I have asked my dh 3 times now to check with his sister if she is still getting us the gift she said she would, or do I need to get it myself, and he still hasn't done it. MEN :growlmad:

Lily: you are getting the exact same comments as me, and I respond the same way "nope I'm great thanks!" I think I'd have to be dying/in labour before I admitted feeling any tiredness etc to general people because they just assume being pregnant means you are a mess. And generally (some days excluded :haha:) I am totally fine. And my dh has started getting heartburn, really badly, and has never had it before! I'm glad he's not the only family member footing the sympathy pregnancy symptoms! I find that bit quite funny tbh!

Nimbec: :haha: at your getting one over on oh with saying the car seat is pink! That'll teach him for being a slacker! Can you post the link for your snuza pretty please? I see so many varying prices, and £55 sounds a good deal so I'd love to get that one! Sorry you feel crappy :hugs: hopefully you'll be fighting fit for next week!

Melissa, I honestly don't know how anyone who has LOs already is coping! I am doing well, but I know if I had a LO to care for I would be an exhausted wreck (as well as a huge whale!) so it's no wonder you are feeling the strain. That's great about dh being able to come home early and be off at the weekends to help give you some down time, make sure you use it to rest up and pamper yourself!

Mommabrown: I'm glad to hear your appointment went as well as possible, and the meds are doing their thing and keeping you and Emmaleigh nice and safe for now. Huge :hugs: about what's happening with your ex and the kids. This whole situation should never have come about, and for your ex to do it all while you are pregnant is just vindictive, petty and pathetic, trying to make himself seem important in everyone's lives.

Candy: what job does Aaron do if you don't mind me asking? Those hours he works suck! But at least he's able to be home with you during the day, and when benson arrives he'll not miss out on the "awake" times and just get the crappy night shift :haha:

Littlespy: you make me laugh! You always seem so upbeat about everything!! (Well, clearly your coworker doesn't think so. I think you should say "you'd look miserable as well if you had to listen to you all day." That'll shut her up!) and I sincerely hope your hoo-ha does not fall off anytime in the near future :rofl:

Afm, I am actually tired today! I really haven't been tied at all unless I've been doing something major (like not sleeping all night then having parents evening!) so today is the first time the third trimester tiredness has really gotten to me. I hope it leaves again, I don't want to feel like this for the next four weeks!!!
Also, weirdly today my whole lady area :)haha:) went numb! I guess I had been sitting funny and when I got up it was numb and felt so weird! I'm hoping that this natural numbness comes during labour again so I feel no pain....wishful thinking?!
but they would not let me divorce him while pregnant because they said it was because of my hormones. :

I think that is one of the most insulting things I have ever heard. Like a woman can't make a rational decision when she is pregnant? It's all just because of hormones? If someone had said that to me I would have murdered them, although I'd probably have gotten away with it by blaming it on my clearly out of control pregnancy hormones. What a total pile of shit.
but they would not let me divorce him while pregnant because they said it was because of my hormones. :

I think that is one of the most insulting things I have ever heard. Like a woman can't make a rational decision when she is pregnant? It's all just because of hormones? If someone had said that to me I would have murdered them, although I'd probably have gotten away with it by blaming it on my clearly out of control pregnancy hormones. What a total pile of shit.

:haha::haha::haha::haha: Yeah tell me about it. I could see the headlines now: Pregnant woman goes on murdering spree because judge won't let her divorce psycho husband! Bahahhahah. That is how F'd up the system here in the states are though. :nope:
For the experienced moms: this will sound stupid... But what do early contractions feel like?? Are they just like mild period cramps?? I feel like, I would have no clue if I actually had them lol

Mine started as pretty mild/moderate period cramps, yes. But very, very, very quickly escalated to um... unmistakeable. :haha: I think I'll probably miss very early real contractions this time since I've been having crampy BH contractions at times. Not a big deal (for most) if you miss them because (statistically) you'll still have a few hours to get to the hospital after they escalate to unmistakeable. :thumbup:

From what I understand, the length of my active labor with my first was pretty "typical" for a first timer (about 10 hours). I was 10cm dilated about 5 hours after my contractions had reached the I-can't-do-anything-other-than-focus-on-making-it-through-this-contraction stage. And there was no denying I was really in labor for a couple hours before I reached that point. It should go without saying that everyone is different but I'll say it anyway just so no one jumps down my throat. :winkwink:

Thank you :thumbup:
For whatever reason, I still live in this delusional state, that I may "miss" labor ahahah.
I had some very very mild period like cramping last night and thought: oh wow, what if these are early contractions :haha:
mommabrown your system is so backwards, sorry! I've never heard of a mother being refused her own child's records!! Not unless the mother was severely dangerous to her child and had lost PR. :/ Your attorney should fix it!! And as for being refused a divorce because of pregnancy hormones, I agree with Doggylover about it being the most insulting things I've ever heard too!

Doggylover he works at FedEx in the warehouse unloading and loading the trucks. xxx
For the experienced moms: this will sound stupid... But what do early contractions feel like?? Are they just like mild period cramps?? I feel like, I would have no clue if I actually had them lol

Mine started as pretty mild/moderate period cramps, yes. But very, very, very quickly escalated to um... unmistakeable. :haha: I think I'll probably miss very early real contractions this time since I've been having crampy BH contractions at times. Not a big deal (for most) if you miss them because (statistically) you'll still have a few hours to get to the hospital after they escalate to unmistakeable. :thumbup:

From what I understand, the length of my active labor with my first was pretty "typical" for a first timer (about 10 hours). I was 10cm dilated about 5 hours after my contractions had reached the I-can't-do-anything-other-than-focus-on-making-it-through-this-contraction stage. And there was no denying I was really in labor for a couple hours before I reached that point. It should go without saying that everyone is different but I'll say it anyway just so no one jumps down my throat. :winkwink:

Thank you :thumbup:
For whatever reason, I still live in this delusional state, that I may "miss" labor ahahah.
I had some very very mild period like cramping last night and thought: oh wow, what if these are early contractions :haha:

Braxton Hicks....trust me you will know you can't miss it. They start out like that and then they get really strong then go back down.

Little Spy that was a great labor:thumbup:...my first was 29 1/2 hours long before I had to go back for a C-section.
mommabrown your system is so backwards, sorry! I've never heard of a mother being refused her own child's records!! Not unless the mother was severely dangerous to her child and had lost PR. :/ Your attorney should fix it!! And as for being refused a divorce because of pregnancy hormones, I agree with Doggylover about it being the most insulting things I've ever heard too!

Doggylover he works at FedEx in the warehouse unloading and loading the trucks. xxx

Agreed the system sucks here. I just hope my attorney can set everyone straight! I couldn't believe i was being refused this. I am still mind boggled over this shit today. And if i was ever dangerous about anything with my kids it would be to the point of loving them to much or being way to over protective. I really don't think these people care all they see is a mother who lost her children and that is it i am labeled as a shitty mother.
mommabrown I think that people see that you've had your kids removed and label you without knowing the facts, I have a friend of mine, her little girl went to run out in the busy road so she grabbed her and slapped the back of her hand and told her off, like most mothers would do, but someone who saw her do it called CPS and reported her and now her kids are in foster care and she only gets to visit them a few times a week. It's really sad too because people were talking behind her back about how there must have been more to it for CPS to remove them. But it really was that simple! People are too quick to judge IMO! x
Thanks Candy. That is sad she lost her child over that. I would have worried if she hadn't because any parent in their right mind would have done the same thing.That is what people do they find someone going through a rough time and think they know it all. I hate gossipers! The truth to the whole matter is Ds was pissed off because he was made to mind and HIS dad made up a huge lie and thats that. His teacher in court said Brandon was afraid for me---I was like for what I have never been abused neither have the children and its all because of the shit his dad told him to say.
mommabrown I think that people see that you've had your kids removed and label you without knowing the facts, I have a friend of mine, her little girl went to run out in the busy road so she grabbed her and slapped the back of her hand and told her off, like most mothers would do, but someone who saw her do it called CPS and reported her and now her kids are in foster care and she only gets to visit them a few times a week. It's really sad too because people were talking behind her back about how there must have been more to it for CPS to remove them. But it really was that simple! People are too quick to judge IMO! x

That is ridiculous!! I wonder if the person who called CPS even has children.

Mommabrown, I'm so sorry this is all happening right now. I wish the system worked better and was fairer. You ex sounds so manipulative and horrible getting your children to lie in court. What kind of lesson is that to be teaching them?! Even if it doesn't seem like it I am sure that the things you are doing to get them back will eventually be recognized. I read a quote once that said "It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little - do what you can" :hugs: And you are doing everything you can, and it will all add up in the end!

Nimbec I love your story about the pink car seat! I moan all the time for my DH to even flick through one of my childbirth books. I asked him the other day if his plan was to start reading it once I am in labor. :nope: Men!

Little Spy I agree that your labor story sounds quite appealing! I really hope I don't have one of these labors that goes for days and days.

I am completely exhausted tonight and cannot be bothered to make dinner at all. LO being all up in my rib cage is not helping me get off the couch to get it started either. Blah!

Where has Maybe Soon gone? I hope everything is okay.
How weird are my tickers today! 35 weeks with 35 days to go...

Tell that little lady to move down!! Grayson was right in my ribs yesterday... But usually I can get him to relocate by switching positions. He still sleeps through the night and is active during the day... I don't know how I could function at work if he kept me up at night.

I was also wondering about Maybesoon!! It always makes me worry, when one of us goes MIA for a while.
For whatever reason, I still live in this delusional state, that I may "miss" labor ahahah.
I had some very very mild period like cramping last night and thought: oh wow, what if these are early contractions :haha:

Every time I have a twitch now I am convinced I'm in labour!

Candy: goodness, I didn't know we even had fed ex over here! Shows what I know (ie not much :haha:)

Also, I was saying to my SIL the other day (and she agreed) that although we would both smack our children, and have both smacked my nephew, we would be very loathed to do it in public no matter what a child did, because of people who phone social services. The whole thing is a joke. There is a hell of a difference between smacking the back of a child's hand and beating them.

(Not just jumping on the bandwagon here, promise!) I was also wondering about Maybesoon last night. I get scared when we don't hear from someone and assume they have gone into labour!!

Also...I just want to say...


Not that I'll have my baby this month no doubt...
Kristabelle it was a girl who didn't like her, she saw the importunity to get her and she did. Really sad!

Doggylover it's that age old spanking debate, it's a hot topic on parenting forums and usually sparks arguments lol, I personally don't slap my kids at all, I use timeouts and find them very very effective BUT when they were little and continuously going for the iron, oven, running off ect, I have slapped the backs of their hands. I think sometimes it's not enough to just say no and offer a reason, there's no reasoning with an overly curious 2 year old! lol.

I noticed maybesoon usually comes on on the weekends so hopefully she'll pop up tonight or over the next two days and fill us in with whats been happening! I hope all is well with her.

This morning is the morning where the kids in Luke's class go to the library... thanks to my pregnancy hormones a morning that would have been managable for me has left me filled with dread and what if's.. I now loathe this day!! To top it off he didn't kiss me goodbye :(
Connie fell over on the way to school and cut her knee but it was too low down for me to reach so we had to go all the way to school with her knee bleeding.
Horrible morning so far, I can not wait to have them home for the weekend
YAAAAYYYY!! for baby being due this month Doggylover!!! xx
Wow hasnt this year just flew in already lol. You never know Dogg baby might come early lol..

Im early start of next month but i hope she does come just that little early so i dont go over lol getting super furstated as i cant get my socks on and trying to get my shoe on the left foot seems so impossible :( I but mind being pregnant and feeling her wriggling around but there is only do much i can do now lol Feeling so lazy even though im the one who does all the cleaning up :(..

Wow that doesnt seem fair at all. America system is super screwed.. Sorry to hear your having a difficult time getting to files hun. I think people see what they wanna see but they never look for the bigger picture. I hope you manage to get it all fixed out and your kids back. Must be so stressful aswell as being pregnant :( :hugs:

Afm: ive got my first parenting class today at 2pm. Has anyone else has theirs yet. Just wondering what to except lol xxx

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