April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Thanks hun. think those paracetamol have kick in lol feel better now. Beginning to think it could be that im feeling umm not constipated but need go do a ... lol but i seem to go do that alot :| *sighs* bowels are being so weird lol

Im with you Dogg could do with her just coming already but id rather stick it out another few weeks. Ill be 35 weeks on sunday which im so chuffed about.

Think i may go to bed early also feeling pretty tired also.
God if i went into labor now i think im freak out a little haha as i just had that first class today talking about labor and pains and pain relief. still going with gas and air. But if i do fine it little more pain that i can cope with ill take that Diophantine lol i know baby may come out tired but im rest assured with all those midwifes there she will get the help she needs to wake up lol. just so much to take in xx
Hope all of you ladies are ok, and the babies too!

I had a good laugh yesterday, I went to pick up my urine tests (I do them every 2-3 weeks because of a bad kidney, uti could cause kidney failure) yesterday and this lady in th elevator scolded me for being so young and pregnant. I told her I only look young, I'm not as young as she thinks. And she told me the ultimate mood enhancer for a poor old 33 year old who feels like her life is closer to the end rather than the beginning: "How old are you, 16-18 tops?"


My mom is now trying to convince me to stop telling my true age and try to pass as a teen mom to people, kind of 16 and pregnant , she is crazy.
Lily that is funny but oh now rude of a complete stranger to judge you like that!!! It is good that you can see the positive side of it. Xx
Haha lily how funny great compliment tho!!!! Although I agree very rude of the woman!!

Cherry I have suffered hurrendously with constipation and last week I was in so much pain I thought it was labour....I was told to use dulcolax suppositories for instant relief and wow they are amazing!!!! Not pleasant to put in but within 20mins the deed is done lol !! I felt like a new woman & there is no risk to baby either. I hate lactulose it just makes me puke. Wish I had found these earlier as I stopped taking vitamin as the iron was making things unbearable.

Hope you feel better soon!

Hope everyone has a good day! My cold is rotten feeling very sorry for myself today lol plus can't really take anything grrrrr
Agreed, if I really was a young mom I would want people to respect my decisions and not judge me like that, in fact I see plenty of teen moms at the hospital and they are all very serious and responsible, more than me and they have my deepest respect and support. But it was very funny and it did make my day.

Nimbec I HATE Dulcolax with a passion. They are causing me pain in the abdomen, and I would never take them during pregnancy as I would fear they could jump start labor.
Lactulose sucks too. It just makes me bloated and I fart like am air baloon, and doesn't help poop. It just doesn't work for me.
I prefer my glycerin suppositories.
Glad Dulcolax helped you though!
Ugh, hope you feel better with your cold. Of course you can take things that will help you feel better: chamomile, lemon / or vit c tablets, chicken soup, TONS of water etc. All work great ;)
I found those pro biotic yogurt drinks kept me going daily vita vitae i think they are called... they are safe in pregnancy too. x
I love the conversations us pregnant ladies have - how to make ourselves poop :rofl:

Luckily, I have had no real issues in that area and the preemptive bottle of lactulose that was bought at about 8 weeks is still unopened!!

Lily that is 100% amazing to hear you look so youthful!! Now, this woman wasn't at the hospital to get her cataracts done was she?! :haha: ;) I'm only 26 and can't imagine anyone mistaking me for that young, and I've always looked a lot younger than I am. What's your secret?! After LO arrives I'm sure I'm going to need all the help I can get!
omg Aaron just asked me if Im a size 20 now.. I was a size 10 prepregnancy... i almost slapped him!!! Then he told me to man up as a cried in pain turning over in bed!!! Seriously this man is close to the cold shoulder!! Lol xxx
Thanks lily :) I have to say honey and lemon is great but I'm finding it a bit sickly haha can never please a pregnant woman! I thought dulcolax was just a glycerine suppository? Mine certainly say that...I guess everybody's body is different tho and 100% if they don't agree don't take them :) I'm the same with lactulose hate the stuff hehe the stuff we chat about!

I'm on those too Ukgirl :)

Doggylover I'm so jelous of your normal bodily functions - you are very lucky hehe!!

Well I've found out that if my lil boy gets taken to scbu then I won't get to see him for at least 4hrs :( so having chatted to others that have been through this I decided that I will only let oh see & be with him until I have been myself. Otherwise I will e insanely jealous and absolutely horrid to be around! So I told my mum this morning lets just say she was less than impressed - she said to me 'u should see my face right now!' I said tough its my decision you have a few days to get used to the idea Hahahaha OOPS!!!!

Sweet pea how long did I have to wait to see your Lo?
Nimbec maybe oh could be with him and give him the skin to skin contact he needs after birth and also take some pictures to show you while you are recovering? It muat be awfuling knowing you might not see him for the first four hours of his life! I really wish they put mums and babies in the nicu together those first few hours are so important. Even if he does go there though you knowbhe will be well cared for by the nurses and staff there. I cant believe how close it is now!! Exciting xx

omg im utter crap at reading this on my phone I just saw you meant only oh should see him not that oh shouldnt... ha sorry!! I agree with you.. You and oh should see him before your other family members!! Xx
Nimbec I think that is a totally reasonable decision on your part. I wouldn't want people seeing LO before I was able to either, apart from dh. It's important that you get a chance to bond with LO before anyone else does. I imagine if it were me and my mum had been to see LO before I was, then I would always feel that she got a chance to bond first, and if she said anything like "oh he's hungry" etc I would assume it was because of that. There are just some things that are too important.

Now this is kind of similar but not at all as important as baby's first hours, but I was thinking yesterday that if I end up having a c section, or even bad stitches and can't really walk far for a while, I would be gutted if when dh's parents came over they took the baby for a walk in the pram. Probably sounds irrational, but in my mind since we are the mummies, we should get to do the 'firsts' before other people!

Candy: Aaron deserves a punch in the face for that one!!!
I second Candy on the little yogurts, they do work!
Doggy, i I don't do anything for my appearance tbh. I just have chubby baby face but over all I'm small, and I don't use make up or dye my hair, pretty natural. So many mistake me for a student (high school student that is). It comes handy in theaters and museums, sometimes with boat tickets too, I get student prices hahaaa!
Doggylover you know what I went through with my mother in law last time so Im extremely fearful of my new mil this time and totally understand your fears! I had an episiotomy with Connie and an epidural I was walking around an hour after having her... painfully but still... 2 days later I felt fine so hopefully you will be just as quick to heal. I already told Aaron the first few days will be just him me and the kids no visitors until Im ready. He agreed. Im very territorial over my babies since my past was so difficult. my mil brought a high chair for her home the other day and I freaked out at Aaron haha once I calmed down I saw I was being unreasonable but omg it is hard. xx
I thought dulcolax was just a glycerine suppository? Mine certainly say that...

Well I've found out that if my lil boy gets taken to scbu then I won't get to see him for at least 4hrs :( so having chatted to others that have been through this I decided that I will only let oh see & be with him until I have been myself. Otherwise I will e insanely jealous and absolutely horrid to be around! So I told my mum this morning lets just say she was less than impressed - she said to me 'u should see my face right now!' I said tough its my decision you have a few days to get used to the idea Hahahaha OOPS!!!!

Oh I thought the tablets, which are effing impossible, they cramp me like wow!:nope: Suppositories work nicely, and most importantly immediately:thumbup:.

Oh so sorry 4hrs sound like a lot, but think these: you will be tired so you will get some sleep which will be precious as you need lots of energy for the days ahead, baby will be sleepy too, and not hungry as they are still full from the belly(stomach filled with amniotic fluid), and the docs will need to check baby out/examine.

I want baby to be with me 24h to establish BF but I talked to a BF consultant and she says not to worry even if I don't see the baby the first day at all, there is lots of time to establish BF.
Fortunately hospital's rule is baby is with mom all the time, and mom is responcible for the baby for feedings, changing, bathing etc. Unless of course someone is not well (baby or mom), but generally their policy is to let moms with the babys.
I want to know more details from the midwives of course, especially what will happen during visitor hours, if they can take him somewhere else while visitors come because I'm afraid they will spread their germs to my little one. :cry: Also who looks after the baby if I need to get a shower/poop/brush my teeth etc? I will pack my sling of course and baby wear immediately but showering and pooping with a newborn must be a challenge.
Lily, I also have wondered what happens when you need to go to the toilet etc!! I will wait to shower until dh is there and can have LO, which I think will work well as I get a few minutes to clean myself, and he gets some time alone without me watching him like a hawk!!! But when he's not there and I need to pee...what do I do with the baby?! I'm not comfortable at all with the thought of leaving the baby, even with a midwife, which I know is totally irrational, and I think comes down to me being a total control freak. So I guess I'll just hold it all until visiting time lol! We are very lucky in that all our hospitals operate a rooming in policy - unless LO needs taken to the nicu, or mum I guess, then they are with you from the second they arrive.

Candy: it's hard to see people's kindness and excitement as a good deed sometimes. My mum and dad have lots of baby stuff for my nephew which they'll use, which I'm fine with as I already know it all. But I would hate if mil went and bought loads of stuff for her house without asking me what I wanted or what was ok.

I'm really starting to get the sense that I am, in fact, totally insane :haha: I like everything to be the way it is in my mind, and everything needs to be done to my (high!) standards! I'm worried that when LO is here I am going to make life difficult for dh by constantly watching over him and telling him he's not doing things "right". I don't want to be a crazy new mother :cry:
Oh girls you don't know how relieved I am to hear you all saying these things I'm ToTALLY the same!

I maybe able to help on the shower toilet issue tho - my friend just had a baby and the cots they are in have wheels on them so you purely wheel them in the room with you :)

Mil's can be difficult I'm extremely lucky that mine is fantastic and will totally respect any decision rules or new mummy bonkers ideas I may have! My mother on the other hand will have her own opinions hmmm I intend to set them straight from the word go and then she will be brilliant! :) she is very much like me!!

Gosh well oh has gone to the swansea football match. He was very sweet this morning and offered to make breaki sausages/poached egg & toast - our sat morning treat. But...all he ended up doing was putting the sausages on the grill pan (not even turning it on) before a work call took over grrrrrr so I made it, dragged him off phone to eat it and then he said he'd clean up Hahahahahahahahahahaha nope he's gone an the kitchen is a bomb site :( nice thought but grrrrrrrrrr!!

Sorry rant over!
Hi ladies hope everyone is ok.

Nimbec, sorry to hear you are still feeling rubbish, hopefully you will be feeling much better early next week and it wont affect the section date.

Doggylover, re doing all the "1sts", i totally agree with you and and reasonable parents and inlaws should respect that, they got to do it with their own children and its our turn now. Me and my mum had quite an akward time when i first had H as i was really paranoid thast he would prefer her to me and she so wanted to help, she did respect our space though. They have a wonderful bond now and its lovely, i dont have the worry that if i leave him with her he will spend all the time crying for me as he has a great time with her. it was really hard in the beginning though and we had several heart to hearts over it, you probably will get those type of feelings aat some point but stick to your guns.

UKgirl, how rude of Aaron! lol hope you gave him a clip round the ear for that comment!

Lily, having a section last time i was bed bound for 1st 24 hours so going to the toilet wasnt an option anyway but they were literally metres away anyhow. Also my OH was there the majority of the time so dont recall having to leave the baby, oh other than my 1st shower as OH had to help, Harrison was sleeping at the time and a MW watched over him. He slept the majority of the time in hospital i think, anyhow, i dont think you will have an issue!

AFM feeling pretty crappy today, woke up with severe period type cramping and its been a bit on and off all day, im also feeling sicker than normal, i dont really think its anything but im still a bot worried as its my mums birthday today and they are up in london so really dont want to worry her, plus they go away on hols on tues for 10 days!
OH is here though, so im getting a bit of chill out time, i am getting a little paranoid though and everytime i go to the loo expect to see a bit of plug! lol
I should probably just mention at this point that my mil is probably the most respectful person in the world lol! I don't know why I think she would ever do anything I'm not happy with, as she would be mortified if she did. She and FIL have already said when they fly over when the baby is first born they will stay elsewhere (with my parents) to give us our space. They are pretty wonderful, as nimbec says its my own crazy mother I need to watch out for. I see her do things with my nephew (for example let him down from the dinner table even when SIL has said no) that my SIL holds her tongue on and I know I wouldn't be able to. I'm pretty sure Simon and I are going to be very strict parents (but fun too!) and my mum loves her granny role because she doesn't have to do the strict bit, so she's one to keep an eye on!!!

Melissa sorry to hear you aren't feeling great at all. Take it easy definitely. I think we at all at the stage now where every twinge makes you think twice, but hopefully it's nothing and you will be right as rain again soon
Hope everyone is doing ok! Lots going on with pains and aches I see! Its pretty much the same with not wanting to miss out on first time things as they get older too! My mil is taking Paige back to her house (for 1st time) as we've got plumber in tomorrow to fix heating system! She was like oh I'm going to take her to the play group at the top of my road! I was like errrrm no, no your not! I'm her mother and is like to be the one to take her to her first play group! My mum is the same as well! I think u need to set boundaries with grand parents, they like to undermine your authority! Nimbec sorry you will have to be away from your little man for so long!
I don't remember if I told you ladies but we have officially picked the name! We have gone for James Denis Stephen Titchner! :) any way was just a quick pop in as we have so much to do, trying to get all rads clear and accessible for Monday and tomorrow we are taking our cats to a foster home till they find a perminant family so very emotional at the moment :( xx

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