April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Lol glad they stopped for you to get your dinner Ukgirl lol.

I always seem to get so far through the thread having a good laugh at some posts lol.

I have no updates to post :( lol just happily reading all your posts lol xxx
Ukgirl im so glad they stopped how horrible! Awww poor lucas, harrison has that at the moment too - bless him i have to put drops in 4x per day, he's such a good boy he doesn't even cry. He however screams the house down when he is hungry or needs a nappy change - nothing wrong with the lungs now lol lol!!

Well i'm feeling much better today, far more human - i got 3hrs sleep last night whooo hooo!

maybesoon glad to hear all is ok with you all beit shitty at work and that woman sounds like a nightmare!!!!
Hello girls, hope everyone is well!

It's my turn to moan a little about 3rd tri... So far everything was fab, but today I 'm suffering. Lower back is killing me, I can't breath and the distance from grocer's to my home that I usually do in 10-15 min took me almost 45 min... I'm breathless and sweating like a pig. And I didn't get much sleep last night... Now I know why everyone is moaning and wants to give birth asap.
I love my bubs inside the belly but I think it is time for eviction.
Oh lily I agree! I think this is natures way of taking the fear out of birth!! You get so fed up, that you are ready to deal with the pain! Lol.
I don't feel aweful either but I am past the comfortable stage! Plus, I'm getting really tired of wearing the same clothes over and over !
Time for these babies to come out :thumbup:
Ah Lily I think mine biggest complaint is contractions. I'd give anything to skip this part!

Candy mine has been home for 2 days as the school has no running water! I can't get anything done!

Bahahaha Steph you have me rolling! Emme's eviction notice didn't seem to take either!

Maybesoon glad to hear from you! What a psycho you have to deal with. Sounds like my Ex's new wife!!

Cherry glad your doing good too!

We have had no running water in our house for 3 days now and I am starting to get irritated! A water line broke and now all of our area has been with out water. No showers, laundry, flushing toilet, nothing!!!!!!! Allen is taking us to his dads today so I can take a shower. I warned him lastnight that I can't go a day with out my hot baths let alone 3 whole days!!!!

Oh on a good note 14 days! I know we are not going to last that long but still it is fastly approaching!!!
Thanks Mommabrown.

I would love to start wearing all my normal clothes again also lol. I have to try tops on before heading outside. And i cant wear jeans and i cant wear my leggin over my bump :(. I feel fully stretched on my belly that i rub oil and cream whatever i can grab to rub over lol.

Oh man that my tiredness kicking in might need to go for a wee nap but i never do lol. I just gutted out one of the cupboards in the hall where i had a stash of nappies/wipes etc found myself with more room and moved some bits into bedroom :). Im soooo ready for Paige now to arrive. With nothing much happening i think it still a long way off.

(having a little bounce on my ball to try and keep me busy lol and moving) xxxx
Mommabrown, oh no... no water??? We would definitely go crazy or move to a bed and breakfast or with family for a couple of days :O Really hope it is fixed soon!

Contractions: I have small ones that are short so I don't mind, but being out of breath and dizzy non stop really really sucks.

Agree w/ you Steph, it is nature's way to actually "want" to be in pain lol!

Thanks Cherrybump they are starting up again now, I though bugger it I'm having lunch! If I puke during labour my chicken wrap is worth it!

Nimbec sorry to hear Harrison has poorly eyes too, at least he's taking his medicine well.. I have to bride Lucas with chocolate mini eggs to get his drops in, I hope Harrison's eye get better soon xx
Yay for more sleep! Glad his lungs are stronger!! It's good to let them cry for a bit sometimes, helps their voice develop!

Lily hang in there hun it's only a few weeks now, I feel the same as you, Its snowy here and 1c outside yet I sweat like a pig on the school run! it's not nice xx :hugs:

Steph when I go shopping I fantasize about all the clothes I could buy from the shop. I've used shoes and accessories to make myself look nice, today I'm wearing Aaron's jumper though and it's a bright orange soulcal one.. I look like a frikkin orange!! I look huge in it but I got sauce down my other top! :(

omg mommabrown I couldn't go one day without running water in my house. If we had no water my house would very quickly become a huge mess full of smelly people! I don't blame you for going to your OH's dads for a shower! I hope it gets sorted out soon!

Aaron brought Lucas a nerf gun from the shop... with extra ammo... and now we are all under attack! I am having strong BHs again today, I think little man may be coming soon, my tummy still isn't right, is yours still a bit dodgy doggylover? xx
Lol ooh yummy love chicken wrap.

Still no contractions here :( super jealous of you all having them lol i think ill mistake mines for just normal pains lol. Until they get painful. im just being blonde i know lol xxxx
Morning ladies!

So I actually managed to haul myself out of bed this morning in time to make DH birthday waffels for breakfast before he got up for work! (at 5am) He had no idea I was planning to make him breakfast so it was a nice surprise! :thumbup: It was super odd to eat breakfast together on a weekday though. I put his lunch together for him too and then went back to bed after he left for work till a more respectable awake time. lol I think he left the house pretty happy this morning, which is how all b-days should start! celebrations with friends tonight, so I need to get the cake made soon!!

ukgirl: That sucks that you're having some stomach issues. I hope it's feeling better soon.

nimbec: you poor sleep deprived mamma! Here's hoping you get a chance to nap off and on today when Harrison does. That's great that DH is slowly starting to come around. Just keep trying to get him involved more and more and soon enough he'll be back to his regular self.

mommabrown: No water for 3 days?? Yikes! I'd have moved into a friend/family members house by that point! Especially with kiddos to keep clean. I hope they get that fixed up ASAP!!

Steph: I was just doing laundry yesterday and thinking the same thing... I'm getting really sick of wearing the same few things all the time. I was cleaning out my dresser and closet to make up a bag for the Good-Will and I couldn't remember which pre-pregnancy clothes fit and which ones didn't! :dohh: I know there's a bunch of stuff I don't wear anymore, so that got tossed at least. I bought a new spring jacket this week because its slowly starting to get warmer out again, and my winter coat is just too much, but none of my old jackets fit. It was on $25 though, so I don't feel too bad about it!

Lily: Sorry to hear you've joined the painful hips/back club! We're all getting so close, and it's a good thing we are, because our bodies are starting to fall apart!

Oooh. 36 weeks today!!
Ukgirl, I was supposed to finish on the 15th march 2013, but a lot of my cases went crazy my last couple of weeks so didn't get up to date...my manager allowed me to work from home last week, but I was sooo tired I napped alot...although I did put in 25 hrs. My manager has been hounding me to do this and that before I leave...felt like telling her to shove it..I am not even going back to work there. I did 5hours yesterday and another 4 this morning. I have one more assessment to finish tonight. Then I am officially done ....... Woohoo! Gonna have a nap before I start it....2pm is nap time for me ...I will prob sleep till 5pm. Then get back to it.

Have fun dodging nerd balls :)
Cherry, I'm not having any contractions either :nope:. Silly really... I should be happy that I'm not in pain :haha:
ReadytoMum I can't believe you made breakfast that early... Lol... I have to be up for work at 6am, but there is no way that would be able to get up, if I didn't have to lol.
Candy, watch out for the nerf gun lol. Little boys (and grown ones :dohh:) can be a royal pain in the ass with them :rofl:
Mommabrown... 3 days no water??? How are you still functioning??? I think I would die!!! Not being able to use the bathroom?? Geez, with the amount of times I'm running to pee at night... Just simply not possible!

Nimbec, 3 hours of sleep is good??? :sleep: oh boy, that does not sound promising lol. Then again, not sure I'm sleeping more then 2-3 hours at a time right now.

AFM, if I hear one more person say: "not much longer", I may junk punch them lol! Easy for a non-pregnant person to say (and I'm not referring to anyone recently pregnant... It's the never pregnant ones that get on my nerves). Sure, 10 days sounds like a breeze, when your not the one lugging around the weight and feeling exhausted! Lol
Oh Cherry know what it is like to be stuck with just a few clothes this late too. I have tops that don't cover my belly now! Bahaha Allen laughs when i can't tell and have to look in the mirror! Hang in there Paige is so worth it tho! All of Emmaleigh's things have been put together and put out to wear i want them!!!! It gave me space in her closet too!

Readytomum Allen gets up at 4 to be at work by 5am and i never ever get up with him. In the first trimester i had a real craving for pancakes at 2 am and woke up and cooked everyone breakfast. He thought i was mental!!! Hope your DH has a good birthday! WOOO HOOO for 36 weeks!!!!

Oh Candy both my boys have every Nerf gun and we love playing with them! It is so funny to see the whole family get out and start shooting. Of course the boys get the ones with lots more ammo than anyone else so we are usually defeated pretty easily!

Yes ladies all of our subdivison that we live in and surrounding area has NO WATER! It does stink and i stink and i was ranting and raving last night to Allen. He new i was in a murderous mood too! So he called his dad and asked if we could all come over and clean up. Glad that i will at least get to have some hot water!
Rob did come up with another ploy, that we may try next... he mentioned that I was approaching the chocolate thing all wrong... he said that I needed to tape it to my inner thigh and lure him out that way :rofl:... that thought quickly escalated (as these types of conversations usually do with us lol) to the thought, that I would wake up to a half eaten candy bar in the morning :ninja:

hahaah I thought you meant your OH was going to eat it too at first! Dirty bugger. lmao :haha:

I'm soon off to Lush to get some of those labour inducing bathbombs, my tummy is still off but my hunger is coming back :/

I had massive contractions last night, they were so bad I actually got a stitch in my ribs lol thankfully they slowed down and stopped because I really wanted my dinner!

Labour inducing bath bombs? These sound interesting!

I love how you want your dinner over baby coming! A girl after my own heart :kiss:

Hello girls, hope everyone is well!

It's my turn to moan a little about 3rd tri... So far everything was fab, but today I 'm suffering. Lower back is killing me, I can't breath and the distance from grocer's to my home that I usually do in 10-15 min took me almost 45 min... I'm breathless and sweating like a pig. And I didn't get much sleep last night... Now I know why everyone is moaning and wants to give birth asap.
I love my bubs inside the belly but I think it is time for eviction.

Yay! You're suffering too!! :happydance: hahahaha sorry, I just think if we're in this together then lets go all out! Aww hun, I hope you feel better soon xx

Aaron brought Lucas a nerf gun from the shop... with extra ammo... and now we are all under attack! I am having strong BHs again today, I think little man may be coming soon, my tummy still isn't right, is yours still a bit dodgy doggylover? xx

Saw this on FB and it cracked me up! He sounds like such a cutie :flower:

Morning ladies!

So I actually managed to haul myself out of bed this morning in time to make DH birthday waffels for breakfast before he got up for work! (at 5am) He had no idea I was planning to make him breakfast so it was a nice surprise! :thumbup: It was super odd to eat breakfast together on a weekday though. I put his lunch together for him too and then went back to bed after he left for work till a more respectable awake time. lol I think he left the house pretty happy this morning, which is how all b-days should start! celebrations with friends tonight, so I need to get the cake made soon!!

Oooh. 36 weeks today!!

OMG that made my mouth water. I love waffles. Lucky OH of yours! :thumbup: Yay TO 36 WEEKS!!

AFM, I have been shopping today and picked us up a new dinner set. Took Campbell to the petshop to have a nosy! He is napping now and I am slowly slipping down on to nap! :coffee: soooo tired! I feel like babies playing peekaboo out my mooey today! hahaha she feels low. Had MW yesterday she reckons baby will be bigger than Cam was. Wont give me S&S until 41 weeks as procedure has changed so hopefully I wont make it that far!

Hope youre all well xx
Oh just wanted to add Allen is really into this whole full moon stuff about the baby being born!( He is a farm boy and talks about cattle having babies on the full moon!) Maybe our Lo's eviction noticed will be served tonight as it is the FULL MOON!!!
oooh how exciting. Worrying however that he's relating you to a cow! haaha
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: He has related everything with pregnancy to cattle!!! His theory is we are all mammals so it couldn't be much different! :loopy:
oooh how exciting. Worrying however that he's relating you to a cow! haaha

:rofl: oh boy!

I researched the full moon thing and there is no scientific correlation. :nope:

But... I shall jump on this hypothesis as well and walk my happy ass under the full moon tomorrow :haha:.
One of these darn theories must end up working, right :coffee:
Readytomum Allen gets up at 4 to be at work by 5am and i never ever get up with him. In the first trimester i had a real craving for pancakes at 2 am and woke up and cooked everyone breakfast. He thought i was mental!!! Hope your DH has a good birthday! WOOO HOOO for 36 weeks!!!!

My DH was incredibly confused at first. Poor guy. :haha: He wakes up that early ever day, but he's BAD at early mornings... so when he woke up he noticed I wasn't in bed, and came stumbling into the kitchen all bleary-eyed and saw I was cooking. He kept asking me what was going on and if I was ok. I think we were pretty much done breakfast before it fully sunk in that I got up to make him breakfast for his b-day. :haha:

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