April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Melissabump i have had 4 c-sections, including the Tubal Reversal. My OB says that this one will be no biggie and that i can continue to have more children this way if i want. What are the reasonings behind the hysterectomy??? Glad you have a date!

Bahahaha Ready to mum that game sounds so funny! We had the clothes pins and everytime someone said baby they got a pin on their shirt and who ever had the most won a prize!
Lucas was on our boy list as well Melissa :) So was Miles. Sorry you had such a disappointing appointment, but how exciting that you have your date to meet your LO! And you are right, all that really matters is that LO is healthy. Plus, I wouldn't trust one doctor's opinion about something like that. If you'd gotten a different doctor on Friday, they might have said the total opposite. They have opinions just like everyone else, and they can't know everything and can't always be right. :shrug: Don't let it worry you. Hope your bub stays snug as a bug until your section date :hugs:

With all the lists saying how popular Isabelle is, I only know two Doggy Lover. And one of them is an Isobel. I think its a lovely name, too. I love girly-girl names. Probably why I'm having an Annelise. How did the idiots put you off the name Alex? That's funny, when I looked up the Baby Name Wizard for sibling names for Isabelle it came up with Alexander and Max :haha: I started my baby book a couple of weeks ago as well. Love that job.

Emily the traditional way is what my hubby's name would have been if he was a girl. That was my MIL's fave girl name and she would always have it picked out, but had three boys, so no Emily. I like the Emmaleigh spelling too, it somehow seems Southern or something. Very pretty!

Everyone is picking such nice names. Cannot wait to see all the little faces that go with them. :cloud9:

AFM - it is gross outside, we got 6" of new snow last night and now it has been on and off drizzling rain, frozen rain and wet snow. :( So I'm cooped in the house on the couch knitting a hat for LO to wear home from hospital and listening to my "relaxation" playlist that I made for labor. My hips are feeling so much better it is crazy. The outside of my leg hurts if you press on it from the deep tissue massaging but the insides where it used to be really sore feels so much better. Yay for magical chiropractors!
mommabrown, thats the thing NO reason was given re a hystorectomy, think she was just scaremongering.

Thanks Kirstabelle, i feel better now, i just think we had probably built that appointment up in our heads so much it was always gonna be a disappointent.
Glad your hips are better. I see a chiropractor regularly too, they really are miracle workers!
doggylover: the boys names that I like that we're not using this time around are Aiden, Liam, Oliver, Felix, Simon (you could name him Jr! lol), Elliot, Patrick, and Anthony.

Calling him junior would be so cute! But Simon hates his own name :dohh: I love the sound of the game you have planned for the shower with the cups...that will be a very interesting one to watch :haha:

Melissa: I can't believe your dr was so awful to you. As you said, main thing is that LO is healthy, but that doesn't negate the poor car you received, and there is no need to say things like you will need a hysterectomy. Even if it were true (which I can't see any reason why it would be) its not the time or place to discuss. What a bitch. And I love the name Lucas Daniel! I'm hoping you have a boy now as I think that name is just beautiful! 4th April is just over two weeks, so hopefully you will be able to hang on until then. Keep those legs tightly crossed :winkwink:

Mommabrown: glad your shower went well, but disappointing you maybe didn't get the things you wanted. Some people have mentioned that registries give y money off items which weren't bought, is that the same for you? And I can't believe it's only 3 weeks until Emmaleigh is here!!! That is so soon!

Kirstabelle: I had two kids at school who were awful, both called Alex. They weren't super badly behaved or anything, but they were both VERY irritating, to the point were I could have strangled them happily, and its unfortunate that they both had the name. If it were only one, I'd probably still be fine with it. Damn children! And yep, despite Isabelle being super popular on lists here, I know none! Emily was the choice for my nephew if he were a girl, I agree it is such a pretty name, which I really love. I've only ever known nice Emily's as well - unlike those annoying Alex's!!!! Glad to hear that your hips are feeling better, maybe I'll try and convince dh to give me a massage - but I don't fancy my chances!
Thanks Doggylover, we think it goes well with our DS who is Harrison Joseph.
Isabella Grace and Oliva Grace are on our girls list. I love both of them!
We have very similar taste! I LOVE Olivia, but dh says no :( he hates Oliver as well, damn him. If only other halfs had no say in this, I would have my baby's name chosen :haha:

And I was thinking about the name Daniel today, and added it to my list earlier :thumbup: If you are going in on 4th April then I am pretty sure I'll still be pregnant, so I might wait and see what gender you have and name you go for and then steal the others :haha:
Kirstabelle: It's really gross out here too... not sure how much snow we've gotten, but it's still falling in huge snowflakes. Sigh. I was excited hoping winter was over! Silly me.

doggylover: I have reverse name association from you... part of the reason I love the names Liam and Peter so much is because I used to have two little boys in my daycare with those names, and I could have totally stolen them and taken them home with me. They were the sweetest little boys ever!! Super cuddy and happy. Although, I have the problem with Emily that you do with Alex. I knew an Emily in elementary/highschool and she had major attitude issues....! Which is too bad really, because I quite that like that name.

Today has been such a productive day so far! I feel so accomplished. lol Got my shopping done, picked up my parcel from the post office (which is ANOTHER starter sample kit from Similac... I think they must have sent me one twice!), I've got the brackets for the shelf in the nursery painted with the first coat, and a nice dinner planned and underway. We're having lobster tails, cheesy quinoa cakes, and coleslaw. :thumbup:
Awww, I hate when names are ruined by crap people having them! I have some names like that too. I actually used to know a girl who was a total feral whose name was Annelisa... but that ends in an 'a' and that makes ALL the difference :haha:

Yeah, next pregnancy I will be headed to the chiropractor MUCH sooner!
And Ready to Mum it is supposed to be spring on Thursday, so I think you were right to think that. I was cursing that wretched groundhog this morning!!
Yeah we do live in the south so it came easier to spell it differently. I love it that she will unqiue in her own way!

I know 3 weeks and it seems like it is zoooming by!!

Melissa i believe so! That sounds fishy to me!
Readytomum that is an impressive dinner you have planned! Lobster tails...I didn't even know that was an edible thing! I am a pretty crappy cook, and a really plain eater, so poor dh doesn't get much in the way of exciting food, unlike your dh!

Kirstabelle, I've never heard of the name Annelisa with an a on the end before. It sounds like someone has made that bit up! And why change something that is already perfect?!

So we have decided. I preserved with dh (as we have a tendency to get stuck in a name rut and give up and its gotten us nowhere) until we came up with a name we both really like. Kind of out of left field as neither of us had mentioned it before for some reason. So if our baby is a boy he will be Benjamin Lucas Jay. Dh was thrilled with how well Benjamin and Lucas to together, as he really liked Lucas but wasnt sure if it would "hold up" (whatever that means!) but he actually changed our middle names (from both our dads names) to Lucas and is very pleased with himself!

So now we really are all sorted....well apart from the baby actually being here of course! :haha:
The tails are the best part! That's where most of the meat is, besides the claws. And they were delicious!! I haven't had lobster since I got pregnant because the last time we tried to have it I wasn't feeling well and ended up with chicken noodle soup instead. Lobster is super yummy, but it's pretty expensive! We bought these on sale ages ago and froze them so it's not so bad.

I actually really love to cook, and I love trying out new recipes. DH is a pretty adventerous eater too, so we like to try foods from different parts of the world. Sadly we very rarely actually get to eat dinner together at home because of our schedules, so when we do, we try and plan to cook something that takes a little more effort.

Also, I love the name Benjamin! :thumbup: Good choice.
Hi all! No new bubbys yet I see. I can't wait to see who will be next to go!! I'm 36 weeks today so only another week till I'm officially full term!! Woohoo! I'm sooo tired and in so much pain. Last night I went to bed at 9 but because my little darling decided my cervix and bladder was a trampoline I didn't get to sleep untill 3 this morning! Lol. I was even in the shower at 1 am. Then this morning, I was trying to get Riley a drink and slipped!! Ended up doing the splits and I already suffer with spd! Oh it was sooo horrible I cried and I don't even cry due to pain ( usually) I can't wait untill I can walk without feeling like I'm falling apart!! Oh and this talk of lobster has me hungry! Yum yum yum!!
Hi all. I am reading and thinking of you all - things are a lil hectic here still! Bf is proving really difficult :( nipples are killing!!!! Midwife spent ages yesterday making sure he was latched well but I can't even stand my bra touching them - so caved and gave a bottle this morning :( :( :(

Melissa has been admitte to hospital she was having contractions last night that got worse. Cervix is closed and high but they think she has pre e as bp is high & protein in urine. I will update you as soon as I hear from her. Thinking of you hun!!!

Ouch Kristy that sounds painfull hope you are ok!

Lobster yum yum as lkng as someone cooks it for me lol!

Yay Doggylover on sorting names :) it's a relief isn't it! Funnily enough we where set on Harry from th beginning and then literally the week before he arrived I announced that I really liked Harrison an dh loved it too!! Now he is here he is definately a Harrison :) I will pinch dh's laptop later and upload recent pic...he is sooooo cute and tiny - es so lost in his Moses basket! He doesnt even come half way up it lol!!

Hope everyone is ok! I'm nearly caught up with the thread. Thankyou so much for all your well wishes throughout my hospital stay! :) great to have the support from you all. Lets hope we can stay together once lo's all arrive?!
morning ladies... i just wanted to say i had this dream that dogg went into labor last night and i woke to find on the thread a post from her saying.

'Well looks like that was it. my yellow became a pink last night'

lol it must be a girlxxxxx
readytomum that sippy cup game sounds amazing!! How did you think of it?

doggylover I always found with my babies names I would stress and stress and stress over finding a name then one would suddenly come to me and that would be it, I'm sure something will pop up soon :) We considered Aj for Aaron Junior but thought it was a bit 90s pop group lol.

Nimbec it's always quite sore for the first few weeks hun, stick at it if you can you are doing so well. warm baths and showers help a lot! Or warm towels over them, just don't let your boobies get cold lol xx Don't worry if he isn't latching on properly just yet, you've both only just started it takes a bit of time and practice until you both know your positions, if you decide to use the bottle that is completely fine :) I think you are doing amazingly well for a ftm with a preemie who was quite poorly, to even get to breast feed is an amazing achievement! :) :hugs: xxx

afm: I feel like I'm back in the first trimester again!! Sore boobies, off sex, feeling sick on and off, cravings of some foods and hating others.. it's 1c outside and I was sweating on the school run!!! SWEATING!!! lol discharge and tiredness... I can barely make it to 10pm now. I went to bed with the kids the other night lol!
Please tell me I'm not alone and you are all suffering with me :p I don't now how I'm going to cope in court next wednesday :( and to top it all off my ex husband is fucking us about again, he was meant to come over the 1st week of easter holidays but instead he's coming on monday which messes up all the contact center plans we had, eh had a whole week with them but now he has 1-2 and a half days and he hasn't done any of the things the judge had ordered him to do so we can't progress on our case before the hearing :/ what a fudger !

Cherrybump what a weird dream you had!! I'm not going to tell you about mine hahaha!! :p xxxx
morning ladies... i just wanted to say i had this dream that dogg went into labor last night and i woke to find on the thread a post from her saying.

'Well looks like that was it. my yellow became a pink last night'

lol it must be a girlxxxxx

That's exciting!!! I can't wait until I can actually make that post, no matter what the end colour is :happydance: my aunt had a dream AGES ago before I even told her I was pregnant that I had a girl, so maybe these are signs! (Probably that its a boy :haha:)

Nimbec, so glad Harrison is doing well at home. Sorry that bf is getting you down and feels like a struggle. Obviously I have no actual experience, but I have read that the first few weeks are pretty horrific then it does get better. Try to make it from one feed to the next and not worry about any more than that :hugs: and thanks for the update on Melissa, will be thinking of her.

Candy: I haven't been doing too well the last two days. Both nights I've felt nauseous and it reminded me exactly of the first tri. I'm also really stiff and sore at the minute. And sleeping last night just did not happen. When I slept on my right hand side it was ok, but my hip went numb - turned onto my left and started getting cramps. And I woke up sweating which NEVER happens, so you are not alone!

Readytomum: you should come and cook for Simon! He'd love it! We are very lucky that we always eat together, but I know if he had his way we would eat a lot differently. I do not like meat, so don't cook much, and he loves it. But he's very good about not complaining! My sister and her husband never get to eat dinner together, so much so that she doesn't actually buy food to cook dinner, they both snack and forage when they get home (which you would think would make them super fat, but my sister is super skinny!)

Kristy: splits?! Impressive lady :haha: sorry to hear you are suffering as well. Like you said only one more week until term, and then not much longer to wait (hopefully!) so we will get there...eventually!

Afm: midwife appointment today, and that's about it. I think I will have to forgo walking the dogs for a day or two as I've been so sore afterwards the last two days, and haven't felt well at all. I'm praying that it means something is going to happen........but I doubt it :haha:
Thanks nimbec, I'm still quite sore but I'm ok. :) I hope breastfeeding improves for you and bubby really soon. I know how difficult it can be in the beginning. Hope everything else is going well. Cherrybump- what a funny dream, lol. Doggylover- I know it was a very impressive but painful trick, lol. I certainly don't want to do it again haha. All the best to Melissa!! xx
Hi everyone just had an update from Melissa she has pre e and they are going to deliver baby today!! I will keep you updated!!

Just with Midwiffe & Waltham visitor arch up in a bit but that news couldn't wait!!! X
Morning ladies!
Thanks for update on Melissa, nimbec! Hope she is ok!!!
Don't worry too much about the breast feeding it takes a while to establish it! Are you using nipple cream! I really do recommend lansinoh (can't remember how it's spelt sorry) its in a purple tube and and you can get it in any decent chemist, boots super drug mother are etc! I swear by it! When I was first bf Paige my nipples were so sore and cracked they bled! But that cream worked pure wonders!
Kristy ohh my goodness lady take it easy! You really don't want to be doin the splits mrs lol! Hope your feeling a bit better :(
Ready mom I didn't think we were allowed shell fish whilst pregnant? I've been craving seafood stick with mayo and lettuce sandwiches but my oh wont let me have it coz it has shellfish in it :(!!!!
Candy I am feeling your pain with being in the first tri again! Blugh!
Hope all goes well with you mw app Sarah!
Afm... Had an awful awful nigh sleep last night, I don't know what your ladies thoughts are on spirits and ghosts etc but I'm a firm believer of it! And I'm telling you my house is haunted. The noises I was hearing (in my bedroom) last night were pure freaky. Sounded like my oh was picking up his glass and having a drink then putting it down, but as I rolled over to tell him to o turn the eating down he was sparko! And then sounded like a little girl was wheezing at the end of my bed, but Paige was laying next to me and fine! Happened like 3 times! So I ended up putting the tv on and the lamp and like his under the duvet where I proceeded to sweat like no bodies business!!!! Then I got up coz I needed I turn heating down and as I did the radiator made a loud bang and I thought I was gonna give birth then and there the way I jumped and ran into the bedroom! Omg!
So I ended up laying in bed watching some programme called don't just stand there I'm having a baby, where dads to be learn about labour etc as they are not ready lol! Shouldn't have watched it! Too much screaming and other scary labour and birth bits lol so all in all an awesome night! X

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