April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

:rofl: Candy, I was just about to ask Nimbec, if she ever got her answer on the pointing of the boy parts lol... I would have never even considered, until I was trying to change the first diaper!!!

SweetPea and Nimbec, you girls are keeping us on our toes! I'm happy to hear that you are both well and in good spirits! Can't wait for further updates!!

Sarah, I love the idea of LO thread!! And I totally agree, there are some questions that I may want to ask, that could potentially land me in counseling :haha:.
haha thanks candy - a much nicer response than the one i got!!!! I thought that maybe the case but typically the person i asked laughed at me belittled me and made me feel stupid....incidentally they said it just lies where it lies but i agree with you i will be making sure its not pointing directly upwards !! :) Thankyou!!!!!!!

Well no real update here apart from I have a funny feeling the contractions maybe on their way back ....to any of you not firstime moms....i have period like cramps very low doen but i dont think i have any tightening.....baby has definately dropped so maybe just his head banging on my pelvis......also i know u shouldnt go 'fishing' but i wanted to know if i could still find my cervix.....it still seems very high to me - does it literally drop down really low in labour?

Also very pissed off with how they wrote my notes....basically it said they had suggested I stay in for observations but i had said i would be comfertable at home and happier their@!!! when in actual fact i was genuinly asking if i 'needed' to be there as i wasn't actually in labour and they where not planning to keep me on monitor or do anything......it makes it sound like i ignored their advice grrrrrrrrr Then i've read my ctg report and one says contractions, another uterine irritation and then in my other notes section no uterine activity SO WTF am i having contractions or not???? soooooooo confusing!!! I hate the fact that they all say something different and cant agree!!

sorry rant over! and breathe lol
Sweetpea: Yay for making it another day! But I can understand your desire to want the little lady out if you've started labour. Hopefully you can get a bit more rest in before the big event so you're all ready to go.

nimbec: You're going a great job holding on! I wouldn't worry what the papers say, just as long as you and your little man are doing ok still, that's what matters!!

Also, whoever told you to just leave the boy's sprinkler how it lies is trying to get you christened! You have to intentionally aim it down at first, and then it will sort of stay that direction. :haha: And like ukgirl said... when the fresh air hits, off it goes! lol So keep the dirty diaper covering things up on top until you're ready to wrap the clean one on!

melissabump: It was a pretty good meeting. We got there a bit late, but I don't think we ended up missing too much. Have fun with the food shopping! I love going grocery shopping, but I hate having to haul it all home! We don't have a car so we have to carry it on the bus, and quite frankly I've had enough of that at this point. I should go on strike. :rofl:
nimbec - I know everyone experiences early active labor differently, but my initial contractions were mild-moderate period type cramps low down and I could feel tightening with each one. I don't remember having those types of contractions before I was induced with my first. This time, I've had that same type of contraction a few times so far (tightening and all). In my case, I'm not really concerned about them (there is no pattern to them or they'll seemingly start developing a pattern and fizzle within the hour). That's partly why I feel like I'm likely to ignore the start of early labor for a couple of hours this time (which, to me, isn't that big of a deal since I'm naively expecting things to take a little while to progress). :shrug: You're doing such a great job hanging in there! :flower:
Popping in to see how you ladies in hospital are doing, still hanging on I see! :cloud9:
Hehe steph I felt well weird changing my sons nappy for the first time.. I learnt very quickly to get in and out of there asap! Little boys are monsters with that thing!!

Nimbec my baby has dropped down into my pelvis a lot the past few days and when he moves his head it feels awful. I was having lower backache with the tightnings yesterday but they were random and went away.. I have spd too which causes back ache but it does make me worry if I have tightnings and they hurt.. I would compare real contractions to gas pain or period pain at the same time as the tihtnings and lasting longer than 10 seconds.. they kinda make you do an oooooo face lol.. Im not sure why your notes are so changable surely they must agree on your status before agreeing to your treatment? Them saying that you went home after being advised to stay is their way of covering their own arses if anything unlikely were to happen so you couldnt sue them. *******s!

Afm Ive been in bed ill all day feeling sorry for myself. Aaron is winding me up too which hasnt helped then I put a picture of my kids in their outfits for world book day and my uncle commented on how Connie hs a double chin and I was so angry I was like.. take the piss out of me not my six year old!! Omg seriously on what planet did he think it was a good idea to say that shit to me??? Who tells a mother her kid has a double chin... idiot!! He was like.. chill the fudge out... What a knobber!! I usually let this suff run off me but Im a fucking lioness at the moment when it comes to any of these kids of mine.. seriously say one thing about them and I will rip off your face!! Its nuts how territorial I am when Im pregnant! Lol hormones!!

Sweetpea have you progressed any yet? Xxxxx
Thanks Littlespy & candy it's always useful to hear others experiences and yes it seems they didn't agree in my notes but I'm going on the basis that my bubs is ok and that's all that matters :)

Candy what a ******* I can't believe anyone let alone familly could make such a stupid remark!!!! I would want to punch them!!!!!!! Sorry you are still feeling rough :( ((hugs))

I'm currently chilling on the sofa after doing 3 sinks of washing up - it took oh to use every single plate and cutlery we own before he thought about washing anything grrrr he has said he will do it for 3 days now but I just couldn't bear to leave it!! It's really awkward & painful for me to do as we have a very old fashioned massive low down sink so I can't get near it with bump and then have to bend over to wash stuff - not the easiest lol! He WILL be hoovering this evening haha!!
Nimbec!!! Noooooo lady sit yourself down!!!! You are far more important than the washing up!! You should be in bed being waited on hand and foot like a queen!!! Xxx
hmmmm yes i know but i have to do a minimal amount because ...well the day i did nothing....lets see what happened!

1) the dog peed on the carpet & deposited a nice shit on the bathroom floor (I stood on it - imagine my expleitives!!) Oh gets engrosed in work and forgets to let him out and even when he does he doesnt send him away from the door so he doesn't actually do much lol

2) the fire alarm was set off as he burn't toast really badly (i had it on frozen bread setting) so house stunk really badly

3) house like a bomb site and i'm not really house proud just like it to be respectable lol

but yes i know i am relaxing i promise :)

So all in all not overly relaxing lol so now i just bark orders hehehehe
Omg wow nimbec your oh needs domesticating lol.. and Im sorry but I have to admit this... I laughed when I read the dog poo and frozen bread bit lol. I should be resting too being ill and all but my oh spent all day watching movies before going to work so now I have to clean the kitchen and make dinner while getting the kids to do their rooms which all parents know is mission impossible!! I really cba!! Xx
I know ukgirl he really IS domesticated just lazy and his mind is on other things atm but OMG its easier to stay in controll lol. Yes u definately should be resting :( grrrr shame your other half can't do tea for kids before he goes!

bloomimg me huh
Hiya everyone.

Id of gone mad at the dog poop and burnt toast accidents. Lol bloody men!

Im struggling being off my meds now, this week has been horrible. Tried to get naps to give me a boost but either the phone or door keeps going :-(
So I came to bed when hubby got up (3:30, he is working nights) and im still in bed now, cant face going downstairs into the madness yet. Need to shake this anxiety off else il be in trouble
Oh wow long slow labors for you early birds! That really must be a drag. I hope that things speed up for you a bit and no more pain and just the simple joys of holding them sweet babies in your arms!

Ukgirl sorry you are still not feeling well. Hopefully you get some much needed rest and are on the mend before court next week and before Lo gets her for sure!

Afm, I had my first total melt down last night. Can't say it was pretty because I had been having contractions badly yesterday and went to take a bath to help relieve the pain and DH just smarted off the wrong way and that was it I went from freaking out on him to bawling like a baby. My hormones are at an all time high right now.
hey ladies. Sorry for cutting in but i just wanted to post quickly since im in a little pain.

I stood up needing to go to the bathroom felt like i needed to poop but instead my back went extremely painfull. like a crimpling pain i had to moved my self to pee as i was dying to go lol but the pain got little worse i stood up and placed my hands on the wal hunch over to help ease the pain ended up being a little sick :(. Got ryan to get me some water and pain killers.

Im not to bad now still got slight pain in my back its on the right side Not sure what the make of this. Paige is currently hiccuping and moving around so i know she is ok but omg I cried out in pain it was that bad. God knows how ill cope with labor going to be a total whimp :( xxx
awww cherry that doesnt sound very nice :( Perhaps bubs is sitting on a nerve? or maybe just your back giving way a bit cos of pregnancy. Just watch that you are not getting regular waves of pain like contraction pain in your back....i now nothing about it but to me it sounds like a trapped nerve which is hurrendous pain!!!

mommabrown sorry you are feeling hormonal...i am too not that its probably any consolation - I had a met down a few days ago that sounds very simular to yours :( ((((hugs)))) Have your contractions slowed down?

jennyj Hun i'm so sorry you are suffering with anxiety, i used to suffer extreemly badly, luckily it is now managed without meds but pregnancy has made me faaaaaarrrrrrr worse. Is there anyone you can talk to about this? Is there anything in particular that is making it worse? (((((hugs))))

well my pain is worse but not tightening so i'm going to try and hold out till midwiffe visits tomorrow....ugh not nice at all i'm torn between just wanting him out NOW and wanting a few more days cooking lol add my hormones into the equation and i'm a blooming wreck. Isn't pregnancy fun?! :) :)
thanks Nimbec. Im ok now ive just got this slight pain in my pelvic area so ive pulled out my ball and having little bounce lol. Ill keep an eye on it but ill mention it to my midwife tomorrow anyways lol xxxx
Sorry to hear your in pain to hun :( pregnancy defo isnt that funny just now xx
I can be added to the list of pitiful preggos. :winkwink:

Mine is just a cold but it's lasting forever and doesn't seem to be getting any better. Well, I started coughing a lot yesterday and last night, every time I coughed (which is... so much. Like almost constantly), I'd effing piss myself! :dohh: So horrible and hilarious at the same time. :haha: Luckily it seems to only happen when I'm standing so at work today I've been trying to be sure I'm sitting every time I have to cough. :rofl:
Urgh Im leaking either urine or amniotic fluid :/ i have had it for a few days now since baby dropped down and excuse the tmi but its at the top bit of my underwear so Im hoping and praying for urine! I just had a braxton hick though and more come out and when I wiped it was really watery discharge. I have the midwife tomorrow so going to wait and talk to her about it :(

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