April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh and if I ever go missing I want you looking for me Steph! Hope Maybe Soon replies to you!
I'll be taking RRL capsules starting at 37 or 38 weeks because it's a..... say it with me... galactogogue! :haha:

Had my first cervix check today. Soooooo happy it's fully anterior (which means the check didn't even hurt! I was dreading it so much since they were far from pleasant with Maisie. My OB said it would stay that way, too -- it's now in the right position for labor.), baby is head down, locked & loaded. Some effacement (she didn't say how much) but no dilation, which is what I would expect at this point. My next appointment is next Monday. :) She was also kind enough to reassure me that baby #2 generally rips much less of a new one (for women who had an "unpleasant birth experience like that with their first," as she put it. I mean, she was the one who stitched me up so she would know better than anyone). She said she expects me to be pleasantly surprised. The skeptic in me (which is most of me, lol) has a feeling she was just being nice. :haha:
Hi all!! How is everyone today? I imagine heavy, uncomfortable and over it, lol. Actually I'm feeling wonderful today! Which is very very weird as I haven't felt this well in ages. I tend to go to bed with the worst cramps, back ache, pressure etc that lasts all night but wake up perfectly fine. Does everyone else find things worse at night? Nimbec- just seen the pic of your gorgeous little boy! He is so cute and I am so pleased you got your first cuddle! xx. So yesterday afternoon Ella got her 4 year immunisation. I was soooo not looking forward to it as she is definately my little troublemaker and throws a wicked tantrum. But... She was wonderful and so brave. I couldn't believe how well she was and I'm so proud. Though I have to say it's awful to watch them get needles! I used to try and palm that job off to OH but it never worked. He won't have a bar of it, so poor mummy is stuck with it. I guess you have to be cruel to be kind. Oh and I'm 35 weeks today! Whoooo! :)
Kristy I get horrible hip pain now at night from always sleeping on my sides now that my pelvis is all loose and widening from the hormones and extra weight. I will be so exhausted but just not able to find any kind of comfortable position (since there are now only two positions possible :nope:) its so annoying. Its way worse once it is getting towards morning. I often get up earlier than I would want to just because I can't stay lying down anymore. Hope we can both get a good night's sleep tonight!

Glad Ella was a trooper for her shots! I am dreading LO's hep B shot that she is supposed to get in the hospital at birth :(
Hope very much that your doc is right Little Spy!

I haven't had an exam to see about dilation and effacement yet. Maybe they will do it tomorrow. I thought they might do it last week with the GBS test, but nope. If she doesn't do it I think I will ask for it. Now that everyone else is finding out I want to know too!
So weird... I tried to message Maybesoon and it gave me the option to either pay $1 for the message to go to her Inbox, or not ay $1 and it will go to the "other folder" ](*,)
Crazy! Anyway, I decided to send her a friend request instead... maybe she will accept lol. :haha: ... though it looks like she does NOT want to be stalked hehe

Krista, I would ask for a check too! As much as I dislike my normal OB appointments (non-pregnancy) for the obvious reason of having a casual conversation whilst the doctor is digging around down there :haha: ... I really liked getting the info during the last two appointments! Its nice to know that things are changing from one week to the next.
Eventhough... they say that it makes no difference what so ever... you can go into labor with no dilation at all! Or you can be 4cm dilated and nothing happens:haha:

LittleSpy, Does the RRL help for breastmilk as well??
Well, day one with the nephew has been an interesting one. He definitely loves Hadrian, and I'm rather proud to report that Hadrian has been a total prince about it all. I think Sam is a little sad that Hadrian doesn't give kisses like puppys do because he keeps walking over to Hadrian and opening his mouth waiting for a kiss. :haha: It's quite hilarous. Sam's been in bed now for almost an hour, and up until a few minutes ago he was STILL awake, just chattering away to himself. Not crying or fussing. The monitor has finally gone silent though, so I'm hoping he's finally crashed because its getting kind of late! (although nap this afternoon was also quite late!)

Also, I CANNOT WAIT till tomorrow morning to take these freaking monitor things off. They're are driving me CRAZY. :wacko: The tape is still pulling at my skin and I just want them gone! :brat:

Steph: that's really bizzare about trying to message maybesoon. A $1 fee to send a private message? Hopefully she responds to your request at least.

kirsty: glad to hear Ella's shots went well! I'm definitely not looking forward to that part of parenting. It must be hard to watch your LO's get shots when you know it's going to upset them. That's great that she was such a trooper though! Makes it easier for mum too I'd bet.

LittleSpy/Doggylover: I'm planning to pick up some RRL capsules sometime soon as well. I've heard mixed research as to how effective they actually are, but if there's any chance they might make labour quicker/more efficient I'm in! I'm not sure where the best place to get them here is though... I'll have to look around. The drugstore might even carry them actually, some have a pretty good vitamin/mineral wall.
Hi ladies, just popping in to say hi. I haven't been on here in forever, been really busy with work and getting things ready for baby. Congrats to nimbec and sweetpea! Hope you are both recovering well. Soon all of us will have our lo's in our arms. It's crazy to think about.

Anyway, I hope the rest of you ladies are doing and feeling well in these remaining weeks! I can't wait to hear updates and birth stories!
Kirstabelle your bump is the same shape from above as mine! A bit pokey out on the right. Mine is like that 70% of the time! And you don't like Pizza Hut? [-X[-X[-X don't come round here admitting that :haha:

Littlespy :happydance:for galactogogue! How many capsules do you take each day? I keep reading conflicting things about how much to take.

Kristy: glad Ella faired well with her injections, and lol at her ability to throw a tantrum! Who did she inherit that from?! :winkwink:

Steph that is so weird about fb CHARGING you to send a message! Thieving sods! I'm not surprised they've started that though, tbh! Hopefully hear something from her soon.

Readytomum, glad you had a fun day with Sam :) and that's great about Hadrian. I'm glad to hear cats can interact normally with a child - my dad is convinced that our cat is going to kill our baby. And I am not joking. He thinks the cat will jump on the baby and smother it. Which, I'm sure, has happened in the past, but out cat is scared of his own shadow. A shrieking child will hardly entice him over!

Bjs :hi: hope all is well with you, and let us know when your LO arrives!

Afm, hospital appointment today. No idea what for (again!) but off we go anyway!
Good morning ladies..

im still not well!!! Omg this cold virusy thing is zapping all my energy :(
It is true that second plus babies come out easier.. I pushed for less time with Lucas and didnt need to be cut. I had stitches with him though because the midwife was a friend of mine hehe ;)

Im officially on team tena lady!! I cant cough sneeze laugh or move without peeing myself... funsies.

goodluck with your hospital appointment today Sarah!
I have to tidy up because my health visitor is coming tomorrow. I couldnt hold her off any longer lol. Aaaaand I should be getting my laptop back from the repair shop today so I can post back to you all properly again yay!

Steph I didnt realise you have to pay to send a private message to someone who isnt a friend! I looked on the April Munchkins group on fb and maybesoon isnt on there either :/ Im thinking that hopefully she will turn up and update us when shes ready if she wants to xx

hope all is well with nimbec and Harrison today and she gets more cuddles xxx
Doggylover- she definately didn't get it from me! I swear, lol. Though my mum always calls her little Kristy. She is a very determined little girl. Knows what she wants!! :) Kirstabelle- I'm so sorry your hips are causing so much pain :( My hips aren't too painful but when I roll in bed they make the loudest " crack" noise. And that definately hurts. Hope you get a much better sleep tonight!! I'm hoping I do but tomorrows Riley's peadiatric appointment so Im a bit nervous. Readytomum- I'm glad you get the monitor things off tomorrow. They must be very irratating!!
Oh Candy... still no better?? You really are just not getting a break! Hang in there :shrug:

Sarah, let us know how your appointment goes!!! At this point... every appointment is one step closer! Geez, your due date is right around the corner, isnt it????? :happydance: Show us that giant baby :winkwink:!

Bjs, good to see you on here again!

Kristy, I hope your appointment for Riley goes well. Let us know what happens... but i'm sure it will be ok :hugs:

ReadytoMum, glad those itchy things are off of you :thumbup: and glad that Hadrian was so good with Sam. What a very comforting thought for when LO arrives!
Oh and Sarah, if our LO is really as massive as you believe (which he/she is NOT :flower:), then you may have to worry about him/her smothering the cat... not the other way around :haha:
Morning ladies :flower:

Wow, so much to catch up on!!

Nimbec- huge congratulations again, he's absolutely gorgeous!!! So glad you are getting to have some cuddles now :cloud9:

Doggylover & cherrybump - you are so lucky not to be having BH's lol!! Mine drive me to distraction sometimes!! Good luck for your appt today doggylover!

UKgirl- my BH's are more like yours, relentless :dohh: Hope you feel better soon, my LO has the same virus as you I reckon, he's been a nightmare for a week now! Poor little thing! And as for the peeing, I knew I was about to throw up yesterday, so stuffed a pad in my knickers quickly first. Good job or I'd have been changing all my clothes after finishing puking LOL. Oh the glamour!! :haha:

Steph- I drank the RLT last time & My MW's swear it had something to do with my fast labour and second stage. Tastes quite nice too, slightly sour. I'm having trouble drinking it this time though, I've gone off so many foods and drinks again recently!

Littlespy- that's good news about your cervix. MY MW also mentioned the second one should come out with little or no tearing, so here's hoping!

BJS- hi hun, hope you are well!

Sweetpea- hope your little princess is doing fab :cloud9:

:hi: to everyone else I haven't mentioned :hug:
Oh forgot to mention my own situation.. I had the MW out over the weekend, due to reduced movements and me almost fainting several times. Baby sounded OK, but stayed quiet and my fundal height is still the same as it was almost a month ago. She wasn't concerned, but this is how my PE started last time, so I decided to get a private scan on sunday evening for peace of mind.
Turns out my baby is actually measuring BIG, the sonographer said I should get double checked for GD!! My fluids just a bit low, but within acceptable centiles, so that's probably why I'm measuring a little smaller.
I kept saying to DH that this baby seems so much bigger than Sidney.. looks like I might be right lol!!
I keep falling behind with this thread aarrgggg lol.

Hope everyone is well today.

Im going to go for a nap, canny keep my eyes open at the mo. And keep getting these quite strong yet short lives braxton hicks, driving me mad.
I have a gross question for you ladies... But like Sarah said... I don't feel there are any unreasonable questions in this thread :haha:

How do you know the difference between plug and just sticky discharge? I've had some discharge today that looked very much like the one when TTC. White-ish (with some brownish discoloration) and I swear it's the consistency of sticky rubber... Like the kind you get in the mail, when they send you a credit card (the stuff they use to attach the credit card to the paper lol).
Lol don't worry Hun! Ask away with all the gross questions! When I lost my plug with Paige I'd had contractions for a whole day, waters broke not long after I lost it! It was extremely thick and globby, with streaks of blood in it and was greenishy!!! Very gross! You would know! Lol infact I came running out the loo with it on tissue to show my mum haha! She was very freaked out! Sorry tmi hehe x
Steph -- RRL is lactogentic, so promotes lactation. It's also a milk ejection aid (helps with letdown). BUT, from the research I've done, I wouldn't recommend taking it for more than 2-3 weeks at once (which is why I'm waiting until 37-38 weeks to start it) because some sources say it can actually lower milk production if taken long term (more than 2 weeks). And, good grief, I don't need that. :haha: The therapeutic dose for milk production, according to The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk is about 900mg 3x/day. So, that's what I'll be taking the last couple weeks of pregnancy. I'm going to stop at or very shortly after delivery (depending on when it happens).

And you're absolutely right about the cervix checks not meaning a damn thing. But it's so hard not to be curious! I was 1cm dilated at 37 weeks and 3cm dilated at my 38 week appointment with Maisie (and lost my plug that night) and was still 3cm dilated when I went in for induction at 40+5. :dohh: I will say it's a mental perk to start labor knowing you only 6-7cm to go, though. :haha:
Bwahahaha thank you Kealz... I didn't have nearly enough to make me even consider it to be enough to induce labor... But I guess I was wondering if it could be actually discharge? If not, it could be just parts of the plug?
How much was there? Maybe keep an eye on it and call you midwife to see what she says?
Candy sorry your still feeling rough! Hope you feel better soon! Dan-o glad all is ok with your lo! How big is lo measuring up? Ty say a few weeks either side is ok!
Sarah hope your hospital appointment goes ok.
Afm had a mw appointment today, he is still head down, growing well, and all is ok with everything else! She said that I will likely be induced at 37-38 weeks!!!!! Omg that is only 3-4 weeks away! Um....... I know I've done this before but I suddenly freaked out and had a mini panic attack at the tought that I don't even have my bags packed and he could be here in 3-4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will know for definite in 2weeks at my consultant appomtment!

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