April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Candy :rofl: that would be some pregnancy symptom to talk about!! Yeah I think I need something bigger along the plastic box line, I didn't realise how much nappy paraphernalia I have accumulated!!

So, I dunno if I've ever posted a bump pic, but my friend in England wanted one and pretty much demanded it, the perv!, so I thought I'd share with you ladies too. I'm enormous!!! And because of the way my top is sitting it looks like I could topple over at any moment! :haha:


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That is a gorgeous bump!! ....to accompany your loving smile doggylover!! Haha
Lol that's a lovely bump Sarah! I wanna say girl!!! But I said that about my cousin and she had a boy lol!!! Very high too! Mine is slowly starting to drop! Saw the video of you dog and the Hoover! Omg that's hilarious, my dog used to run and hide on my bed when we hooverd haha! Speaking of hoovering, I haven't had to Hoover for 3 days!!!!!!!! I miss my cats I really do! But omg my life is so much easier now!
Candy so glad ur oh has come to his senses !!! My oh wouldn't dare do something wrong at the moment the way my hormones are! I've been really emotional recently! Now that the heating is fixed though and the cats are gone I feel a little better like I can breathe! But I need to get my bum into gear! I haven't even sorted out my hospital bag or anyhing!!!!! Still gotta wash all the bedding for Moses basket and find his coming home outfit!
Hope nimbec is ok! Saw pics of sweetpeas Los together, so cute, can't wait to see my 2together! I just hope Paige is ok with it! My cousin tried to force Paige to hold her new lo and Paige freaked out completely, I was like thanks, I have a baby coming in 8weeks and you have just scared my child about holding babies! Idiot!
Anyway I'll pop back later and catch up properly, got my besties over for the day and dinner so gotta get my house in order lol! Xxx
:rofl: candy, all parts of me are so loving!!!

Kealz, Noooooooo I need this bump to drop! I'm sick of waiting and am ready for this baby to get here! Not good about poor Paige being scared by your friends baby, but when it's her own little brother she will love it! Yep, the majority of my hoovering is because of that boyo. He is the hairest dog ever! Have a great day with your friends x
haha doggylover.. I'm sure Simon would agree with that statement!! Also loved one of your beasts on facebook, he's very cute! x

Kealz - To be fair I think my hormones were part of the reason that things got so bad, I can look back and admit that I had nagged him and nit picked a lot over the past week. I think I will pay closer attention to the way I speak to him now. He's been lovely today though he's made me breakfast, cleaned the flat and now he's gone shopping with Lucas haha they are so cute together. Lucas has started calling him daddy in the last week or so which is cute.
I'm sorry your friend scared Paige with her baby! lol.. I'm sure Paige will feel much happier when she knows that little baby is her brother, I had Connie as involved with everything as possible, like bath time and playing together, when Lucas went to bed at night I let her stay up and we watched movies with pizza and sweets and talked and I even painted her nails and done her hair lol.. I just kept telling her that she was still special to me and she is my girl and she seemed to be okay with everything. We had friday night as our night until Luke was old enough to get jealous. That worked for us anyway just some suggestions :) xxx

Today I've packed most of my hospital bag I still need to buy a few items but here is what I've put in..


3 pairs socks, hats, mittens
3 pairs pjs and 3 bodies,
Going home outfit
Pram suit
knitted Blanket
4 muslins
shampoo, bodywash and nappy cream
little giraffe teddy me and Aaron brought for him
baby on board panda teddy for car on way home (lol)

Me labour:

1 night dress
hand held fan
plastic bag for dirty/wet clothes

Me after labour:
maternity pads and breast pads
shower gel, shampoo, spray ect
2 pj bottoms
2 pj tops
Going home outfit <3 yay normal clothes!!
hairbrush and ties
huge pants
nursing bras
dressing gown and flip flops
Aaron's shower gel, toothbrush and spray

I wont buy snacks because Aaron is planning on buying half of Tesco before we go in lol

I think that's everything I always forget one thing lol I know I've possibly over packed but I like to be prepared to stay longer just in case. I will also be asking my MW about savlon spray for possible stitches to keep them clean. I'm going to buy something called Gronnesape (green soap) it's antiseptic they use in Norway after birth.
Littlespy "studying boobs" :haha: I now have this image of you with a clipboard and pen looking really thoughtfully at lots of boobs, giving them a little poke!

Well, aside from the poking (that comes later :winkwink:), pretty much. :haha:

The IBCLC researcher I'm quasi-protegeeing (because that's a thing and a word) right now told me she was working on a presentation at a coffeehouse once and people were giving her crazy looks and young men snickering at her. It took her some time to figure out they were all looking at her computer screen -- pictures upon pictures of boobs! She said now she makes sure she sits so that her screen faces only walls. :haha:

doggylover - My bump dropped between 34 and 35 weeks last time and I still had to force her out. Means nothing! This time I think mine is still riding high.

Thanks for keeping us updated on nimbec, Melissa! :flower:

Woke up still feeling like crap. Today makes a solid week. My husband and Maisie are already getting over it and they caught it 3 days after I did. I normally have a really solid immune system. I guess having a 6 pound parasite (and I mean that as lovingly as possible) has its downside. :haha:
Thats a lovely bump dogglover, im jealous! Mine has spilled out at the sides, my ass, legs and everywhere else, yours looks really neat!

Kealz, poor Paige! lol im sure she will be different with her sibing though.

Candy, that looks like a good bag list, ive pretty much done mine too although a lot of things will be going in last minute.

Littlespy, sorry you still feel like crap, but glad Maisie and Scott are getting over it at last, its no fun especially at this stage!

AFM guests have gone it was actually quite pleasant and enjoyable, my back is killing now though.
Still no news from Nimbec Im thinking that somethings happened today just hoping is all well, am gonna text her again, of course will update you all as soon as i can
Ok just had an update from Nimbec..
Shes in hospital, same hospital as before, has not had section yet due to no SCBU beds and bubs still appears happy in there. They no longer are looking to transfer her apparently.
But poor girl is currently in agony and on a morphine pump so not ideal at all and she is pretty down. Ive told her we are all thinking of her and rooting for her and she says to say hi to you all. XX
Hello!! Not been posting much as ive had loads going on but i am here now! :)

Bubs no 3 is due April 18th and is a :pink:

My waters went on Weds 20th Feb and i have been on bed rest/hospital monitoring since. Bubs should be here no later than April 2nd as they want to induce at the first sign of infection!

Hope everyone is well here and congrats on our first April bubs. x
Doggy Lover your bump is lovely, and not massive at all and a very nice shape. And, I forgot to tell you! Here is another gender predictor for you to try! You too Melissasbump, you are team yellow as well if I remember right.

When I went to acupuncture the acupuncturist took my pulse on both my wrists and guessed I was having a girl! He says its something to do with the ying yang of the sides of your body and the ying and the yang correlates with male and female. His description was way better than that obviously :haha: So what you are supposed to do is take your pulse on each wrist and determine which pulse feels the strongest, if it is left its a girl and if its right its a boy. We can all do it for fun and see if it matches up with what we know. :winkwink:

My bump is also still really high. I think at least half my child is inside my rib cage and I swear I sometimes feel movements all the way round my sides. I may or may not be giving birth to a spider monkey.
My bump still looks high to me but when i take a pik from one week to the next it either high or low :S lol

Poor Nimbec :( Sending her loads of hugs <3

Wow oh wow Dogg: you look amazing :)

AFM having a lazy day. watched nearly the full fifth season of charmed lol trying to drinkas much water as possible including 3 cans of irn bru :| lol.

Just done a little bouncing wiggling on the ball. rubbing same cocoa oil on my belly love the smell of that stuff lol. And i feel like a granny pure knitting random things now lol its keeping my fingers busy and my mind of something else other than food lol when ever that works lol.

Pure sleep to now. Funny that i only get up once to pee through the night and i slept until 9am this morning thats new to me lol but now i feel sleepy :( and its only 5.30pm
Kirstabelle, after initially getting over the shock that I appear to be dead as I couldn't find ANY pulse in my wrists :haha: I eventually found one in my left, but not at all in my right! So I guess that means I'm having a girl!
And I also feel movement in my sides, which totally freaks me out, and makes me wonder where the heck all my internal organs have gone to that this baby has free reign of the whole abdomen!!

Melissa, thanks for the update on nimbec. If she is on a morphine drip she must be a) in agony (well hopefully not anymore) b) totally off her head! If you text her again tell her I send my love. I'm glad your entertaining went well - feet up now for a well deserved rest!

Vicyi: congrats on :pink: I hope bed rest isn't too boring for you, and your LO will be here so so soon!! Keep us posted!

Littlespy: definitely keep your boob pictures at home, or well covered when in public! Sorry to hear you are still feeling crappy, but definitely blame your parasite :haha:

Cherry: I actually get worried now if I only need up once to pee in the night! Makes me think I must be dehydrated lol. A lazy day sounds good to me, sure isn't that what maternity leave is all about?!

Afm, Simon and I bought some baby bits and bobs today - a rug for the nursery, a whole stack of books as I am adamant this baby will be a book lover! And we bought a little mobile as well. We weren't going to bother, but we had a next voucher and it was on sale so we thought we may as well! Our friends are coming for dinner, which will be lovely as this is the last time we'll be able to hangout before they get married in 4 weeks, and before LO arrives.
Doggylover Harrison absolutely loves books, got to be one of his favourite things, right up there with milkybar buttons! I was/am an avid reader too and i really hope we can keep up his interest.

Cherry, im up at LEAST twice in the night to pee, I was the same last pregnancy and never quite got over it inbetween babies despite not actually giving birth the regular way, im hoping i can get back to complete normal eventually this time
Vicyi sorry to hear youve had a tough time hun at least you have a date to have baby so just rest up :) xxxxx

thanks for the update Melissa.. I was on morphine with Lucas as I was too late for the epi.. It makes you feel like youre flying and spaces are bigger than they actually are lol.. it also makes you say crazy shit so that could be why she isnt updating much. bless he tell her to hold on and shes doing such an amazing job. Shes one tough cookie! Xx

doggylover reading your posts makes me laugh!!! Youre such a sausage!! Haha.. I will upload a pic of my wardrobe soon so you can seenhow Ive put Bens stuff. xx

I brought a test for that bacteria that you need antibiotics for in labour.. gcb? Cant remember anyway I am 35 weeks tomorrow so I can take it from tomorrow and took it out to have a look at what it onvolves... there was a dice in there!!!! Seriously!!!! A dice???!!!!! I was like omg lol hahaha! Not sure wht thats about but ah well.

my bump still looks pretty high but I can tell Bens dropped down.. his head is pressing on my back bones and nerves making my legs hurt and I have lost control of my bladder.. any tiny amount of urine in my bladder doesnt stand a chance so I have to constantly go to the toilet to avoid peeing my pants... sexy! Xx
Alright, that's it Doggy Lover, you are having a girl. Its settled. :haha:

I know, when she reaches into my sides or right under my ribs I feel like I have been colonized and its only a matter of time before she takes over, pushes me to the side and contacts her home planet to begin the invasion. :haha:

Welcome back Vicyi! Sounds like you have had quite a time of it, you are a trooper!

Poor Nimbec, I would be screaming at them to build me a bed in the freaking janitor's closet!

Sorry you're still feeling sick Little Spy, hope its your turn to start feeling better soon!

I pee so many times in the night that I don't even count. Its at least three-four usually, and if I have a sleep in it is even more than that. So annoying.

What a weird thing to find in a test UK Girl! You'll have to let us know what the dice is for when you do the test. GBS is that test, I had mine at my MW appt last week so find out the results next week when I go back.
Yes!! Kristabelle thats the one! Lol.. they dont do it routinely in my area we have to buy our own £35 that bloody test is costing me!! Thats half of our weekly food budget :/ I hoep yours comes back negative xx
Right further update from Nimbec.

She is not actually in labour but what is causing her pain is she has inflamed nerve endings in her bump which is whats causing it hence the morphine. They now want to hold out her section till Tues (providing she doesnt go into labour before that) which is when she turns 37 weeks and then will not need a SCBU bed. She is struggling a bit to hold it together due to her pain bless her and the drugs are spacing her out a bit which i guess doesnt help. I so feel for her!!
Thats so not on making her stay in that pain for the sake of 3 days!! Why cant they do the section and put her in a normal bed now??? She cant stay in that pain for three more days on morphone thats really unfair on her. I feel so sorry for her xx
It's scary how fast this pregnancy has gone by. Is it the same for you ladies? xx
OMG I cant believe they will make poor Nimbec suffer for 3 more days... the pain meds can't be good either! Stupid hospital! I hope they figure something out soon!!!!

Kista, I'm glad i'm not the only one peeing a million times a night! I sooo wish, that I only had to go once or twice a night :cry:

Sarah, yay for picking up a bunch of odds and ends for LO! I believe, it is safe to start shopping for a girl :haha:. .. or you should start worrying about half of your body not having a pulse?!?! :shrug:... no no, surely... its a girl :thumbup:
Since this is the first bump pic you have posted, I feel like you have seriously misled us :growlmad:. I was convinced that you were rolling everyone (as opposed to walking)... You look fabulous :thumbup:

Candy, glad you and Aaron are fine! I have caught myself treating Rob far from fair during this pregnancy! I now try extra hard to be nice, and he has been soo much better about being sweet and helpful!

AFM, spent the morning returning some duolicates from the shower and buying all the last bits we needed (bath tub, sheets, mattress protectors, breat pump <-- wow I wish insurance would have covered that... crazy expensive!, diaper pail, sleep sack, and LOs skin care lotion and bath soap). Man O man, I am exhausted! Good thing is, I went into the store with a bunch of coupons, and ended up saving an average of 20% on everything.:happydance:
My Grandma also came in town from Germany this week and she is making the curtains for Graysons room. So I took her to the fabric store and we got all the needed supplies!

Water retention has finally set in and my feet are a little swollen. Its not really noticeable (since I already have sturdy ankles :haha:), but I can feel it.
I'm on the couch now, drowning myself with water lol.

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