April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hahahaha Steph i have NO damned idea if it will work but he swears by it!! Lol who knows maybe that full moon will be able to sweet talk Grayson right out of there!

Readytomum how sweet! Allen would be running in a panic attack thinking i had the baby already if i was out of bed that early...considering i am up most of the night with these darn contractions! I am glad you and DH had a good breakfast together I bet he sure was suprised!
Afternoon all. Just had a very quick flick through all those chatty pages, because I am honestly so exhausted today I couldn't read and remember all that's been written!

I think because we have been out of our own bed for 4 nights I haven't been sleeping well, and had some pretty awful hip pains last night which meant I couldn't sleep on my sides, but since I can't sleep on my back either it just led to...not sleeping lol.

We're back home today :happydance: but the house is still cold. But at least we're home. Had to throw out the entire contents of the fridge and freezer in the end :cry: that was hugely traumatic!!

And now just settling in for a very quiet afternoon as I am super tired.

Candy: I am still having a slightly dodgy stomach, felt really unwell before lunch today.

Love to all, and positive eviction thoughts to those babies who are due very soon!!!!
Morning ladies!

So I actually managed to haul myself out of bed this morning in time to make DH birthday waffels for breakfast before he got up for work! (at 5am) He had no idea I was planning to make him breakfast so it was a nice surprise! :thumbup: It was super odd to eat breakfast together on a weekday though. I put his lunch together for him too and then went back to bed after he left for work till a more respectable awake time. lol I think he left the house pretty happy this morning, which is how all b-days should start! celebrations with friends tonight, so I need to get the cake made soon!!

Lily: Sorry to hear you've joined the painful hips/back club! We're all getting so close, and it's a good thing we are, because our bodies are starting to fall apart!

Oooh. 36 weeks today!!

What a coincidence! It is my DH's birthday too!!!:happydance:
I'm baking his cake right now! First batch was a disaster :dohh: now it is better!

Congrats on 36 weeks!!!:thumbup:
OMG I haven't been able to find our page! Finally got a notification and found it again :flower:

All in all I've been doing well, scheduled for a C Section on April 15, 2013 about 3-5 days out from my actual due date because this baby is still measuring "large". No protein in urine, blood tests are great, baby is doing wonderfully, blood pressure is fabulous - EXCEPT!

I started having contractions this past weekend so we went into the hospital for observation. Looks like I was very dehydrated even after 5 bags of IV fluids. I drink almost a gallon or more of water a day so I'm not sure how that happened :shrug:, but they sent me home yesterday afternoon and told me to "drink more". They think the dehydration caused the contractions and they've not come back since about 9AM yesterday. I just am not sure I'm going to make it until April 15 on my own!

Jackson has been VERY bouncy. I think he just wants out. I didn't sleep at all Sunday to Monday, but did sleep VERY well last night so I'm definitely feeling better. :thumbup:
Dogg: glad you now back your own house night and i hope you get a better sleep. Im the same and reading pages of posts lol and i forget everything ive read when i go to type i must sit there staring at the screen thinking what did i just read lol.

Got my juice and milk so im now relaxing on the couch. Was feeling like sore before but now im ok. Guessing all this nesting isnt good for my back posture lol i was even on the ball but after so long my back hurts and i have to roll my hips to try ease if of doesnt always work.

Im trying to stay away as i feel so sleepy even though i sleep pretty ok at night and get up only once lol xx
omg to being in the same category as cattle!! I have heard the full moon thing too, weirdly enough, when there is a full moon in Norway it dumps it down with snow so perhaps it could do something to us!

I'm loving that you called your... you know... a mooey!!! I call mine that hahahahahaha I thought I was alone in naming it that yay! lol

Bitsysarah hooray for almost being done, sorry your boss was such a bitch, does she have any children of her own??

Connie's being attacked by the nerf gun :p haha Luke used it to wake Aaron up with.

I'm still having intense contractions, I might drink more and see if I'm dehydrated too.
I checked my ultrasound results today, Ben is on the 95th percentile for everything! his blood flow and placenta quality were still amazingly good though and he has a good amount of fluid round him... all in all he's pretty damn perfect!!

Do you all remember Elaine from here from first trimester? she was a mum of 3, pregnant with her fourth? I can't remember her name on here but she had her little boy this morning, he was a healthy 9lb 5! Totally gorgeous!!

Doggylover I wonder if our tummies will just stay bad now until we've given birth? :/

I'm going to have a bath with clary sage stuff in it tonight! It's meant to induce labour.. I'll do it after dinner :D Aaron has the next 4 days off work :D so I am allowed to go if I want :)
OMG I haven't been able to find our page! Finally got a notification and found it again :flower:

All in all I've been doing well, scheduled for a C Section on April 15, 2013 about 3-5 days out from my actual due date because this baby is still measuring "large". No protein in urine, blood tests are great, baby is doing wonderfully, blood pressure is fabulous - EXCEPT!

I started having contractions this past weekend so we went into the hospital for observation. Looks like I was very dehydrated even after 5 bags of IV fluids. I drink almost a gallon or more of water a day so I'm not sure how that happened :shrug:, but they sent me home yesterday afternoon and told me to "drink more". They think the dehydration caused the contractions and they've not come back since about 9AM yesterday. I just am not sure I'm going to make it until April 15 on my own!

Jackson has been VERY bouncy. I think he just wants out. I didn't sleep at all Sunday to Monday, but did sleep VERY well last night so I'm definitely feeling better. :thumbup:

Oh wow, dehydration even after drinking so much water? Glad you are better hun, and happy to hear the rest of tests are ok!
Doggy Lover I feel so bad for you with the hip pain. I was like that for a couple of weeks before I went to the chiropractor. I was basically just tossing and turning trying to balance out the horrible pain between both my hips :nope: So sorry you are having it now. Wish I could lend you my chiro. I just went this morning and my hips are feeling so much better. I walk in there thinking "omg if this kid doesn't come soon my legs will snap out of my hip joints" and walk out thinking "okay, I can do this for a few more days yet" :haha:

Nimbec, I'm doing the Evening Primrose oil and Red Raspberry Leaf tea. Although I couldn't get a second cup in yesterday as I was feeling sick to my stomach again last night. I have been feeling sick on and off the last week or so. Blah. I read that it can be because this is the highest point of hormone production now and then just before labour progesterone drops off. So, hopefully the sickness is a sign that the end really is near for us sickies!!

That so weird that you had that stitch under your ribs after the contractions UK Girl as I had a similar weird thing happen last night. I had been having big BH's all night and feeling just revolting with nausea and I kicked off my shoes and the movement of doing that gave me this horrible sharp shooting pain under my right ribs. I felt like I had broken something!! I had to sit all hunched for a few minutes until I could stretch back out again. :nope:

I would also like to know where my "nesting" energy is because I just feel like an exhausted piece of crap. Ugh, sorry for all the moaning. I shouldn't complain at least I have hot water and nobody has shot me with a nerf gun today :haha: Thanks for listening to my moan ladies. I feel better now that I have moaned it all out! :hugs:
Hello Ladies.... Hope everyone is doing well.

AFM.... Well we have started the dilation process. Not that it really means much, but it's kinda exciting. My doctor doesn't want me around the construction at this point so I just had a telephone conversation with my boss (who is not pleased at all). However, they have known about me being pregnant since August 16th. I told them over & over & over that if they wanted it done they needed to get on it for months & months. I don't feel sorry for them since they are the ones who kept putting it off like me being pregnant was just going to go away....

Hope all you wonderful ladies has a great day!!!!
kristabelle with mine it was like I was tensed up that when I moved it caused a huge stitch lol.. I'm having back pains with mine now too. This is really annoying me to not know if they are even doing anything. The doctor was meant to check my cervix at the clinic on saturday but they stopped so she didnt grrrr!!! I wouldn't mind the on off labour pains if it was actually thinning and dilating me!

maybesoon sorry to hear your work are also being twats, it isnt safe for you right now to be working on a construction site, I wonder how your boss would feel if you had tripped over or been injured thanks to his poor judgement! silly arse!

The saga witht he ex continues, he called me yesterday to say court was cancelled so he wouldn't be coming over, I called my soliciotr afterwards and updated her, she called me today and told me court is still going ahead!!! Thankfully because CPS and William aren't attending I have also been excused so I don't have to go but he could have seen his children after all!! Connie asked him why he wasn't coming today over the skype chat, he just said it was because court was cancelled... so he was basically mainly coming for court, not her and Lucas. stupid idiot! She refused to talk to him after that. I don't blame her but I do worry about what effect all of this is having on her mentally and emotionally.
Liamsmom, I have "unsubscribed" myself from this thread countless times :dohh: .. Stupid fat fingers :haha:. Glad to see you back on here!! Just in time for all the complaining :thumbup:

Cherry, all your nesting is making me tired :haha:. Just sit and relax!!!

Candy, I so wish that we would get to take our notes home with us in the US. I swear, if I don't badger my doctor with questions, they won't tell me anything. If I had the notes at home, I could read up on it myself! A bath sounds wonderful right now :thumbup:

Hmmm... Maybe I should add dehydration to my list of labor inducing procedures??? Tomorrow during full moon, I will not drink any water all day and walk around outside with a candybar taped to my inner thigh :rofl:. Mind you, with all this extra weight, my thighs are glued together ahahaha! Surely this will turn into a messy deal :haha:

Maybesoon, my work is similar :wacko:. I have asked my sales guys a million times to get things for me, so I can have it prepared for when I'm done... Nothing :dohh:. At this point... Not my problem!!! They can figure it out without me, for all I care :coffee:
How far are you dilated?? Part of me l is totally stoked, that they check in the US... The other part of me feels like its a huge waste of time (since it really doesn't mean anything lol).

Kristabelle, I've been taking the RLT for two weeks now! I drink 3/4 cups a day (usually while at work). Hopefully it will help!
Candy, poor connie :( what is upsetting is that she is old enough to know that he is treating her badly. If she were younger she might accept his excuse and not think much of it, but the fact that she refused to talk to him show she knows he is being an ass. I feel so bad for her.

Maybesoon :dance: yay for dilation! What great news! I know it doesn't mean things will happen anytime soon, but at least it means things are heading in the right direction. Sorry to hear about the crap at work though.

Kirstabelle: honesty I felt like a big waddling beast today trying to get round the supermarket feeling like my hip was about to pop out!! Post me your chiro please?! And I also feel like an exhausted piece of crap, but again nobody has shot me with a nerd gun so maybe we don't have it so bad!!

Steph: I would pay good money to see you waddling about with candy strapped to your thight, dehydrated, at night under the full moon :rofl: everyone would have you firmly in the "crazy pregnant lady" category without a thought!
(Also, of course you are only waddling because of the candy bar, I am 100% sure you don't waddle otherwise!)

Liamsmom: sorry to hear about your dehydration, I can't believe how much you drink and yet were still dehydrated! Cue massive panic with me! Not so long now until April 15th! :dance:

Afm: on another thread I saw a girl did some nipple stimulation last night and she is now having contractions at 6 mins apart. Has anyone thought of doing this/used it in the past?
Steph- add that to your moonlit walk and it would certainly be a sight to see! :haha:
Steph hahahaha!! dehydrating yourself to induce labour may not be such a bad idea!! 3 people on facebook have had their babies today it's making me actually want mine out now! it's weird to think that when the kids go back to school after Easter break I could potentially have my Benzo with me in his pram <3 exciting!
doggylover I know, it is actually heartbreaking to watch her and see her trying to be strong but I can see her changing towards him and it's not pretty to watch. I don't know what to do, I can't stop him seeing her and I can't protect her from him in that way it's very difficult.

as for the nipple stimulation thing it can work because it releases oxytocin BUT you have to do it for hours and many times a day and it can make you really sore. It'll only really work if your body is ready too so you can give it a go but it'll probably not work lol..

Usually I try every labour inducing method in the book, then give up and baby decides to turn up out of the blue! xx
Ahh maybe I won't bother myself then. No point in wasting my time and rubbing myself raw!!

From everything you tell us I think you do all you can for both Lucas and Connie to allow them to have a good relationship with their dad. I'm sure many people in your shoes would make it much more difficult for him to have contact (eg over Skype etc) but I think the fact that you are so open with letting them have their time with him, and yet they STILL are seeing what a twat he is, is probably the best thing you can do for them. Letting them find out on their own how horrible he is is going to be so horrible to watch and have them to through, but its probably the best way things can happen - if that makes sense :huh: the fact that he is given all these chances and blows them, while you continue to battle to let them have contact with him despite everything just shows, increasingly so, what a terrible parent he is, and what an amazing one you are.
Maybesoon get a note from your Dr and your boss can't fight it! It holds up solid! Yay for dilation!:happydance:

Liamsmom that is No BUENO for dehydration! When i had the flu that is what was causing them too. But i only got 2 bags of IV fluids and felt amazingly better. Be sure to drink plenty of fluid!:hugs:

Candy....i will tell you that as long as she knows the truth it is easier for her to understand that you are trying and he isn't. Laurynn is 10 will be 11 in August and she used to think i was the bad guy because her dad was constantly lying to her saying everything was all my fault.:growlmad: Well i never ever once lied to her and now that she lives with her dad she sees what a douche he is. Her and Brandon consider Allen their dad, not just their step-dad but their dad because for 8 years he has been the one to take care of us and them without ever speaking a fowl word about their dad, even now he hasn't even though i know he thinks it. I am so glad court is continuing on with out him and hopefully they will see what a dick he is not even coming to see his kids!!!

Doggylover sorry your not feeling well...but i waddle like a freaking penguin at this point i think there is no stopping it! Hopefully a good nights rest and you will be feeling much better....or hopefully along with Steph popping out a baby!

AFM, i finally got a nice HOT BATH:happydance::happydance: water is back on but under a boil order. Going to get the kiddos some bunnies today also!! Landon picked out Bub and Sis's bunnies for them and of course they are all boys! Hahahaha he didn't want them having babies!
Sorry Steph. Ive not moved off this couch in the past few hours now lol

Ukgirl - He sounds like a right blonk. Seeing his kids should be the most important thing to him. Think we all need to go slap him upside down. At least both kids will see him for who he really is just a shame they cant have a real dad that makes a effort for them.

I think i need to read some of these methods to get things going. Ive tried doing the nipple thingy but i only get a few seconds to a minute worth in hahaha. Think i might have google the best way of doing it. Think your nipples might just get little to sensitive after a while of rubbing.

Still having few wee aches and pains. :S even just lying still lol paige is moving around and i feels weird because its so low down next to my pubic bone. I feel like i need to pee again now lol signs im not getting up im going to sit here while longer. xx
I am very jealous of everyones babies moving around. Emmaleigh drags her foot along my ribs on my right side or rolls. Or is an obvious little turd and pushes up with her feet and down with her head. She doesn't kick or move like before. My belly takes on these crazy shapes as well!

Cherry and Doggylover....do tell...when i was put on bed rest they said no nipple stimulation...as in OH stimulating them or is there something less oh sexual i can do! Bahahahaha even thinking about this is making me piss myself!
haha you are all welcome to go slap him down!!

Thank you Mommabrown xx I'm glad your 2 are starting to see what their dad really is and that Allen was the one who parented them properly xx
Lol i do it myself... going to click on google now lol xx

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