April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh i hope she didnt change to go back to back lol. She was lying head down on my right side but im pretty sure she moves from right to left but her she facing inwards to my back lol with her back to my belly. :s ahh find out a week today lol xx
Hi all just a quicki from me - I'm in hospital...been having propper contractions between 10pm - 4.30am :( luckily I haven't dialated though and they have stopped. Good job as no scubu beds available & where on about transferring me over 1.30hrs away!! Hoping that I will be able to one home again as long as they stay stopped, then back in tomorrow for the 'big' day! Although if there are still no scubu beds bubs won't be coming till next Tuesday which tone honest I feel much better about as ill be 37 weeks on that day :) not sure tho as they said last night that I had very low fluid again - you can feel babys bony bits. On the upside he is absolutely fine was kicking like a mad man - oh thought he was trying to escape through my belly button.

Candy sorry you are feeling crap!! ((Hugs))

Right I will read back over last few pages and then catch up!

Ooooh my text buddy....I didn't save your number on my phone and seem to not e able to find it in the thread...please can I have it again?

Hope everyone is ok!!
Hey Nimbec glad they stopped but sorry to hear youre having a tough time. I really hope you get to hold on until tuesday and your fluid levels go back up. Im so excited for you too though that soon you will have your lo and feel much better. Do they know how long he will have to stay in hospital for? Xxxxx

By the way I forgot to mention that on my facebook page there is a link to a government petition asking for routine scans also in the third trimester and better monitoring of mummies during pregnancy so please sign it if you get time. If you dont already have me on facebook you can add me : Candy Ayles Aaron Tilly :) xx
Morning ladies!

Nimbec, I can't believe you were having contractions, that's not good, but thank heavens they have stopped. Your LO is obviously desperate to get out of there!! Keep us (or Melissa) updated so we know how you are.

Afm, got a little sleepsuit, matching vest, hat and bib from 2 girls in my class this morning!! SO CUTE.

Then the cuteness of children was wrecked by a 16 year old boy who when I asked him to face the front responded with "Why?"

He's lucky he's still alive, we'll just put it that way.
Morning ladies! Hope your all well!
Candy sorry your feeling so rubbish, hope the mw can get hold of some crutches for you!
Cherry that's a lovely bump you have there! It's amazing how half a week can make it look so different!
Sarah that so sweet of them to get you something for the baby! And gla you had a nice time at the hen night!
Readytomom glad the wedding went well and your a brave little party animal! I wnt to a wedding at 19 weeks and I just couldn't do it! I mean I mingled and danced at little but mostly I sat, or ran round after Paige! Lol
Nimbec, glad your contractions have stopped! Cannot believe your gonna be holding your little man so soon!
Hope Melissa is ok and her appointment went ok!!!!
Also still no maybe soon? Hope she is ok!
Just wondering, I haven't got a text buddy yet, anyone want to buddy up with me?
Teamo your little boy is very cute an what a lovely bump!
I hope I have remembered everyone!
Afm I'm feeling so tender today, he was head down still last week with his bum right under my ribs but these last few days I've been feeling him round my side pushing out its painful and I've got awful heart burn! Nothing settles it down and everything sets it off :( so looking forward to just having him here now! And I have heating finally! The plumber must of thought I was crazy running the room screaming heat!!?! Lol!
Hope everyone has a nice day! Xx
Ukgirl i think i just added you on facebook lol. i hope i got the right person.

Ohh nimbec hope you are able to hold off until next week. Pity they dont have beds available for you to stay put there. try and rest up best you can thought wont be to long off. xx

Ooh dogg those sound nice lol i was pulling few pieces of paiges clothes out this box i had stored 3-6months stuff in. just bits that are from 0-3 lol.
Hi ladies, sorry for delay in updating you. i was in hospital till late last night.

nimbec, ive text you hun, you like to keep us all on our toes dont you! lol

Cherry, hope the pain was just the effect of bouncing on the ball, are you feeling better now?

Doggy, oohh not long till you finish now, what a lovely class to give you a gift like that, im guessing there will be A LOT of tears for you this week! bless you x

Candy, great that OH cleaned and took the kids to school for you! Hope you are relaxing now!

Teamo, very cute pic of your little one!

So AFM went in to hospital yesterday at their request due to my high BP and protein, they did BP again, was even higher, still protein and slightly abnormal bloods but nothing apparently to worry about?
They had a right job getting blood out of me, 3 people had to try and failed and get it out the back of my hands and evenutally a doctor was called to do it and he managed it thank goodness.
So then they monitored baby who appears all good which is the main thing, it just took ages and the worst part was i was on my own the whole time as my parents went on hols yesterday so OH had to look after Harrison as i didnt want him to have to hang around the hospital.
So the outcome is ive got to go back thurs for BP and monitoring and probably every couple of days after that. The one bonus is im getting an extra scan next week due to baby still being breech.

Just heard from Nimbec, her contractions are back, boo!
Oh my goodness, sounds like Nimbec is more than ready to go into labour! Her lo is fairly keeping her on her toes. Keep us updated Melissa!!
And yep, there will be a LOT of tears from me this week!! I now cry on the way home each day, it's so pathetic! Glad to hear LO is ok in there, but sounds like an awful day for you :( And having to go back for more of the same doesn't sound fun.

Kealz, I haven't a text buddy either yet, so you and I can buddy up if you like? Sorry to hear you've been feeling horrible. I am a bit tender at the top of my bump too, but certainly not as bad as you seem to be :( And Yay for heat!

The next 20 mins of my life cannot pass quickly enough.
Oh boy... Poor nimbec! Hope those contractions stop for a little while!

Kealz, your US based right? I don't have a text buddy either, so we can team up if you like.

Sarah, 16 year old boys are obnoxious at their best... Dealing with them pregnant?!? No thank you! 3 more days and you are done with work :thumbup:

Candy, you poor thing... Can't believe your feeling sick! I vote that all the other uncomfortable factors you are dealing with are enough :growlmad:. But at least Aaron is taking care of you!! :hugs:
Funny thing is, Rob doesn't usually do much for me (I don't think he knows how to, since I won't let him lol)... But these last 2 months, he has been amazing! Can men nest? Is Aaron nesting?

Melissa, I hope your BP comes down by Thursday!!!! Fingers crossed that everything turns around.

Still no Maybesoon!!! Hmmm candy are you guys FB friends? I hope her ad Mason are ok!!

AFM, I'm feeling pretty good. Rob installed the car seat last night in my car... Looking at it scared me a little this morning. As much as I know what's happening, it still does not feel real :haha:.
A friend of mine gave me a huge bag full of 0-3 sleepers and onesies!!!! There are so many, that I'm not sure I could have enough children to ever get use out of them. And that's not even considering all the new clothes I have :wacko:. When we first got pregnant, I was told not to buy any clothes... Which I ignored of course.... Now I know why :dohh:

In other news: I came across a really cool job opening a few months ago (which would require us to move 4 hours away) and figured I'd apply. I apply for random jobs all the time and never hear back :haha:. I actually had a phone interview last week with them and now they invited me for an in person interview lol. I told them that I was pregnant towards the end of the interview (not like I would be able to hide it in person :haha:... Unless Krista sends those magic pants my way :winkwink:)... They were two women and didn't think it was a problem at all. Now I have an interview scheduled in two weeks to meet them in person. This means that I will have to take an unpaid vacation day from work (4 hour drive each way plus 3 hour interview :wacko:)
What have I gotten myself into lol?!?
LOL, Steph. Especially since your OB is probably about to tell you not to go out of town. :p Congrats on the interview and good luck! I'm in a similiar "no choice but to go out of town" boat with closing on this stupid new house. Which still hasn't been rescheduled (was originally scheduled for Feb 8). Argh!
Wow steph congrats on snagging an interview in person!!! It sounds really promising!! You are like super woman now haha potentially bagging a job in 3rd tri :D how exciting!

I did actually wonder if men can nest because Aaron tends to do lots of cleaning and he is very specific too all of a sudden... Im really efficient at cleaning our home and can get it all done hung and dry washed waxed and polished in 1 hour but not anymore so yeh before pregnancy he never had to do anything but now... hes my peraonal maid haha.. hes just gone to pick the kids up too he really is a sweetheart when hes not calling me a preggopotimus and making sealion noises at me haha!!

Oh dear I hope Nimbec can get those contractions under control and stopped so she cannhold on for one more week like she has hoped for! Bless her she hasnt had an easy pregnancy at all! At least she has gotten LO to a good point in pregnancy so when he is born he will be fighting fit.. I think she has done amazingly well. She is a very strong fighter!

I saw maybesoon was stalking the thread yesterday and was hoping she would update.. perhaps she is very busy and just come for a quick peak at what was happening but it was nice to see her name on the viewing list :)

kealz Im so glad that your heating is finally sorted!! What a total nightmare that was!! I dont know about where you live but down here it was icy this morning I dont mnow if I could cope without heating when its this cold! Also try love hearts for heartburn ;)
I tried to reply back to everyone last night before bed, but my computer wasn't co-operating, so I gave up!

Poor Nimbec, her LO is just raring to go!! Hopefully he stays put until his scheduled delivery. Keep those legs crossed lady! :hugs:

doggylover: that's super sweet about the gift from the girls, and sadly not surprising about the teenage boy... I'm actually amazed that so many males make it through their teenage years without being offed by someone. They truly are another species! lol

ukgirl: hope you're feeling better soon! having a cold at this stage just seems like overkill in the unfair department!

kealz: I was having some crazy wicked heartburn a little while ago too, and it seemed like no matter what I ate it set it off! All I can suggest is to eat tiny meals throughout the day and eat vanilla ice cream. The icecream really helped to offer cooling effect, both through the calcium and the coldness... plus it feels so good to eat icecream for "medical reasons" hahahaha! I quite regularly have a foot jabbed under my ribs on the right hand side. I've taken to pushing back on the foot and then watching my tummy wriggle all over as LO settles somewhere else.

melissabump: I'm sorry to hear that getting your bloods taken was such an ordeal! I don't deal well with getting blood taken, so for me that would have been an utter nightmare. Hopefully the next appointment will go better, and you'll get to enjoy seeing LO on the scan! Although LO probably won't look so little in there anymore!

Steph: We have also got a ton of hand-me-down clothes, all from the same family, but it's so much stuff that our storage bins are all full! We bought a few little things from a second hand store, but I'm glad we didn't buy much because Peter is going have to change his outfit several times a day to get through wearing it all! Good luck on the job interview!! They must be quite interested in your if they're willing to interview you still when you're almost at the end of your pregnancy! :thumbup:

AFM, I'm a litlte bit emotionally torn this morning. We were talking to DH's sister last night, and her and her husband and our nephew are coming to visit us next week during March Break (which is the school year break you UK ladies just had). So they're planning to stay with us, which is awesome, because it means we'll get lots of Sam time. But it also means that he'll be breaking in the nursery and sleeping in the crib. (he's 14 months) I love my nephew more than anything, but it seems a bit weird that he'll be sleeping in Peter's crib before Peter does! We'll have to re-adjust it so the mattress is on lowest setting etc. And he'll be testing out our highchair likely too.

Also, we'll be babysitting Sam from dinner onwards overnight on Tuesday so James and Julia can stay in a hotel that night to have some adult time which is also awesome. I just wish it was the second or third night they were going to be here so we could watch them go through their regular bedtime routine and Sam would have more time to get used to us. (we haven't seen him since his birthday in november!) Oddly enough I'm more worried about feeding/bathing/putting to bed Sam than I am about the prospect of doing it with my own newborn, because he's already got a routine and I don't want to do things "wrong". He's also walking now, and I'm super paranoid because our house is NOT baby proof in the slightest yet... :dohh:
LittleSpy, I dot plan on telling my OB of my plan :haha:. I figure, I'll still be 2 weeks away from my due date and I'll know here I'm at at from my appointment the day before... And yes... I'm still in the disillusioned state, that there will be a warning sign 24 hours ahead ahahah.
My doctor also laughed (quite loudly too) at me yesterday, when I told her that I was having a pain free birth :haha:

Candy, yay for nesting men!! :happydance:
I can't believe Aaron says those things out loud lol. Rob sent me this pic (attached) and said that this would be him during birth :haha:


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OMG Steph that is hilarious... as long as its not really true! Which I'm sure it isn't. I bet once things start he will be good. Did I tell you ladies about one of the men in my natural childbirth class? When we were watching the birth videos (which were all really nice, normal, non-scary births btw) he was covering his eyes and his wife was rubbing his back comforting HIM! I felt sorry for that lady, that guy is going to be no help during labor!
Steph, congrats on the interview!

Readytomum, Great that your getting to spend time with Sam although i can understand your mixed feelings about breaking in the nursery, i guess it could be good practice for you though! The 2nd or 3rd night would probably have been easier on you though you are right.

Littlespy nice to hear from you hun!

Keaz, im getting awful heartburn too made worse by the fact that baby is well and truely still breech! I take a liquid and tums but nothing really helps a lot, its one of the worst things about pregnancy for me, last pregnancy i had horrible sickness, heartburn and carpal tunnel all at once, yes i actually wanted to curl up and die lol

So last bits done today, OH has dusted down and cleaned our travel system and im almost done with my bag, i think we are pretty much there. Our nursery doesnt have the cot yet because DS is still using it, but my mum is buying a new cotbed which, when he goes into a toddler bed hopefully in a few months time, she will then take to use at her, so the cot DS is in at the mo will go back into new babies room. if that made any sense lol
So tired now, DS refused to nap today for some reason think because we had builders o/s the house who were digging up the path and being noisy so im looking forward to bedtime so i can rest!
Steph: :haha: at that picture! Congrats on the interview but...are you crazy?! An 11 hour round trip?! Never mind readytomum dancing at that wedding, you are the new stamina queen! :thumbup: for getting your car seat in. Now just to get Grayson out of there to put in it!

Littlespy: can't believe you are still waiting on this house! What is keeping it from getting closed?

Hmm...if men can nest someone might want to send some Simon's way! He's a shocker sometimes. He did manage to complete the to do list I sent him today since he is off, but asked "what washing did you want me to do? The stuff in the laundry basket?" Me:"umm...wel...YES." Him "oh, ok I did that, I just didn't know. It didn't look like a lot. It was only one load." :dohh: yes...that one load still needs cleaned you idiot!

Maybesoon stop stalking us and let us know how you are!!! ;)

Readytomum: I would feel a bit weird if my nephew, Jacob, slept in our cot before LO did, even though - like you- I love Jacob more than anything. But I think it's normal to want your stuff used for the first time by your LO. But that will be awesome to have such quality time with Sam. I love getting time like that with Jacob, it's so special. And don't worry, you and dh will do a great job with him and not get him out of his routine, he'll be so excited about spending time with his awesome auntie he won't care what you do!

Kirstabelle :haha: at that poor woman's oh in your birth class! She'll be giving him the gas and air to help him out when the time comes!!

Afm: watching my two dogs chew up a foam ball on the rug :dohh: which means I'm going to have to get down there and pick up all the bits. Probably get stuck while I'm down there!
I have a midwife appointment tomorrow, and I'll be telling her the dr at my last appointment was a total ass and she needs to officially change my due date back, or I shall not be responsible for my actions :haha:
I'm hoping she actually talks to me about the birth and stuff at this appointment as I am now 36 1/2 weeks pregnant and......nobody has actually mentioned it yet?! I mean I know I was supposed to go to those classes, but since my SIL said they were awful I didn't, and kind of assumed my midwife might mention the possibility of me giving birth at some point! So I'm interested to see how we get on tomorrow.
Sarah I'd love to be ur text buddy! I messaged you on Facebook my number! Thank you!
Steph I'm uk based not us but thank you, If I was us if so be ur text buddy lol ;) and yay for the job interview, but wow what a long trek! Good luck with that!
Readyto mom I can completely understand how you feel I was the same before Paige was born, it's like coz my sil knew I had all these things available at my home she kept asking to use them while here! Don't worry, you'll be fine with your nephew, although maybe get ur oh to bath him lol, I don't bath Paige any more, it's to much of an issue to lean over the bath and I freak out I won't be quick enough to catch her if she slips in my fat pregnant state lol!
Melissa omg that's awful having that all at once!!!! No wonder you wanted to curl up!!!!
Afm took Paige to the park today as the weather was so nice! We ended walking to town to get her some new shoes and trainers and omg I should have taken the pushchair, she kept stopping every five seconds to say hello to people or look in shop windows. Didn't want to hold my hand (I had her on reins) and just took extra long so what was a half hour trip to the park turned I to 2hours!!! By the time I got home felt like James was engaged and ready to go!!!!!! Sitting down now after dinner and the only way to describe it is spinning round and round with little claws like wolverine!!!! I'm in agony!
I can't remember if I've missed anyone ill read back and update later!!!!!
That's a good point about the bathing kealz! lol I'm not sure I could lean over the tub to bath an infant if I tried. :haha: DH will be more than happy to take over that task though. He's totally smitten with our nephew too! (and it will be good practice for him!)

I don't really mind my nephew using the stuff... and everywhere else they're stopping on their little visiting road trip they will be staying places that don't have any baby related stuff... so I'm sure they're really quite releaved to know that we have some things at least to make life a bit easier for that part of the trip. It's just a bit strange. :shrug:

doggylover: one would hope your midwife would bring up the whole giving birth thing soon! My Dr hasn't really mentioned much about it so far yet either, except to tell me what "early labour" signs are and to keep a look out for them. But I'm a few weeks behind you... so surely it's about time someone talked to you about it?! DH and I signed up for a pre-natal course, which we have this weekend actually. I'm sure a lot of it will be old information, but we get a hospital tour and do some breathing and posture stuff which will be helpful for labour. So we'll see I guess!

melissabump: you had pregnancy carpel tunnel too?? Did it go away once LO was born? I've got some wicked carpel tunnel going on right now, and my right hand especially is really suffering. My fingers are numb most of the day and my wrist is quite weak when it comes to picking something up, or opening a lid etc. Did you discover anything that helped to ease it?
Yes LittleSpy, when's the closing on the house? I'm not sure how you are staying so calm... I have a hard enough time organizing the place I have... Nm taking on a move :wacko:

Sarah, I got yelled at by the doctor for not taking any classes. I told her that I was planning a medicated birth and therefore didn't need to breathe :haha:. Either way, she only told me when to call etc after I asked... So maybe just ask her what the expectations are?
As for Simon... Maybe I didn't type the situation right... Robs nesting, is him completing a list of things I give him! Lol. By no means has he taken initiative lol... But as long as things get done... I'm good! :thumbup:
LMAO at Simons response to the laundry :haha:. Does he think that laundry only gets done when you run out of clean clothes?? Silly boy!

Kealz, I guess I won't be upset about you and Sarah being labor buddies :cry:. Jk... The off time zones would make the updated difficult lol. So cute that Paige is already window shopping... Your going to be in trouble :winkwink:

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