April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

If you think your home is messy now wait until the toddler phase :p

Oh don't, I don't know how I will survive a toddler, I need everything in its right place! I don't mind having all the toys out with my nephew, but then I expect him (now he's almost 2!) to help put some bits and bobs back. I will be teaching my child how to tidy from age 0 :haha:

I also think Melissa might be next! And then steph maybe not far behind...(I have nothing to base this on at all of course!)

Oh ok just read that post from Melissa about potentially going next week...:dohh: that would make me right though :haha:

I was out walking the dogs (in the -1 weather...) and there is a man at the end of my street who is a fair weather walker (its cold, but sunny!) and he is extremely overweight. So when he started catching up on me I thought "I cannot let this man over take me" so I really pushed myself to walk faster. Now I think my legs have fallen off. What an idiot I am.

:thumbup: I'm so taking your word on that.. doc said still 1 cm dilated today and 70% thinned out?!?! Even if it means nothing... I want to read into it and hope your right :haha:
I'd just prefer not to have a new one ripped.


you have just terrified me!

Readytomum: hmmm...so I guess that they are concerned enough about your heart rate to want you back tomorrow? As you say, hard to know how it went, but at least whatever it is is not affecting Peter.

Just ordered my snuza go which I think is officially the last baby item I needed to get :happydance: now I just need a damn baby!


OMG... I think I will still stick with the disillusion that I wont tear at all :haha:
I had the cut with Connie right from one hole to the other!! Sexy huh? It healed within 6 weeks but my stitches with Lucas took a while year to heal. I have scars there now but dont feel much pain.. I know some ladies do though and have a horrible time with it which cant be nice.. but not all cuts and tears are bad. Xxx

lots of bhs tonight :/ think I drank too much cola!
And EPO will be going up the hoo-ha overnight as well starting in a couple of weeks. :haha:

I am starting to take oral EPO this week and then was going to move onto the oral plus the EPO to Hoo-ha thing closer to the due date. My MW recommended it for helping to ripen the cervix, I didn't know it helped the perineum too. How long do you have to do it for perineum benefits?

Also, do you have a suggestion for an "if I am only going to buy one breastfeeding book" as well? I was going to get the Ina May Gaskin one, but I am reading her childbirth book ATM and it is REALLY crunchy-hippied out. I think need something a bit more informative for BF, please. You know, something with a good index or good sections that I don't have to read the entirety of but can just look things up late at night etc. Thanks! :flower:
And speaking of the ridiculous "articles" that are posted at the bottom of B&B this one might be the dumbest... Test Drive Your Baby Name. And one of the "real-life examples" is "babyname come on down, you're the next contestant!" Yes, it is essential that my daughter's name fit well as a game show contestant.

I'm with Steph on this one.... :ignore: I don't hear a thing about all this tearing business!

DH and I are pretty excited for our nephew (and his parents) to arrive tomorrow! Although it's pretty terrible timing to have to wear this heart monitor thing while they're here. :nope: I really hope the chest things are
small and don't stick out at all so it won't interfere with playing with Sam.

I'm still totally exhausted... I went to bed early last night and slept in late today, but I could totally just curl up on the floor at work and fall alseep. It's 7pm. This busy weekend has really busted my butt I think, and now we have family coming over to stay for the next three days so no rest in sight! :nope:
Congratulations Nimbec :flower:

Just wanted to say hello to all you ladies, I have popped by now and then, more of a reader and stalker of your thread! We thought we would be April but ended up 24th March although I am convinced baby will go over, I'd still like them to be 31st March as my DD was due 24th and born 31st. Anyway what I really wanted to say was Doggylover, I think its a fantastic job you do keeping the front page updated - I know you have posted in some March threads now and then and for some reason as you may have seen the March ladies just seem all over the place!! With my first DD the October group was very much like this one and some of us still share our journey together even now, 3+ years later . . . I hope that you lovely ladies get to do the same as you seem to have a lovely connection with each other :flower:

Here here ... Fab job doggylover!
No, no not terrifying. Just not pleasant. Most folks I know who tore or had episiotomies healed just fine. I'm just doing what I can to lessen it this time! It should be noted that my husband has the. biggest. head. ever. And I'm apparently a pro at pushing. Huge headed baby + rocket power = new one. :haha:

Kirstabelle -- Not sure on the hoo-ha oil benefit. I've been using a mix of coconut oil, vitamin E oil, and olive oil for the stretching/massaging crap for now. I'm going to continue doing that. But when I start taking EPO orally, I'm going to insert some vaginally as well. I've just read women say they think the EPO helps with tears. I think most folks wait until 37-39 weeks to do EPO. My OB gave me the all clear to start at 37 weeks. 3000-4500mg/day. I figured I'll do 3000mg by mouth and 1500 by... well... vagina. :haha:

I'm afraid I don't have a "regular" breastfeeding book to recommend at this time. My breastfeeding Bible is The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk by West and Morasco. But that wouldn't be appropriate for the majority of women, really.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing with the EPO waiting until 37 weeks... so only another two days :happydance: I was seeing if you were starting earlier for some kind of special stretchy benefit :haha: My mum had no tearing with any of the three of her births. So, hopefully a stretchy vajayjay is hereditary! I also got some of that Earth Mama Angel Baby spray and bottom butter, since it had good reviews. Its supposed to help with all the swelling and any tears etc. So, if I do get some tearing I am deffo hoping to numb it away as much as possible!

I ended up just ordering The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, as that seems to be the one most people get :shrug: Hopefully it will be helpful!
Also, do you have a suggestion for an "if I am only going to buy one breastfeeding book" as well? I was going to get the Ina May Gaskin one, but I am reading her childbirth book ATM and it is REALLY crunchy-hippied out. I think need something a bit more informative for BF, please. You know, something with a good index or good sections that I don't have to read the entirety of but can just look things up late at night etc. Thanks! :flower:

Although I have never BF before (this is my first) I think I would safely recommend the LLL's Womanly art of breastfeeding. After some research I think it is the best, if you have to buy 1 book only. Also read my thread on this: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/breastfeeding/1754019-q-llls-womanly-art-breastfeeding.html

On tearing: I'd rather have an episiotomy than tear on my own, I think I prefer a cut that is being done "professionally" and is controlled, rather than a random tear that can be anything from minor to mutilating. So far I have never met a woman IRL that her episiotomy caused her any problems, outside 2-3 days discomfort. The fact that tearing can be unpredictable is freaking me out.

The midwife has me on organic extra virgin olive oil perineal massage, once every day for now, and x5 a day after week 36, she really believes in it. She is the one who will judge if I need a cut or not on the last minute, and I trust her.
What is EPO?? What does it do?

I havent ever really done anything to prepare for birth in the past its all new to me hearing all these methods and medicines lol.. I always just assumed that we are women and our bodies were made for this. Maybe I should do some massage thing.. I needed stitches with both my babies.

Ive managed to convert a pregnant friend into a cloth nappy mummy.. she saw my stash on facebook before she knew she was pregnant and loves the idea!! Yay..

On breastfeeding the only advice I can give is not to eat chocolate because it makes babies windy haha.. It is the same for me there too... my kids were born.. I stuck them on.. well they stuck themselves on!! Haha.. they fed and slept and fell off.. job done. I dont think there was really much too it. It mainly revolved around my diet and what i ate and how it affected my baby. I had curry one night which turned Lukes poo blue for 2 nappy changes lol.
Hi ladies, i had an update from Nimbec late last night, didnt see it on my phone till this morning so apologies for that..
Litte Harrison is unfortunately not very well, he has transient tachypnea of the newborn an an infection which is basically making it hard work for him to breathe. He is managing on oxygen in his incubator but obviously for Rebecca its heatbreaking to see him struggle, plus he cant keep any milk down and is on a drip.
She still hasnt been able to get her much wanted cuddle as the little man is currently not well enough.. She has been told he will be fine but it may take 3-5 days to see an improvement.
So Nimbec more than likely wont be about for a few days, she said she will update me when she can, ive told her to consentrate on her little boy.
Thinking of you Nimbec, little Harrison and your family xxxxxx
What is EPO?? What does it do?

Ive managed to convert a pregnant friend into a cloth nappy mummy.. she saw my stash on facebook before she knew she was pregnant and loves the idea!! Yay..

I had curry one night which turned Lukes poo blue for 2 nappy changes lol.

EPO : Evening primrose oil
I know nothing about it, I just remember it from ttc, some ladies were taking it.
Yay on converting another mommy! :happydance:

OMG blue??? Are you serious lol!:haha:

Hi ladies, i had an update from Nimbec late last night, didnt see it on my phone till this morning so apologies for that..
Litte Harrison is unfortunately not very well, he has transient tachypnea of the newborn an an infection which is basically making it hard work for him to breathe. He is managing on oxygen in his incubator but obviously for Rebecca its heatbreaking to see him struggle, plus he cant keep any milk down and is on a drip.
She still hasnt been able to get her much wanted cuddle as the little man is currently not well enough.. She has been told he will be fine but it may take 3-5 days to see an improvement.
So Nimbec more than likely wont be about for a few days, she said she will update me when she can, ive told her to consentrate on her little boy.
Thinking of you Nimbec, little Harrison and your family xxxxxx

Oh dear oh dear!:nope:
So sorry for little Harrison and Rebecca. I really hope he goes through this fast and is healthy and strong soon. Hugs to Rebecca, it must be so tough not being able to cuddle with your LO... My thoughts are with her and I can't wait for the next update with happy news.
Tons of kisses and hugs! :kiss::hugs:
Littlespy: oh my good god when you were talking about taking and then said "it should be noted that my husband has the biggest..." I was almost scared to read onto the next word :shock: :haha: luckily it was head and nothing else!
And crap, my dh also has a massive....head! Now I'm even more terrified!

Readytomum,I can imagine your heart rate monitor reading is going to be insane if you are running round with Sam all day! They'll think you're having a heart attack!!! Have fun though with the family.

Kirstabelle: is your ambition for your daughter not for her to appear on game shows? :huh: that's my top priority for LO! I read that article a while back, and was just going :huh:
I have the womanly art of breastfeeding and have been dipping in and out of it. It seems well broken up in that there is a section on the first few days, then the first two weeks etc.

Thank you bitty Sarah :) very kind

Candy: I seriously hope I take to mummy-hood as easily as you did with connie and Lucas! Well, apart from the lie poo bit :shock: how does that even happen?! You are a pro at birth and mummy-ness so I'd say you are already well prepared. I'm not doing any massage because the thought of massaging my....downstairs areas really freaks me out! Someone on another thread said their birth class recommended that you get your partner to do it as foreplay :shock: if I asked Simon to massage oil onto my bits and bobs he'd die I think!

Melissa: thank you so much for the update on nimbec :( she must just be terrified and tearing her hair out.im glad they think Harrison is going to be fine, but it must be so scary for her for now, especially not being able to cuddle him. Send her my love.

Afm: awful nights sleep last night. I think I overdid it yesterday :dohh: and the Simon told me off because the last thing he said yestday morning was "don't overdo it" :haha: so a quieter day today I think.
Nimbec - massive hugs to you hun, I hope your little lovely gets better very fast, so you can cuddle.
Awww poor Nimbec hope little one pulls through little earlier..

I had an ok sleep, but because i have that sore bit on my back it goes sore when i need to pee lol and i keep getting this firey cold air in my throat :S i normal take ingestion sweets for it but i had no left so i had to go get milk lol.

Got midwife at 1.50 so ill be sure to find out what going on with this pain. Im beginning to think it could be the weight on my belly pulling forward and hanging to so low down that causing the pain to lingre. But in saying this the pain hasnt been as bad today:S which i shall mention also just hope this is it on the mend.

Ive been pretty lazy since finished work and with as little excerise which is not good lol cause once you start up again you all sore :(

Anyways i manage to get the dishes done and made a smootie without being in pain YAY!! lol

Hope everyone else is ok xxxx
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:nimbec hun sorry to hear about Harrison, keeping you & fam in my prayers for a quick recovery of ur lil man :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hope you get to cuddle very soon :hugs:
Huge amounts of love being sent to nimbec and little Harrison - he sounds like a little fighter and will be in mama's arms soon. Nimbec huge hugs to you my sweet girl, your strength is amazing and I cannot wait until you can snuggle LO in your arms.
What is EPO?? What does it do?

On breastfeeding the only advice I can give is not to eat chocolate because it makes babies windy haha.. It is the same for me there too... my kids were born.. I stuck them on.. well they stuck themselves on!! Haha.. they fed and slept and fell off.. job done. I dont think there was really much too it. It mainly revolved around my diet and what i ate and how it affected my baby. I had curry one night which turned Lukes poo blue for 2 nappy changes lol.

hahahah you make them sound like little leeches, or ticks :haha:

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