April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Mommy FAB line!! mine looked very simular to that today too :happydance:

Laubull i'm keeping everything crossed for you! I'm also totally shattered so tired i can hardly keep my eyes open in the afternoons and i generally feel bleugh but not sick quite yet...

Yup i'm starving all the time too and am craving spicey things....but hey i don't mind and if i put a bit of weight on i can loose it afterwards. I go on the basis that if my body is craving it then it must need it atm...haha well thats my excuse anyway!!
I was reading this thread last night thinking I may be in this group and I can confirm this afternoon I am indeed pregnant. due the 10th of April but a little nervous after having a molar pregnancy in Jan this year, I got the all the clear and told I can start trying the 1st of August but me and my husband decided to try once a little earlier on the 19th of july as it was my birthday, so glad we did.

I see some ladies here are pregnant also with their rainbow babies... X
Thank you honey, over the moon to be here

Does anyone know if April 2013 looks like to be a baby boom month ?

Wishing everyone a very healthy and easy 9/ 10 months... X
I am 5 weeks today and I have just noticed a tiny amount of brown spotting. This is our first baby, its taken us 2 years to get here and one round of IVF. I am so scared. Called nurse and she just said to monitor it as spotting can be perfectly normal and not to worry about it - just wondered what other peoples experiences were :cry:
Ukgirl I have my first appointment at 6+3 and then they will give me my first antenatal appointment for week 8. I'm going to ask for an early scan as well.

So funny about your oh!

So I ended up herding some cows down the road today, and one started running at me and I suddenly thought "what the hell am I doing?! I'm pregnant and chasing cows!" I will definitely be being a little more careful from now on!
Five weeks! :happydance:

Welcome to the newbies! April is obviously a popular month. Lots of spring babies! :)

I'm feeling really hungry today, for the first time in at least a week. Even though I've already eaten a fair bit this morning. But then, when I did eat a little more about an hour ago, I started feeling queasy. Body, make up your mind!

Not craving anything in particular yet, though.

Have you all gotten any pregnancy books? I did a lot of scouring of reviews before we even started TTC and picked up The Mommy MD Guide to Pregnancy and Birth and the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. Mayo one's a little more clinical, Mommy MD more personable, but I like both. Would really like to find a good dad-pregnancy book, though--everything out there seems to be kind of patronizing.
Gena I am jealous you have progressed to Appleseed territory! I can't wait until tomorrow!

I just bought the pregnancy bible today, only read up to the start of first trimester as I want to save it for holiday. Got my oh the expectant fathers guide lol. It's written by a man and very funny!! Might have a look at mommy md as well, thanks for the recommendation.
lol doggylover!! are you mad! cows and horses scare the crap out of me! I would have died of one chased me!! lol xx
Carebearbaby- it won't matter what anyone says u will worry . but I can give you a positive story. I bleed for weeks with my daughter, at one stage I was in the bath thinking this was the end, major cramps too.Turns out it was bruising to the uterus and Some of the lining was coming away, I only stopped at 12 weeks.She is now a healthy 22 month toddler. Bleeding doesn't always mean the end of a pregnancy, they say bed rest makes no difference but I think it's what helped me, I just stayed in bed for a few weeks x
Carebearbaby- it won't matter what anyone says u will worry . but I can give you a positive story. I bleed for weeks with my daughter, at one stage I was in the bath thinking this was the end, major cramps too.Turns out it was bruising to the uterus and Some of the lining was coming away, I only stopped at 12 weeks.She is now a healthy 22 month toddler. Bleeding doesn't always mean the end of a pregnancy, they say bed rest makes no difference but I think it's what helped me, I just stayed in bed for a few weeks x

Thank you ladykara - a positive story is just what I needed. I think I am overly worrying right now, it was only a tiny amount and brown. It seems to have cleared up, so fingers crossed it stays away. I'm going to try and relax and distract my mind. Thank you :hugs:
Hey girls! Just got back from my first doctor visit and wouldn't you know I am indeed pregnant----as if I didn't "get it" with the 9 pregnancy tests I took!:haha:

She set my first ultrasound for the end of this month~ I should be about 8weeks 2 days!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Hope everyone is doing ok and feeling great!!!! :)
lol doggylover!! are you mad! cows and horses scare the crap out of me! I would have died of one chased me!! lol xx

I am a country girl so used to big animals, and I have ridden for years. It was either face the cows or sit in a traffic jam for...well I don't now how long but nobody else was making any move to sort it out!!!

Carebearbaby I can only echo what ladykara said; no stories will put your mind 100% at ease, but my SIL bled for weeks with my gorgeous, 14 month old nephew.
I am 5 weeks today and I have just noticed a tiny amount of brown spotting. This is our first baby, its taken us 2 years to get here and one round of IVF. I am so scared. Called nurse and she just said to monitor it as spotting can be perfectly normal and not to worry about it - just wondered what other peoples experiences were :cry:

:hugs: Don't worry. I had spotting that lasted almost 20 days, and it was bright red! And according to all my tests, I am still pregnant! The line has even gotten darker. A lot of women experience some kind of spotting. I'm sure you will be fine! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hang in there carebearbaby, you will see everything will turn out just fine.

I'm feeling ok, bloated, a little bit of tightness around lower abs and some back cramps. Still getting sleepy often but not as bad as last week. By the way is anyone having strange dreams? Every time I get some sleep I have weirdo dreams about random things.. They are weird
Brown is old blood, and sometimes after a slight bleed you could have brown discharge for weeks... I was still having brown discharge for another 3 weeks after. No matter what we all turn into knicker checkers though out our pregnancy ....we will soon start worrying about leaking fluid... And knicker checking for that.... It's never ending !! P.s ph paper helps when that time comes.x
Brown is old blood, and sometimes after a slight bleed you could have brown discharge for weeks... I was still having brown discharge for another 3 weeks after. No matter what we all turn into knicker checkers though out our pregnancy ....we will soon start worrying about leaking fluid... And knicker checking for that.... It's never ending !! P.s ph paper helps when that time comes.x

Ha, ha yes I can relate to that I am queen of knicker checking I've been doing it for the past 2 years whilst TTC, so why did I think it would be different after my first BFP!!

Thank you to everybody that has posted a message of support I really appreciate that - I've dragged myself out of bed and going to try and be all positive again.

In the past hour I have read far too many things about miscarriage, even convinced myself that my boobs don't hurt as much as they did over the weekend - I keep having to squeeze them! Oh roll on 2 weeks when we can have the first scan!!! :dohh:
im still spotting here and there......i get some bad cramping, which i get confused with sciatica....its a bit unpleasant...but i have a pink of pink spotting at least once a day without fail....its not as bad as it was now though, and i know ive not miscarried. 11 days til we see our baby and heartbeat!

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