April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Thanks for the update on Nimbec, Melissabump!! Fingers crossed for her that if her little man shows up today or tomorrow that he's strong and healthy, and that mamma is doing ok too!! :hugs:

And speaking of Nimbec being ready to go, anyone know how SweetPea is doing?

kristy: I haven't even started packing my bag yet... :dohh: To be honest, I really haven't even thought much about it. I have the clothing/blanket situation packed for LO, but that's about it. No diapers or hygeine stuff yet. DH and I have our Pre-Natal course this weekend, and it's at the hospital where we'll be giving birth. So I'm hoping that they'll give us a checklist of some sort about what we need to bring and what the hospital will supply.

Also, your landlord sounds like an ass-hat!

ukgirl: Sorry to hear about your ear! That sounds horrible. How on earth did you manage to burst your ear drum? In any case I hope it's feeling better soon!

Cherry: I get hot flashes all the time too! Quite often while lying in bed actually. I think that's pretty normal. I seem to be generally much warmer than I was before though....thank God its not summer time! I think I'd die if it was 30 degrees outside.

doggylover: That's really frustrating that your MW and Dr can't agree on your due-date. I guess that's one benefit of only having a Dr is that I always see the same person each time, so there's no back and forth. I can understand your worry about going over, and actually being way over, because the due date mix up... but it's not very likely you'd be *that* late. So try not to let the MW get to you... which I know is easier said than done. :hugs:
Melissa thanks for the update, I was thinking of Nimbec a lot today!
I msged her on FB, hope she reads it.

I haven't even started packing my bag yet... :dohh: To be honest, I really haven't even thought much about it. I have the clothing/blanket situation packed for LO, but that's about it. No diapers or hygeine stuff yet. DH and I have our Pre-Natal course this weekend, and it's at the hospital where we'll be giving birth. So I'm hoping that they'll give us a checklist of some sort about what we need to bring and what the hospital will supply.

Although I *think* I have everything we need for the hospital still no bag ready, but midwife told me I don't need to pack it so early as it adds stress having a bag waiting for you. Just have everything in a closet or on a changing table ready to be packed on the last minute.

In fact I tried packing my baby's changing bag with the stuff the list the hospital gave me and turns out the things don't fit in there :dohh: I need a bigger bag for baby.

Also I don't have enough pjs for me. I need at least 1 pair to add to the 2 nighties I have for the hospital.

Yes they will give you a list for the things you need to bring at the hospital. I got my list today.
Readytomum I think I picked up an ear infection from the pool on saturday.. sucks!

Thank you for the update Melissa :) xx

lily my hospotal bag is huuuuge and I got one with wheels so I can drag it hehe xx
My bag is a suitcase on wheels too Candy! It's a hand luggage sized one which just fits all my stuff into it, baby has their change bag packed and ready to go!

Thanks for the words of encouragement ladies :hugs: I know LO will appear when they want, and I am sure if I had any other issues with my pregnancy this would be very minor - i think it's because it's the only thing I have to worry about!!! Which is silly, and I'm very lucky if that's my only problem!
Melissa, thanks for the update on Nimbec... Like everyone else... I've been thinking about her today and hope she's feeling ok. I can't believe we almost have the first LO already :happydance: (happy and healthy of course!!)

Candy, you just can't get a break it seems :hugs:. Ear issues is horrible during the best of times... But dealing with it now is just completely unfair :growlmad:! Has the doctor given you anything for it?

Kristy, what a douche your landlord is!!!! Not sure why he feels the need to share any thoughts on the matter.. He is neither birthing, nor feeding or raising ANY of your babies!!!! :growlmad: I say: have 8 more just to piss him off!!!! Stupid man!!!!

Sarah, your MV just can't make up their mind :nope:. I will give you my official medical diagnosis: you are due at the end of the month with a healthy 7lb baby! They don't know what they are measuring! :wacko:
As for the hospital bag: I have a carry on suitcase on wheels as well :haha:. All is packed, except for the phone charger, brush, and maternity pads. I have only packed NB outfits for LO (<-- wishful thinking???) and 3 swaddle blankets. I know they will provide most things at the hospital as well.

I bought a 5 pack of BEAUTIFUL fruit of the loom undies :dohh: for the hospital. Wore the white ones last night as a trial (since white is NOT suitable for post birth lol)... They truly are HOT looking :haha:... I can just wear these next time Rob is home and I will be "safe" ahahaha
Omg steph I need those panties for protection from Aaron too!!! Where did you get them? Lol

yea thankfully he gave me some antibiotics.. I feel so much better today so hopefully I will be good to meet the new health visitor tomorrow after all and get THE REDBOOK :D xxx
steph your post made me giggle. hot panties lol

Dogg; that sucks on them moving your date around so much but little one will pop out when its the right time :)

Thanks for the upate on Nimbec hope she is ok in there and not going out of her mind lol.

Thanks for the info on hot flushes too. Im constantly turning heating up and down but i prefer the cold right now so i'd happly sit in a cold room lol.

I have my bag packed.. Its a small gym bag looking thing lol no wheels :( wish it did though lol ive only put one pack of 10 towels in im guessing and from what my sister could remember if i run out they might have some there or at least i can ask someone to bring extra in for me lol and Paige's things are in her nappy bag :) i have her home coming outfit in my hospital bag with her nappies.

I got her a little dress to come home in but i also pack t-shirt/leggins incase i could get those newborn tights on her lol. (her nana bought them) xxx
Omg steph I need those panties for protection from Aaron too!!! Where did you get them? Lol

yea thankfully he gave me some antibiotics.. I feel so much better today so hopefully I will be good to meet the new health visitor tomorrow after all and get THE REDBOOK :D xxx

Bwahahaha... Funny thing... I ordered them on amazon and thought to myself: boyshort undies can't be horrible looking (since I wear lots of nicer boyshort ones now)... Sooooo... When I first put them on I thought: wow, not horrible! By the time I was ready for bed, they had loosened up a bit and then just looked absolutely horrendous!!! Ahahahahha They will def keep me safe next weekend :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

As a backup, I told rob what the doctor did (pushing on the babies head during the internal) and he said that knowing the baby's head could be touched, we would not be DTD anymore lol. (This statement coming from the same man that tells me he can't sit when peeing because "it" touches the water :rofl:... He's a tool)!
Hahahaha Oh man. This thread cracks me up sometimes lol..

Saying that i was reading one yesterday about pooing all the time lol. I had to giggle to myself because i felt the same as the poor girl lol glad i aint the only one going to much lol xx
Hahahaha Oh man. This thread cracks me up sometimes lol..

Saying that i was reading one yesterday about pooing all the time lol. I had to giggle to myself because i felt the same as the poor girl lol glad i aint the only one going to much lol xx

Is there such a thing as "too much pooing" during pregnancy?? :haha:
Has everyone packed their bag yet? I've only just started! Eeek!

I am due nearly two weeks before you and have not packed a single thing :haha: I am waiting for my nursing PJ's I ordered online to get here. I also have to get one more nursing bra. That's all I need though, I have everything else, I just need to put it in the bags!

Your poor ear drum UK Girl! I hope there are things to be done for you to ease the pain :(

I got some granny panties as well. I got "fold over" ones from motherhood so you can pull them up reeeeeeeal high and sexy like :winkwink: I also found one pair of these things called "postpartum panties" on sale at macy's the other day and when DH saw them you should have seen his face. :haha: They are NOTHING like the panties I normally wear, so I think he was in a state of shock that panties with so much fabric existed. They are all cotton but sort of "shaper" style. Really hideous.

Nimbec's baby has us all on the edge of our seats! Glad all is well with them at the hospital though, thanks for the update Melissa!

About to leave for my MW appointment today. This one is the first one of my now weekly appointments. Got to get my stuff together or I will miss my bus! Have a good day ladies!
Sarah, your MV just can't make up their mind :nope:. I will give you my official medical diagnosis: you are due at the end of the month with a healthy 7lb baby! They don't know what they are measuring! :wacko:

You are my new doctor! I will just amend my notes with your diagnosis, which is much preferred to the crap I'm getting from the "professionals". That said the mw did say I'm heading for a 7 or 7 1/2lb baby, so I liked her a lot more again after that! Since I'm so convinced LO will be a beast I've packed both newborn and 0-3 outfits for the hospital. Hopefully your wishful thinking will pay off!
Bahahaa at Rob and the things he says!! And :thumbup: for your anti-sex pants.

Kirstabelle: your panties sound just gorgeous :haha: but practicality must reign!

I have always been a fan of 'fuller' underwear! I got to the point about 3 years ago (right around the time dh proposed...must have been shortly afterwards!) that I decided thongs were no longer going on my butt unless absolutely necessary, and since then have enjoyed the comfort of my other underwear! I usually buy it a size larger than I am so I have lots of room - I'm unsexy all the time! But hey, still knocked up so dh wasn't too bothered :haha:
Hi ladies!! Firstly thankyou so much for all your well wishes!! Well the saga continues. I'm in slow labour but have been allowd home as I'm not dialating and I can't have my section tomorrow as there are no scbu beds for bubs. They have booked me again for next Thursday but the general consensus is that I won't last that long. So here is the deal I have to be admitted and have an emergency section if necessary rather than a calm planned one purely as they have to have a certain number of free scbu beds and mine is not priority at the minute as bubs is not 'yet' distressed - They keep changing their mind like the wind!! However as long as bubs is ok I'm happy for him to stay a while longer!!!! But I'm now concerned that if I get my contractions regularly again or fluid drops more I will be transferred to a hospital many hours away. There are currently no scbu beds in the whole of Wales how awful is that!!!!!!! And a scary thought!!! So I'm on way home to put feet up :)

I will read all posts and catch up when I'm home - on phone at the minute.

Hope everyone is ok and thanks Melissa for keeping everyone upto date :)
So glad to hear that all is more or less well nimbec! Good news that LO will be cooking for a while longer, and if you do go spontaneously then you will still get the c section to get him out nice and quickly.

Shocking about the lack of scbu beds in Wales! That is a scary thought indeed.

Now, as a totally practical question...what are contractions like? Are they really sore? (Please tell me they are manageable!) I know I sound like a total idiot here, but I'm willing to do that to find out what is ahead!!
Hi Doggylover! Well they vary in intensity they hook you up to a ctg machine that measures the strength if uterus contraction. A normal non contracting one carts between 10-30 and when u contract it can be anywhere above this. Majority of mine where/are around 60 and manageable however I had the odd late 80's and it was like really bad period pain. They go up to 100....so I'm guessing manageable but need to definitely be prepared to breathe through them....I'm a wuss with pain and so far am ok!
That is excellent to know! Sorry to hijack you about this, but I am also really wussy about pain so am a bit terrified! An 80 being a bad period pain I can definitely manage...

Not that it looks like I'm going anywhere anytime soon!

I have my fingers and toes crossed that your LO decides to change his mind and that your are lovely and comfy and he is staying in!
Great news Nimbec! Still can't wait to see the little guy!!

Doggylover they feel like strong period cramps and depending on your body they can also be felt in your back or all up top of your belly. Mine are all in my lower belly and abdomen. Sometimes they are bare able other times they are really painful.

Ukgirl...dang girl you are just being hit with everything! I truly hope you get to feeling better soon!

Kristabelle...i don't have anything packed for either of us yet. I have those same panties from Motherhood. They are supposed to help hold everything in after baby is born too!! Which is a great thing for c-section babies for sure! I never have really been one for sexy panties. I wear cute ones occasionally but then have to walk around pulling them up all the time! lol

I am lounging around at the moment. Been trying to get all my puppies sold before Emme arrives so i don't have them plus a baby to care for. I have a ?? for the US girls. Those that are breastfeeding is your insurance paying for your pump and when did they let you order it? I called mine today and they have to call me back. I know it doesn't matter if they let me get until after Emme shows because they don't want me pumping right away but still i want to have these things in order before she gets here.
Lol Im not sure.. But i seem to go a lot more these past 2 weeks since i finished up work :(

Nimbec: sound like a rollcaster. Poor thing. Cant believe there is no beds at all that shocking. If you do have to get moved to another hospital i hope they are nice enough to bring you back through again as thats a long away form home to. You get yourself home and pop your feet up hun. Glad little on is happy in there and is holding on little longer xxxxx


Ive tottally lost it lol. i Went to make some food for Ryan.. and i was hunting for this plate i wash earlier but i couldnt work out where the heck it had gone.. So i went to ask ryan if he moved in. I even thought someone came into my house and stole it lol cause we couldnt find it.. But wait a second what did i put the chicken on in the mircowave..... The darn plate lol

Yep i couldnt stop myself laughing like an idiot afterwards. still thinking of how stupid i am right now lol xx
Hey Nimbec, glad you are ok hun.

Doggylover, you want to hope you dont get contractions like i did last time. ...H was back to back and my pain was all in my lower back and was excruciating....

Im a fan of big undies too, like french knickers etc in nice matching sets. At the moment though its whatever i can get round my ass its got so huge and im so unsexy its not even funny lol.
Sorry if this is TMI, Is anyone having increased discharge down below? Im dont remember this last time around

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