April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Steph you can't have my contractions!! They are mine!! :p get your own! :p

omg doggylover you reminded me.. when the head is out they ask you if you want to look or have a feel.... Why on earth would I want to do that!!! I have a human head hanging out of my hoo haa!!! I just want the rest out asap!!! lol haha!!

Aaron strangely only has sex with me from behind now a days... :( in all fairness I make sure the lights are off too! lol

What do you mean about kids at weddings? was it the debate on whether or not kids should go to weddings? That one annoys me lol x
Ahaha Sarah, I took your ladies advice, and stayed out of the debate. Someone else apparently felt that they were rude though and it turned into a mess lol. I was glad not to be part of it :thumbup:

There is a very slim chance, that Rob will be anywhere around when I go Into labor. He is currently in New Jersey on a job site (3hour plane ride). Once I go in, he will have to get the next possible flight, and hope he makes it in time. If my labor turns out to be the average 10hours, then he should be ok... But to be honest, I don't think I would be upset if he missed the actual birth part (just because I find it all a little gross and would rather have no one around). I don't think he is too keen on seeing the gooey baby (pre-wash) but of course he wants to be there when his son is born... So for his sake, I better go into labor during the day (no night flights)
Steph you can't have my contractions!! They are mine!! :p get your own! :p

omg doggylover you reminded me.. when the head is out they ask you if you want to look or have a feel.... Why on earth would I want to do that!!! I have a human head hanging out of my hoo haa!!! I just want the rest out asap!!! lol haha!!

Aaron strangely only has sex with me from behind now a days... :( in all fairness I make sure the lights are off too! lol

What do you mean about kids at weddings? was it the debate on whether or not kids should go to weddings? That one annoys me lol x

You've seen my list of things I am trying :coffee:... Stupid uterus is NOT cooperating :shrug:
Candy: the debate is on why people wouldn't invite children to weddings. Most people have said its a matter of cost, and I was offering up that - here - you and your family are expected to provide a gift equivalent to the cost of the meal. So for example of the meal is roughly £50 (which we take for granted most are) simon and I are expected to give a gift of £100, so if you had two kids eating off a kids menu (usually around £20) you'd add on an extra £40. So my point was that here, cost isn't an issue, as you "get back" in gifts what you pay for your guests. I know that's not normal in most places, but its just the way it is here.
Which someone then told me was a ridiculous cultural tradition. I explained that since this is the cultural norm, it's offensive to said its ridiculous. Which she also called ridiculous and said my culture is obviously easily offended. I just find that so rude. I'm sure she wouldn't go round saying other people's religions are ridiculous, so where does she get off saying what's normal in my country is ridiculous?! :growlmad:

Steph, he might make it for the last few moments and just get the goodness of baby being cleaned up and given to you, and miss the wailing part of labour! Have you got a different birth partner lined up?
don't worry Steph yours are coming when the full moon is here and then you'll wishyou never asked!!! :p

Doggylover that seems like a pretty logical tradition to me! I don't know why she would feel the need to call it ridiculous she's obvious just a troll. Some people feel the need to disagree with others no mater how much they actually know about it. No one said she had to do it! silly cow!
Well I know from our wedding that in Norfolk (where Simon is from) that isn't the general rule of how weddings work, and I'm totally ok with that as I know weddings work sooo differently all over. She was just mean though - so I may or may not have called her a bigot (which in my mind she is as she is prejudiced against my culture :shrug: if you're prejudiced against a religion you'd be a bigot, prejudiced against a country you'd be a racist, so I dunno why she thinks this is any different.)

I'm also not in the best mood today so not a good day for her to disagree with me!!!!!!! :haha:
Where is that woman from?? I think the exact same as you about dinner and gifts and I am Australian/Scottish and my DH thinks the same thing and he is from the US. I thought that was a pretty standard rule of thumb. :shrug: You ladies are so brave venturing off into other threads for discussions. I just stay right here with you guys :haha: Quite antisocial really!

So... even though this may get me voted off the island... on the weight gain topic I have gained 30lbs... but I still fit into my magic pants with the button and the zipper and all (although if I sit down in them I feel as though I am crushing LO's brains with the waistband so I don't actually wear them anymore) and a whole bunch of my pre-preg clothes still fit too. Sweaters, dresses, stretchy tops, all sorts of things still fit, they just fit... differently :haha: So since the MW says my baby is only going to be about 7lbs I am assuming that I am growing some sort of record breaking placenta :shrug: I'm not really worrying about the weight gain anyway, as I read breastfeeding burns 500 calories per day. So as long as we don't stimulate our nips to the point they no longer function we'll probably be fine :haha:
Kirstabelle....I hate you. Please leave. But send me your magic pants first so I wear non pregnancy clothes and feel skinny again :rofl: I'm so jealous - I barely fit my maternity jeans anymore because my child's home (my bump) is so enormous!

No idea where the woman is from, but I'm so glad to hear that we aren't the only people who act on this premise for weddings!
I did have to pull out the Oxford dictionary definition of bigotry for her. I'm being EXTREMELY petty/stupid/annoying about the whole thing, but she really annoyed me :haha: she is bringing out a side of me that I am not proud of. The argumentative side which I hope LO does not inherit!
Noooooo... I can't leave. Like I said before, I don't like the other threads. Just ours. :cry:

But that's the thing, I used to weigh a little over 110lbs and now I weigh almost as much as my DH weighs :shock: I don't even understand it. I think my bump is quite normal size and my arms and legs seem a bit rounder but nothing crazy. I just don't know how I can possibly have gained 30 lbs... but I am sure there are plenty of preggies sitting there wondering how they can possibly have gained X amount of weight when they reach the end. :haha:

And you posted that pic of your bump so we all know its actually not enormous! And about mat jeans - the ones I wear most often are really annoying now as the stretchy over the bump bit doesn't come up as high anymore and it leaves a line that annoys me as you can see it under shirts. It makes me look like I am wearing Bridget Jones Granny Pants. So there you go, my magic pants are fine but my bump is outpacing my maternity jeans also!

Go teach that lady a lesson! :haha:
Yeah you can see the bump band of my jeans as well. Nothing stretches down that far anymore to cover it! I think they are cruelly making maternity wear for people who are less than 35 weeks to make us all feel bad about ourselves!

My dad (who is 6ft 3in I may add) was thrilled to find out last night I now only weigh 5lbs less than him!! I actually weigh over a stone more than Simon (who is stupidly skinny) so I am just embracing the fatness and eating even more. I'm pretty sure that's how you sort the problem out?! :haha:
Firstly on the wedding topic.... that lady clearly is a fat cow!! :mamafy: (FYI, I have grown to love the word fat cow... I use it daily now... mostly when driving and referring to anyone in my way lmao). I understand that everyone has a preference for their wedding, and I could even see why someone might think that kids would not be best suited (excessive drinking... late night wedding... inappropriate speeches...etc), but for her to call your culture sensitive and "stupid" (thats what I gathered from her comment btw :coffee:) ... :grr: FAT COW :comp:

Kristabelle... screw you... and your pants :haha:! oh and your 110 pre-pregnancy lmao!!! I wish!!! ahahahaha :ban:
I will say, I wore my pre-pregnancy jeans the other day :thumbup:. Granted, they were my "fat" jeans and the zipper or button would never in a lifetime have come close to each other :haha:... but it felt good to wear something that did not give me the "child dangling out of my vagina" look!! :thumbup:

Sarah, Kristabelle is right... we have seen a bump picture and you are lying!!!!!!!! :argh:

When Rob was finished putting together the glider he tested it and then told me to try. I guess it made some screeching noises, once I sat down :blush:... So his response was: how much have you gained? I told him that I would rather not say but he insisted lol :sulk:. Thank god he is over 6ft and not super skinny... so he still outweighs me... but we are getting close now ahahah :haha:
My DH runs miles and miles every week so needless to say I am rapidly gaining on him. I think I will cry if I actually get to his weight. And then later be arrested for walking under the full moon eating pineapple and swigging RRLT and rubbing my nipples with an evening primrose oil stain on my crotch and a packet of milky bar buttons taped to my thigh in a desperate attempt to evict LO in order to weigh at least 7lbs less. :haha:

You can blame us! Can you imagine the headlines in Newspapers around the world:

A pregnant women cult has been exposed during recent lunar activities across the globe
fuck you all my pre pregnancy jeans dont go further than my knees anymore!!! I hate you all lol!! Steph your fat cow post made me actually lol i had to tell Aaron what I was loling at!

Im still contracting even after a nice bath with a twillight bomb... my favorite!! They are so strong at tines I feel like Im going to poo myself! funsies!

Well we dont have that wedding tradition here... we mainly give money.. closer friends get more... but we would ask the same at our wedding.. we found this wishing well money box.. its called a hopes amd dreams fund and people just put in what they can. Ours isnt very formal thoigh and now not happening for maybe three more years :( I was innthe process of planning it all when we got Benson.. I had booked our reception and registrar and butterflies for the butterfly release.. some people thinkbthat its cruel but its only cruel if you dont wake them up properly first! plus I picked butterflies native to our area :D

Im rambling so I shall shut up... I hope these contractions stop I have Connie's school play to go to in the morning.. I will go even if hes crowning! lol xx
Send.contractions.here.!!!!! Lmao... I want to feel like I will poo myself :rofl:
steph Im sending mega contractions your way you should get them in atleast 2 weeks!! lol xx
Hahahaha you ladies make me laugh!!!!

And well I still can't get any pre preggy trousers past my knees :( grrrrrr how bloody annoying!!! I'm much slimmer but still huge compared to pre preggy :( got stuck in a jumper earlier - was wedged ...I was determind it would fit lol lol

Quick question for uk mums-where can I buy decent bf tops?? Without breaking the bank?!

Sending eviction notices to everyone's babies!!!!

Night all (4am here) just feeding Harrison :) gosh he can scream nothing wrong with his lungs now lol
Steph: :rofl: I can just imagine what you look like driving round screaming "fat cow!!" at everyone in your way (which since we are all heavily pregnant, and not perhaps the most rational of creatures,includes everyone on the planet!!) So tomorrow is 28th - is Grayson showing any signs of coming as he was instructed?
Hmmm I tried to lever myself up from my parents sofa the other day and there was a suspicious crunching sound, which led to my dad pointing and laughing :cry: what a meanie!!

And stop everyone with the pre pregnancy clothes! I now have a weird urge to go try my jeans on...if you never hear from me again, it's because I am stuck in a pair of too tight skinny jeans, flailing around like a fish out of water!

Candy how are you feeling today? Still contracting? And not sharing with steph?! I can just imagine how gorgeously cute your LOs are going to be at your wedding, with Connie in a gorgeous little dress and the two boys so cute in little shirts etc! Hopefully it won't have to be on hold for too much longer.

Afm, great nights sleep now we are back in our own home :) so feeling loads better today which is great. I have a mw appointment at 12 which I think is my last one with her before the hospital take over and start prodding me with their alien probes. I'm hoping she offers me a sweep to try and get this eviction process started!

Can someone please have a baby soon? I'm getting bored of waiting for us all to pop! Failing that, I need (yes, NEED!) some pictures of Scarlett, Harrison and Lucas to coo over!!

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