April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

hello everyone..

Doggylover I don't know when they give them out in Ireland, In Norway we got a small card in a plastic wallet at their first appointment, I didn't think we would get the red book here so early. I'm a little excited and nervous, shall I show her the babies bed, his nappies and cute outfits or not? haha poor lady is going to be dragged around my flat and shown my other kids baby pictures like she's being welcomed to the family. Oh I hope it's not the same one Lucas had, she was so boring she was all speach therapy this and head measurements that... no fun!!

Today I sobbed like a baby in front of Aaron because I tried to turn over in bed and my SPD locked all the joints in my pelvis mid turn and I got stuck, turning out of being on my back and onto my other side was so painful I screamed then cried for a good 10 minutes. Seriously embarrassing but I got the point of ..I've had enough now.. I'm going to tell my MW on friday and hope she can do something. It was the worst pain!

Hope everyone else is doing well? Still no maybesoon?? :/ hope she pops on soon!!
Cherry, my hiccups (well LOs!) are usually really low down too, but since last night the little sod hasn't had any for me to check whether they have really moved or whether they are just being what I call a "bulgy baby"!

Candy: you'll be able to gauge when the hv comes if she is a nice one who would be interested in looking at all the bits and bobs or whether she is going to be a grumpy one! Hopefully the former! Sorry your spd has been so awful lately. But not long now! (Don't kill me! I'm only joking!) hopefully your mw can do something to help. Is the band you got to wear not really doing anything?

Afm, busy day, busy weekend actually. I seem to have been on the go non-stop! Now I'm off to bounce on my ball and force this LO to stick that head down as far as they can currently get it! :haha:
Hi ladies hope everyone is having a nice relaxing weekend.
So a little update from me, over the last couple of days ive developed severe swelling in my face and hands and just felt a little unwell. I went to my local walk in centre but it was a 2 hour wait so came home again and tried to ring the AAU, well ive left 2 messages with them and they still havent got back to me which im not impressed about. So this evening ive ended up going back to the walk in centre and saw a doctor, my blood pressure is going right up and got protein in my urine which along with my swelling could be pointing towards pre eclampsia, ive got to do another urine test in the morning which will confirm exact levels and go from there. Im glad that i wasnt imagining things but im a little concerned now! Being 35 weeks though i think the worst that will happen is that i will be monitored a little more closely and if necessary they may section me slightly early, but my parents are going on hols on tues and i dont want to tell them as it will only worry them!
melissasbump, I had pre-eclampsia at the end of pregnancy with my oldest, they just done scans and blood tests every few days to check the blood flow to the placenta. If it gets too bad they deliver but usually ladies who get it right at the end get it only mild, so fingers crossed yours will be like mine and not get too bad xxx

Benson is head down I feel him practice breathing and hiccuping a lot down there lol

I have the band but it hasn't helped much it only squishes me really. I went swimming yesterday which was amazaballs!! My foot went back down to normal size :D and my hips felt better but today my SPD has been terrible I thin it is because I stayed in bed a bit longer today. Laying down and resting makes it much worse. But I'm starting to worry now because I have most of the pain on my right side which is making me limp.

Cherrybump can't wait to see your new bump pic. I have to upload a new one soon, haven't posted one here for a while.. buuuut... I did take a pic of my feet to show you all how bad they were... only because I find it utterly fascinating that they got so damn big!!

You'll see what I mean by fat lady who washes with a rag on a stick...

edema by candyandaaron, on Flickr[/IMG]

:shock: candy, your hooves are pretty impressive!! :haha: that cannot be pleasant at all :hugs: maybe more swimming would help? Although I'm sure if you are sore and achy dragging yourself to the pool might not be top of your to do list. Maybe a really deep bath? To splash around in instead?

Melissa: oh my gosh, that all sounds scary. I'm glad you persevered with seeing someone though, and hopefully the close monitoring will be able to tell you quickly if anything needs done ASAP. I did giggle at the phrase "they may section me early" as it sounds like they are sending you to a loony bin! :haha:

I am very annoyed with my SIL today. I don't know if I maybe mentioned last week she was going to come over just after Easter when she is on holiday from work, and I wasn't happy with that as I don't know for sure LO will be here, and if they aren't them the last thing I will feel like doing is entertaining her. If LO is here, she'll stay with my parents, but if not she'll stay with us and I just cannot be bothered with that. Well she text dh and said "is 8th and 9th ok to come?" And he text back saying "well, it might not be the best time" to which she informed him she'd already booked the flights :growlmad: I specifically told her when she was last over NOT to. And we assumed she wouldn't as she is so bad at organising stuff, but I am so annoyed with her for basically going against what we politely asked her. And she keeps saying "I'll stay with Sarah's parents, it won't be any hassle" but it will, whether LO is here or not. So not best pleased.
Doggylover youfind the funny bits in our posts that most of us miss haha its great!! Must be the teacher in you!!! Talking of jobs... last week now!!!
My hoofs do me proud in a sick kind of way.. I guess thats just the nurse in me... I once saw a guy with a meter of fence sticking out of his leg and was utterly impressed by it while everyone else didn't dare to look.. it was rather amazing. lol.

well Im off to bed to endure a night of pain.... night everyone xxx
I have severe baby brain doggylover I forgot to reply to your SIL rant... omg that is so rude of her!! If you know someone is having a baby around that date DONT invite yourself to stay!!! I dony know wats wrong with people sometimes! Its like my ex he books flihts then asks if it suits us and Im like well it has to suit us now doesnt it you prick! Well if you have your baby then or feel like its too much to handle she will have to stay in a hotel or bnb shes not you or your families problem. Has she even asked your parents if she can stay with them? She defo shouldnt have booked until she had asked you first now your in a terrible position xxx
Hey ladies, it took a while, but finally caught up on all the chatter! It's been a busy weekend in here!

So the wedding this weekend was lovely, and the brides both looked stunning! The pregnant blob of a matron of honor looked pretty good too I think. :winkwink: I don't have any pics yet, but as soon as I do I'll post one.

I was a bit dissapointed with some of our friends though who spent the night hanging out in the lobby instead of being social and dancing etc. I'm 8 months pregnant and I spent quite a lot of time on the dance floor--So what's their excuse?! I wanted to put in a good effort for my sister and not just be the kill-joy because I was pregnant. DH and I are quite annoyed with them. It was a lot of fun, although when I woke up this morning I was *awfully* stiff and tired! I had a nap this afternoon once we got home and I feel much better, so hopefully after a good sleep tonight I'll be back to normal.

ukgirl: sorry to hear your feet are still swelling up on you! I don't know if we get a "red book" equivalent here or not... I guess it's something I'll have to wait and find out about! I want to get one of the larger baby books where you can put photos in and tuck in report cards etc as they get older. My sister and I each had one that went from birth to grade 12. They were pretty neat.

doggylover: glad you had a good time at the hen night! I figured it wouldn't be as bad as you were thinking it would be. Re: something pushing in your ribs... that's how I know Peter is still head down! I have a foot that gets pushed up under the right side of my ribs all the time. I can feel a hard little bump there, and when I push it back I can feel it moving around! Also, your SIL sounds rather stubborn and I'm sorry she's being so pig-headed about visiting times.

melissabump: I hope things get sorted out for you asap! That's terrible that they left you hanging like that without getting back to you. Hopefully it's not pre-e, but as you said, you're far enough along now that it should be ok anyway if LO needs to come sooner rather than later! Good luck at your appt!
Readytomum: glad to hear the wedding went well and you enjoyed yourself, despite your friends being antisocial. I honestly don't know how you managed on the dance floor, that is hugely impressive! How did your shoes end up treating you? All work out ok in the end?

Candy: my parents offered for my SIL and mil/FIL to stay when they next come, so that's not a problem. They have stayed there several times before before we moved to our house, and my mum knows I don't want them here if LO has just arrived, but even still, it's the inconsideration of it all :growlmad: and why am I not surprised your ex does that sort of thing too?! Also, someone with a metre of fence? How does that even happen to someone?
I have a pretty unusual/childish sense of humour, and find amusement in the slightest things :haha:

On the baby location front, we had a pretty severe case of hiccups between 3 and 5 am (I know this as it was one of those nights that you just cannot sleep) and they are still low on the left so its all good, definitely still head down!
Doggylover does it mean something if lo is on the left? All my los hung out on the right side and Benson is now head down and to the right... I think its why my spd on that side is worse.

Aaron has taken time off work to make sure I cope ok on the school run since things with my hips have gone from bad to terrible very quickly. Im hoping to get crutches from the center today so I can cope better. I limp almost constantly now. Im scared that I still have 5 weeks left :/

Aaron has nicknamed me rice crispy hips hahahahaha because when I get up I snap crackle and pop!!! Sicko!!! Lol xx

Doggylover I dont know what to suggest to you regarding your sil. I just hope she isnt too muvh of a pain in the ass. xx

Im off for a shower before heading to the day clinic for a follow up.. my hair is so greasy!! Damn hormones!! Role on april!! Hope you all have a lovely day xxc
Hi all.

Doggylover, glad you had a great time at the hen do!

Readytomum, glad the wedding went well despite the anti social friends, that really annoys me as well!

UKgirl, great hoofs! hope today at the clinic goes well

AFM Ive been asked to come in to hospital this afternoon to have tests and monitoring too for pre eclampsia, wish me luck ladies!
Candy, I don't think it matters if they are right or left, I just know my LO is chilling on the left! As long as the head stays down i'm happy!!!

Good luck Melissa!
AFM Ive been asked to come in to hospital this afternoon to have tests and monitoring too for pre eclampsia, wish me luck ladies!

Good luck hun!

Oooh I'm so excited!!!:happydance: I just got back from my (official) birth class, and it is wonderful. At last I got a confirmation that I'm not paranoid about several things. The midwife rocks, has given me tons of exercises and breaths to do, and can't wait for my next class -7 in total!
Hey ive just like zoomed down that page lol Ukgirl we dont get those red books until bay is born. My sister got it when the health vistor came out to see her.

Ill also pop those piks on lol.

Ill need to go back and read the other posts lol

Because ive had sore hip pain today ive now pulled this ball out and round my booty around on it lol so i hope it bloody helps paige move down and this little hip pain to lol. Always helps if you have music on in the background to bounce to lol but i like to round my hips instead. so far so good.xxx
Oh ukgirl you feet do look swollen i was meant to say in my other post...

Lily- i had my first class on friday we never done no breathing exercises lol but we did go over the stages over labor when to ring in and let them know how far the contractions are and the pain relief you can do here at home and when you get to hospital lol got next class this friday :). think its more about labor again lol. But i do agree they really do put your mind at ease more lol im more happy that its my own midwife taking this class :)

dogg: lol My little paige's on the right head down. ive got midwife next week so im hoping with all this boucing/rolling she's bee further along :D

Aww good luck melissa xxxx

hope i managed to get all them posts lol x

Oooh hun, I'm so sorry!!!:hugs: They are swollen, please put them in some cold water, it helps with edema.
Lol at least you have a good sense of humor about it, I don't know if I'd have any...:haha:

Cherry: Yep we did breaths and exercises, we talked mostly about the pregnancy that is left, BH, exercise, nutrition, sleep problems, posture, and we had a pchycologist there too all the time. Really really awesome!
The last class is only for dads (of course they are welcome at all classes) but unfortunately mine will be away for work, I will try to get another date that is convenient for DH to join for that particular last one. It would be such a shame if he missed it. Only one dad came today lol but he was a sweetheart!
Oh and I'm the eldest in my group :( but midwife thought I was the youngest, lol those chubby cheeks are saving my reputation repeatedly.
Hey ladies Im back from my follow up of pre e and all is good. the braxton hicks and watery dischargevare both normal.

lily yay for your amazing midwife and birthing classes!!

Doggylover I heard a few ladies here refer to babies being better in the left that was why I asked..

cherrybump the letter I got said the health v is coming on thursday morning and Ill get my red book then... I wonder why its so different in different parts of the country :/
How weird is that our last class is for mums only but im still dragging ryan with me lol. If i aint been and had paige yet..

I also forget to attach my piks for you Ukgirl lol sorry... From friday to sunday my belly changed shape :S lol x

Edit: aww that weird eh. Must be different all over :(


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Wow lovely bump cherry!! Your little girl is still getting comfy it seems by the difference in shape! Mine is like that too.. Benson sometimes lays sideways and I look small and wide and when he has now tirned head down my bump looks huge and slim haha. I will post my pic I took this morning in here later xxx

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